{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "HistoricBuildings07012025", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::29902" } }, "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "RECTORY\nMAIN ST. \nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (AND OUTBUILDINGS)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "RECTORIES/ MANSES ETC", "FormerUse": "RECTORIES/ MANSES ETC", "Townland": "Muff", "TxtIGRef": "C5288 2028", "MainID": 4281.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252887.752299999818206, 420280.346300000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/08/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Brookhill House\nArdlough Road\nArdnabrocky \nCo Londonderry \nBT47 1SP", "Extent": "NW corner, pillars, balustrades and gates at both entrances and 2-storey battlemented tower or belvedere.", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ardnabrocky", "TxtIGRef": "C4640 1573", "MainID": 1456.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246394.4216, 415735.459000000730157 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 Waterside Link, Londonderry, Co Londonderry, BT47 ^DH", "Extent": "Original East Block,Tower, West Block, Platform Canopies and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4404 1637", "MainID": 3788.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244035.765300000086427, 416402.503499999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Tower Hall, 8 Bond's Hill, Londonderry, BT47 6DW", "Extent": "Former church, steps, walls and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4412 1644", "MainID": 18313.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244120.099700000137091, 416448.317399999126792 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4412 1648", "MainID": 4446.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244123.717299999669194, 416488.220200000330806 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "68 BALLOUGRY ROAD \nMULLENNAN \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C3878 1180", "MainID": 958.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 238788.2352, 411800.498500000685453 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/18/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Columb's Girls School\n(Long Tower Girls School)\nLong Tower Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT48 6QQ", "Extent": "School, gates, plinth walls, piers and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4308 1637", "MainID": 1906.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243083.237200000323355, 416384.101500000804663 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/18/003", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St Columba's Church \nLong Tower Street \nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT48 6JG", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls, gates, railings & piers", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4305 1635", "MainID": 5853.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243031.06180000025779, 416369.717800000682473 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/015 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "First Derry Presbyterian Church\nUpper Magazine Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6HY", "Extent": "Church, steps, walling, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4333 1669", "MainID": 4336.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243346.389600000344217, 416673.032600000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/015 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lecture Hall \nFirst Derry Presbyterian Church Hall\nUpper Magazine Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6HY", "Extent": "Church Hall, walling, pillars and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4435 1668", "MainID": 960.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243355.213299999944866, 416685.845899999141693 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/029", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "No.2 Castle Street &\n14 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6HQ", "Extent": "Offices, wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4349 1676", "MainID": 4330.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243495.344200000166893, 416764.747400000691414 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/039", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Danske Bank\n6 Shipquay Place\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry \nBT48 6DF", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4355 1689", "MainID": 4359.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243557.389000000432134, 416895.943900000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/044 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 FOYLE ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4360 1683", "MainID": 1739.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243608.722699999809265, 416835.79839999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/070", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gaol Tower\nBishop Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PW", "Extent": "Gaol Tower", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4323 1636", "MainID": 980.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243238.280299999751151, 416366.263499999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 I", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "21 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4332 1723", "MainID": 4386.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243328.630900000222027, 417233.128699999302626 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 J", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "23 CLARENDON ST \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4332 1723", "MainID": 4387.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243322.57799999974668, 417237.370899999514222 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 K", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "25 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4331 1723", "MainID": 3301.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243316.316999999806285, 417238.619400000199676 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/009", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Presbyterian Church\nGreat James Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, walling, pillars, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4326 1708", "MainID": 967.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243269.421900000423193, 417082.109400000423193 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Eugene's Lodge\nFrancis Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry \nBT48 9AP", "Extent": "Gate Lodge and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4305 1707", "MainID": 972.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243062.299300000071526, 417073.871500000357628 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "GATE LODGE\nBROOKE PARK \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( SCREEN AND STATUE)", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "LODGE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4299 1723", "MainID": 2473.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243014.75069999974221, 417205.613500000908971 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Londonderry Fire Station\nNorthland Road\nLondonderry\nCo.Londonderry\nBT48 0AN", "Extent": "School and entrance steps", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4315 1767", "MainID": 4425.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243157.707999999634922, 417670.386800000444055 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "ADMIN.,TEACHING,RESID. AND RECREAT.BLDGS. AT MAGEE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE,\nLOWER NORTHLAND ROAD \nLONDONDERRY \n(DILL HOUSE-DEMOLISHED)", "Extent": "includes GATE LODGE,GATES,WALLS AND RAILINGS", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "UNIVERSITY/ COLLEGE BUILDING", "FormerUse": "UNIVERSITY/ COLLEGE BUILDING", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4328 1782", "MainID": 9711.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243310.291899999603629, 417944.462600000202656 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ROCK BAKERY \nSTRAND ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former mill", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "FACTORY", "FormerUse": "FACTORY", "Townland": "Edenballymore/ Pennyburn", "TxtIGRef": "C4363 1799", "MainID": 4461.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243636.682400000281632, 418002.009800000116229 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodges\nPellipar Estate\nBallyquin Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Lodges, Gates, Screens and Pillars", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Scriggan", "TxtIGRef": "C6953 1122", "MainID": 11513.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269530.121799999848008, 411225.924200000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Patricks Church \nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QU", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls & gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9265 1227", "MainID": 1420.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292657.709999999962747, 412271.214500000700355 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "31 Church Square\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QU", "Extent": "House, gates, railings & walls", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9261 1234", "MainID": 6765.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292616.301699999719858, 412338.502800000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "First Presbyterian Church \nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QU", "Extent": "Church, walls & gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9257 1236", "MainID": 1055.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292568.664300000295043, 412359.626499999314547 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "24-25 The Diamond\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QJ", "Extent": "Former hotel, outbuilding, gates & gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Hotel", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9262 1253", "MainID": 6809.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292621.649799999780953, 412534.964900000020862 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "67 Maghera Street\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QL", "Extent": "House and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9240 1246", "MainID": 6825.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292404.688299999572337, 412465.948799999430776 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Second Presbyterian Church\nMaghera Street\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QL", "Extent": "Church and boundary walls", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9238 1248", "MainID": 1092.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292384.7347999997437, 412485.186899999156594 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Northern Bank\nMain Street \nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QS", "Extent": "Bank, return & boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9236 1244", "MainID": 6826.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292360.609199999831617, 412442.246899999678135 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Mary's Roman Catholic Church\n91 Drumagarner Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5TE", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls & gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drumagarner", "TxtIGRef": "C9114 1045", "MainID": 1090.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 291144.247999999672174, 410454.292199999094009 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Movanagher School\n75-77 Agivey Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5UX", "Extent": "House, wall & gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Movanagher", "TxtIGRef": "C9134 1558", "MainID": 1089.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 291339.77489999961108, 415579.319199999794364 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "78 Drumsaragh Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5XR", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gates & piers", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumsaragh", "TxtIGRef": "C8987 1384", "MainID": 6958.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289848.39780000038445, 413836.934499999508262 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Paul's Church\nChurch of Errigal\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AE", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8399 1549", "MainID": 1086.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283992.988199999555945, 415492.872099999338388 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ulster Bank\n10 Main Street\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AD", "Extent": "Bank,outbuildings and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8408 1609", "MainID": 7356.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284093.137299999594688, 416066.845200000330806 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Moyletra Parish Church\nKurin Road\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "5", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Moyletra Kill", "TxtIGRef": "C8676 1318", "MainID": 3320.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286785.08559999987483, 413156.184800000861287 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Mary's Roman Catholic Church\nGrove Road\nCraigavole\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, walling and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Craigavole", "TxtIGRef": "C8579 1025", "MainID": 3108.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285756.665599999949336, 410300.04839999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/023", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church\nBrockaghboy\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Brockaghboy", "TxtIGRef": "C8094 1281", "MainID": 1069.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280910.348000000230968, 412850.245200000703335 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/034", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "36 Glen Road\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5DB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Brockaghboy", "TxtIGRef": "C8084 1248", "MainID": 9544.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280899.329699999652803, 412449.457200000062585 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/035", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Garvagh High School \n140 Main Street \nGarvagh \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AE", "Extent": "Former school buildings", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8390 1564", "MainID": 16608.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283927.324799999594688, 415672.518999999389052 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Aghadowey Presbyterian Church\nArdreagh Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4DN", "Extent": "Church, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballywillin", "TxtIGRef": "C8646 2102", "MainID": 1140.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286416.046400000341237, 421075.041400000452995 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Our Lady of the Assumption\n31 Cullycapple Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4AR", "Extent": "Church and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cullycapple", "TxtIGRef": "C8905 2082", "MainID": 1065.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289016.936200000345707, 420863.343599999323487 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cullycapple House\n19 Cullycapple Road\nAghadowey \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4AR", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cullycapple", "TxtIGRef": "C8879 2076", "MainID": 1064.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288768.581699999980628, 420791.982300000265241 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/026", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fairlea\n6 Cullycapple Road\nAghadowey \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4AR", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cullycapple", "TxtIGRef": "C8845 2108", "MainID": 6932.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288486.894899999722838, 421060.36600000038743 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/029", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gortin House\n65 Ballygawley Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4DT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gortin Mayoghill", "TxtIGRef": "C8755 1939", "MainID": 6933.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287597.995199999772012, 419352.080800000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/036", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "61 Killyvalley Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5LX", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and gate", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyagan", "TxtIGRef": "C8570 1594", "MainID": 6935.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285697.575199999846518, 415951.220499999821186 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/037", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Wigmore House \n10 Ballydevitt Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4DR", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballydevitt", "TxtIGRef": "C8731 2181", "MainID": 2879.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287327.477800000458956, 421819.55460000038147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rushbrook House\n15 Craigmore Road \nAghadowey\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4EX", "Extent": "House, walling and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynacally Beg", "TxtIGRef": "C8396 2125", "MainID": 8738.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283950.996799999848008, 421239.237400000914931 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "52 Boleran Road \nGlenkeen\nGarvagh \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5EG", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and water pump", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Glenkeen", "TxtIGRef": "C8140 1853", "MainID": 8073.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281422.36739999987185, 418513.974600000306964 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Blackheath House\n112 Killeague Road \nGarvagh\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4HH", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Craiglea Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C8374 2328", "MainID": 6959.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283770.314399999566376, 423234.48369999974966 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 Old Coastguard Cottages\nPortballintrae\nBushmills\nCo. Antrim\nBT57 8RF", "Extent": "House, wall, gate and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Coastguard Station", "Townland": "Bushfoot", "TxtIGRef": "C9270 4208", "MainID": 7357.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292777.082200000062585, 442101.069099999964237 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/005 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 Old Coastguard Cottages\nPortballintrae\nBushmills\nCo. Antrim\nBT57 8RF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Coastguard Station", "Townland": "Bushfoot", "TxtIGRef": "C9270 4208", "MainID": 6947.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292789.360299999825656, 442115.639200000092387 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/015 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballywatt Presbyterian Church\nBallywatt Road\nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, entrance gates and pillars", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballywatt Leggs", "TxtIGRef": "C9057 3578", "MainID": 16872.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290585.0614, 435775.091000000014901 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/015 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Moore Memorial Hall\nBallywatt Road\nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Hall, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Ballywatt Leggs", "TxtIGRef": "C9050 3585", "MainID": 16873.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290562.374200000427663, 435808.497099999338388 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Outbuildings\n221 Loughan Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1UD", "Extent": "Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Coolderry South", "TxtIGRef": "C8862 2767", "MainID": 8074.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288714.214100000448525, 427660.032600000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Paul's Church\nFish Loughan \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, gate pillars and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Fish Loughan", "TxtIGRef": "C8795 2882", "MainID": 3314.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287912.9704, 428851.450999999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Knocktarna\n195 Mountsandel Road \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1JB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Knockantern", "TxtIGRef": "C8688 2994", "MainID": 6833.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286846.872700000181794, 429963.345100000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Brook Hall\n11 Creamery Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 2NE", "Extent": "House, gate screen and water pump", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kirkistown", "TxtIGRef": "C8912 3362", "MainID": 1056.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289113.568699999712408, 433614.785000000149012 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/011 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "10 Rectory Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 2LR", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and water pump", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C8939 3371", "MainID": 16874.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289329.434200000017881, 433897.820900000631809 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ashlea\n44 Magheraboy Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT56 8NX", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling gate piers & gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Magheraboy", "TxtIGRef": "C8574 3850", "MainID": 1061.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285727.944099999964237, 438506.503000000491738 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Wayside Cottage\n52 Loguestown Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT56 8PD", "Extent": "House, gates and pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carnalridge", "TxtIGRef": "C8516 3843", "MainID": 1059.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285160.951500000432134, 438428.032299999147654 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Cromore House\n58 Cromore Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PW", "Extent": "House, pavillions and walling", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyleese North", "TxtIGRef": "C8311 3730", "MainID": 17276.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283115.425999999977648, 437300.86009999923408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/011 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cromore Lodge\nCromore Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PW", "Extent": "Lodge and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyleese North", "TxtIGRef": "C8365 3742", "MainID": 17278.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283656.753600000403821, 437422.889000000432134 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "22 Agherton Road\nPortstewart\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PH", "Extent": "House, stone walling, gate-piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyleese North", "TxtIGRef": "C8339 3672", "MainID": 6936.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283388.967000000178814, 436711.602700000628829 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/017", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dundooan House\n35 Dundooan Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 2PU", "Extent": "House, gates and posts", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dundooan", "TxtIGRef": "C8487 3556", "MainID": 1134.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284859.221599999815226, 435574.185200000181794 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/09/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Portstewart Presbyterian Church\nEnfield Street\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7BC", "Extent": "Church and gates", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8173 3824", "MainID": 2896.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281735.585400000214577, 438232.259800000116229 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/09/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Portstewart Primary School\n22-24 Central Avenue\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonerry\nBT55 7BT", "Extent": "School & walling", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8193 3839", "MainID": 16863.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281920.986999999731779, 438390.267599999904633 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Town Hall\nKerr Street\nPortrush \nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DX", "Extent": "Town Hall and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "Town Hall", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4050", "MainID": 1113.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285802.844399999827147, 440570.429999999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/005 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "30 Kerr Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 4070", "MainID": 1107.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285652.238699999637902, 440758.077800000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/017 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Holy Trinity Parish Church\n62 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BN\n\nSee General Comments", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 16902.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285811.990799999795854, 440862.511600000783801 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/021", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Northern Bank\n60 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BL", "Extent": "Bank, Stone steps, low level walling and garage", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8582 4082", "MainID": 6939.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285804.680100000463426, 440820.312999999150634 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/025 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Presbyterian Manse\nMain Street \nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BN", "Extent": "Manse, boundary wall, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4070", "MainID": 16901.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285817.590599999763072, 440710.647700000554323 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/029", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dr. Adam Clarke Memorial Methodist Church\nCauseway Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8AE", "Extent": "Church, memorial to Adam Clarke, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4070", "MainID": 1359.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285870.260200000368059, 440630.395700000226498 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/037", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Patrick's RC Church\nCauseway Street\nPortrush\nCo Antrim\nBT56 8JE", "Extent": "Church,boundary wall, gate piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8620 4030", "MainID": 1110.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286212.277700000442564, 440347.417099999263883 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 BABINGTON TERRACE (AND GARDEN WALL) \nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK CO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Watson", "TxtIGRef": "C7715 3613", "MainID": 6949.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277164.547500000335276, 436140.160000000149012 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 BABINGTON TERRACE \nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine\nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GARDEN WALL", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Watson", "TxtIGRef": "C7715 3613", "MainID": 1108.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277158.879399999976158, 436142.351999999955297 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 BABINGTON TERRACE \nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine\nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GARDEN WALL", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Watson", "TxtIGRef": "C7715 3613", "MainID": 8756.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277153.421000000089407, 436144.95240000076592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 BABINGTON TERRACE\nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine\nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GARDEN WALL", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Watson", "TxtIGRef": "C7715 3613", "MainID": 8743.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277147.57909999974072, 436147.392000000923872 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 CLIFTON TERRACE\nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Includes GARDEN WALL", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7712 3614", "MainID": 4620.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277133.806599999777973, 436151.833799999207258 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 CLIFTON TERRACE \nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Includes GARDEN WALL", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7712 3614", "MainID": 1109.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277129.289200000464916, 436153.517899999395013 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/002 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 CLIFTON TERRACE\nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GARDEN WALL", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7712 3614", "MainID": 8720.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277124.092699999921024, 436155.825200000777841 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 F", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Bishops Gate\n42 Mussenden Road\nDownhill\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4RP", "Extent": "Arch, lodge, bridge and walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Downhill", "TxtIGRef": "C7612 3543", "MainID": 16841.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276116.441100000403821, 435425.563799999654293 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Black Glen Lodge Cottage\nTunnel Brae\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4RH", "Extent": "House, boundary wall, piers & gates.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7649 3612", "MainID": 16837.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276485.081500000320375, 436117.2347999997437 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Outbuildings\nMussenden Road\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4RP", "Extent": "Outbuildings walling and gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Downhill", "TxtIGRef": "C7620 3540", "MainID": 16839.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276220.388600000180304, 435422.541799999773502 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Mary's RC Church\nBallywoodock Road\nMilltown\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3AY", "Extent": "Church gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballywoodock", "TxtIGRef": "C7592 3449", "MainID": 3098.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275919.594800000078976, 434491.374299999326468 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/027", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Paul's Parish Church\nSt. Paul's Road \nArticlave\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4UN", "Extent": "Church, gates, piers & walling.", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Articlave Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C7843 3389", "MainID": 1102.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278422.556499999947846, 433885.155799999833107 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/029", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "30 Springvale Lane \nBallywellan Road\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4XB", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and gates", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Bogtown", "TxtIGRef": "C7777 3535", "MainID": 1078.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277771.584599999710917, 435347.2818 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cliff House\n51 Main Street\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4XB", "Extent": "House, gates, piers and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7694 3626", "MainID": 6830.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276941.56940000038594, 436260.612900000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/034", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "First Dunboe Presbyterian Church \nArticlave\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Church, gate screens and walling.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Articlave Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C7824 3403", "MainID": 5671.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278235.147499999962747, 434035.896299999207258 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Mary's Church \n31 Dunderg Road\nMacosquin\nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4NE", "Extent": "Church, walling, railings and entrance gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Camus Macosquin Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C8253 2888", "MainID": 16906.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282580.774100000038743, 428822.728700000792742 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Old Rectory \n17 Dunderg Road \nMacosquin\nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4PN", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling, railings and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Camus Macosquin Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C8244 2864", "MainID": 6945.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282455.513700000010431, 428648.943499999120831 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Formoyle Parish Church \n16 Formoyle Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4JP", "Extent": "Church and gate", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Formoyle", "TxtIGRef": "C7713 2855", "MainID": 2892.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277130.10950000025332, 428558.686300000175834 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dunboe House\n133 Quilly Road \nCastlerock \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4UB", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Blakes Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C7940 3341", "MainID": 6847.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 279400.122800000011921, 433415.707699999213219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/15/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St John's Church of Ireland\nStrand Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\n BT51 3DD", "Extent": "Church, walls, gates and vault", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Churchland", "TxtIGRef": "C8448 3206", "MainID": 3074.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284480.304999999701977, 432061.376299999654293 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Coleraine Academical Institution \n23-33 Castlerock Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3LA", "Extent": "School buildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8390 3297", "MainID": 16794.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283989.039099999703467, 432953.047100000083447 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Loreto Convent \nCastlerock Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3JZ", "Extent": "Convent", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8364 3327", "MainID": 16914.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283681.619300000369549, 433246.505999999120831 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Loreto Convent Chapel\nCastlerock Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3JZ", "Extent": "Chapel and steps", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8366 3327", "MainID": 16915.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283700.744699999690056, 433260.900699999183416 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8519 3235", "MainID": 6997.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285158.743900000117719, 432419.809599999338388 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8519 3235", "MainID": 6998.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285162.787700000219047, 432414.362800000235438 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3237", "MainID": 6999.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285165.919099999591708, 432409.557600000873208 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3237", "MainID": 7000.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285169.705099999904633, 432404.876000000163913 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "10 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3237", "MainID": 1186.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285173.548999999649823, 432399.870300000533462 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8516 3237", "MainID": 2164.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285177.489199999719858, 432395.351199999451637 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "14 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Alms House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8516 3237", "MainID": 1124.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285180.656600000336766, 432390.470100000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Alms House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8516 3237", "MainID": 1760.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285185.042700000107288, 432385.728900000452995 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "18 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3238", "MainID": 1126.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285189.107099999673665, 432380.461799999698997 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "20 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling, piers and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3238", "MainID": 8726.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285193.292399999685585, 432375.903799999505281 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "22 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling & piers.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3238", "MainID": 1125.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285195.362200000323355, 432370.757699999958277 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 L", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "24 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling & piers.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8517 3238", "MainID": 1123.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285198.941899999976158, 432366.136299999430776 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/003 P", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "32 Lodge Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NB", "Extent": "House-terrace, walling & piers.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8525 3232", "MainID": 1122.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285214.644600000232458, 432345.764200000092387 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mount Pleasant \n23 Mountsandel Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1JE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coleraine and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8499 3168", "MainID": 5750.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284980.299999999813735, 431703.426899999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/010", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Patrick's Church \nChurch Street \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1AR", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, gates & railings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8497 3248", "MainID": 2928.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284974.026100000366569, 432478.085200000554323 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Congregational Church \n46 New Row \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1AF", "Extent": "Church, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8490 3224", "MainID": 5753.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284895.897300000302494, 432239.68889999948442 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Salem Lodge \n33 Millburn Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1QT", "Extent": "House,coachhouse, stone entrance steps and sculptures and boundary walls and piers .", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8497 3272", "MainID": 6860.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284915.781600000336766, 432768.771900000050664 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/034 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Millburn Terrace \n47 Millburn Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1QT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8493 3285", "MainID": 9588.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284934.952399999834597, 432816.423000000417233 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/034 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Millburn Terrace \n53 Millburn Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1QT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8495 3285", "MainID": 9591.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284944.413099999539554, 432833.76659999974072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/19/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballysally House \n14 Atlantic Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1PX", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, rubblestone walls and cast iron water wheel", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballysally", "TxtIGRef": "C8504 3507", "MainID": 6861.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285080.869400000199676, 435045.747999999672174 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Old Bankhouse Restaurant\nCHURCH ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes (formerly known as)THE CENTURY ARMS RAILINGS, STEPS AND PLINTH WALLS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9481 2578", "MainID": 3075.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294813.025399999693036, 425781.166600000113249 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/03/021", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "GLENDUN LODGE\nCUSHENDUN \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2455 3296", "MainID": 7015.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324565.752399999648333, 432949.857200000435114 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/07/004 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Farm buildings at Kilwaughter Castle \nKilwaughter\nLarne\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Two main courtyards and other associated farm structures.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "D3566 0151", "MainID": 10579.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335654.153099999763072, 401502.22719999961555 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/07/004 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Walled garden at\n16 Drumnadonaghy Road\nKilwaughter\nLarne\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Walls, buttresses and lean-to block", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "D3566 0176", "MainID": 10580.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335671.613499999977648, 401777.962400000542402 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB07/17/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Old Parish Church Tower\nOld Church Yard Entry\nChurch Street\nBallymena\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Tower, gates, gate piers and walling.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D1094 0340", "MainID": 13276.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310943.484299999661744, 403398.502299999818206 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB08/08/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "KNOCK HOUSE AND \n15 CARRICKNAKIELT ROAD \nLURGANAGOOSE \nKNOCKCLOGHRIM \nMAGHERAFELT \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes WALLING", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H8929 9692", "MainID": 7237.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289290.388700000010431, 396925.508099999278784 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/02/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Altedesert Church of Ireland Parish Church\nThe Diamond\nPomeroy\nDungannon\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Church and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cavanakeeran", "TxtIGRef": "H6942 7228", "MainID": 3370.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269426.198400000110269, 372276.086300000548363 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/02/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Mary's Roman Catholic Church\n7 Cavanakeeran Road\nPomeroy\nDungannon\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Church, front gates and piers, and front screen wall with integral piers, and front boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cavanakeeran", "TxtIGRef": "H6916 7238", "MainID": 1385.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269163.757500000298023, 372390.888699999079108 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumard Hill\n46 Turnaface Road\nCookstown\nCo Londonderry\nBT80 9XF", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gates & walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumard", "TxtIGRef": "H8224 8318", "MainID": 5934.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282238.433500000275671, 383183.502699999138713 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Lissan Church of Ireland Parish Church\nChurchtown\n1 Lissan Road\nCookstown\nCo Londonderry\nBT80 8EN", "Extent": "Church, gates piers and walling", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tullynure", "TxtIGRef": "H8055 8291", "MainID": 1384.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280551.338700000196695, 382910.039799999445677 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings \nLissan House Demesne\nDrumgrass Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9SW", "Extent": "The Great Barn, the Agent's House and Donkey House, The Turf Barn, The Creamery, Gate Screen and Weighbridge.", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Lissan", "TxtIGRef": "H7967 8231", "MainID": 13958.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 279697.617300000041723, 382283.915500000119209 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/04/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rear Gate Lodge\n206 Drum Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 9RU", "Extent": "Former gate lodge, gates and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Legnacash", "TxtIGRef": "H7519 7838", "MainID": 1383.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275188.842000000178814, 378385.393799999728799 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/04/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Kildress House, \n20 Lower Kildress Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 9RN", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and pump", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kildress Lower", "TxtIGRef": "H7731 7828", "MainID": 9538.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277316.543200000189245, 378276.079199999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Killymoon Castle\n60 Castle Road\nCookstown\nBT80 8TN", "Extent": "Castle with screen wall and garden tower to north; steps in garden to south.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Killymoon Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "H8226 7648", "MainID": 6741.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282263.627399999648333, 376477.144300000742078 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/001 B", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Outbuildings at Killymoon Castle\n60 Castle Road\nCookstown\nBT80 8TN", "Extent": "Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Killymoon Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "H8233 7656", "MainID": 8905.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282343.305800000205636, 376572.544399999082088 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Killycolp House Farm, \n21 Killycolp Road, \nTullyhogue\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8AD", "Extent": "House, outbuildings & gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Killycolp", "TxtIGRef": "H8087 7410", "MainID": 3360.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280872.689299999736249, 374099.727900000289083 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Sherrigrim House\n60 Newmills Road\nDungannon\nBT71 4DJ", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Sherrigrim", "TxtIGRef": "H8076 7032", "MainID": 1386.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280751.666899999603629, 370324.659600000828505 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Sandholes Presbyterian Church\n8 Kiltyclogher Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9AU", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate piers and walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Skenarget", "TxtIGRef": "H7886 7255", "MainID": 5843.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278853.980999999679625, 372552.753699999302626 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/015", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Rockdale House\n39 Rockdale Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9BA", "Extent": "House & Railings & Gatescreens", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Rockdale", "TxtIGRef": "H7775 7277", "MainID": 5840.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277749.211199999786913, 372776.436899999156594 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/019", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Tullylagan House\n40 Tullylagan Road\nCookstown\nBT80 8UP", "Extent": "House, gate piers, gate screen and pump", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Tullylagan", "TxtIGRef": "H7986 7224", "MainID": 1380.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 279865.275100000202656, 372241.212899999693036 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orange Hall, \n34 Lindesayville Road,\n Tullaghoge\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8UH", "Extent": "Hall, gates, gate piers and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Donaghrisk", "TxtIGRef": "H8134 7348", "MainID": 14071.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281344.485000000335276, 373478.570000000298023 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "27 Ardcumber Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 9AQ", "Extent": "House, gates and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullywiggan", "TxtIGRef": "H8120 7563", "MainID": 13943.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281202.559200000017881, 375633.365199999883771 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/06/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "First Presbyterian Church\n11 Stonard Street\nMoneymore\nMagherafelt\nCo Londonderry\nBT45 7PW", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls, railings, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Moneymore", "TxtIGRef": "H8572 8337", "MainID": 5906.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285722.859400000423193, 383371.084599999710917 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/06/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Manor House\n28 High Street\nMoneymore\nMagherafelt\nCo Londonderry\nBT45 7", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Moneymore", "TxtIGRef": "H8577 8348", "MainID": 7307.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285771.869900000281632, 383481.814300000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/06/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Second Presbyterian Church\n8 Circular Road\nMoneymore\nMagherafelt\nCo Londonderry\nBT45 7PY", "Extent": "Church, railing, pillars and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Moneymore", "TxtIGRef": "H8600 8349", "MainID": 4702.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286007.114000000059605, 383489.278000000864267 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/06/024 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Farmyard \nSpringhill\nSpringhill Road\nMoneymore\nMagherafelt\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Stables, piggery, store, enclosing wall, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Ballindrum", "TxtIGRef": "H8685 8291", "MainID": 12162.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286872.709800000302494, 382914.93610000051558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/07/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Hanover House\n24 Hanover Square, \nCoagh \nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 0EF", "Extent": "House, gate and railings.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coagh", "TxtIGRef": "H8911 7868", "MainID": 3853.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289108.987599999643862, 378673.733999999240041 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/07/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ultimo House\n70 Urbal Road\nCoagh\nCookstown\nBT80 0DP", "Extent": "House gates and gate posts", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Urbal", "TxtIGRef": "H8913 7813", "MainID": 13945.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289136.329699999652803, 378133.906600000336766 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/08/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Donaghenry Rectory\n90 Donaghendry Road\nStewartstown\nDungannon\nBT71 5PW", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gate screen and bellcote", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Glebe (Donaghenry)", "TxtIGRef": "H8412 7159", "MainID": 7310.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284128.028199999593198, 371602.061000000685453 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/08/014", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Patrick's Church of Ireland\n125 Coagh Road\nStewartstown\nDungannon\nBT71 5LL", "Extent": "Church, front wall & gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Glebe (Ballyclog)", "TxtIGRef": "H8670 7372", "MainID": 1417.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286710.58530000038445, 373718.338600000366569 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/08/017 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Andrew's Church of Ireland \nArdtrea Road\nStewartstown\nDungannon\nBT71 5LY", "Extent": "Church & entrance screen", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tullyraw", "TxtIGRef": "H8560 7624", "MainID": 5951.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285598.337500000372529, 376235.572599999606609 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/08/115", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dunluce Presbyterian Church\n17 Priestland Road\nBushmills\nCo. Antrim\nBT57 8QP", "Extent": "Church, boundary walling and gate pilars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Walk Mills", "TxtIGRef": "C9372 4018", "MainID": 1062.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293767.425200000405312, 440115.818199999630451 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/09/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St John's Church of Ireland\nBellagherty Road\nCookstown\nBT80 0BA", "Extent": "Church, gates & pillars, pedestrian gate & pillars to graveyard", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Killymuck", "TxtIGRef": "H9383 8208", "MainID": 6703.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293838.095800000242889, 382086.504000000655651 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/09/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 and 17 Ballyneill Road\nBallyronan\nMagherafelt\nCo Londonderry\nBT45 6JL", "Extent": "House, walling, gate and pump", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Ballyronan More", "TxtIGRef": "H9449 8538", "MainID": 13873.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294493.893000000156462, 385378.484600000083447 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/11/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Courtyard\nStuart Hall Demesne\nMountjoy Road\nStewartstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT71 5AE", "Extent": "Courtyard", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Stuart Hall", "TxtIGRef": "H8935 7172", "MainID": 14031.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289335.666299999691546, 371728.412699999287724 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/13/016", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "48 Molesworth Street\nCookstown \nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8PA", "Extent": "Former railway station including platforms, station master's house and Iron arch", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Loy", "TxtIGRef": "H8141 7830", "MainID": 5807.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281413.221599999815226, 378316.29109999909997 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/13/018", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Molesworth Street Presbyterian Church\n69 Molesworth Street\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8PA", "Extent": "Church, walling, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Loy", "TxtIGRef": "H8132 7825", "MainID": 1404.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281325.862399999983609, 378246.343100000172853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/14/024 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Brigid's Convent and National School\nConvent Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8QA", "Extent": "Convent and school, boundary walls and railings and gates to the plot to the east of the convent, and boundary wall to north of school.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Loy", "TxtIGRef": "H8103 7785", "MainID": 13222.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281025.307000000029802, 377855.669099999591708 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/15/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Luran's Church of Ireland Church\n96 Church Street\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8HX", "Extent": "Church and front boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gortalowry", "TxtIGRef": "H8124 7722", "MainID": 5949.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281248.424800000153482, 377220.445800000801682 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Patrick's RC Church, \nChurch Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone, \nBT81 7XZ", "Extent": "Church, front wall, gates and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Aghyaran", "TxtIGRef": "H1893 8121", "MainID": 5953.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 218930.13329999987036, 381203.343499999493361 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mourne Beg Bridge, Magheranageeragh Road, \nMourne Beg/Lislaird, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Mourne Beg/Lislaird", "TxtIGRef": "H2286 8294", "MainID": 5956.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 222868.434899999760091, 382947.708599999547005 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aghyaran Bridge, \nChurch Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone\nBT81 7XZ", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Aghyaran/Gortnagross", "TxtIGRef": "H1905 8056", "MainID": 5957.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 219056.224600000306964, 380552.343299999833107 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Glashagh Bridge No 1, \nGanvaughan Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone\nBT81 7SY", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Glashagh/Ganvaghan Kyle", "TxtIGRef": "H2301 8265", "MainID": 5151.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 223003.936900000087917, 382641.598300000652671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/018", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Killeter Bridge,\nCarn Road,\nKilleter \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone\nBT81 7EH", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Woodside/Magheranageeragh", "TxtIGRef": "H2090 8067", "MainID": 7321.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 220898.419099999591708, 380666.942900000140071 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/020", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Mourne Bridge, \nCarn Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone\nBT81 7UU", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Garvagh/ Legatonegan", "TxtIGRef": "H2068 8381", "MainID": 5883.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 220685.349000000394881, 383812.753399999812245 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/01/037", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "22 Lislaird Road \nMournebeg\nCastlederg,\nCo Tyrone,\nBT81 7UG", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnacloon", "TxtIGRef": "H2275 8329", "MainID": 14977.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 222757.213200000114739, 383204.995899999514222 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/02/002", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Castlederg Bridge,\nCastlegore Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone\nBT81 7PU", "Extent": "Bridge and flood arches", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Churchtown/ Bridgetown", "TxtIGRef": "H2630 8431", "MainID": 1438.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 226294.000500000081956, 384304.225700000301003 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/02/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Castlederg Methodist Church\nThe Diamond\nCastlederg\nCo.Tyrone\nBT81 7AR", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Castlederg", "TxtIGRef": "H2633 8458", "MainID": 7322.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 226324.812699999660254, 384572.569099999964237 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/02/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 Upper Strabane Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone,\nBT81 7BG", "Extent": "Former Railway Station Structure", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Railway Station Structures", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Churchtown", "TxtIGRef": "H2645 8460", "MainID": 5746.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 226439.694799999706447, 384605.075799999758601 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/02/017 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "17 Main Street \n(including 1 The Entry)\nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone, \nBT81 7AS", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Churchtown", "TxtIGRef": "H2625 8445", "MainID": 15193.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 226273.266900000162423, 384423.887800000607967 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/03/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Baronscourt Parish Church, \nCloonty Road\nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4TG", "Extent": "Church, Lych gate and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tamnagh", "TxtIGRef": "H3501 8093", "MainID": 5966.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 235017.97580000013113, 380937.94480000063777 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/03/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Mary's RC Church,\n(Dreglish Parish)\nDrumlegagh Road\nEnvagh,\nCastlederg,\nCo. Tyrone\nBT81 7PL", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Envagh", "TxtIGRef": "H3473 8002", "MainID": 3369.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234733.187599999830127, 380020.131999999284744 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/03/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumclamph Parish Church, Greenville Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone\nBT81 7NU", "Extent": "Church, outbuilding, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drumclamph", "TxtIGRef": "H3169 8451", "MainID": 5971.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 231591.394100000150502, 384500.524800000712276 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/03/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bridge Hill\n111 Drumquin Road\nCastlederg\nCo.Tyrone\nBT81 7RB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gates, walling and pump", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumgallon", "TxtIGRef": "H2913 7991", "MainID": 14724.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 229121.755900000222027, 379902.555299999192357 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Baronscourt\nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EX", "Extent": "House, garage block, store and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3622 8285", "MainID": 1435.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236236.987399999983609, 382853.536800000816584 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Stableyard, \nBaronscourt,\nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "Stableyard", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3634 8272", "MainID": 5972.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236345.066499999724329, 382715.765799999237061 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Eugene's Church of Ireland Church \nArdstraw Parish Church\nMain Street \nNewtownstewart \nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 4AA", "Extent": "Church, walling, steps and gates", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Newtownstewart", "TxtIGRef": "H4003 8566", "MainID": 3118.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240043.097000000067055, 385659.612600000575185 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Northern Bank, \n17 Main Street, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4AB", "Extent": "Bank & returns", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtownstewart", "TxtIGRef": "H4014 8569", "MainID": 5975.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240143.047500000335276, 385686.851099999621511 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/007", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Newtownstewart Old Bridge \nDouglas Road\nNewtownstewart \nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 4NE", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Newtownstewart/Cross Ballinree", "TxtIGRef": "H4036 8585", "MainID": 5751.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240374.490799999795854, 385850.458499999716878 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Newtownstewart County Primary School \n2 Main Street \nNewtownstewart \nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 4AA", "Extent": "Schoolhouse, walling and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Newtownstewart", "TxtIGRef": "H4004 8569", "MainID": 4716.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240044.869099999777973, 385692.585699999704957 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/013", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Woodbrook, \n61 Deerpark Road, \nBirnaghs, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone,\nBT78 4LB", "Extent": "House, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Birnaghs", "TxtIGRef": "H3750 8647", "MainID": 5754.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237498.471499999985099, 386466.897399999201298 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Newtownstewart Presbyterian Church\n39 Moyle Road\nNewtownstewart \nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 4AP", "Extent": "Church, gates, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Grange", "TxtIGRef": "H4037 8540", "MainID": 5882.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240370.560700000263751, 385400.477099999785423 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5 Dublin Street, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone, \nBT78 4AE", "Extent": "House, steps, railings, walling and outbuilding.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtownstewart", "TxtIGRef": "H4007 8564", "MainID": 5963.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240066.707399999722838, 385636.054300000891089 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/055", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "36 Drumlegagh Road North\nNewtownstewart\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4HE", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Byturn", "TxtIGRef": "H3446 8064", "MainID": 14904.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234464.393799999728799, 380640.172199999913573 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/076", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Old Manse\n56 Moyle Road\nNewtownstewart\nStrabane\nCo.Tyrone\nBT78 4JT", "Extent": "House, gate screen and gates", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Moyle Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "H4050 8550", "MainID": 14734.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240684.874099999666214, 385584.515399999916553 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/078", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "30 Carnkenny Road\nNewtownstewart\nStrabane\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 4LN", "Extent": "House, outbuilding, gates, pillars and walling.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carnkenny", "TxtIGRef": "H3470 8679", "MainID": 14735.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234710.389999999664724, 386797.396299999207258 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/05/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Plumb Bridge over the Glenelly River, \nCulvacullion Road,\nPlumbridge, \nStrabane,\nCo Tyrone\nBT79 8EG", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lisnacreaght/ Glencoppogagh", "TxtIGRef": "H4839 9137", "MainID": 5936.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248383.783300000242889, 391366.208100000396371 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/05/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Eugene's RC Church, \nPlumbridge Road, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4NR", "Extent": "Church and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Glenknock or Cloghogue", "TxtIGRef": "H4091 8663", "MainID": 2874.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240912.820899999700487, 386627.933000000193715 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/05/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Church of the Sacred Heart, Dergbrough Road, \nPlumbridge, \nCo Tyrone,\nBT79 8EF", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Lisnacreaght", "TxtIGRef": "H4842 9125", "MainID": 3322.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248414.074000000022352, 391256.78319999948144 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/05/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Concrete Bridge over the Glenelly River, \nCorramore Road, \nCorratary TL, \nPlumbridge, \nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Corratary/ Oughtnamwella", "TxtIGRef": "H6345 9404", "MainID": 9420.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263458.126400000415742, 394035.89299999922514 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/06/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lisky, \n10 Myrtle Road, \nStrabane, \nCo Tyrone, \nBT82 8QB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, boundary wall and gates.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisky", "TxtIGRef": "H3581 9085", "MainID": 8910.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 235803.231300000101328, 390853.979100000113249 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/06/023", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mourneview, \n26 Liskey Road\nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 8NP", "Extent": "House and outbuildings and water pump", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumnaboy", "TxtIGRef": "H3478 9397", "MainID": 15257.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234779.31940000038594, 393966.621600000187755 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/07/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Church of the Good Shepherd\nMelmount Road\nSion Mills\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 9ET", "Extent": "Church and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Liggartown", "TxtIGRef": "H3409 9306", "MainID": 15992.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234087.119900000281632, 393047.24100000038743 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/07/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Sion Mills Recreation Club\n151 Melmount Road\nSion Mills\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 9EX", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Recreational Club", "Townland": "Liggartown", "TxtIGRef": "H3399 9318", "MainID": 5945.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 233987.502999999560416, 393182.670399999246001 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 Mill Avenue\nSion Mills\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 9ET", "Extent": "Hall, walling, gate and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Liggartown", "TxtIGRef": "H3405 9312", "MainID": 5509.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234047.178299999795854, 393109.09940000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/07/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Sion Mills (Former) Elementary School\n147 Melmount Road\nSion Mills\nCounty Tyrone\nBT82 9EX", "Extent": "Former school, pedestrian access gate and boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Liggartown", "TxtIGRef": "H3397 9323", "MainID": 5946.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 233969.719200000166893, 393236.756899999454618 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/07/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "122 Melmount Road\nSion Mills\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 9EU", "Extent": "House and walling to front", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Liggartown", "TxtIGRef": "H3410 9298", "MainID": 5947.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234090.833399999886751, 392990.502900000661612 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/07/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "124 Melmount Road\nSion Mills\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 9EU", "Extent": "House and walling to front", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Liggartown", "TxtIGRef": "H3410 9299", "MainID": 4544.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234093.362700000405312, 392981.92090000025928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/08/002", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Clady Bridge\nUrney Road\nClady\nStrabane\nCo.Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Donnygowen", "TxtIGRef": "H2925 9399", "MainID": 8911.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 229269.531700000166893, 393991.551100000739098 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/08/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Red House, \n88 Urney Road, \nStrabane, \nCo Tyrone\nBT82 9RX", "Extent": "House and lodge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carricklee", "TxtIGRef": "H3286 9687", "MainID": 5893.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 232863.037299999967217, 396870.086500000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/08/004 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Carricklee Stableyard\nCarricklee Road\nStrabane\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 9SE", "Extent": "Stableyard", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Stables", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Carricklee", "TxtIGRef": "H3245 9650", "MainID": 14667.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 232465.076000000350177, 396490.5943 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/08/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "'The Brae'\n104 Melmount Road\nSion Mills\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 9PY", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyfatten", "TxtIGRef": "H3398 9384", "MainID": 16118.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 233979.521599999628961, 393835.904899999499321 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/09/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St James Parish Church (C of I)\nLongland Road\nDonemana\nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0PH", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate piers and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Creaghan", "TxtIGRef": "C4488 0360", "MainID": 1448.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244875.080099999904633, 403596.373700000345707 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/09/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St James' Old Rectory (AKA Earls Gift)\nClaudy Road\nDonemana \nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0PH", "Extent": "House, steps and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Creaghan", "TxtIGRef": "C4466 0337", "MainID": 1449.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244672.709099999628961, 403369.470799999311566 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/09/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Donemana Presbyterian Church\nChurch View \nDonemana\nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0PB", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate piers and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Stonyfalls", "TxtIGRef": "C4409 0300", "MainID": 1450.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244089.072999999858439, 403010.376900000497699 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/09/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Marys RC Church, \nAghabrack\nLisnaragh Road\nDonemana\nStrabane \nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0SD", "Extent": "Church, gates and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Aghabrack", "TxtIGRef": "H4950 9837", "MainID": 2639.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 249499.972099999897182, 398365.491900000721216 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/09/027", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Silverbrook Mills\n90 Brook Road\nDonemanagh\nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0RX", "Extent": "Mill buildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Mill", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Rousky", "TxtIGRef": "C4475 0043", "MainID": 16119.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244746.088200000114739, 400442.546299999579787 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/09/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Balbane Road\nDonemana\nStrabane\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 0RW", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Meendamph", "TxtIGRef": "H4545 9637", "MainID": 15248.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245449.19579999987036, 396370.759500000625849 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/10/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Glencush Bridge\nBallyheather Road\nStrabane\nCo.Tyrone\nBT82", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Stranabrosny", "TxtIGRef": "C4157 0448", "MainID": 7331.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241573.284099999815226, 404477.185900000855327 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/10/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St John’s Church of Ireland\nDunnalong\nVictoria Road\nBready\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0EB", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate pilars and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drumgauty", "TxtIGRef": "C3722 0762", "MainID": 4766.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237220.521399999968708, 407623.096000000834465 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/10/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Donaghedy 2nd Presbyterian Church\nAltrest Road\nBready \nStrabane\nBT47 2SJ", "Extent": "Church gates gate pillars and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Sandville", "TxtIGRef": "C3940 0553", "MainID": 5896.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 239403.842799999751151, 405528.284900000318885 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/005", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Patrick's (C of I) Church, Leckpatrick, \nArtigarvan, \nStrabane, \nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0LE", "Extent": "Church & gates", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Leckpatrick", "TxtIGRef": "C3721 0207", "MainID": 2637.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237216.103400000371039, 402067.206100000068545 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Joseph's RC Church, \nMoorlough Road,\nGlenmornan, \nStrabane, \nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0ER", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate piers and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Brownhill", "TxtIGRef": "H4103 9971", "MainID": 2635.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241040.363300000317395, 399708.36710000038147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "36 Ballyheather Road\nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0BD", "Extent": "House, outbuildings gates and gate pillars.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cloghcor", "TxtIGRef": "C3775 0330", "MainID": 14740.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237741.545099999755621, 403302.108599999919534 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "38 Station Road\nBallymagorry\nStrabane\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 0AX", "Extent": "House and gate", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Milltown", "TxtIGRef": "C3730 0142", "MainID": 14905.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237299.705799999646842, 401411.929500000551343 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/12/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Gray's Stationery Shop (and Printing Presses)\n49 Main Street\nStrabane \nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 8AU", "Extent": "Shop and rear outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Town Parks of Strabane", "TxtIGRef": "H3454 9765", "MainID": 6740.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234545.732200000435114, 397649.683399999514222 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/12/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Strabane Bridge, \nBridge St, \nStrabane, \nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Townparks of Strabane/ Magirr Ballycolman", "TxtIGRef": "H3450 9755", "MainID": 9421.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234503.205199999734759, 397549.212999999523163 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/12/030", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Strabane Technical College, \nDerry Road,\nStrabane, \nCo Tyrone\nBT82 8DX", "Extent": "College, former house, gates and gatepiers", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks of Strabane", "TxtIGRef": "H3470 9843", "MainID": 15477.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234711.847299999557436, 398417.190099999308586 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/12/036", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Farmers Home, \n19-23 Railway Street, \nStrabane,\nCo Tyrone,\nBT82 8EG", "Extent": "Public House, outbuilding and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Town Parks of Strabane", "TxtIGRef": "H3434 9798", "MainID": 14741.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234343.20990000013262, 397983.785499999299645 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/01/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Glengeen Lodge\n61 Killyfuddy Road\nTrillick\nOmagh\nBT78 3PN", "Extent": "House & outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Glengeen", "TxtIGRef": "H3680 5797", "MainID": 5855.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236797.340499999932945, 357980.478700000792742 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/03/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "103 Newpark Road\nTummery\nDromore\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 3JZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tummery", "TxtIGRef": "H3062 6094", "MainID": 13778.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 230629.59499999973923, 360944.089999999850988 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/04/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kilmore Lodge\n62 Kirlish Road\nBullock Park Road\nDrumquin\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4PZ", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, yard walls & gateway", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kilmore Irvine", "TxtIGRef": "H2947 7758", "MainID": 7338.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 229464.887699999846518, 377579.281400000676513 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/04/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Belfry in grounds of \nSt Patricks RC Graveyard\nDooish Road\nDrumquin\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4RA", "Extent": "Belfry", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": null, "Townland": "Drummenagh", "TxtIGRef": "H3286 7266", "MainID": 14821.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 232856.220200000330806, 372659.378499999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/05/002", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Clanabogan Church\nDromore Road\nClanabogan Lower\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 1SN", "Extent": "Church, main gates & pillars & pedestrian gate", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Clanabogan Lower", "TxtIGRef": "H4088 6850", "MainID": 5864.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240880.153800000436604, 368498.53800000064075 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/06/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Seskinore Chapel of Ease\nSeskinore Road\nSeskinore\nOmagh\nBT78 2NS", "Extent": "Church, gatescreen & gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Seskinore", "TxtIGRef": "H4861 6379", "MainID": 1478.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248610.675699999555945, 363795.298900000751019 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/06/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Mark’s Church (C of. I.)\nNewtownsaville Road\nEskragh\nDunbiggan\nOmagh\nBT78 2RW", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dunbiggan", "TxtIGRef": "H5273 5993", "MainID": 5865.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252740.559299999848008, 359929.518899999558926 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/08/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ashfield\nLaurel Road\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 5DH", "Extent": "House and Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cavanacaw Lower", "TxtIGRef": "H4134 6996", "MainID": 14825.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241314.067099999636412, 369965.48509999923408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/09/004 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12 Castle Place\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 5ER", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Gortmore", "TxtIGRef": "H4486 7297", "MainID": 15133.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244865.361800000071526, 372918.964199999347329 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/11/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart\nChurch Street\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone \nBT78 5HE", "Extent": "Church, walls, railings, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Meetinghousehill", "TxtIGRef": "H4490 7273", "MainID": 15115.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244910.978699999861419, 372721.504100000485778 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/11/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Omagh Methodist Church\nChurch Street\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 1DG", "Extent": "Church, railings, gates and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gallows Hill", "TxtIGRef": "H4484 7260", "MainID": 1468.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244844.236800000071526, 372604.575200000777841 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/12/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mullaghmore House\n94 Old Mountfield Road\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT79 7EX", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Mullaghmore", "TxtIGRef": "H4662 7361", "MainID": 1464.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246612.77309999987483, 373609.549699999392033 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/13/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Courthouse \nHigh Street \nOmagh \nCo. Tyrone \nBT78 1DU", "Extent": "Courthouse, steps, boundary walls, gates, railings and piers", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Court House", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "Omagh", "TxtIGRef": "H4493 7263", "MainID": 5876.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245001.53249999973923, 372646.87529999949038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/13/002", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Columba’s Church of Ireland\nChurch Street\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 1DG", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls, railings and gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Omagh", "TxtIGRef": "H4493 7263", "MainID": 3129.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244925.752199999988079, 372621.348600000143051 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/13/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ulster Bank \n14 High Street\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 1BJ", "Extent": "Bank, wall, piers, gate and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Omagh", "TxtIGRef": "H4509 7267", "MainID": 1499.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245081.133799999952316, 372664.835999999195337 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/15/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Edenfel,\n46 Crevenagh Road,\nOmagh,\nCo.Tyrone,\nBT79 0EW", "Extent": "House, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Creevenagh", "TxtIGRef": "H4645 7190", "MainID": 1510.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246449.662999999709427, 371914.688300000503659 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/16/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ulster Bank,\n2 & 4 Main Street,\nGortin, \nOmagh, \nCo Tyrone,\nBT78 8PH", "Extent": "Bank, walls and gate", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Gortin", "TxtIGRef": "H4922 8589", "MainID": 17301.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 249221.27280000038445, 385890.977700000628829 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/16/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Beltrim Castle\n86 Killymore Road\nGortin\nCo Tyrone\nBT79 8PL", "Extent": "House, outbuildings & gates", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gortin", "TxtIGRef": "H4885 8640", "MainID": 15180.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248850.362900000065565, 386384.625 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/17/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 Glenmacoffer Road \nOmagh \nCo.Tyrone \nBT79 7RJ", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Glenmacoffer", "TxtIGRef": "H5332 8483", "MainID": 15219.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253328.513600000180304, 384834.436599999666214 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/18/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Police Station\n10 Main Street\nMountfield\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT79 7PP", "Extent": "House, gates & pillars", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Aghalane", "TxtIGRef": "H5356 7789", "MainID": 15220.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253556.486399999819696, 377897.254399999976158 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/18/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21 Fernagh Road\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 1HH", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Fernagh", "TxtIGRef": "H5239 7543", "MainID": 15221.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252396.571000000461936, 375422.248800000175834 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/20/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Altamuskin Post Office, \n177 Altamuskin Road, \nSixmilecross, \nOmagh, \nCo Tyrone\nBT79 9JA", "Extent": "House, walling & telephone kiosk", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Post Office - Terrace", "Townland": "Altamuskin", "TxtIGRef": "H5968 6397", "MainID": 15224.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 259687.480999999679625, 363979.982499999925494 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/01/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Knockballymore \nMagheraveely\nEnniskillen\nCo Fermanagh\nBT94 4PY", "Extent": "Building, gates and gatescreen.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lislea", "TxtIGRef": "H4808 2717", "MainID": 13036.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248085.218700000084937, 327172.57740000076592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/01/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Stableyard\nKnockballymore\nLislea\nMaguiresbridge\nCo. Fermanagh\nBT94 4PY", "Extent": "Stableyard only", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Lislea", "TxtIGRef": "H4807 2720", "MainID": 13037.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248071.841900000348687, 327189.745799999684095 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/027", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Methodist Church\nHigh Street\nNewtownbutler\nCo. Fermanagh\nBT92 8JD", "Extent": "Church gates, gate piers and walling.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Aghagay", "TxtIGRef": "H4171 2624", "MainID": 12807.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241715.280899999663234, 326242.711200000718236 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/071", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Carrigan's House\nCarrigans\nNewtownbutler\nCo. Fermanagh\nBT92 6FL", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carrigans", "TxtIGRef": "H4567 2578", "MainID": 13041.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245671.428600000217557, 325787.391200000420213 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/091", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Canal Warehouse\nGortnacarrow\nNewtownbutler\nCo Frmanagh\nBT92 8GW", "Extent": "Canal store, house, canal wall, gate piers and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Canal Structure", "FormerUse": "Canal Structure", "Townland": "Gortnacarrow", "TxtIGRef": "H4360 2049", "MainID": 13043.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243605.820199999958277, 320481.153599999845028 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/115", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "39 Killycarnan Road\nLeitrim\nNewtownbutler\nCo Fermanagh\nBT92 6HT", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gates, gate piers and boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Leitrm", "TxtIGRef": "H4404 2406", "MainID": 12811.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244039.66509999986738, 324068.994200000539422 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/118", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mile stone\nDrumcru Cross Roads\nDrumcru\nLisnaskea\nCo Fermanagh\nBT92 0QT", "Extent": "Milestone", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Milestone", "FormerUse": "Milestone", "Townland": "Drumcru", "TxtIGRef": "H4051 2571", "MainID": 12815.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240517.049899999983609, 325710.530200000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/11/077 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Castletown House\nMonea\nEnniskillen\nCo Fermanagh\nBT93 7AR", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Castletown Monea", "TxtIGRef": "H1645 4977", "MainID": 13568.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 216466.380199999548495, 349781.228000000119209 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/11/077 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Domestic Yard\nCastletown House\nMonea\nEnniskillen\nCo Fermanagh\nBT93 7AR", "Extent": "Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Castletown Monea", "TxtIGRef": "H1644 4981", "MainID": 13569.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 216460.295699999667704, 349798.464600000530481 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/14/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ARDESS HOUSE \nARDESS GLEBE \nKESH \nCO.FERMANAGH", "Extent": "House, Gate Pillars and Gates", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H2100 6325", "MainID": 3135.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 221007.503299999982119, 363253.278899999335408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/03/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The walled garden\nat Favor Royal House\nFavour Royal Road\nAugher\nDungannon\nCo Tyrone\nBT77 OEW", "Extent": "Walled garden and gardener's house.", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Favour Royal", "TxtIGRef": "H6200 5277", "MainID": 7801.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 261965.698800000362098, 352749.888100000098348 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/10/041 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Alexander House\nMain Street\nCaledon\nCo Tyrone\nBT68 4TZ", "Extent": "House and railings", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kinnard", "TxtIGRef": "H7568 4522", "MainID": 12139.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275691.745099999941885, 345207.499199999496341 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/01/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "LAWSON'S BAR,\nTARTARAGHAN \nPORTADOWN \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "Includes SCREEN WALL AND GATE PILLAR", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "FormerUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H9445 5850", "MainID": 7825.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294459.239000000059605, 358502.059900000691414 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/04/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Flatfield Hall\n70 Sugar Island Road\nMoyraverty\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT66 8RT", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Moyraverty", "TxtIGRef": "J0673 5542", "MainID": 13277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306711.901999999769032, 355409.070499999448657 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/04/022", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Seagoe Parochial Schools building\nSeagoe Road\nSeagoe\nPortadown\nCounty Armagh\nBT63 5HS", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Seagoe", "TxtIGRef": "J0218 5527", "MainID": 13278.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 302179.38289999961853, 355272.170499999076128 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/17/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Demesne House\nKilmore Road/ Antrim Road\nLurgan", "Extent": "House, former garden building and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "J0902 5922", "MainID": 15549.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 309026.47719999961555, 359221.157600000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/24/018", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "BROWNLOW HOUSE \nWINDSOR AVENUE \nLURGAN \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J0840 5875", "MainID": 7906.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308405.35840000025928, 358769.884899999946356 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/11/035", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Former Market and Courthouse\n12 Main Street\nMiddletown\nCo Armagh", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Market", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H7530 3880", "MainID": 9871.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275312.354600000195205, 338805.600700000301003 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/12/040", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Elm Park House\n22 Tonnagh Road \nKillylea\nCounty Armagh\nBT60 4PZ", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Mullaghatinny", "TxtIGRef": "H8057 4637", "MainID": 16610.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280554.221900000236928, 346352.865100000053644 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/01/053", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gauging Weir\nDunnywater\nAnnalong\nNewry\nCo Down", "Extent": "Gauging Weir and house", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Water Works Structures", "FormerUse": "Water Works Structures", "Townland": "Moneydorragh More Upper/ Mullartown", "TxtIGRef": "J3479 2337", "MainID": 13863.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334834.205400000326335, 323194.714900000020862 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0480 2860", "MainID": 1924.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304802.474899999797344, 328609.485200000926852 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0470 2871", "MainID": 5310.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304704.753399999812245, 328714.866599999368191 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0470 2871", "MainID": 5308.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304701.433299999684095, 328711.308000000193715 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0469 2870", "MainID": 1942.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304696.149000000208616, 328707.751900000497699 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0469 2870", "MainID": 5312.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304692.164099999703467, 328705.196299999952316 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0468 2870", "MainID": 5311.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304687.516699999570847, 328701.23589999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "6 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0468 2869", "MainID": 1939.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304683.697100000455976, 328698.70920000039041 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0467 2869", "MainID": 5315.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304679.028800000436604, 328694.467499999329448 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/003 H", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "8 CHARLEMONT SQUARE NORTH\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0467 2869", "MainID": 8231.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304674.913800000213087, 328691.582599999383092 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/28/018 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Town Hall\nBank Parade\nNewry \nCo Down\nBT35 6HP", "Extent": "Building, steps and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Town hall", "FormerUse": "Town hall", "Townland": "Lisdrumgullion", "TxtIGRef": "J0858 2666", "MainID": 13199.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308595.049599999561906, 326661.294999999925494 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Mount Pleasant\n38 Banbridge Road\nDrumaran\nGilford\nCRAIGAVON\nBT63 6DJ", "Extent": "House, archway, entrance gate pillars & walled garden", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumaran", "TxtIGRef": "J0758 4882", "MainID": 2024.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307567.473600000143051, 348801.830299999564886 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gilford Castle Stableyard \n5 Banbridge Road\nGilford\nCRAIGAVON\nCo Down\nBT63 6DJ", "Extent": "Outbuildings, gate & walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Drumaran", "TxtIGRef": "J0701 4794", "MainID": 16428.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307015.830299999564886, 347939.578600000590086 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St John's Roman Catholic Church\nCastle Hill\nGilford\nCo Down\nBT63 6HH", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall & pedestrian gate", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0662 4882", "MainID": 16634.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306630.843399999663234, 348823.865100000053644 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Paul's Church of Ireland\nHigh Street\nGilford\nCo Down\nBT63 6HY", "Extent": "Church, retaining wall, front boundary wall & pillars.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0635 4878", "MainID": 2028.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306344.199900000356138, 348777.97580000013113 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/020 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Gate Lodge \n1 Ann Street\nGilford\nCraigavon\nCo Down\nBT63 6HX", "Extent": "House, gatescreen & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0624 4876", "MainID": 16440.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306244.535799999721348, 348763.664000000804663 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/023 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Moyallon House\n136 Stramore Road\nMoyallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nBT63 5JZ", "Extent": "House, steps", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Moyallan", "TxtIGRef": "J0477 5074", "MainID": 16605.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304778.480600000359118, 350734.556700000539422 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/023 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings\nMoyallon House\n136 Stramore Road\nMoyallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nBT63 5JZ", "Extent": "Outbuildings, original gate piers and gate", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Moyallan", "TxtIGRef": "J0477 5069", "MainID": 2016.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304784.012199999764562, 350689.463899999856949 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/023 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nMoyallon House\n132 Stramore Road\nMoyallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nBT63 5JZ", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, archway & pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Moyallan", "TxtIGRef": "J0475 5065", "MainID": 2015.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304753.729000000283122, 350654.718299999833107 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/034 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Elmfield\n23 Moyallan Road\nBallymacanallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nCounty Down\nBT63 5NH", "Extent": "House, outbuildings & yards & entrance pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacanallen", "TxtIGRef": "J0593 4960", "MainID": 16635.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305920.149299999698997, 349643.549399999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/037 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Stramore House\n82-86 Stramore Road\nGilford\nCRAIGAVON\nCounty Down\nBT63 6HN", "Extent": "House, Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0525 4883", "MainID": 16210.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305255.210799999535084, 348838.534299999475479 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/037 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Tower\nStramore House\n82-86 Stramore Road\nGilford\nCRAIGAVON\nCo Down\nBT63 6HN", "Extent": "Tower & boundary walls", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Folly", "FormerUse": "Folly", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0526 4888", "MainID": 9428.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305267.877000000327826, 348883.19649999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/058", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Grange \nMoyallen\nPortadown\nCo Armagh \nBT63 5JZ", "Extent": "House, coach house & garden gates", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Moyallen", "TxtIGRef": "J0475 5047", "MainID": 16433.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304795.110799999907613, 350458.901799999177456 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lenaderg House\n151 Lurgan Road\nBanbridge\nCo. Down\nBT32 4NP", "Extent": "House, walls, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lenaderg", "TxtIGRef": "J1129 4875", "MainID": 8256.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311259.499400000087917, 348816.616499999538064 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Patrick and St Colman's Church\nThe Point Road\nBanbridge\nCraigavon\nCo. Down\nBT63 6EA", "Extent": "Church, wall and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Coose", "TxtIGRef": "J1002 4904", "MainID": 2059.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310009.631699999794364, 349039.84940000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/021 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "All Saint's Parish Church\n36 Tullylish Road\nTullylish\nCraigavon\nCo. Down\nBT63 6DP", "Extent": "Church, wall, gates and pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tullylish", "TxtIGRef": "J0814 4868", "MainID": 16113.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308141.099299999885261, 348674.869300000369549 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/021 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Sexton’s House\nAll Saint's Parish Church\n35 Tullylish Road\nTullylish\nCraigavon\nCo. Down\nBT63 6DP", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Tullylish", "TxtIGRef": "J0820 4860", "MainID": 16114.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308177.314699999988079, 348656.016499999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/023", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "25 Drumaran Road\nGilford\nCraigavon\nCo. Down\nBT63 6DB", "Extent": "House, railings and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "kernan", "TxtIGRef": "J0880 4730", "MainID": 2033.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308827.521900000050664, 347315.475299999117851 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Whitefield College of the Bible\n117 Banbridge Road\nGilford\nCo Down \nBT63 6DL", "Extent": "House, outbuildings & gardens", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "University/ College Building", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullylish", "TxtIGRef": "J0947 4901", "MainID": 16619.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 309506.056499999947846, 349100.736400000751019 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "28 Scarva Street\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NH", "Extent": "House, gate, gate piers, wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Loughbrickland", "TxtIGRef": "J1036 4215", "MainID": 2030.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310314.478699999861419, 342174.321900000795722 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/017", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Lisnagade House\n27 Lisnagade Road\nLisnagade \nCo Down\nBT32 3QN", "Extent": "House & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisngade", "TxtIGRef": "J0840 4410", "MainID": 8262.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308413.2511, 344101.830299999564886 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/037", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Matthew's Parish Church\nMain Street\nScarva\nCraigavon\nCo Down\nBT63 6LS", "Extent": "Church, walls and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Scarva", "TxtIGRef": "J0647 4366", "MainID": 2022.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306480.793100000359118, 343662.750499999150634 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/043", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lisnabrague Lodge\nScarva\nCo Down\nBT63 6NR", "Extent": "House and gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnabrague", "TxtIGRef": "J0708 4147", "MainID": 8272.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307081.4386, 341479.142300000414252 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/059", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orange Hall\n79 Main Street\nScarva\nCraigavon \nCo Down\nBT63 6LS", "Extent": "Hall & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Scarva", "TxtIGRef": "J0656 4339", "MainID": 16441.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306566.149799999780953, 343400.734899999573827 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/065", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 Rock Meeting Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT35 6QR", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walls & gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacarty", "TxtIGRef": "J0906 3875", "MainID": 16438.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 309037.281299999915063, 338764.685399999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/04/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Patricks RC Church \nDromore Street \nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT32 4AT", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyvally", "TxtIGRef": "J1297 4636", "MainID": 4871.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312981.6716, 346361.524800000712276 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/04/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mutton Hill\n71 Dromore Road \nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT25 1JK", "Extent": "House & walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullyear", "TxtIGRef": "J1414 4680", "MainID": 8283.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314143.539499999955297, 346800.641699999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/05/004 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodges\nBrookfield House\n65 A&B Scarva Road \nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT32 3QD", "Extent": "Lodges, walls & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J1135 4595", "MainID": 9894.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311371.921900000423193, 345957.160800000652671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/06/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Methodist Church\nDownshire Road \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3JY", "Extent": "Church, front wall, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tullyear", "TxtIGRef": "J1262 4612", "MainID": 2057.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312593.430200000293553, 346132.99070000089705 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/06/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Diamond Dolls\n50 Bridge Street\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3JU", "Extent": "Former bank & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballydown", "TxtIGRef": "J1260 4604", "MainID": 16443.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312598.281999999657273, 346047.24129999987781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/07/033", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Solitude\nCastlewellan Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4AX", "Extent": "House & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyvally", "TxtIGRef": "J1271 4598", "MainID": 8303.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312724.62540000025183, 345985.242499999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/07/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Hill\n42 Ballydown Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3RP", "Extent": "House, gate pillars & gate", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballydown", "TxtIGRef": "J1411 4479", "MainID": 8375.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314109.382699999958277, 344793.502199999988079 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/07/043", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lotus Factory\n184 Newry Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT34 3NB", "Extent": "Original factory offices, screen wall, gatehouse, chimney, boundary walls and railings", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Ballyvally", "TxtIGRef": "J1177 4401", "MainID": 1212.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311721.248999999836087, 344024.521099999547005 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/07/050", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "32 Castlewellan Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4JD", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullyear", "TxtIGRef": "J1308 4567", "MainID": 16464.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 313081.150100000202656, 345677.220799999311566 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Christ Church\nChurch Road\nLisnasliggan\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5AU", "Extent": "Church, gates & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Lisnaliggan", "TxtIGRef": "J1697 4153", "MainID": 16777.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316962.884700000286102, 341524.532400000840425 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mountain View\n11 Ballybrick Road\nKatesbridge\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5QP", "Extent": "House, outbuilding & yard gate", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballybrick", "TxtIGRef": "J1994 3943", "MainID": 3553.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319938.950400000438094, 339433.145199999213219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Greenfield\n29 Greenhill Road\nBallybrick Road\nKatesbridge\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5QY", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gate at house & entrance gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballybrick", "TxtIGRef": "J2055 3888", "MainID": 8304.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320539.03139999974519, 338887.308900000527501 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Knock House \n46 Lisnacroppan Road\nEdengarry\nRathfiland\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5DA", "Extent": "House & gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenagarry", "TxtIGRef": "J1809 3734", "MainID": 3525.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318095.673799999989569, 337340.462099999189377 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/023 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Boiler house\nGlasker Mill\nadj 1 Ouley Rd\nBallyskeagh\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5DB", "Extent": "Boiler house, walling & pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Mill", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Glaskermore", "TxtIGRef": "J1473 3651", "MainID": 16582.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314738.490899999625981, 336513.000199999660254 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "25 Tower Road\nBallynafoy\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4LG", "Extent": "House, walls, gates and outbuildings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J1418 4066", "MainID": 8417.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314196.327499999664724, 340648.673900000751019 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/031", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "25 Sentry Box Road\nBallynafoy\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5BD", "Extent": "House gates and wall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J1619 4089", "MainID": 8418.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316193.315000000409782, 340896.400299999862909 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/035", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Beechfield\n124 Grovehill Road\nDerrydrummuck\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5AB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling & gates", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynaskeagh", "TxtIGRef": "J1403 3892", "MainID": 16585.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314027.731999999843538, 338940.589099999517202 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/036", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 Ballynafoy Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5BA", "Extent": "House & walling", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J1571 4111", "MainID": 16586.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315702.7027000002563, 341127.900000000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/039", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cornhill House\n15 Cavehill Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down \nBT32 5BB", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J1570 4037", "MainID": 16589.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315689.795699999667704, 340357.726399999111891 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glebe House\n25 Banbridge Road\nRathfriland\nCo Down\nBT34 5PF", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Aughnavallog", "TxtIGRef": "J2000 3504", "MainID": 16595.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320015.894000000320375, 335041.069900000467896 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/041 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lisnacreevey House\n80 Lisnacroppin Road\nRathfriland\nCo Down\nBT34 5NZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnacreevey", "TxtIGRef": "J1660 3753", "MainID": 16590.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316613.421699999831617, 337543.267100000753999 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/043", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "26 Ballynafoy Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5BA", "Extent": "House & original outbuildings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J1505 4042", "MainID": 16592.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315018.813400000333786, 340427.448699999600649 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Drumgooland Presbyterian Church\nCloghskelt\nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT32 5AT", "Extent": "Church, steps, original gates & pedestrian gate", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cloghskelt", "TxtIGRef": "J2405 4127", "MainID": 4076.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324059.080000000074506, 341274.456599999219179 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballyroney Presbyterian Church\nTirkelly Hill Road\nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT32 5EW", "Extent": "Church & gate screen", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyroney", "TxtIGRef": "J2206 3770", "MainID": 4878.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322064.959999999962747, 337704.667999999597669 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Drumballyroney Old Church\nBronte Interpretive Centre\nChurch Hill\nAughnavallog\nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT32 5LX", "Extent": "Former church, gates & walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Aughnavallog", "TxtIGRef": "J2097 3651", "MainID": 17380.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320973.797199999913573, 336512.665500000119209 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "71 Drumarkin Road\nRathfriland\nCo. Down\nBT34 5MD", "Extent": "House, gate & walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tirkelly", "TxtIGRef": "J2206 3614", "MainID": 8334.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322062.846800000406802, 336143.614199999719858 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fowlersbridge House\n109 Dromara Road\nBallyroney\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5EY", "Extent": "House, outbuildings & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumadonnell", "TxtIGRef": "J2409 3887", "MainID": 16687.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324105.131599999964237, 338874.549300000071526 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "27 Benraw Road\nBallyward\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9TH", "Extent": "House, walling & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Benraw", "TxtIGRef": "J2934 4115", "MainID": 8309.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329345.994199999608099, 341154.449200000613928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ballyward Lodge\n18 Ballyward Road\nBallyward\nCo Down\nBT31 9PP", "Extent": "House & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyward", "TxtIGRef": "J2672 3817", "MainID": 16277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326714.7204, 338169.447699999436736 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings at Ballyward Lodge and Estate\n18 Ballyward Road\nBallyward\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9PS", "Extent": "Outbuildings, Walled Garden, Gardener's House & Gates", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Ballyward", "TxtIGRef": "J2669 3815", "MainID": 16278.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326699.022099999710917, 338139.878299999982119 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Patricks R C Church\nGargarry Road\nCastlewellan\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9RN", "Extent": "Church, Front wall, Railings & Gates.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gargarry", "TxtIGRef": "J2852 3785", "MainID": 4886.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328503.848299999721348, 337846.792999999597669 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "50 Drumlee Road\nBallyward\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9RT", "Extent": "House, Stone Outbuildings and Pedestrian Gate", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumlee", "TxtIGRef": "J2771 3635", "MainID": 8381.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327717.035699999891222, 336364.329500000923872 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/11/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Garvaghy Parish Church\nGarvaghy Church Road\nFedany \nDromore \nCo Down\nBT32 3SB", "Extent": "Church & gates", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Fedany", "TxtIGRef": "J2229 4765", "MainID": 9228.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322290.927400000393391, 347656.14640000090003 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/11/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Beech Hall\n109 Aughnaskeagh Road\nDromara \nCo Down\nBT25 2NT", "Extent": "House, gates, overthrow, front wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Aughnaskeagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2509 4811", "MainID": 8313.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325095.397199999541044, 348115.714700000360608 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/11/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "First Dromara Presbyterian Church\nChurch Road\nArdtanagh\nCo Down\nBT25 2NS", "Extent": "Church, steps, walls & entrance avenue", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ardtanagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2614 4963", "MainID": 9229.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326147.620900000445545, 349638.614900000393391 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/11/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Marybrook\n50 Kinallen Road\nDromara\nCo Down\nBT32 3RN", "Extent": "House, Outbuilding & Gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kinallen", "TxtIGRef": "J2543 5002", "MainID": 8316.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325456.136300000362098, 350024.60249999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Parkmount \n225 Castlewellan Road\nTullyconnaught \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3SF", "Extent": "House, gate pillars & gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullyconnaught", "TxtIGRef": "J1650 4485", "MainID": 4561.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316497.970499999821186, 344852.706900000572205 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Magherally Presbyterian Church \nKilmacrew Road \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4ES", "Extent": "Church & gates", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Magherally", "TxtIGRef": "J1637 4776", "MainID": 4564.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316375.133799999952316, 347756.819099999964237 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St John's Church \nKilmacrew Road \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4EP", "Extent": "Church, walling & gates", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Magherally", "TxtIGRef": "J1704 4763", "MainID": 16784.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317037.39049999974668, 347623.038100000470877 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Magherally Rectory\n46 Kilmacrew Road \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4EP", "Extent": "House & gate screen walls", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Magherally", "TxtIGRef": "J1712 4763", "MainID": 16785.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317124.559200000017881, 347616.044999999925494 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/13/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ashfield House\n42 Killysorrel Road \nDromore \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25 1LB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Killysorrel", "TxtIGRef": "J1684 5144", "MainID": 16786.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316842.770399999804795, 351437.374900000169873 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/13/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Quilly House \n43 Lower Quilly Road \nDromore \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25 1NL", "Extent": "House & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Quillly", "TxtIGRef": "J1842 5282", "MainID": 4573.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318408.372299999929965, 352808.716900000348687 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/13/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Clanmurry\n16 Lower Quilly Road \nDromore\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25 1NL", "Extent": "House & walls to rear lane", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Quilly", "TxtIGRef": "J1909 5311", "MainID": 2080.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319093.896200000308454, 353104.662900000810623 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/13/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Sylvan Hill House \nKilntown Road\nDromore \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25 1HR", "Extent": "House, outbuilding & yard wall", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Greenoge", "TxtIGRef": "J1856 5558", "MainID": 8321.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318564.057199999690056, 355584.573499999940395 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/14/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cowan Heron Hospital & Gates\nDromara Road\nDromore\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5EU", "Extent": "Hospital, pillars and gates", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Balllooy", "TxtIGRef": "J2055 5272", "MainID": 16797.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320546.100399999879301, 352718.10840000025928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rath House\n40-42 Prince's Street \nDromore \nCo Down\nBT25 1AY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Balleny", "TxtIGRef": "J2035 5345", "MainID": 2038.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320354.413399999961257, 353458.395199999213219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Colmans Church \nGallows Street \nDromore \nCo Down\nBT32 1BG", "Extent": "Church, gatescreen, wall, railings & gate @ south", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyeny", "TxtIGRef": "J2029 5361", "MainID": 4578.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320209.380300000309944, 353604.812599999830127 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Banbridge Road Presbyterian Church\nBanbridge Road\nDromore\nCo Down\nBT25 1AA", "Extent": "Church & gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Balleny", "TxtIGRef": "J2008 5315", "MainID": 2988.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320048.046500000171363, 353200.563200000673532 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Percy Lodge\n55 Church Street \nDromore\nCo Down\nBT25 1AA", "Extent": "House, basement walls, entrance gates & pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Balleny", "TxtIGRef": "J1962 5338", "MainID": 8332.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319673.352099999785423, 353313.154200000688434 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/01/030 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "WING WALLS OF SAINTFIELD HOUSE \n71 OLD BELFAST ROAD \nGLASSDRUMMAN \nSAINTFIELD \nCO.DOWN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "WALLING", "FormerUse": "WALLING", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J4009 6058", "MainID": 3411.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339904.502100000157952, 360366.135500000789762 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/08/092 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Boat House at Myra Castle Demesne\n58 Myra Road\nRaholp\nDownpatrick\nCo. Down\nBT30 7JX", "Extent": "Boat House, gate piers and stile, and sea wall.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Boat House", "FormerUse": "Boat House", "Townland": "Walshestown", "TxtIGRef": "J5452 5002", "MainID": 16478.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354524.18790000025183, 350024.213700000196695 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/14/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Annesley Estate office and hall\n3 South Promenade\nNewcastle\nBallaghbeg\nCo Down\nBT33 0EX", "Extent": "Hall, railings and boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Ballaghbeg", "TxtIGRef": "J3760 3028", "MainID": 4988.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337597.383600000292063, 330282.811499999836087 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/14/027 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "'Bright View'\n63 King Street\nNewcastle\nBallaghbeg\nCo Down\nBT33 0HD", "Extent": "House including stone steps to side and rear and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballaghbeg", "TxtIGRef": "J3775 2978", "MainID": 13268.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337761.003100000321865, 329781.888499999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lower Farm courtyard\noff Demesne Road\nSeaforde Demense\nnear Seaforde\nDownpatrick\nCo Down\nBT30 8PF", "Extent": "Front courtyard", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Seaforde Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "J3935 4270", "MainID": 3004.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339361.299700000323355, 342690.759700000286102 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/021", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Stable Yard\nSeaforde House\nNewcastle Road\nSeaforde Demense\nnear Seaforde\nDownpatrick\nCo Down \nBT30 8PG", "Extent": "Stableyard, outbuildings, former laundry, gas plant, laundry drying green wall and tunnel.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Seaforde Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "J4023 4325", "MainID": 4840.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340250.339499999769032, 343266.858799999579787 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/022 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "DOWNPATRICK GATE LODGE \nSEAFORDE HOUSE \n175 NEWCASTLE ROAD\n SEAFORDE DEMESNE \nDOWNPATRICK \nCO.DOWN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "LODGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J4062 4291", "MainID": 6132.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340628.461500000208616, 342911.859300000593066 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/024", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Kennels\n10 Drumgooland Road\nSeaforde Demesne\nDownpatrick\nCo Down\nBT30 8NT", "Extent": "Kennels, huntsman's house including stables and former byre, walling and gates.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Kennels", "FormerUse": "Kennels", "Townland": "Seaforde Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "J4167 4139", "MainID": 3234.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341678.782399999909103, 341396.898900000378489 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/031", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Greenwood\n39 Farranfad Road\nFarranfad\nnear Seaforde\nDownpatrick\nCo Down\nBT30 8[?NH]", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and courtyard wall", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Farranfad", "TxtIGRef": "J4211 4257", "MainID": 2155.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 342113.93709999974817, 342573.564899999648333 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/058", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Police Station\n199 Newcastle Road\nSeaforde\nNaghan\nDownpatrick\nCo Down\nBT30 8NU", "Extent": "Former Police station, gates and walling.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Naghan", "TxtIGRef": "J4054 4183", "MainID": 5057.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340544.169499999843538, 341830.660800000652671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/061", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21a Castlewellan Road\nClough\nDownpatrick\nCounty Down\nBT30 8RD", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumcaw", "TxtIGRef": "J3954 4070", "MainID": 13281.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339551.496100000105798, 340699.412799999117851 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/18/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Stables at Finnebrogue estate\noff Finnebrogue Road\nFinnabrogue\nDownpatrick\nCo Down\nBT30 9AA", "Extent": "Outbuilding courtyard", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Stables", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Finnabrogue", "TxtIGRef": "J4815 4721", "MainID": 12997.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 348174.116399999707937, 347231.482300000265241 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church\nBallymacricket\nGlenavy\nCrumlin\nCounty Antrim\nBT29 4LY", "Extent": "Church, front gate pillars and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacricket", "TxtIGRef": "J1490 7175", "MainID": 6731.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314906.690200000070035, 371754.727299999445677 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/032 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ballinderry Moravian Church\nPortmore Road\nLower Ballinderry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2BF", "Extent": "Church, gates, piers, boundary wall and railings.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballinderry", "TxtIGRef": "J1278 6767", "MainID": 16597.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312778.151300000026822, 367664.866499999538064 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/036", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lower Ballinderry Primary School\n1a Crumlin Road\nBallinderry\nLisburn\nBT28 2BF", "Extent": "Former School, walling, railings and gate.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballinderry", "TxtIGRef": "J1285 6760", "MainID": 5988.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312855.872800000011921, 367606.932399999350309 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/037", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballinderry House\n23 Lower Ballinderry Road\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2JH", "Extent": "House, gates, pillars & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballinderry", "TxtIGRef": "J1303 6747", "MainID": 8476.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 313026.182099999859929, 367449.97749999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/040", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ballinderry Middle Church\nLower Ballinderry Road\nBrakenhill\nGlenavy\nCrumlin\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2JH", "Extent": "Church, lychgate and gates", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballykelly", "TxtIGRef": "J1508 6723", "MainID": 3010.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315079.34499999973923, 367229.750700000673532 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/041", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballinderry Parish Church\nLower Ballinderry Road\nBallinderry\nBT28 2NL", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls, gate & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyscolly", "TxtIGRef": "J1600 6725", "MainID": 8477.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316004.207899999804795, 367251.315899999812245 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/046", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Glebe House\n128 Ballinderry Road\nUpper Ballinderry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2NL", "Extent": "House, stableblock and boundary walls.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Ballyscolly", "TxtIGRef": "J1687 6698", "MainID": 2235.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316884.552099999971688, 367012.830800000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/048", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Rockbrook House\n4 Temple Road\nUpper Ballinderry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2PD", "Extent": "House, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyscolly", "TxtIGRef": "J1738 6723", "MainID": 2467.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317380.701000000350177, 367228.95890000090003 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/054", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cluntirriff House\n1 Clontarriff Road\nBallinderry Upper\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2JD", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, boundary walls, gates and water pump.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cluntirriff", "TxtIGRef": "J1554 6662", "MainID": 1600.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315505.644500000402331, 366630.424399999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/061 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Farmhouse (The Grove)\n7 Legaterriff Road\nUpper Ballinderry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2EY", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Legatirriff", "TxtIGRef": "J1573 6895", "MainID": 16600.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315718.193099999800324, 368931.32909999974072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/073", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "19 Crewe Park Road\nGlenavy\nCounty Antrim\nBT29 4NJ", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Crew", "TxtIGRef": "J1707 7052", "MainID": 16917.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317048.25789999961853, 370530.543700000271201 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/076 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Oatland Cottage\n6 Lower Ballinderry Road\nUpper Ballinderry\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2EP", "Extent": "House, gate screen and lamps.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyscolly", "TxtIGRef": "J1615 6716", "MainID": 15963.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316147.093799999915063, 367166.825600000098348 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/076 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Lodge\n8 Lower Ballinderry Road\nUpper Ballinderry \nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2EP", "Extent": "Lodge, gate screen and lamp.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyscolly", "TxtIGRef": "J1606 6714", "MainID": 15964.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316067.089200000278652, 367140.353099999949336 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/02/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dundrod Presbyterian Church\nDundrod Road\nDundrod\nCounty Antrim\nBT29 4JN", "Extent": "Church, entrance walls, pillars and gates.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dundrod", "TxtIGRef": "J2143 7573", "MainID": 6727.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321423.443599999882281, 375717.491200000047684 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/02/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. John's Church of Ireland\nStoneyford Road\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 3SR", "Extent": "Church and rubble stone boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Island Kelly", "TxtIGRef": "J2164 7030", "MainID": 8482.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321634.507500000298023, 370303.491900000721216 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Magheragall Rectory\n70 Ballinderry Road\nMagheragall\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2QS", "Extent": "House, gates and rubble walling.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Moneybroom", "TxtIGRef": "J2209 6498", "MainID": 6728.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322089.512799999676645, 364981.568600000813603 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Springfield\n72 Ballinderry Road\nMagheragall\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2QS", "Extent": "House, gate screen and walled garden.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Magheragall", "TxtIGRef": "J2179 6538", "MainID": 2233.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321787.587100000120699, 365388.377800000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Trinity Church of Ireland Church\nSoldierstown Road\nPoobles\nAghalee\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church, outbuilding, front walling, piers and gate screen.", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Poobles", "TxtIGRef": "J1440 6284", "MainID": 6220.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314401.707899999804795, 362830.341299999505281 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/028", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aghalee House\n13 Ballinderry Road\nAghalee\nCraigavon\nCounty Antrim\nBT67 0DY", "Extent": "House, gate screens and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Aghalee", "TxtIGRef": "J1269 6538", "MainID": 2115.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312691.776899999938905, 365384.927600000053644 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Laurel Vale\n15 Ballinderry Road\nAghalee\nCounty Antrim\nBT67 0DY", "Extent": "House, farm outbuildings, walling and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Aghalee", "TxtIGRef": "J1278 6555", "MainID": 6136.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312782.176799999549985, 365557.088700000196695 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/032", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Laurel Hill\n17 Chapel Road\nBallinderry Upper\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2JF", "Extent": "House and 2 sets of gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Moygarriff", "TxtIGRef": "J1453 6560", "MainID": 6137.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314526.510200000368059, 365603.229499999433756 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/037", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ashfield\n106 Ballinderry Road\nUpper Ballinderry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2NW", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling, piers and gates.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Aghacarnan", "TxtIGRef": "J1889 6694", "MainID": 2114.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318890.423700000159442, 366956.615499999374151 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/042", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballinderry Presbyterian Church\nMeetinghouse Road\nAghacarnan\nBallinderry Upper\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2NN", "Extent": "Church, walling, pillars and gates.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Aghacarnan", "TxtIGRef": "J1810 6722", "MainID": 6138.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318106.741899999789894, 367214.969399999827147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/047", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Broommount\n53 Soldierstown Road\nAghalee\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT67 0AT", "Extent": "House, horsewalk, outbuildings, walling & gates.", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Poobles", "TxtIGRef": "J1450 6265", "MainID": 4816.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314504.769000000320375, 362627.385900000110269 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St. Malachy's Parish Church of Ireland\nMain Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "Church & boundary walls", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Large Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2450 5870", "MainID": 15253.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324495.326000000350177, 358702.200099999085069 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/001 B", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Gate Screen and Lodges\nSt. Malachy's Parish Church of Ireland\nMain Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "Gate Screen, Gate Lodges and gate stops", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2435 5884", "MainID": 15254.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324361.99170000012964, 358800.060399999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gateway to Pleasure Garden\nSt. Malachy's Parish Church of Ireland\nMain Street\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "Gate screen, steps and railings", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2447 5875", "MainID": 15255.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324464.865000000223517, 358756.012499999254942 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "18 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and walling.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2430 5873", "MainID": 9069.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324312.386199999600649, 358724.936000000685453 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "32 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "Shop and boundary walling.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2429 5867", "MainID": 4961.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324295.014600000344217, 358675.823300000280142 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "7 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House, railings and glasshouse", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2430 5880", "MainID": 4864.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324292.940700000151992, 358803.19400000013411 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/018", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "9 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House and railings.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2430 5879", "MainID": 9071.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324299.853900000452995, 358789.8761 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "11 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House and railings.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2430 5878", "MainID": 9072.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324297.246399999596179, 358781.977800000458956 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/029", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Hill House\n35 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House, walling, piers, gates, railings, lamp standard, steps.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2427 5868", "MainID": 5987.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324270.014299999922514, 358687.173299999907613 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/036", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Curatage\n6 The Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "House and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2428 5862", "MainID": 4213.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324289.0795, 358613.865299999713898 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/037", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 The Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AP", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and rubble walling.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2428 5861", "MainID": 6032.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324294.067499999888241, 358601.671700000762939 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/039 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Wellington House\n11 The Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "House, steps, railings, coach house and walling.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2425 5868", "MainID": 15263.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324249.968399999663234, 358697.496999999508262 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/039 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "13 The Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "House, steps, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2426 5868", "MainID": 15262.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324265.634700000286102, 358700.155899999663234 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/045 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16A/16B Ballynahinch Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AW", "Extent": "House and railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2444 5893", "MainID": 6199.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324445.86600000038743, 358925.624199999496341 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/060", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Masonic Hall\n33 Lisburn Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AB", "Extent": "Masonic hall gates, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2434 5896", "MainID": 16649.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324349.80599999986589, 358943.756899999454618 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/071", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Roden House\n1 Park Street\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AL", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walling, gates and bollards.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2425 5845", "MainID": 8488.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324184.777999999932945, 358441.149000000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/072", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Friends’ Meeting House\nPark Street\nHillsborough\nCo. Antrim\nBT26 6AL", "Extent": "Church & graveyard walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2428 5843", "MainID": 6140.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324277.119500000029802, 358431.426799999549985 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Hillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "House, walling, steps, balustrading and piers.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Parliament Building", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Small Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2416 5865", "MainID": 17008.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324170.804999999701977, 358653.521900000050664 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Guardhouse\nHillsborough Castle\n10 The Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Guard House & courtyard wall.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Parliament Building", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Small Park / Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2424 5869", "MainID": 17006.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324233.007299999706447, 358699.937000000849366 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gardener's House\nHillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "House, rubble wall to north and 2 sets of sandstone gate piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough / Small Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2373 5888", "MainID": 17012.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323730.234699999913573, 358880.66499999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Walled garden and shell house,\nHillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Walled garden, shell house and garden buildings.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Small Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2392 5880", "MainID": 17013.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323837.533599999733269, 358822.383899999782443 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/136", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kilwarlin House\n129 Moira Road\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6JW", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, piers, gates, walling and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J2090 5965", "MainID": 6011.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320886.052400000393391, 359654.49129999987781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/138", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St. James' Primary School\nSt. James Road\nKilwarlin\nHillsborough\nCounty Down", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballykeel Artifinny", "TxtIGRef": "J2046 5983", "MainID": 16467.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320460.526200000196695, 359829.838999999687076 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/149 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Shambles\nDromore Road\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AQ", "Extent": "Market building, market green, weighbridge, walling, railings gates, bollards and cobbled paths.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Market", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2425 5852", "MainID": 16601.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324234.195000000298023, 358517.435499999672174 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/154", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "54 Grove Road\nBacknamullagh\nDromore\nCounty Down\nBT25 1QX", "Extent": "House, pillars, gates, walling and water pump", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Backnamullagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2284 5463", "MainID": 15849.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322839.809500000439584, 354629.081399999558926 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/003 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Hillsborough Lodge\n14 Bailiesmills Road\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6XJ", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, gate and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Aghnaleck", "TxtIGRef": "J3117 5822", "MainID": 15770.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331168.576399999670684, 358215.107400000095367 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Church of the Ascension \nChurch of Ireland\nGlebe Road\nAnnahilt\nLisburn\nCo. Down\nBT26 6NE", "Extent": "Church, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "J3040 5739", "MainID": 5007.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330323.99210000038147, 357424.995600000023842 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Saint Andrew's Parish Church of Ireland\nCarricknaveagh Road\nCarryduff Road \nKillaney \nLisburn \nCounty Down", "Extent": "Church, steps, wall, piers & gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Carrickmaddyroe", "TxtIGRef": "J3595 5948", "MainID": 5008.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335955.188699999824166, 359487.631899999454618 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Killaney Lodge\n19 Carryduff Road\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6TZ", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carrickmaddyroe", "TxtIGRef": "J3594 5878", "MainID": 16611.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335929.434999999590218, 358800.850899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Legacurry House\n1 Crossan Road\nLegacurry\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6XH", "Extent": "House, outbuilding, boundary walls , railing, gates and gate piers.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Legacurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2973 6015", "MainID": 15771.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329729.526800000108778, 360144.657800000160933 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/017", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Masonic Hall\n2 Back Road\nCargacreevy\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6TR", "Extent": "Masonic hall and gate", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "cargacreevy", "TxtIGRef": "J3253 5824", "MainID": 16650.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332555.588999999687076, 358231.611700000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Duneight House\n34 Green Road \nLisburn \nCounty Down\nBT27 5LY", "Extent": "House, outbuilding, gates, piers and walling.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Duneight", "TxtIGRef": "J2809 6075", "MainID": 5011.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328086.82039999961853, 360753.201400000602007 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dromara Masonic Hall\nHillsborough Road\nDromara\nCounty Down\nBT25 2BL", "Extent": "Hall, gates, gate pillars & boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Begny", "TxtIGRef": "J2883 4989", "MainID": 6022.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328830.951100000180304, 349888.737900000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Annahilt Almshouses\n236-240 Ballynahinch Road\nAnnahilt\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6BP", "Extent": "Houses, outbuildings, railings, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Alms House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Alms House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballycrune", "TxtIGRef": "J2968 5618", "MainID": 2172.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329673.411199999973178, 356179.582800000905991 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/010 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Woodford House\n21 Woodford Avenue\nDromara\nCounty Down\nBT25 2AA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dromara", "TxtIGRef": "J2815 5037", "MainID": 17034.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328155.993800000287592, 350375.245600000023842 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. John's Church of Ireland\n23 Banbridge Road\nDromara\nCounty Down\nBT25 2NA", "Extent": "Church, gates, piers and walling.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dromora", "TxtIGRef": "J2863 4987", "MainID": 6108.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328632.53139999974519, 349872.716199999675155 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/024", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "189 Ballynahinch Road\nBallykeel Loan Ends\nBallykeel\nDromore\nCounty Down\nBT25 1EU", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, wrought iron gates, and water pump.", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J2740 5290", "MainID": 6112.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327380.700400000438094, 352917.145400000736117 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Howe\n16 Howe Road\nBallykeel\nDromore\nCounty Down\nBT25 1ET", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gates, boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J2672 5262", "MainID": 16627.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326705.501699999906123, 352627.231599999591708 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/08/008", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Union Locks\nBlaris Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Canal Structure", "FormerUse": "Canal Structure", "Townland": "Blaris", "TxtIGRef": "J2596 6262", "MainID": 8491.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325968.475999999791384, 362639.551899999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/08/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Navigation House\n148 Hillsborough Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim\nBT27 5QY", "Extent": "House, outbuilding, gate screen and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Blaris", "TxtIGRef": "J2600 6252", "MainID": 15705.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325994.929700000211596, 362529.497600000351667 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Chrome Hill\n8 Ballyskeagh Road\nLambeg\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT27 5SY", "Extent": "House, gates and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyskeagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2850 6690", "MainID": 4934.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328509.542100000195205, 366906.291300000622869 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/015 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "76 Hilden View\nTullynacross Road\nLambeg\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 5SF", "Extent": "House and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Tullynacross", "TxtIGRef": "J2850 6567", "MainID": 16792.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328504.562300000339746, 365669.930500000715256 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Court\n226 Hillhall Road\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 5JQ", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and gates", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillhall", "TxtIGRef": "J3008 6445", "MainID": 16450.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330080.168100000359118, 364446.214800000190735 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "214 Hillhall Road\nBallymullan\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 5JQ", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, pump & gates", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymullan", "TxtIGRef": "J2976 6442", "MainID": 16451.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329786.798499999567866, 364412.67200000025332 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/12/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Christ Church, Church of Ireland\n27 Hillsborough Road\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT28 1JL", "Extent": "Church, walling, gates and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Old Warren", "TxtIGRef": "J2655 6404", "MainID": 3246.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326554.876799999736249, 364038.896600000560284 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "68 Bow Street\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT28 1AL", "Extent": "House, steps and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Old Warren / Tonagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2642 6430", "MainID": 1476.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326419.890800000168383, 364298.252199999988079 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "35 Castle Street\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT27 4SP", "Extent": "Former house and wing wall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "University/ College Building", "FormerUse": "University/ College Building", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2693 6444", "MainID": 6716.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326925.157599999569356, 364435.608899999409914 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Railway Street Presbyterian Church\n31 Railway Street\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT28 1XP", "Extent": "Church, gates, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2670 6445", "MainID": 6093.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326708.578900000080466, 364459.767400000244379 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/025 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Debonair Formal Hire\n12 Railway Street\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 1XG", "Extent": "Former house, shop and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2679 6439", "MainID": 15787.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326789.10840000025928, 364391.863700000569224 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/029", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Exodus\n29 Railway Street\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 1XP", "Extent": "Former post office and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2673 6445", "MainID": 16452.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326724.010999999940395, 364447.905300000682473 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/15/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Lisburn Railway Station\nRailway Street\nLisburn\nCo Antrim\nBT28 1XW", "Extent": "Station buildings, canopies, platforms, water tank, water tower and night gate.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Railway Station Structures", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2663 6459", "MainID": 16183.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326632.054399999789894, 364598.167300000786781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/15/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Footbridge and Passenger Gateway\nLisburn Railway Station\nRailway Street\nLisburn\nCo Antrim\nBT28 1XW", "Extent": "Footbridge and passenger gateway", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Railway Station Structures", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Lisnagarvey", "TxtIGRef": "J2666 6462", "MainID": 16187.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326660.133399999700487, 364628.142400000244379 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/15/010 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 Parkmount\nBelsize Road\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT27 4AN", "Extent": "House, stable, steps and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2705 6498", "MainID": 15738.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327047.4375, 364984.169600000604987 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/15/010 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 Parkmount\nBelsize Road\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT27 4AN", "Extent": "House, steps and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2705 6498", "MainID": 15739.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327054.796000000089407, 364986.112900000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/16/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Old Masonic Hall\n36 Castle Street\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT27 4XE", "Extent": "House and archway", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2692 6437", "MainID": 2424.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326912.961600000038743, 364370.117799999192357 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/16/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "20 Seymour Street\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT27 4XF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2714 6458", "MainID": 2367.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327142.925200000405312, 364583.616599999368191 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/16/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fountain\nCastle Gardens\nCastle Street\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Fountain", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Fountain", "FormerUse": "Fountain", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2697 6437", "MainID": 2248.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326964.93680000025779, 364374.966600000858307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/16/017 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 Victoria Crescent\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT27 4TG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2723 6463", "MainID": 16061.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327233.049300000071526, 364628.199200000613928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "29 Church Hill\nLambeg North\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4SB", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg North", "TxtIGRef": "J2826 6665", "MainID": 2332.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328253.184999999590218, 366641.436300000175834 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Hilden House\nGrand Street\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4TY", "Extent": "House, gates, piers, walling and well.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2787 6531", "MainID": 4732.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327868.308100000023842, 365306.890599999576807 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/014 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Hilden House Brewery\nGrand Street\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4TY", "Extent": "Former Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Factory", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2786 6535", "MainID": 6102.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327866.032100000418723, 365344.891000000759959 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Hilden Primary School\n4 Bridge Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nBT27 4RZ", "Extent": "School, rear canopies, walling, railings, piers and gates.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2804 6547", "MainID": 3817.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328035.643099999986589, 365471.512700000777841 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/18/013 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Christ Church of Ireland\n22 Derriaghy Road\nMagheralave\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT28 3SH", "Extent": "Church, gatescreen, gate and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Derriaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J2741 6781", "MainID": 15265.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327412.885700000450015, 367807.425699999555945 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/19/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Seymour Hill House\nYew Tree Walk\nDunmurry\nCo. Antrim\nBT17 9PG", "Extent": "House and ballustrades at front steps", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kilmakee", "TxtIGRef": "J2901 6812", "MainID": 6092.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329009.356900000013411, 368117.104299999773502 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/20/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Manor Lodge Care Home\n5 The Manor\nBlacks Road\nDunmurry\nBT10 0NB", "Extent": "House outbuildings and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dunmurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2937 6960", "MainID": 2269.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329356.818199999630451, 369603.286199999973178 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/20/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Colman's Church of Ireland\nChurch Avenue\nDunmurry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2DT", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dunmurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2945 6876", "MainID": 6086.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329442.659400000236928, 368763.201500000432134 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/21/007", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "140 Upper Dunmurry Lane\nDunmurry\nCo. Antrim\nBT17 0HE", "Extent": "House, steps, garden wallling, gates and piers.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dunmurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2834 6992", "MainID": 3247.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328337.171400000341237, 369912.490000000223517 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/001", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Saint John's Parish Church of Ireland\nMain Street\nMoira\nCounty Down", "Extent": "Church and gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Clare/Carnalbanagh", "TxtIGRef": "J1540 6059", "MainID": 2273.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315403.455699999816716, 360584.728199999779463 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "77 Main Street\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo. Armagh\nBT67 0LH", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Carnalbanagh East", "TxtIGRef": "J1510 6066", "MainID": 6087.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315102.32010000012815, 360657.548900000751019 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/037 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ivory Bar and Grill\n59 Main Street\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo Down\nBT67 0LQ", "Extent": "House and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carnalbanagh East", "TxtIGRef": "J1502 6057", "MainID": 6101.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315016.526600000448525, 360568.942800000309944 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/048", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Redhill House\n15 Bottier Road\nDromore\nCo.Antrim\nBT25 1RN", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and archway", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnashanker", "TxtIGRef": "J1775 5693", "MainID": 6070.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317739.449300000444055, 356932.670399999246001 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/052", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fortwilliam House\n40 Old Kilmore Road\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo.Armagh\nBT67 0LZ", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gates and piers.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gortnamony", "TxtIGRef": "J1393 6036", "MainID": 3249.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 313931.729500000365078, 360351.085100000724196 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Burns Cottage\n6 Ballycoan Road\nPurdysburn\nBallycowan\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT8 8LL", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycowan", "TxtIGRef": "J3391 6770", "MainID": 16195.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333904.901899999938905, 367699.660900000482798 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "New Grove House\n191 Ballylesson Road\nBallycarn\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT8 8JU", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycarn", "TxtIGRef": "J3180 6681", "MainID": 8502.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331797.905100000090897, 366818.655500000342727 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/033", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Holy Trinity Church of Ireland\nBallylesson Road\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT8 8JU", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballylesson", "TxtIGRef": "J3294 6728", "MainID": 6100.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332931.373399999924004, 367277.611800000071526 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/036 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballyowan House\n46 Drumbeg Road\nBallygowan\nDunmurry\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT17 9LE", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, pillars and gates.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballygowan", "TxtIGRef": "J3086 6639", "MainID": 15789.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330858.692200000397861, 366398.306199999526143 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/039", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "76 Ballylesson Road\nBallycowan\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT8 8JT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballycowan", "TxtIGRef": "J3304 6762", "MainID": 6059.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333036.975899999961257, 367627.004300000146031 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/057", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Charley Memorial Primary School\n141 Ballyskeagh Road \nDunmurry\nCounty Antrim \nBT17 9LL", "Extent": "Former school, gates, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Drumbeg", "TxtIGRef": "J3030 6695", "MainID": 17358.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330301.971400000154972, 366946.440300000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Toomebridge Lock,\nToome Canal,\nRailway Road,\nToomebridge,\nCo Antrim\nBT41", "Extent": "Lock", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Canal Structure", "FormerUse": "Canal Structure", "Townland": "Toome", "TxtIGRef": "H9888 9027", "MainID": 6098.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 298883.885200000368059, 390272.656300000846386 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Old Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, \nStaffordstown Road,Next to Sacred Heart Roman Cathholic Church,Staffordstown Road,\nCargin, Toomebridge, \nCo. Antrim \nBT41 3QT", "Extent": "Church & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cargin", "TxtIGRef": "J0214 8808", "MainID": 6120.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 302144.114799999631941, 388078.382099999114871 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/015 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parochial House \nMoneyglass\nToomebridge, Co. Antrim\nBT41 3PT", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Ballymatoskerty", "TxtIGRef": "J0165 9323", "MainID": 14308.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 301642.459999999962747, 393254.008400000631809 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bayview\n54 Shore Road\nToomebridge\nCo. Antrim\nBT41 3NW", "Extent": "House and pump", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballydugennan", "TxtIGRef": "H9967 8910", "MainID": 14309.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 299671.319299999624491, 389100.204500000923872 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/021 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lodge \nMoneyglass Demesne\n40 Duneane Road\nToomebridge\nCo Antrim\nBT41 3PP", "Extent": "Lodge and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Moneyglass", "TxtIGRef": "J0182 9218", "MainID": 14312.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 301676.433799999766052, 392096.578400000929832 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumraymond Community Hall\n(Formerly Gortgill National Schools)\n47A Roguery Road\nToomebridge\nCo. Antrim\nBT41 3TJ", "Extent": "School", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Gortgill", "TxtIGRef": "J0016 9173", "MainID": 14315.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 300164.783900000154972, 391725.587500000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/04/042 C", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Shane's Castle ruins\nShane's Castle Park\nAntrim\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Former eightteenth century and earlier castle remains including service tunnel and entrance to tunnel.", "Date_Const": "Pre 1600", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Shane's Castle Park", "TxtIGRef": "J1163 8798", "MainID": 2306.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311634.053999999538064, 387991.186499999836087 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/06/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings at Loughanmore\n51 Loughanmore Road\nDunadry\nAntrim\nCo Antrim\nBT41 2HN", "Extent": "Former coach house and outbuildings arranged around four sides of the court, plus wing to west and boundary walls to garden at south-west", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Loughermore", "TxtIGRef": "J2101 8695", "MainID": 2311.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320995.681599999777973, 386964.010199999436736 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/06/006 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Main Gate Lodge and Gates to Loughanmore\n53 Loughanmore Road\nDunadry\nAntrim\nCo Antrim\nBT41 2HN", "Extent": "Gate lodge, screen walls and piers, gate piers, gates, and railings.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Loughermore", "TxtIGRef": "J2132 8721", "MainID": 6167.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321327.559799999929965, 387210.331399999558926 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "22 Market Square\nAntrim\nCo Antrim\nBT41 4AW", "Extent": "Former RUC police station, coachhouse and walling.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1465 8667", "MainID": 6173.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314655.717000000178814, 386670.166200000792742 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/017", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "All Saints Parish Church\nChurch Street\nAntrim", "Extent": "Church; boundary walling; gate piers and gate", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1493 8655", "MainID": 6178.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314927.835400000214577, 386556.865900000557303 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Masonic Hall\n76 Church Street\nAntrim\nBT41 4BA", "Extent": "Masonic Hall, gates, and front boundary wall, piers, gate and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1511 8651", "MainID": 6187.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315112.2818, 386513.5472999997437 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/023 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "First Presbyterian Church\n80 Church Street\nAntrim\nBT41 4BA", "Extent": "Church and steps", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1510 8644", "MainID": 13219.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315105.7648, 386434.393600000068545 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/040 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former workhouse\n30 Station Road\nAntrim\nBT41 4AB", "Extent": "Former workhouse", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Workhouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1511 8683", "MainID": 10935.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315114.506799999624491, 386831.344200000166893 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/12/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Islandreagh House\n29 Islandreagh Road\nDunadry\nCo Antrim\nBT41 2HF", "Extent": "House, gates & pillars", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Islandreagh", "TxtIGRef": "J1887 8608", "MainID": 2336.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318876.106100000441074, 386085.905500000342727 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/14/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Catherine's C. of I. Church\nSeacash\nCrumlin Road\nAldergrove\nCrumlin\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Church, lychgate, gate screen, former stables and coachhouse", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Seacash", "TxtIGRef": "J1522 7922", "MainID": 2338.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315230.39740000013262, 379235.602299999445677 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/02/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Fisherwick Lodge\n5 & 7 Mill Road\nDoagh, \nBallyclare\nCo Antrim\nBT39 0PQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Lodge", "Townland": "Doagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2620 8983", "MainID": 6277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326208.533499999903142, 389830.317800000309944 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/02/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Stephenson Mausoleum\nKilbride Cemetery\nMoyra Road\nDoagh\nCo Antrim\nBT39 0JD", "Extent": "Mausoleum", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Mausoleum", "FormerUse": "Mausoleum", "Townland": "Kilbride", "TxtIGRef": "J2489 9137", "MainID": 3012.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324873.28760000038892, 391394.750900000333786 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/03/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Christ Church\nChurch Road\nBallynure\nCo Antrim\nBT39 9AJ", "Extent": "Church, main entrance gate & pillars and pedestrian gate & pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Toberdowney", "TxtIGRef": "J3156 9368", "MainID": 2927.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331566.884200000204146, 393674.442199999466538 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/06/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Whitehouse Presbyterian Church\n143-145 Shore Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37 9SY", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Whitehouse", "TxtIGRef": "J3463 8028", "MainID": 2926.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334627.198900000192225, 380273.649900000542402 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/06/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Longwood Lodge\n186 Shore Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37 9TB", "Extent": "Lodge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Drumnadrough", "TxtIGRef": "J3473 8046", "MainID": 2925.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334728.123599999584258, 380462.56980000063777 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/07/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Old Bawn\n32-34 Whitehouse Park\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37 9SQ", "Extent": "Bawn", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Whitehouse", "TxtIGRef": "J3511 8082", "MainID": 3451.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335105.697399999946356, 380822.747600000351667 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/07/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Mary's Star of The Sea Roman Catholic Church\nShore Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo. Antrim\nBT37 9RY", "Extent": "Church, gate piers, gates & Walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Whitehouse", "TxtIGRef": "J3510 8125", "MainID": 6252.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335100.678299999795854, 381249.18720000050962 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/07/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ST. JOHN'S CHURCH OF IRELAND CHURCH\nSHORE ROAD \nNEWTOWNABBEY\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Church & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Whitehouse", "TxtIGRef": "J3501 8086", "MainID": 6279.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335013.546299999579787, 380862.390599999576807 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/07/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "20 Abbeydene Manor\n(Previously 367 Shore Road)\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37 9JQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Whiteabbey", "TxtIGRef": "J3543 8175", "MainID": 3704.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335418.012799999676645, 381743.341000000014901 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/07/011", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Abbey House\nWhiteabbey Hospital\nStation Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37 9RH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Rushpark", "TxtIGRef": "J3500 8240", "MainID": 3705.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334995.844399999827147, 382403.393400000408292 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/08/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Eden Lodge\n129 Circular Road\nJordanstown\nCo Antrim\nBT37 0RE", "Extent": "House gates & outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Jordonstown", "TxtIGRef": "J3591 8405", "MainID": 8521.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335931.386800000444055, 384058.119000000879169 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/10/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Railway Viaduct\nGlen Park\nOff Shore Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37", "Extent": "Viaduct", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Jordanstown/ Whiteabbey", "TxtIGRef": "J3540 8346", "MainID": 3707.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335352.926300000399351, 383490.651300000026822 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/11/001", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Church of St Patrick\n113 Jordanstown Road\nJordanstown\nCo Antrim\nBT37 0NQ", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, entrance gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Jordanstown", "TxtIGRef": "J3557 8435", "MainID": 6280.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335580.380199999548495, 384343.309399999678135 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/11/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Auld's Bridge\nThree Mile Water Park\nHawthorne Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyhowne", "TxtIGRef": "J3339 8491", "MainID": 3709.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333391.68030000012368, 384911.869999999180436 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/01/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballynascreen House\n39 Shore Road\nGreenisland\nCarrickfergus\nBT38 8UA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "West Division", "TxtIGRef": "J3778 8465", "MainID": 6283.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337783.147199999541044, 384648.049200000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/04/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Burleigh Hill\n36 Middle Road\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9DN", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, pillars and gates.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Middle Division", "TxtIGRef": "J3979 9003", "MainID": 8525.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339798.025399999693036, 390026.458100000396371 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/05/004 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "135 Islandmagee Road\nWhitehead\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9NS", "Extent": "House and front walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Temple-effin", "TxtIGRef": "J4737 9285", "MainID": 5930.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347376.672100000083447, 392847.315799999982119 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/05/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Blackhead Lighthouse\nMcCrea's Brae\nWhitehead\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9NZ", "Extent": "Light House including tunnel, fog signal station, munition stores, gates and gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Light House/ Navigation Mark", "FormerUse": "Light House/ Navigation Mark", "Townland": "Castletown", "TxtIGRef": "J4878 9345", "MainID": 14795.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 348717.108500000089407, 393485.503799999132752 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/06/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "18 York Avenue, \nWhitehead, \nCo. Antrim, \nBT38 9QT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Whitehead", "TxtIGRef": "J4738 9149", "MainID": 14214.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347379.359299999661744, 391490.878900000825524 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/07/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gill's Almhouses\n32a - 32b Ellis Street\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 8AY", "Extent": "Houses", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Alms House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clipperstown", "TxtIGRef": "J4072 8755", "MainID": 6285.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340728.119699999690056, 387542.503699999302626 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/07/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gill's Almhouses\n34a - 34b Ellis Street\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 8AY", "Extent": "Houses", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Alms House", "Townland": "Clipperstown", "TxtIGRef": "J4072 8755", "MainID": 6286.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340720.99349999986589, 387549.298100000247359 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/07/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gill's Almhouses\n36a - 36b Ellis Street\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 8AY", "Extent": "Houses", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Alms House", "Townland": "Clipperstown", "TxtIGRef": "J4072 8756", "MainID": 4694.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340713.985799999907613, 387555.978099999949336 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/07/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Maritime Cottage\n2 Belfast Road\nCarrickfergus\nBT38 8BU", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carrickfergus", "TxtIGRef": "J4090 8714", "MainID": 2357.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340896.986999999731779, 387140.591000000014901 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/07/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Rocklands House\n2 Wesley Court\nBelfast Road\nCarrickfergus\nBT38 8HS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "West Ward", "TxtIGRef": "J4068 8704", "MainID": 1408.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340684.198800000362098, 387035.086799999698997 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/08/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St. Nicholas' Church of Ireland Church\nLancasterian Street\nCarrickfergus\nCo. Antrim\nBT38 7FH", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall and gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "Pre 1600", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Carrickfergus", "TxtIGRef": "J4130 8742", "MainID": 15176.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341282.2955, 387424.413599999621511 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/08/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Carrickfergus Railway Station\n10 Victoria Street\nCarrickfergus\nCo. Antrim\nBT38 8AQ", "Extent": "Station, platforms, subway and signal box gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Railway Station Structures", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Carrickfergus MB", "TxtIGRef": "J4119 8769", "MainID": 8534.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341197.921699999831617, 387702.560000000521541 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/08/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Carrickfergus Borough Council\nTown Hall\nJoymount\nCarrickfergus\nCo. Antrim\nBT38 7DL", "Extent": "Town Hall", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "East Central Ward", "TxtIGRef": "J4148 8752", "MainID": 3020.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341482.003800000064075, 387514.35219999961555 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/08/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "King William III Pier\nThe Harbour\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38", "Extent": "Pier", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Harbour/ Pier", "FormerUse": "Harbour/ Pier", "Townland": "Carrickfergus", "TxtIGRef": "J4135 8713", "MainID": 3260.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341358.666199999861419, 387136.693900000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/08/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Radar School\nAlbert Edward Pier\nThe Harbour\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38", "Extent": "Former Radar School", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Carrickfergus", "TxtIGRef": "J4142 8693", "MainID": 9372.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341429.839599999599159, 386930.472599999979138 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Farm Buildings\nCastle Dobbs\nTongue Loanen\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9BU", "Extent": "Farm Buildings, House and railings, and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Dobbsland", "TxtIGRef": "J4437 9110", "MainID": 14528.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344379.967799999751151, 391098.832000000402331 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Islet Hill Farm\n21 Bangor Road\nGroomsport\nCo Down\nBT19 6JF", "Extent": "House, garden wall, garden gate and piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacormick", "TxtIGRef": "J5298 8354", "MainID": 6481.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 352986.466099999845028, 383542.816800000146031 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Local Heritage and Visitor's Centre\nBangor Castle\nCastle Park Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4BN", "Extent": "Visitors Centre", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Stable yard", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5046 8114", "MainID": 6180.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350470.60329999960959, 381148.298499999567866 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bangor Telephone Exchange\nbeside 77 Southwell Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3AE", "Extent": "Telephone Exchange and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Telephone Exchange", "FormerUse": "Telephone Exchange", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5034 8162", "MainID": 16028.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350343.701299999840558, 381625.744000000879169 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/005 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Walled Garden\nSeacourt\nMaxwell Gardens\nMaxwell Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3LE", "Extent": "Garden wall & wall features", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J4952 8236", "MainID": 9719.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349522.184399999678135, 382374.355499999597669 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/15/041", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Helen's Bay Presbyterian Church\nChurch Road\nHelen's Bay\nCo Down\nBT19 1TP", "Extent": "Church, Entrance Gates & Pedestrian Gate", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballygrot", "TxtIGRef": "J4582 8233", "MainID": 8548.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 345824.396499999798834, 382333.788699999451637 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 Lorne Cottages\nStation Road\nHolywood\nCo. Down\nBT18 0BS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballygrainey", "TxtIGRef": "J4240 8085", "MainID": 15570.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 342498.528599999845028, 380843.165200000628829 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ardnalea House\n69 Station Road\nCraigavad\nBangor\nCounty Down\nBT19 1EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Craigavad", "TxtIGRef": "J4218 8132", "MainID": 15465.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 342179.054999999701977, 381322.856100000441074 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/052", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Hill\n169 Bangor Road\nHolywood\nCo. Down\nBT18 0ET", "Extent": "House & pedestrian gate", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycultra", "TxtIGRef": "J4175 8013", "MainID": 6388.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341753.426099999807775, 380122.860799999907613 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/055", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Seamount\n19 Circular Road East\nCultra\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 0HA", "Extent": "House & outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycultra", "TxtIGRef": "J4144 8083", "MainID": 9433.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341443.762699999846518, 380824.829199999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/19/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Colmcille's Tower & Spire\n2a My Lady's Mile\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 9EW", "Extent": "Tower & Spire and gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Holywood", "TxtIGRef": "J3963 7881", "MainID": 4045.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339618.463800000026822, 378803.291699999943376 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 High Street\nHolywood\nCounty Down\nBT18 9AZ\n***See General comments***", "Extent": "House, Boundary Wall & Railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 15837.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340017.812599999830127, 379340.609999999403954 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "First Holywood Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church\nHigh Street\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 9AQ", "Extent": "Church & railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Holywood", "TxtIGRef": "J3978 7920", "MainID": 6332.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339780.061900000087917, 379197.82039999961853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/01/098", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mount Ross\n20 Ballygarvigan Road\nBallygarvigan\nPortaferry \nCo Down\nBT22 1JT", "Extent": "House, gates, gate piers and walling.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballygarvigan", "TxtIGRef": "J6299 5271", "MainID": 6371.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 362983.94400000013411, 352717.184399999678135 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/01/137", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "33-33A The Square\nPortaferry \nCo Down\nBT22 1LR", "Extent": "House and hall", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyphilip", "TxtIGRef": "J5945 5088", "MainID": 13486.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 359449.748599999584258, 350882.268300000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/04/042 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballywalter Vicarage\n2 Whitechurch Road \nBallywalter\nCounty Down\nBT22 2JY", "Extent": "House, gates and lamp.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Whitechurch", "TxtIGRef": "J6271 6927", "MainID": 15704.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 362698.816899999976158, 369643.989000000059605 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/04/048", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mourne View\n1 Manse Road\nBallyboley\nGreyabbey\nNewtownards\nCo. Down\nBT22 1EY", "Extent": "House, piggery and store.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyboley", "TxtIGRef": "J5750 7140", "MainID": 11468.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 357516.288399999961257, 371389.337099999189377 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/01/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ashgrove\n29 Upper Mealough Road\nCarryduff\nBELFAST\nCounty Down\nBT8 8LR", "Extent": "House & Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Mealough", "TxtIGRef": "J3520 6641", "MainID": 16471.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335189.865899999625981, 366414.950999999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/02/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "58 Lisnabreeney Road East\nBELFAST\nCounty Down\nBT6 9SS", "Extent": "House, gates and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Crossnacreevy", "TxtIGRef": "J3874 6896", "MainID": 16472.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338736.490500000305474, 368965.305299999192357 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/02/023", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Granshaw Presbyterian Church\n54 Gransha Road\nComber\nCounty Down \nBT23 5QA", "Extent": "Church, gate and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gransha", "TxtIGRef": "J4128 6898", "MainID": 16616.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341289.833599999547005, 368987.471699999645352 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/07/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge and Gate Screen\nRoselawn Cemetery and Crematorium\n127 Ballygowan Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 7TZ", "Extent": "Gate Lodge and Gate Screen", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Slatady", "TxtIGRef": "J3884 7015", "MainID": 16078.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338821.129200000315905, 370173.328299999237061 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/09/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. John the Evangelist Church of Ireland\n397 Castlereagh Road\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT5 6AB", "Extent": "Church, gatescreen, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Multyhogy", "TxtIGRef": "J3690 7245", "MainID": 6150.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336899.969899999909103, 372441.270400000736117 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/10/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Finnian's Church of Ireland\nCregagh Park\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT6 9LF", "Extent": "Church and gates", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cregagh", "TxtIGRef": "J3645 7117", "MainID": 8608.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336449.232499999925494, 371178.192600000649691 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/13/002", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Castlereagh Presbyterian Church\n79 Church Road\nCastlereagh\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT6 9SA", "Extent": "Church, gate pillars, gates & railings.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Castlereagh", "TxtIGRef": "J3744 7085", "MainID": 9154.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337450.105299999937415, 370831.307099999859929 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/15/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Knockbracken Clinic\nKnockbracken Healthcare Park\nSaintfield Road\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT8 8BH", "Extent": "Hospital Building including courtyard covered walkways", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Ballydollaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3573 6756", "MainID": 16045.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335727.877700000070035, 367571.013100000098348 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cooke Centenary Presbyterian Church\nOrmeau Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3455 7218", "MainID": 2537.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334584.026100000366569, 372136.908600000664592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 St. Judes Avenue\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT7 2GZ", "Extent": "House, gate piers and railings to south", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Ballynafeigh", "TxtIGRef": "J3482 7162", "MainID": 3657.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334804.487700000405312, 371615.618000000715256 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Judes Church of Ireland\n340 Ormeau Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT7 2GE", "Extent": "Church, Boundary walls and Gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3482 7157", "MainID": 16908.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334831.424800000153482, 371571.145899999886751 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/005 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Judes Parish Church of Ireland Hall\n340 Ravenhill Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT7 2GE", "Extent": "Hall & gates", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3494 7162", "MainID": 16909.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334947.96999999973923, 371629.770600000396371 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ormeau Road Library\nOrmeau Road Embankment\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim \nBT7 3GG", "Extent": "Library,gates, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3439 7242", "MainID": 16614.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334384.933299999684095, 372413.509800000116229 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/021 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "76 South Parade\nBELFAST\nCounty Antrim\nBT7 2GQ", "Extent": "House, garage, outbuilding and gate", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3490 7204", "MainID": 16615.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334892.359199999831617, 372047.418299999088049 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/021 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "78 South Parade\nBELFAST\nCounty Antrim\nBT7 2GQ", "Extent": "House, garage and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3490 7204", "MainID": 16617.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334903.642599999904633, 372049.391400000080466 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/04/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Harding Memorial Primary School\n105 Cregagh Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT6 8PZ", "Extent": "School, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballymaconaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3590 7254", "MainID": 16654.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335893.286299999803305, 372540.317399999126792 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/04/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Willowfield Parish Hall\nCregagh Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT6 8PZ", "Extent": "Hall gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Ballymaconaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3590 7254", "MainID": 16675.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335901.05599999986589, 372569.261099999770522 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/04/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church\n2 Willowfield Cresent\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT6 8HP", "Extent": "Church, gates, railings and piers", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3565 7326", "MainID": 6668.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335652.559000000357628, 373263.345000000670552 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/04/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cregagh Presbyterian Church and Hall\n102-104 Cregagh Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT6 9ER", "Extent": "Church, hall, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymaconaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3597 7243", "MainID": 16458.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335998.014600000344217, 372422.151699999347329 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/06/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "36 The Mount\nBELFAST\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4ND", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3530 7375", "MainID": 3636.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335417.816899999976158, 373741.868699999526143 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/06/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mountpottinger Presbyterian Church\nCastlereagh Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church & Railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3562 7374", "MainID": 17024.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335611.627899999730289, 373738.767300000414252 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/06/010", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Avoniel Primary School\nAvoniel Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4SF", "Extent": "School, gate pillars and railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballymacarrett", "TxtIGRef": "J3605 7375", "MainID": 1485.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336074.036399999633431, 373754.448200000450015 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/08/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Templemore Swimming Baths\nTemplemore Avenue\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4FW", "Extent": "Swimming and Baths complex including Caretaker's House, gates, railings, and courtyard fountain.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bathing House", "FormerUse": "Bathing House", "Townland": "Ballymacarrett", "TxtIGRef": "J3566 7406", "MainID": 3634.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335698.361499999649823, 374062.916500000283122 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/08/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Mountpottinger Methodist Church\nAlbertbridge Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3569 7396", "MainID": 3752.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335695.490199999883771, 373973.742300000041723 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/08/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Westbourne Presbyterian Church\n149A Newtownards Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 1AB", "Extent": "Church, gates & gate piers to front", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3548 7435", "MainID": 3633.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335488.536100000143051, 374360.853800000622869 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/08/007", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church\nBryson Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4ES", "Extent": "Church, boundary railings & gates", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3534 7437", "MainID": 3939.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335349.918100000359118, 374369.749800000339746 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "29 BLOOMFIELD ROAD\nBELFAST", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3674 7368", "MainID": 10155.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336745.120500000193715, 373684.362600000575185 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "49 OLD HOLYWOOD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House, gate pillars, wall and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3891 7533", "MainID": 3937.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338914.243599999696016, 375331.784099999815226 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "51 OLD HOLYWOOD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House, gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3891 7533", "MainID": 3936.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338913.288499999791384, 375335.281300000846386 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/018", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Viscount Craigavon's Tomb\nParliament House\nStormont Estate\nUpper Newtownards Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3XX", "Extent": "Mausoleum, stone surround, gate and piers.", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Mausoleum", "FormerUse": "Mausoleum", "Townland": "Ballymiscaw", "TxtIGRef": "J4025 7508", "MainID": 2066.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340240.230000000447035, 375088.096999999135733 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/021", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Gate Lodge \nStormont Estate\nMassey Avenue \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3XX", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, gates & screens", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Killeen", "TxtIGRef": "J3977 7481", "MainID": 9243.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339770.463499999605119, 374811.229399999603629 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/14/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Belmont Tower \n(Old Belmont Primary School)\n82 Belmont Church Road \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3FG", "Extent": "Main building, gates, walling and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "STRANDTOWN", "TxtIGRef": "J3798 7442", "MainID": 3673.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337980.609699999913573, 374422.967299999669194 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/14/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "82 North Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT5 5NL", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3734 7398", "MainID": 3386.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337336.469600000418723, 373981.369999999180436 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge & Gatescreen at Hunterhouse College\nUpper Lisburn Road\nFinaghy \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT10 0LE", "Extent": "Gate Lodges, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3001 6950", "MainID": 17045.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330030.443099999800324, 369520.793299999088049 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Finaghy Presbyterian Church\nUpper Lisburn Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT10 0LL", "Extent": "Church and gates.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3022 6987", "MainID": 8616.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330227.543600000441074, 369872.200099999085069 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/19/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St John the Baptist Church\nStewartstown Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT11 9JP", "Extent": "Church, walling, railings, gates, gate pillars and overthrow.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tom of the Tae-side", "TxtIGRef": "J2854 7052", "MainID": 3041.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328535.544599999673665, 370536.6546 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fountains \nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Fountains & Surrounds", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Fountain", "FormerUse": "Fountain", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3097 7300", "MainID": 3643.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330978.5777000002563, 373003.668800000101328 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Herdman Memorial\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3107 7293", "MainID": 3894.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331072.533699999563396, 372935.409700000658631 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/29/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Aidan's Church of Ireland\nBlythe Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church, railings and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3312 7336", "MainID": 4265.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333113.220800000242889, 373356.464700000360608 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/010 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Klondyke Building\nCromac Avenue\nGasworks Building Park\nLower Ormeau Road\nBelfast\nBT7 2JQ", "Extent": "Former Retort House, Chimney and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Gas Works", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3425 7319", "MainID": 10298.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334250.964599999599159, 373192.864399999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/023 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St Malachy's Church\n24 Alfred Street\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT2 8EN", "Extent": "Church, gates, railings and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3405 7375", "MainID": 16996.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334051.450899999588728, 373755.769500000402331 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/023 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Malachy's Presbytery\n24 Alfred Street\nBelfast\nBT2 8EN", "Extent": "Presbytery, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Malone Lower\nTown Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3404 7372", "MainID": 16997.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334041.822800000198185, 373713.103700000792742 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/031 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "May Street Presbyterian Church\nMay Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 4NU", "Extent": "Church, railings & gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3402 7393", "MainID": 2611.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334018.714700000360608, 373932.692299999296665 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/072", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Shaftsbury Square Hospital\n116 Great Victoria Street \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim \nBT2 7BG", "Extent": "Former Hospital, steps and railing", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3361 7342", "MainID": 10299.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333614.021900000050664, 373416.871200000867248 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/084", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Mary Magdalene\nDonegall Pass\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church, Railings, Gates & Pillars.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3383 7327", "MainID": 2777.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333833.075699999928474, 373285.954600000753999 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/31/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Clonard Church - Gates screen\nClonard Street\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Gates and gate pillars,", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3215 7430", "MainID": 4117.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332121.066200000233948, 374373.314400000497699 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/31/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ST. PAUL'S RC PRESBYTERY, GATES AND RAILINGS \n125 FALLS ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "Presbytery, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "RECTORIES/ MANSES ETC", "FormerUse": "RECTORIES/ MANSES ETC", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3212 7381", "MainID": 4103.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332129.254999999888241, 373817.979800000786781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/35/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Court-House\nCrumlin Road\nBelfast \nBT14 6AL", "Extent": "** See General Comments **", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Court House", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "None", "TxtIGRef": "J3297 7529", "MainID": 4102.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332976.052199999801815, 375291.2179000005126 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/35/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Michael's Church of Ireland\nCraven Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT13 IJJ", "Extent": "Church, hall, boundary wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3283 7490", "MainID": 8659.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332823.931499999947846, 374889.449799999594688 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/36/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Mary's Church of Ireland \n236 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT14 7GL", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3245 7547", "MainID": 16854.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332454.896599999628961, 375466.628399999812245 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/36/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Glenwood Primary School\n4-22 Upper Riga Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT13 3GW", "Extent": "School, walling & railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3215 7492", "MainID": 2521.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332132.205199999734759, 374923.107699999585748 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/36/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Edenbrooke Primary School \n230 Tennent Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT13 3GG", "Extent": "School, walls & railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3221 7542", "MainID": 4666.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332211.932799999602139, 375422.56980000063777 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/37/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "35 Woodvale Road\nBelfast \nCo.Antrim\nBT13 3BN", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3170 7513", "MainID": 8661.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331705.318699999712408, 375138.709799999371171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/39/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rhubarb Cottage\n36 Ballysillan Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Lodge and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballysillan lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3096 7675", "MainID": 2784.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330960.604000000283122, 376755.023900000378489 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/39/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Mark's Church of Ireland \nLigoniel Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT14 8DN", "Extent": "Church, Gates and Pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballysillan Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3044 7708", "MainID": 17331.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330440.142, 377088.014299999922514 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Belfast Royal Academy \nCliftonville Road\nBelfast\nBT14 6JL", "Extent": "School, gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7601", "MainID": 4156.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333189.414800000376999, 376018.274399999529123 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/43/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "26-30 Cliftonville Road\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT14 6JY", "Extent": "House, steps, boundary wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7595", "MainID": 16829.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333183.487399999983609, 375957.953999999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/43/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "34 Cliftonville Road\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT14 6JY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3314 7598", "MainID": 16830.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333133.774000000208616, 375979.141799999400973 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/43/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "259 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nCo Antrim \nBT14 7DY", "Extent": "Building, wall, arch & setts", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3241 7554", "MainID": 4125.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332408.150299999862909, 375541.584799999371171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/43/026 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Malachy's College\n36 Antrim Road\nBelfast \nBT15 2AE", "Extent": "School, entrance walls &gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3325 7536", "MainID": 16856.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333261.852300000376999, 375364.917600000277162 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/029 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "418 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5GA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7717", "MainID": 2693.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333188.568199999630451, 377177.094000000506639 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/015", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Peter's Church of Ireland \nAntrim Road, \nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 5GH", "Extent": "Church, two sets of gate posts and gates", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyaghagan", "TxtIGRef": "J3329 7816", "MainID": 4144.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333293.188500000163913, 378166.226500000804663 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/016 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Therese of Lisieux Church \nSomerton Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5GF", "Extent": "Church, gate screen, walling and steps", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3344 7782", "MainID": 17337.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333442.591300000436604, 377824.679099999368191 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/47/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Alexandra Park Lodge and gate screens\n19 Castleton Gardens\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 3BY", "Extent": "Lodge, yard walling, gate screens, piers, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3351 7638", "MainID": 4225.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333325.481599999591708, 376541.819299999624491 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/49/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Clifton House\n2 North Queen Street\nBelfast\nBT15 1EQ", "Extent": "Quadrangular building, boundary walls, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Residential Home", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3358 7509", "MainID": 16858.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333572.398299999535084, 375102.943499999120831 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Water Office\n1 Donegall Square \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 5AA", "Extent": "Building, walling, railings, piers & steps", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Warehouse", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3389 7413", "MainID": 17180.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333893.74959999974817, 374120.986700000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/023", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Royal Belfast Academical Institution\nCollege Square East\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 6DL", "Extent": "School, wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3342 7405", "MainID": 4165.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333413.382799999788404, 374101.5011 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Christchurch Centre of Excellence\nCollege Square North\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT1 6AS", "Extent": "Former church & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3330 7410", "MainID": 3895.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333296.268099999986589, 374092.387000000104308 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/045", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St George's Church\n105 High Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 2AG", "Extent": "Church, railings and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3415 7442", "MainID": 8669.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334147.96059999987483, 374412.459899999201298 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/054", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "First Presbyterian Church \n41 Rosemary Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 1QB", "Extent": "Church & railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3383 7444", "MainID": 4224.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333830.27379999961704, 374439.439300000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/056", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "First Trust Bank\n4 Queen’s Square\nBelfast\nCo Antrim \nBT1 2AL", "Extent": "Bank, railings & pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3418 7454", "MainID": 17184.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334190.89919999986887, 374535.491599999368191 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/058 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Merchant Hotel\nWaring Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 2DZ", "Extent": "Former bank, steps, pillars, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3410 7454", "MainID": 17201.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334100.149100000038743, 374523.982799999415874 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/060", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Northern Whig\n2-10 Bridge Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1LU", "Extent": "Former offices & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Market", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3398 7447", "MainID": 4195.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333983.667600000277162, 374459.587099999189377 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/067", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "The Cathedral Church of St. Anne\nDonegall Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 2HB", "Extent": "Cathedral, lamp standards & railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3387 7468", "MainID": 4200.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333903.038800000213087, 374700.000600000843406 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/077 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Donegall Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 2FL", "Extent": "Church & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3370 7496", "MainID": 17277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333711.816300000064075, 374966.310900000855327 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/089", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Orange Hall\nClifton Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT13 1AB", "Extent": "Hall & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3343 7513", "MainID": 4202.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333426.847000000067055, 375126.637099999934435 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/091 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Indian Community Centre\nFormer Carlisle Memorial Methodist Church Hall \n86 Clifton Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT13 1AB", "Extent": "Hall & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3342 7515", "MainID": 2742.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333411.206199999898672, 375138.513499999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/094", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Belfast Harbour Office\nCorporation Square\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT1 3AL", "Extent": "Harbour office, lamp standards and boundary railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3435 7497", "MainID": 4204.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334333.899500000290573, 374983.458699999377131 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/102 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "10 College Square North \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 6AS", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3343 7415", "MainID": 17176.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333432.855399999767542, 374150.270700000226498 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/116", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "89 Durham Street \nBelfast \nCo Antrim\nBT12 4GB", "Extent": "Original building & railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "Health Centre", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3322 7411", "MainID": 16461.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333245.711199999786913, 374116.446000000461936 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/175 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "20 May Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 4NR", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3405 7398", "MainID": 4242.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334040.35190000012517, 373978.940600000321865 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/176", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ross' Auction Rooms\nJohn Ross & Co.\n37 Montgomery Street\nBelfast\nBT1 4NX", "Extent": "Auction Rooms & front boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3405 7399", "MainID": 3584.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334053.216699999757111, 373989.137399999424815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/180", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Royal Courts of Justice\nChichester Street\nBelfast\nBT1 3JY", "Extent": "Courts, railings & gates", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Court House", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3435 7406", "MainID": 2786.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334343.149000000208616, 374065.662699999287724 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/292 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "9 Chichester Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 4JA", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3396 7408", "MainID": 17193.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333957.549200000241399, 374082.88289999961853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/51/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "736 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT36 7PQ", "Extent": "House, garage, walling, piers and gates.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Green Castle", "TxtIGRef": "J3337 7984", "MainID": 9340.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333370.478199999779463, 379843.201700000092387 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/51/012", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "5 Waterloo Park\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5HU", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Low Wood", "TxtIGRef": "J3323 7870", "MainID": 9341.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333225.369900000281632, 378706.074100000783801 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Banagher Manse\nBallyhanedin Road\nBallyhanedin \nFeeny \nCo Londonderry\nBT47", "Extent": "Manse, outbuildings, boundary walls, gates & piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Ballyhanedin", "TxtIGRef": "C6082 0597", "MainID": 17385.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 260809.691200000233948, 405950.931700000539422 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "LOWER CUMBER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH\nBRACKFIELD \nCLAUDY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (GATES AND RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Brackfield", "TxtIGRef": "C5111 0972", "MainID": 4294.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251115.840099999681115, 409729.240100000053644 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "274 Glenshane Road \nBrackfield \nCo. Londonderry \nBT47 3SW", "Extent": "House, wall pier and gate pier", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Killaloo", "TxtIGRef": "C5130 0960", "MainID": 4763.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251312.574599999934435, 409547.462799999862909 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Holy Trinity Church \nCumber Lower\nClaudy\nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Killaloo", "TxtIGRef": "C5182 0903", "MainID": 4292.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251844.122800000011921, 409064.615399999544024 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Toneduff Bridge\nKilcatten Road\nKillaloo\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyartan/Gortnaran", "TxtIGRef": "C5170 0760", "MainID": 5730.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251709.193599999882281, 407605.108200000599027 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "NORTHERN BANK\nCHURCH ST. \nCLAUDY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "INCLUDES ( WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "BANK", "FormerUse": "BANK", "Townland": "Claudy", "TxtIGRef": "C5431 0738", "MainID": 4297.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254320.71239999961108, 407385.721400000154972 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Patricks RC Church \nChurch Street\nClaudy\nCo.Londonderry\nBT47 4AA", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Claudy", "TxtIGRef": "C5425 0732", "MainID": 3538.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254257.675800000317395, 407327.351700000464916 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Eugenius Church\nCumber Road\nCumber\nClaudy\nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, gates, walls and pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cumber", "TxtIGRef": "C5397 0635", "MainID": 1313.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253979.246199999935925, 406351.607300000265241 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "GLENALLA HOUSE\nLOWER ALLA \nCLAUDY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (LODGE)", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Lower Alla", "TxtIGRef": "C5405 0514", "MainID": 4284.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254063.218999999575317, 405151.113700000569224 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/038 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "House approx. 200m north of \n513 Baranailt Road\nBallymaclanigan\nClaudy\nCounty Londonderry\nBT47 4EF", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymaclanigan", "TxtIGRef": "C5605 0988", "MainID": 17359.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 256052.210199999623001, 409881.508300000801682 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/039", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "54 Ardground Road\nKillaloo\nCounty Londonderry\nBT47 3TB", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Toneduff", "TxtIGRef": "C5115 0863", "MainID": 17360.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251145.660699999891222, 408638.247800000011921 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/040", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Cumber Bridge\nCregg Road\nClaudy\nLondonderry\nCo Londonderry\nBT47", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Cregg/ Cumber", "TxtIGRef": "C5360 0665", "MainID": 17439.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253603.751299999654293, 406659.489099999889731 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/041", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "24 Lower Ballyarton Road \nLower Alla\nCounty Londonderry\nBT47 4HZ", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lower Alla", "TxtIGRef": "C5330 0630", "MainID": 17440.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253302.88910000026226, 406295.130000000819564 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/042", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "110 Cumber Road\nClaudy\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 4JB", "Extent": "Former caretaker's house", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Lower Alla", "TxtIGRef": "C5377 0537", "MainID": 17461.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253775.739799999631941, 405371.626700000837445 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "EGLINTON POST OFFICE \n32-36 MAIN ST. \nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House, shops and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "POST OFFICE", "FormerUse": "POST OFFICE", "Townland": "Muff", "TxtIGRef": "C5277 2030", "MainID": 4300.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252775.997000000439584, 420303.330600000917912 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "NORTHERN BANK \n11 MAIN ST. \nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former Courthouse, walling & gate", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "BANK", "FormerUse": "BANK", "Townland": "Muff", "TxtIGRef": "C5265 2022", "MainID": 4791.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252652.855600000359118, 420226.592199999839067 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "THE MANOR HOUSE,\n 15 MAIN ST. \nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (GATE AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Muff", "TxtIGRef": "C5268 2024", "MainID": 4286.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252694.292000000365078, 420215.800200000405312 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/013", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "FOYLE PARK\nFALLOWLEA \nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": "Fallowlea", "TxtIGRef": "C5211 1919", "MainID": 4270.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252117.074900000356138, 419213.788399999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 MAIN ST.,\nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (GATE, WALL, PIERS & RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Muff", "TxtIGRef": "C5251 2020", "MainID": 4271.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252517.469399999827147, 420198.417199999094009 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "FORMER SCHOOLMASTER'S HOUSE \n46 MAIN STREET \nEGLINTON \nCO. LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Muff", "TxtIGRef": "C5291 2036", "MainID": 9436.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252914.19649999961257, 420361.894300000742078 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Faughanvale Presbyterian Church Killylane Road\nEglinton\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 3DW", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate pillars, railiings and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tullanee", "TxtIGRef": "C5382 2057", "MainID": 17462.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253831.042999999597669, 420576.218499999493361 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/026", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Grocer's Mill\n1 Edenreagh Rd\nEglinton\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 3AR", "Extent": "Mill, kilns and stores", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Mill", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Templemoyle", "TxtIGRef": "C5241 1872", "MainID": 17463.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252410.955799999646842, 418735.005400000140071 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Walled Garden\nPrehen House\nPrehen\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "The Walled Garden", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Prehen", "TxtIGRef": "C4188 1440", "MainID": 13857.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241834.81209999974817, 414310.140300000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/05/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Enagh House\n12 Judges Road \nDerry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 6LN", "Extent": "House, gates and gate posts", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Templetown", "TxtIGRef": "C4676 1948", "MainID": 4272.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246770.367899999953806, 419480.53319999948144 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/05/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "MOBUOY BRIDGE \nMOBUOY / MAYDOWN \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": "Maydown/ Mobuoy", "TxtIGRef": "C4765 1931", "MainID": 5734.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 247667.155600000172853, 419308.61460000090301 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/05/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballyoan House\n106 Rossdowney Road \nBallyoan\nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 5SU", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyoan", "TxtIGRef": "C4683 1818", "MainID": 1845.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246839.027300000190735, 418179.009099999442697 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fincarn Cottage \n31 Fincarn Road\nDrumahoe\nLondonderry \nCo.Londonderry\nBT47 3LD", "Extent": "House and front steps", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Fincarn", "TxtIGRef": "C4677 1532", "MainID": 3306.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246778.133500000461936, 415329.064500000327826 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "FAUGHANBRIDGE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DRUMAHOE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Drumahoe", "TxtIGRef": "C4644 1503", "MainID": 4273.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246444.331000000238419, 415037.415300000458956 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fort James\n15 Ardmore Road\nDrumahoe\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 3PQ", "Extent": "House, walling & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Lower Tullyally", "TxtIGRef": "C4587 1431", "MainID": 4274.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245866.491799999959767, 414305.391000000759959 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "30 Ardmore Road \nBallyshaskey\nCounty Londonderry\nBT47 3QP", "Extent": "Gate lodge, carriage arch, screen walls & pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyshasky", "TxtIGRef": "C4661 1376", "MainID": 2501.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246605.558100000023842, 413765.039499999955297 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "BEECH HILL \n32 ARDMORE ROAD \nBALLYSHASKY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Including GATES", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "HOTEL", "FormerUse": "HOTEL", "Townland": "Ballyshasky", "TxtIGRef": "C4677 1376", "MainID": 4316.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246785.880900000222027, 413773.317299999296665 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Larchmount\n66 Ardmore Road\nArdmore\nLondonderry\nBT47 3QZ", "Extent": "House, wall, gates and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ardmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4712 1340", "MainID": 4313.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 247119.727500000037253, 413401.493100000545382 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Faughan Valley High School\n35 Drumahoe Road \nDrumahoe\nCounty Londonderry\nBT47 3SD", "Extent": "School building (Includes main entrance gates, piers and screen wall)", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Drumahoe", "TxtIGRef": "C4647 1471", "MainID": 9472.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246496.20380000025034, 414709.550100000575185 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/07/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bay View House\n4 Clooney Road\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT47 6TB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Caw", "TxtIGRef": "C4560 1783", "MainID": 3503.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245603.334800000302494, 417830.252800000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/07/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Hertford \n9 Clooney Road\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 6TB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Caw", "TxtIGRef": "C4572 1771", "MainID": 1277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245822.563500000163913, 417719.330299999564886 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Columb's Park House \n4 Limavady Road\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 6JY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4407 1746", "MainID": 4305.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244075.97690000012517, 417469.168199999257922 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "All Saints Clooney Parish Church\nClooney Terrace\nWaterside\nDerry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 6AR", "Extent": "Church, walling, railings and gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4417 1664", "MainID": 1174.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244182.482699999585748, 416656.671900000423193 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Waterside Presbyterian Church \nClooney Terrace\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, gates, walls and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4416 1646", "MainID": 1172.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244169.471499999985099, 416460.237199999392033 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former the Good Shepherd Convent \nnow Belle Vue House \nDungiven Road \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 6BW", "Extent": "House, entrance walls & piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4455 1638", "MainID": 1817.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244555.042899999767542, 416390.690700000151992 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Truscot Lodge\nKillea Graveyard\nLetterkenny Road\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 9XR", "Extent": "Lodge, gates pillars and gates.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Killea", "TxtIGRef": "C3846 1468", "MainID": 4323.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 238466.778199999593198, 414683.8761 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "CREEVAGH HOUSE \n57 LETTERKENNY ROAD \nUPPER CREEVAGH\nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Including GATES", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": "Creevagh Upper", "TxtIGRef": "C3906 1482", "MainID": 4497.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 239068.981499999761581, 414822.856399999931455 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "GOVERNMENT HOUSE \n23 LETTERKENNY ROAD \nTERMONBACCA \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Country House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": "Termonbacca", "TxtIGRef": "C4107 1496", "MainID": 983.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241076.395399999804795, 414960.957900000736117 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "BALLYNACROSS \n40 LETTERKENNY ROAD \nBALLOUGRY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gate screen & garden gate", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballougry", "TxtIGRef": "C4046 1417", "MainID": 2867.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240468.617499999701977, 414176.756799999624491 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "MILLTOWN LODGE FARM \nADJACENT TO 8 BALLOUGRY ROAD\nTERMONBACCA \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes OUTBUILDINGS", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "OUTBUILDINGS", "FormerUse": "OUTBUILDINGS", "Townland": "Termonbacca", "TxtIGRef": "C4083 1420", "MainID": 4340.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240834.597000000067055, 414202.051899999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Windmill Farm\n31 Mullenan Road\nBalloughery\nLondonderry\nCo Londonderry\nBT48 9XW", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Balloughery", "TxtIGRef": "C3911 1388", "MainID": 17464.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 239125.546299999579787, 413862.668600000441074 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/011 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Windmill \n31 Mullenan Road\nBalloughery\nLondonderry\nCo Londonderry\nBT48 9XW", "Extent": "Windmill", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Windmill", "FormerUse": "Windmill", "Townland": "Balloughery", "TxtIGRef": "C3911 1388", "MainID": 17457.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 239118.332999999634922, 413887.107599999755621 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/012", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "BALLOUGRY PRIMARY SCHOOL \nBALLOUGRY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes RESIDENCE, GATE AND WALLING", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "SCHOOL", "FormerUse": "SCHOOL", "Townland": "Ballougry", "TxtIGRef": "C3942 1393", "MainID": 4411.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 239445.404699999839067, 413919.717499999329448 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "17 Ballougry Road\nDerry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 9XJ", "Extent": "House, walling gates & pillars", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballougry", "TxtIGRef": "C4060 1398", "MainID": 959.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240601.308500000275671, 413980.52170000039041 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/16/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mortuary Chapel\nLone Moor Road\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 9LA", "Extent": "Chapel, pillars, walls, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Store", "FormerUse": "Mausoleum", "Townland": "Ballymagowan", "TxtIGRef": "C4261 1636", "MainID": 17568.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242601.921500000171363, 416357.137099999934435 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/16/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Lumen Christi College Chapel\nBishop Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT48 6UJ", "Extent": "Chapel & Side Wings, Hartwell Block, entrance pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4285 1611", "MainID": 17553.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242893.033699999563396, 416102.404200000688434 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/16/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lumen Christi College\nJunior Block and Refectory\nBishop Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT48 6UJ", "Extent": "School", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4285 1611", "MainID": 17554.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242863.136800000444055, 416089.169099999591708 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/16/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lumen Christi College\nSenior Block\nBishop Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT48 6UJ", "Extent": "School", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4285 1611", "MainID": 17555.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242904.337899999693036, 416131.57799999974668 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/16/003 D", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Lumen Christi College\nBishop Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry \nBT48 6UJ", "Extent": "Library", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4285 1611", "MainID": 17556.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242842.473899999633431, 416068.921399999409914 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/16/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cross of Sacrifice\nGreat War Memorial\nCity Cemetery \nLone Moor Road\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "War memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballymagowan", "TxtIGRef": "C4261 1636", "MainID": 17465.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242561.909900000318885, 416350.100899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "164 Bishop Street \nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6UJ", "Extent": "Religious House and stone boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4303 1609", "MainID": 3889.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243034.059799999929965, 416091.441099999472499 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "174 Bishop Street \nCarrigans Lane \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6UJ", "Extent": "Former residential home and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Residential Home", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4297 1601", "MainID": 1486.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242974.256199999712408, 416019.583300000056624 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 Alexander Memorial Cottages \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6XQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4295 1594", "MainID": 17557.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242934.525100000202656, 415933.731599999591708 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 Alexander Memorial Cottages \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6XQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4295 1594", "MainID": 17558.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242938.393400000408292, 415937.332399999722838 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 Alexander Memorial Cottages \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6XQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4295 1594", "MainID": 17559.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242941.994800000451505, 415940.907500000670552 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/003 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4 Alexander Memorial Cottages \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6XQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4295 1594", "MainID": 17560.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242945.251799999736249, 415944.928999999538064 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/003 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 Alexander Memorial Cottages \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6XQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4295 1594", "MainID": 17561.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242948.900100000202656, 415948.813100000843406 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/003 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "6 Alexander Memorial Cottages \nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6XQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4295 1594", "MainID": 17562.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242953.244800000451505, 415952.747199999168515 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Star Factory\n79 Foyle Road\nCo. Londonderry\nBT 48 6XB", "Extent": "Factory, pillars and walling.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Londonderry and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C4309 1590", "MainID": 973.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243087.957299999892712, 415913.312899999320507 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/18/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ST. COLUMBA'S BOYS SCHOOL, \nLONG TOWER ST.\nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes GATEWAY, BALLUSTRADING, GATES, WALLS AND RAILINGS (AKA LONG BOYS TOWER SCHOOL)", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "SCHOOL", "FormerUse": "SCHOOL", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4308 1634", "MainID": 1175.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243104.913200000301003, 416323.681900000199676 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/002", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Court House, Bishop Street, Londonderry, County Londonderry BT48 6PQ", "Extent": "Court House & steps", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "COURT HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COURT HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4335 1647", "MainID": 2259.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243326.728799999691546, 416494.663100000470877 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Crown and Peace Offices \nBishop Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PQ", "Extent": "Crown and Peace Offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Court House", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4332 1648", "MainID": 1170.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243302.5921, 416464.924300000071526 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/004", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "The Deanery \n30 Bishop Street Within\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6PP", "Extent": "Deanery, entrance steps, railings and bootscraper", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4335 1653", "MainID": 1171.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243353.839999999850988, 416535.973899999633431 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/005", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Irish Society Office \nSt Columb's Court\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6JY", "Extent": "Offices", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4334 1652", "MainID": 4539.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243345.113400000147521, 416525.254799999296665 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Freemason's Hall\n25 Bishop Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PR", "Extent": "Hall including portico", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4329 1651", "MainID": 936.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243294.421299999579787, 416513.719699999317527 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 ST. COLUMB'S COURT \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4334 1651", "MainID": 4393.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243349.876299999654293, 416517.653200000524521 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/007 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 ST. COLUMB'S COURT \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4335 1651", "MainID": 3303.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243352.905600000172853, 416514.659600000828505 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/007 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 ST. COLUMB'S COURT \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4335 1651", "MainID": 3302.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243356.636300000362098, 416511.256100000813603 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/007 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5 ST. COLUMB'S COURT \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4336 1650", "MainID": 4417.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243360.602800000458956, 416508.040899999439716 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/007 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 ST. COLUMB'S COURT \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4336 1650", "MainID": 4418.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243365.811499999836087, 416505.229800000786781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "NORTHERN COUNTIES CLUB \n24 BISHOP ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former club and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "RECREATIONAL CLUB", "FormerUse": "RECREATIONAL CLUB", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4337 1655", "MainID": 1011.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243374.079599999822676, 416560.697100000455976 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 Bishop Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PR", "Extent": "Former hotel & factory", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4332 1657", "MainID": 957.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243323.125799999572337, 416573.197399999946356 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Probate Office \n13 Bishop St \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PL", "Extent": "Office", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4337 1660", "MainID": 4333.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243372.417899999767542, 416604.710699999704957 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/011", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Apprentice Boys\nMemorial Hall\n13 Society Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PJ", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "LONDONDERRY", "TxtIGRef": "C4331 1664", "MainID": 3196.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243316.527499999850988, 416647.384600000455976 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Augustine's Church \nPalace Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PS", "Extent": "Church, gates, railings and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4328 1660", "MainID": 4334.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243283.847299999557436, 416602.963199999183416 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/012 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Augustine's School (Church Hall), Palace Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PS", "Extent": "Church hall, railings, plinth wall & gate", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4329 1658", "MainID": 17382.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243277.025000000372529, 416579.662000000476837 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 Butcher Street and\n18 The Diamond\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6HL", "Extent": "Shop and offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4340 1668", "MainID": 961.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243405.385200000368059, 416682.486400000751019 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/021", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "War Memorial \nThe Diamond\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "War Memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4344 1666", "MainID": 4353.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243440.463299999944866, 416664.479100000113249 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/022 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16 THE DIAMOND \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Office", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "OFFICE", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4342 1670", "MainID": 4339.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243425.8902000002563, 416700.205900000408292 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/024 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "6 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DN", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1671", "MainID": 962.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243467.865100000053644, 416719.176100000739098 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/024 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "8 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DN", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4347 1672", "MainID": 1169.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243474.226700000464916, 416728.009400000795722 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/026 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Allied Irish Bank\n9 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DJ", "Extent": "Former bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4349 1670", "MainID": 954.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243493.34389999974519, 416704.920099999755621 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/026 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DE", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4350 1670", "MainID": 4328.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243498.481499999761581, 416711.473999999463558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Allied Irish Bank\n15-17 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6DJ", "Extent": "Bank and wall to front", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4351 1672", "MainID": 4331.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243511.522900000214577, 416724.003699999302626 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "BANK OF IRELAND \n20 SHIPQUAY ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former Bank", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "BANK", "FormerUse": "BANK", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4351 1678", "MainID": 4329.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243520.016499999910593, 416780.393200000748038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "28 Shipquay Street (The Gift Box)\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DW", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4353 1679", "MainID": 4332.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243531.641900000162423, 416796.42200000025332 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/034", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "31-33 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6DW", "Extent": "Offices", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Store", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4355 1677", "MainID": 4346.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243557.613199999555945, 416779.341299999505281 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/035 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "35-37 SHIPQUAY ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4357 1678", "MainID": 18382.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243569.044800000265241, 416790.997999999672174 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/036 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 BANK PLACE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former Bank", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "BANK", "FormerUse": "BANK", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4359 1678", "MainID": 2868.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243590.808400000445545, 416788.997899999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/037 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "18 LOWER MAGAZINE ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former factory/warehouse", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4348 1684", "MainID": 979.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243486.066300000064075, 416843.082200000062585 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/037 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "19 LOWER MAGAZINE ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4349 1685", "MainID": 4275.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243494.900999999605119, 416851.670499999076128 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/040 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "New Monico Lounge\n4-6 Custom House Street Londonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6AD", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4356 1691", "MainID": 943.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243565.742600000463426, 416915.58049999922514 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/040 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1-3 Guildhall Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6SD", "Extent": "Restaurant", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4357 1690", "MainID": 4360.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243574.478799999691546, 416906.66499999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/041", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5 Guildhall Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6BB", "Extent": "Offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4358 1691", "MainID": 947.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243581.758899999782443, 416920.025900000706315 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/042", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Harbour Commissioners Office\nAKA The Harbour Museum\nHarbour Square\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry \nBT48 6AF", "Extent": "Office building", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4359 1692", "MainID": 1145.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243593.159400000236928, 416931.177600000053644 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/043 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2, 3 AND 4 SHIPQUAY PLACE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "BANK", "FormerUse": "BANK", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4359 1683", "MainID": 4362.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243596.227900000289083, 416834.747700000181794 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/043 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 SHIPQUAY PLACE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "FormerUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4359 1683", "MainID": 948.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243604.078200000338256, 416841.802200000733137 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/044 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 FOYLE ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4362 1679", "MainID": 3028.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243643.877199999988079, 416782.465500000864267 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/050", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St Columb's Hall\nNewmarket Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry \nBT48 6EG", "Extent": "Hall & balustraded walls", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4363 1666", "MainID": 4365.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243637.708100000396371, 416663.619000000879169 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/058", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Abercorn Factory \n1 Abercorn Road\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6SA", "Extent": "Factory", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Factory", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Londonderry and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C4348 1625", "MainID": 2260.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243493.960400000214577, 416252.430400000885129 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/061", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "GOOD TEMPLARS HALL \nHORACE ST\nHAWKIN ST \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes RAILINGS", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HALL", "FormerUse": "HALL", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4355 1640", "MainID": 4371.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243555.781999999657273, 416405.134099999442697 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/064", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former St. Joseph's and St. Mary's Primary School\nAKA The Playhouse\nArtillery Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6RG", "Extent": "Playhouse", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Entertainment Building", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4351 1653", "MainID": 2230.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243513.855299999937415, 416539.694900000467896 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/066", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "DERRY CATHEDRAL PRIMARY SCHOOL\nLONDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( GATES AND RAILING)", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SCHOOL", "FormerUse": "SCHOOL", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4344 1649", "MainID": 4379.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243447.54079999960959, 416493.392899999395013 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/067 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bedlam Market\n10-14 Pump Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londnderry\nBT48 6JG", "Extent": "House, walling, railings & steps", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4348 1655", "MainID": 17549.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243487.096499999985099, 416563.770999999716878 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/067 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bedlam Market\n16 Pump Street \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6JG", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4348 1655", "MainID": 17550.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243475.766400000080466, 416553.600299999117851 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/067 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Columba's Church Parish Offices\n18 Pump Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6JG", "Extent": "Former Convent & balustrade", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4348 1655", "MainID": 17551.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243471.544999999925494, 416544.752199999988079 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/068 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "20 PUMP ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1653", "MainID": 974.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243464.760599999688566, 416540.233500000089407 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/068 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "26 PUMP ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4345 1652", "MainID": 977.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243451.03940000012517, 416525.82149999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/068 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "28 PUMP ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes RAILINGS", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4344 1651", "MainID": 978.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243446.806499999947846, 416521.231000000610948 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/079", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "First Derry Primary School (AKA Verbal Arts Centre)\nStable Lane\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6PU", "Extent": "Former School", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4322 1648", "MainID": 9388.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243223.247899999842048, 416484.045399999246001 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/081", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12 Magazine Street \nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6HH", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4347 1681", "MainID": 17383.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243464.104199999943376, 416801.826899999752641 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/090 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 Pump Street\nLondonderry\nCo. Londonderry\nBT48 6JG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4344 1654", "MainID": 17466.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243439.012699999846518, 416540.524800000712276 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/090 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "22 London Street \nLondonderry \nCo. 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Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge, railings and lamp standards", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Londonderry and Suburbs/ Gobnascale", "TxtIGRef": "C4370 1610", "MainID": 17468.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243692.385200000368059, 416114.301400000229478 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bishop's Parochial Houses\nSt. Eugene's Cathedral\nFrancis Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 9AP", "Extent": "Former Bishop's house and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4298 1713", "MainID": 4384.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242979.761599999852479, 417129.988800000399351 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Eugene's Convent School\nFrancis Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7DS", "Extent": "School, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4306 1710", "MainID": 1075.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243071.381099999882281, 417108.285299999639392 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 M", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "29 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House, yard wall and mews building at 12a Queen Street", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4328 1724", "MainID": 4389.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243289.109400000423193, 417245.036100000143051 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 P", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "35 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House and mews building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4327 1724", "MainID": 4356.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243271.490500000305474, 417247.510600000619888 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 R", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "39 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4325 1724", "MainID": 4801.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243258.893699999898672, 417249.925599999725819 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 V", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "47 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4323 1725", "MainID": 951.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243234.272900000214577, 417254.213500000536442 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 Y", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "57 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4317 1726", "MainID": 953.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243176.385499999858439, 417267.012099999934435 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 Z", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "59 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House, railings and bootscraper", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4317 1726", "MainID": 2070.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243170.072100000455976, 417267.606300000101328 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Foyle Cottage\nClarendon Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7ER", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4319 1725", "MainID": 4311.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243196.532599999569356, 417258.762499999254942 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "CITY FACTORY \nQUEEN ST. \nPATRICK ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Factory", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "FACTORY", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4334 1718", "MainID": 4407.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243341.431499999947846, 417181.435300000011921 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "18 Queen Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7EF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4329 1716", "MainID": 994.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243299.918899999931455, 417166.898700000718236 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "33 Great James Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7DF", "Extent": "House, steps and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4329 1710", "MainID": 3305.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243299.127000000327826, 417104.780899999663234 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13A LITTLE JAMES ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former factory", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "FACTORY", "FormerUse": "FACTORY", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4338 1706", "MainID": 937.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243385.764200000092387, 417077.189300000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "22 Waterloo Place\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6BU", "Extent": "Commercial Building", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Hotel", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4352 1692", "MainID": 940.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243529.139700000174344, 416922.115299999713898 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/017 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "CUSTOM HOUSE \nCUSTOM HOUSE ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Custom House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4356 1695", "MainID": 4413.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243567.239099999889731, 416945.031700000166893 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 Chamberlain Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6LR", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4334 1683", "MainID": 4414.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243340.081500000320375, 416841.845000000670552 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/020 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 QUEEN ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4327 1719", "MainID": 4415.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243278.940899999812245, 417199.492499999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "35 GREAT JAMES ST \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( GATE AND RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4326 1711", "MainID": 4438.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243268.361299999989569, 417114.57799999974668 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/024 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 QUEEN ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4326 1714", "MainID": 2856.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243271.203900000080466, 417145.752900000661612 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/024 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4 QUEEN ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4327 1715", "MainID": 3414.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243272.920699999667704, 417156.75899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/024 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 QUEEN ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4327 1716", "MainID": 1827.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243274.984299999661744, 417167.987099999561906 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/024 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 QUEEN ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4327 1717", "MainID": 4442.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243273.965300000272691, 417173.826500000432134 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 Strand Road \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\n(Bank O.I)\nBT48 7BJ", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4343 1700", "MainID": 935.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243436.455900000408292, 417009.587600000202656 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/026", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Grand Central Bar\n27 Strand Road\nLondonderry\nCo.Londonderry\nBT48 7BJ", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4343 1706", "MainID": 4447.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243433.372600000351667, 417066.042899999767542 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/031", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16-24 Waterloo St \nand 1,3 & 4 Castle Gate \nLondonderry \nCo. 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1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4308 1749", "MainID": 4526.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243084.007399999536574, 417495.665500000119209 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/003 L", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12 CRAWFORD SQUARE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4307 1749", "MainID": 4433.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243079.662399999797344, 417500.397299999371171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/003 M", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 CRAWFORD SQUARE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House outbuilding and boot scraper", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4307 1750", "MainID": 8692.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243075.221599999815226, 417505.631100000813603 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/003 N", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "14 CRAWFORD SQUARE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes( RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1840 - 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1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4352 1797", "MainID": 4527.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243524.19620000012219, 417971.8125 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/026 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 College Terrace \nRock Road\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7NZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4352 1796", "MainID": 4503.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243520.08530000038445, 417967.814200000837445 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/026 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 College Terrace \nRock Road\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7NZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4351 1796", "MainID": 4504.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243516.435999999754131, 417964.526200000196695 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/026 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "10 College Terrace \nRock Road\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7NZ", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 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1919", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4321 1765", "MainID": 8698.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243214.237399999983609, 417659.013000000268221 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Boating Club \nBoating Club Lane\nLondonderry\nCo.Londonderry\nBT48 7QB", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Recreational Club", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1748", "MainID": 3315.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243470.682400000281632, 417478.002100000157952 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Screen\nBrookhall\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JE", "Extent": "Pillars, Gates, Railings and Anchors.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4489 2021", "MainID": 11430.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244896.250900000333786, 420213.892400000244379 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Holy Trinity Church\nCulmore\nLondonderry\nBT48 7RS", "Extent": "Church, front boundary wall and gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4648 2266", "MainID": 11428.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246483.21100000012666, 422663.913399999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Knockan Bridge\nKillunaght Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Knockan/Gallany", "TxtIGRef": "C6487 0632", "MainID": 4825.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264876.032700000330806, 406327.152799999341369 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Carnanbane Bridge\nCarnanbane Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Templemoyle", "TxtIGRef": "C6694 0673", "MainID": 11625.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266941.743300000205636, 406729.161800000816584 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Derrychier Bridge\nDerrychier Road\nDerrychier\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Derrychier", "TxtIGRef": "C6632 0789", "MainID": 11626.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266318.125099999830127, 407892.862500000745058 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fincarn Bridge\nAltimure Road\nFincarn\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Fincarn", "TxtIGRef": "C6431 0511", "MainID": 11628.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264307.34499999973923, 405115.370100000873208 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Owenbeg Bridge\nForeglen Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Owenbeg", "TxtIGRef": "C6885 0915", "MainID": 5796.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266854.058699999935925, 409150.290999999269843 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/021", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Corick Bridge\nover River Roe\nCorick Road\nDungiven \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Corick", "TxtIGRef": "C7508 0632", "MainID": 11631.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275078.978400000371039, 406318.761299999430776 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Tamniarin Bridge\nover River Roe\nBirren Road\nTamniarin \nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Tamniarin", "TxtIGRef": "C7158 0665", "MainID": 11632.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 271577.167899999767542, 406655.726299999281764 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "31 Birren Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4SH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tamniarin", "TxtIGRef": "C7157 0620", "MainID": 14574.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 271573.541699999943376, 406206.856399999931455 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "26 Boveedy Road \nKilrea \nColeraine \nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51 4DY", "Extent": "House, gate posts, gates, walls and piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Mullaghinch", "TxtIGRef": "C8804 2156", "MainID": 17369.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288037.792600000277162, 421562.329600000753999 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/051", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nNear 88 Killyvally Road\nGarvagh\nColeraine\nCo Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Bellury", "TxtIGRef": "C8685 1500", "MainID": 16923.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286858.607800000347197, 415005.833499999716878 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/053", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "40 Moneydig Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5JN", "Extent": "House, outbuilding & entrance screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Caheny", "TxtIGRef": "C8911 1745", "MainID": 16931.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289107.056099999696016, 417460.507099999114871 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/056", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Flowerfield House\n38 Crevolea Road\nBlackhill\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4ES", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gate screen, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballybritain", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 2165", "MainID": 16924.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285602.037200000137091, 421657.354000000283122 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/057 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballydevitt House\nBallydevitt Road \nAghadowey \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4DR", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, gate screen and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ballydevitt", "TxtIGRef": "C8696 2166", "MainID": 16925.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286968.670300000347197, 421667.838899999856949 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/057 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballydevitt Gate Lodge \nBallydevitt Road \nAghadowey \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4DR", "Extent": "Gate lodge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballydevitt", "TxtIGRef": "C8689 2169", "MainID": 16926.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286887.83629999961704, 421692.575999999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Moneycarrie Bridge\nBrone Road\nGarvagh\nColeraine\nCo Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballygawley\nMoneycarrie Lower\nMullinabrone", "TxtIGRef": "C8668 1946", "MainID": 8071.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286682.321299999952316, 419460.889599999412894 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gorran Bridge\nBallynacally Road\nGarvagh\nColeraine\nCo Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Gorran", "TxtIGRef": "C8331 2028", "MainID": 8072.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283315.113300000317395, 420289.001700000837445 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/019", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ballintemple House\n40 Churchtown Road\nGarvagh\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5BE", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballintemple", "TxtIGRef": "C8123 1494", "MainID": 3316.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281246.933100000023842, 414931.102900000289083 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21 Boleran Park\nGarvagh \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5EJ", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Boleran", "TxtIGRef": "C8047 1944", "MainID": 16927.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280473.16330000013113, 419445.325799999758601 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Beach Park\n6 Seaport Avenue \nPortballintrae\nBushmills\nCo. Antrim\nBT57 8SB", "Extent": "Former outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Ballintrae", "TxtIGRef": "C9249 4190", "MainID": 1063.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292406.389499999582767, 441905.336100000888109 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/031", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Strawbridge House \n39 Bushfoot Road\nPortballintrae\nCounty Antrim\nBT57 8RR", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Bushfoot or Lissanduff", "TxtIGRef": "C9332 4211", "MainID": 14575.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293326.777200000360608, 442112.606100000441074 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Vernacular houses\n200 Ballybogey Road\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT52 2LP", "Extent": "Vernacular houses", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhome", "TxtIGRef": "C9015 3799", "MainID": 16928.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290147.376899999566376, 437993.154999999329448 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/033", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Portballintrae Boat House\nBeach Road\nPortballintrae\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Boat house", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Boat House", "FormerUse": "Boat House", "Townland": "Bushfoot or Lissanduff", "TxtIGRef": "C9264 4223", "MainID": 17370.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292641.414800000376999, 442211.485200000926852 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/035", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Long Gilbert Quarry\nDunluce Road\nPortrush\nCo Antrim\nBT56", "Extent": "Lime kilns, hopper and bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Rural Industry", "FormerUse": "Rural Industry", "Townland": "Ballymagarry", "TxtIGRef": "C8903 4077", "MainID": 17371.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289030.108, 440773.049300000071526 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Colebreene\n233 Loughan Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 1UD", "Extent": "House outbuildings, walling, water pump and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Colebreene Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C8894 2712", "MainID": 6832.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288884.198800000362098, 427127.464199999347329 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Magheraboy House\n41 Magheraboy Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT56 8NX", "Extent": "Hotel", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Magheraboy", "TxtIGRef": "C8568 3858", "MainID": 1060.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285681.411399999633431, 438581.759099999442697 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Mary's Dominican Convent\n2 Strand Road\nPortstewart \nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PF", "Extent": "Former house, chapel building and original boundary walls", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "West Tullaghmurry", "TxtIGRef": "C8143 3804", "MainID": 3325.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281441.566599999554455, 438008.921800000593066 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/004 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5-7 The Diamond \nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7EA", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8175 3805", "MainID": 8733.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281753.907700000330806, 437997.661499999463558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/09/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former RUC Station \n59 Coleraine Road \nPortstewart \nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PZ", "Extent": "Former police station", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Police Station", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Tullaghmurry East", "TxtIGRef": "C8187 3773", "MainID": 16864.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281873.898900000378489, 437727.594699999317527 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "36 Kerr Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DQ", "Extent": "House, railings and mews building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 4080", "MainID": 1098.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285621.653599999845028, 440799.096499999985099 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Arcadia \n6 Craig Vara \nPortrush \nCo. Antrim \nBT56 8BN", "Extent": "Waterfront building", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Bathing House", "Townland": "Antrim", "TxtIGRef": "C8586 4077", "MainID": 16929.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285962.495099999941885, 440689.562000000849366 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/061", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Shelter\nLower Lansdowne Road\nPortrush \nCo. Antrim \nBT56 8AY", "Extent": "Former Lifeboat shelter", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Boat House", "FormerUse": "Boat House", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8552 4129", "MainID": 16930.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285586.30489999987185, 441296.254799999296665 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "CHRIST CHURCH\nMAIN ST. \nCASTLEROCK \nColeraine\nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GATES AND WALLING", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C7696 3620", "MainID": 3505.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276962.617499999701977, 436207.21000000089407 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Downhill Palace\nMussenden Road\nDownhill\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4RP", "Extent": "House, Upper Yard & Lower Yards and walling", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Downhill", "TxtIGRef": "C7585 3590", "MainID": 16831.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275855.357900000177324, 435881.685699999332428 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 B", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Mussenden Temple\nDownhill\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Former library", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Downhill", "TxtIGRef": "C7583 3627", "MainID": 16834.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275824.969700000248849, 436270.633799999952316 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 C", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Walled Garden & Dovecote / Ice-house\nDownhill Demesne\nSeacoast Road\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4RP", "Extent": "Walled Garden & Dovecote/Ice-house", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Downhill", "TxtIGRef": "C7554 3584", "MainID": 16835.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275607.416899999603629, 435809.775299999862909 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/015 D", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Lion Gate Lodge\nDownhill\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Pillars, screen walls & gates", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Downhill", "TxtIGRef": "C7568 3565", "MainID": 16836.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275680.985000000335276, 435641.724600000306964 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/021", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Drumagully Bridge\nBurrenmore Rd\nCastlerock\nCo Londonderry\nBT 51", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Downhill/ Drumagully", "TxtIGRef": "C7565 3553", "MainID": 6943.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275648.285299999639392, 435531.418899999931455 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dromore House\n88 Coolyvenny Road\nAghadowey`\nCo Londonderry\nBT51 3SF", "Extent": "House and Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dromore", "TxtIGRef": "C8490 2640", "MainID": 14576.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284901.176599999889731, 426443.057299999520183 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Court House \nCastlerock Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3HP", "Extent": "Public house steps walling and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "Coleraine and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8436 3245", "MainID": 6227.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284364.016099999658763, 432461.999399999156594 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BREEZEMOUNT HOUSE \nCASTLEROCK ROAD \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Hotel", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Coleraine and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8411 3268", "MainID": 6844.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284119.207799999974668, 432687.83420000039041 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Arch\nColeraine Academical Institution\nCastlerock Road \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3LA", "Extent": "Arch, gates and steps", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Arch", "FormerUse": "Arch", "Townland": "Coleraine and suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8409 3281", "MainID": 16790.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284002.367700000293553, 432897.087099999189377 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/16/009 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge to Loreto Convent\nCastlerock Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 3JZ", "Extent": "Gate lodge, adjacent building and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8379 3311", "MainID": 16916.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283724.05350000038743, 433193.726600000634789 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 KINGSGATE ST. \nCOLERAINE \n CO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8504 3241", "MainID": 1224.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285041.151399999856949, 432425.900299999862909 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Markets \nLime Market Street \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52", "Extent": "Walls, gates, gate houses and former market building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Market", "FormerUse": "Market", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8493 3214", "MainID": 8078.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284936.924100000411272, 432126.751499999314547 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "TERRACE ROW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Coleraine & Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8498 3197", "MainID": 5749.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284982.064699999988079, 431978.557499999180436 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/016", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Malachy's Roman Catholic Church \nNursery Avenue \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52", "Extent": "Church, boundary walls & original gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Coleraine and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8527 3193", "MainID": 8730.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285220.882699999958277, 431998.064500000327826 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mountsandel Cottage\n46 Mountsandel Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1JE", "Extent": "House & entrance gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8522 3136", "MainID": 17446.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285221.932000000029802, 431359.100899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "88 Lodge Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1NF", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8558 3189", "MainID": 17447.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285579.917600000277162, 431897.04869999922812 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Telephone Exchange \nNursery Avenue \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1LP", "Extent": "Telephone Exchange", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Telephone Exchange", "FormerUse": "Telephone Exchange", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8528 3204", "MainID": 17448.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285264.730299999937415, 432035.3293999992311 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Town Hall\nThe Diamond \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1DE", "Extent": "Town Hall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "Town Hall", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8480 3240", "MainID": 6990.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284799.9222999997437, 432403.917400000616908 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/034 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Millburn Terrace \n45 Millburn Road \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1QT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8492 3285", "MainID": 9587.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284932.380199999548495, 432811.308499999344349 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/038", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parish Centre\n50 Brook Street \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1PY", "Extent": "Church hall, walling, railings and gate", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Coleraine and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8502 3264", "MainID": 17449.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285037.583300000056624, 432621.463500000536442 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/039", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Coleraine Library\nQueen Street \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1BE", "Extent": "Library, walling railings, and chimney", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Coleraine & Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8474 3253", "MainID": 17450.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284727.184500000439584, 432526.315999999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "G E McKee\n17 Bridge Street \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1DR", "Extent": "Commercial building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine & Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8463 3246", "MainID": 17451.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284675.656999999657273, 432415.35700000077486 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/041", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11-15 Bridge Street \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1DR", "Extent": "Commercial buildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine & Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8463 3248", "MainID": 17452.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284684.940899999812245, 432415.209799999371171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/14/038", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Tow Bridge\nMary Street\nBallycastle\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "D1228 4094", "MainID": 12778.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312284.360799999907613, 440948.397099999710917 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/01/055", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "House near No 156 Ballymena Road\nCarnlough\nCo Antrim\nBT44 0LB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyvaddy", "TxtIGRef": "D2776 1414", "MainID": 14577.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327757.471099999733269, 414151.215399999171495 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/02/001 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Barbican Lodge\nGlenarm Castle\nGlenarm Demesne\nGlenarm\nBallymena\nCo Antrim\nBT44 0AJ", "Extent": "Barbican Gate, Walls and Corner Towers.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Glenarm Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "D3100 1512", "MainID": 7091.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330992.618700000457466, 415068.743300000205636 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/02/080", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Owencloghy Bridge\nDeer Park Road\nDeer Park Farms\nGlenarm\nBallymena\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Deer Park Farms", "TxtIGRef": "D2739 0792", "MainID": 13054.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327380.671000000089407, 407923.450600000098348 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/07/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "17 Drumnadonaghy Road\nLarne\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "House and adjacent outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "D3572 0249", "MainID": 15558.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335721.160899999551475, 402490.874299999326468 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB06/08/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "115 Glenarm Road \nLarne \nCo. Antrim\nBT40 1EE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Blackcave South", "TxtIGRef": "D4079 0370", "MainID": 14545.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340791.618300000205636, 403707.152300000190735 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB07/04/034", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "NEW BRIDGE, (AKA CORRELL BRIDGE) \nRACEVIEW ROAD, \nBALLYMENA \nCo Antrim", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D1236 0469", "MainID": 9496.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312366.359299999661744, 404688.225299999117851 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB07/04/041", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Police Station,\n5 Main Street, \nBroughshane,\nCo Antrim \nBT42 4JW", "Extent": "Police Station", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Police Station", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Broughshane Upper", "TxtIGRef": "D1500 0649", "MainID": 17390.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315012.598600000143051, 406492.299100000411272 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB07/10/033", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Valley\n15 Valley Road\nCrevilly-Valley Td\nBallymena\nBT42 2LX", "Extent": "House and stable block", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Crevilly-Valley", "TxtIGRef": "J1103 9732", "MainID": 14578.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311040.081100000068545, 397337.922100000083447 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB07/15/049", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "73 Straid Road\nAhoghill\nBallymena\nCo Antrim\nBT2 2NT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gloonan", "TxtIGRef": "D0651 0080", "MainID": 14579.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306514.33739999961108, 400806.522399999201298 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB08/11/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Columba's Church\nSixtowns Road\nStraw\nDraperstown\nMagherafelt \nBT45 7BD", "Extent": "Church, gate pillars and grotto", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Straw", "TxtIGRef": "H7676 9343", "MainID": 17391.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276769.11849999986589, 393401.167700000107288 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/01/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Mary's Roman Catholic Church\nDunnamore Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dunnamore", "TxtIGRef": "H6892 8093", "MainID": 5944.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268924.887299999594688, 380943.205099999904633 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/01/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Evishessan Bridge, \nKeerin Road,\nCookstown", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Evishessan/Beagh More", "TxtIGRef": "H6616 8341", "MainID": 13955.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266170.894000000320375, 383409.576500000432134 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Michael's Roman Catholic Church\n9 Clagan Road\nCookstown\nCo Londonderry\nBT80 9XE", "Extent": "Church, front boundary wall, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tullynure", "TxtIGRef": "H8026 8310", "MainID": 5841.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280266.63150000013411, 383097.835400000214577 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/008 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Walled garden\nLissan House Demesne\nDrumgrass Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9SW", "Extent": "External Boundary Wall", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Lissan", "TxtIGRef": "H7954 8215", "MainID": 13959.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 279607.322399999946356, 382186.150900000706315 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/008 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The White Bridge\nLissan House Demesne\nDrumgrass Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9SW", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lissan", "TxtIGRef": "H7977 8238", "MainID": 13961.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 279775.227800000458956, 382390.043199999257922 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/008 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Harry's Bridge\nLissan House Demesne\nDrumgrass Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9SW", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lissan Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "H8004 8193", "MainID": 13969.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280043.145999999716878, 381938.647900000214577 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/008 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rossmore Gates & Lodge\nLissan House Demesne\nDrumgrass Road\nCookstown\nBT80 9SW", "Extent": "Gate piers & screen walls.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Lissan", "TxtIGRef": "H8004 8087", "MainID": 13963.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280525.894100000150502, 381783.221300000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/03/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Aughlish Bridge\nLower Kildress Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Aughlish/Drumard", "TxtIGRef": "H7872 7817", "MainID": 13932.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278718.182300000451505, 378166.710100000724196 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/04/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Bridge, \nWellbrook Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Corkhill / Clare", "TxtIGRef": "H7497 7912", "MainID": 5837.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 274972.922600000165403, 379125.034199999645352 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/04/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Main Gate Lodge\nDrum Manor \n1 Glenarney Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 9DX", "Extent": "Former gate lodge and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Oaklands", "TxtIGRef": "H7675 7771", "MainID": 1382.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276753.208599999547005, 377712.744100000709295 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Saw Mill at Killymoon Castle\n60 Castle Road\nCookstown\nBT80 8TN\n\n** See General Comments", "Extent": "Sawmill", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Killymoon Demesne", "TxtIGRef": "H8243 7652", "MainID": 14109.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282434.315799999982119, 376523.369799999520183 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/009", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Desertcreat Parish Church\n6 Desertcreat Road\nTullyhogue\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 9UH", "Extent": "Church, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Desertcreat", "TxtIGRef": "H8125 7333", "MainID": 5904.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281261.339900000020862, 373334.591099999845028 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/024", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nGrange Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Grange", "TxtIGRef": "H8330 7494", "MainID": 13942.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283301.063900000415742, 374936.786699999123812 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/030", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Tullywiggan Bridge\nTullywiggan Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Loughry / Ballymully", "TxtIGRef": "H8220 7475", "MainID": 13944.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282210.833200000226498, 374746.852900000289083 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/05/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Finvey Bridge, \nKillyneedan Road,\nCookstown", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Killyneedan", "TxtIGRef": "H7810 7173", "MainID": 13965.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278099.176599999889731, 371729.375800000503659 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/07/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Coagh Bridge over Ballinderry River \nat S end of Bridgend Road\nCookstown\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Tamlaght / Coagh", "TxtIGRef": "H8908 7873", "MainID": 1399.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289080.604899999685585, 378729.475899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "New Bridge, \nCloghog Road / Lower Grange Road\nCookstown\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Cloghog / Doorless", "TxtIGRef": "H8354 7645", "MainID": 2909.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283539.363400000147521, 376450.409800000488758 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/08/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Andrew's Church of Ireland Hall\nArdtrea Road\nStewartstown\nDungannon\nBT71 5LY", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Claggan", "TxtIGRef": "H8574 7631", "MainID": 1416.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285736.832499999552965, 376311.762199999764562 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/08/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Pump\nCastlefarm Road/North St\nStewartstown\nDungannon", "Extent": "Pump", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Castle Farm", "TxtIGRef": "H8580 7109", "MainID": 13951.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285807.729700000025332, 371090.47440000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/09/008", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "15 Shore Road,\nCookstown,\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 0AZ\n\n** See general comments**", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 14024.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294095.724299999885261, 382197.958000000566244 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/09/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge over Ballinderry River \nnr 86 Bridgend Road\nCookstown\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ardagh / Derrycrin (Eglish)", "TxtIGRef": "H9273 7980", "MainID": 5793.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292723.939799999818206, 379795.193900000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/11/013 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Walled Garden and Towers\nStuart Hall Demesne\nMountjoy Road\nStewartstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT71 5AE", "Extent": "Walls of walled garden & Towers with linking walling", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Stuart Hall", "TxtIGRef": "H8935 7172", "MainID": 14032.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289196.183000000193715, 371790.804700000211596 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/11/013 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Screen\nStuart Hall Demesne\nMountjoy Road\nStewartstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT71 5AE", "Extent": "Gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Stuart Hall", "TxtIGRef": "H8932 9197", "MainID": 14033.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289327.137799999676645, 371967.443900000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/11/013 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Screen & Gate opposite\nStuart Hall Demesne\nCastlefarm Road\nStewartstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT71 5AE", "Extent": "Gate Screen & Gate opposite", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Stuart Hall", "TxtIGRef": "H8855 7228", "MainID": 14072.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288560.36670000012964, 372276.924000000581145 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB09/14/028", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cookstown Masonic Lodge\nFairhill Road\nCookstown\nCo Tyrone\nBT80 8AG", "Extent": "Masonic Hall, gate and front boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Loy", "TxtIGRef": "H8095 7806", "MainID": 13941.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280945.71750000026077, 378065.783299999311566 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/02/050", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Kilclean Bridge, \nBarleyhill Road, \nCastlederg, \nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Kilclean", "TxtIGRef": "H2441 8627", "MainID": 14723.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 224407.560200000181794, 386266.102099999785423 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Agent's House, \nBaronscourt, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3633 8268", "MainID": 14726.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236329.564399999566376, 382674.725700000301003 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "White Bridge, \nBaronscourt, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3615 8323", "MainID": 14727.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236154.125500000081956, 383222.028100000694394 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Semple's Bridge, \nBaronscourt, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3725 8460", "MainID": 14728.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237246.517500000074506, 384599.911800000816584 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Black Bridge, \nBaronscourt, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3595 8246", "MainID": 14729.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 235959.134499999694526, 382457.169099999591708 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Old Inn, \n44 Baronscourt Road, Newtownstewart, \nOmagh\nCo Tyrone, \nBT78 4EY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrenan", "TxtIGRef": "H3711 8328", "MainID": 15178.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 237110.633500000461936, 383285.049000000581145 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cloonty Cottage, \n93 Baronscourt Road,\nCloonty, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone, \nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cloonty", "TxtIGRef": "H3586 8115", "MainID": 15135.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 235860.710799999535084, 381143.281899999827147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/001 N", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Tea House, Lislear\nBaronscourt, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 4EZ", "Extent": "Tea house", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Pavillion", "FormerUse": "Pavillion", "Townland": "Barons Court", "TxtIGRef": "H3687 8450", "MainID": 14555.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236872.685999999754131, 384502.73589999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/016 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 Moyle Road, \nNewtownstewart, \nCo Tyrone, \nBT78 4AP", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtownstewart", "TxtIGRef": "H4015 8553", "MainID": 5881.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240151.690700000151992, 385525.326899999752641 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/04/079", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "New Bridge\nOld Bridge Road\nNewtownstewart,\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Urbalreagh/Milltown", "TxtIGRef": "H3650 8770", "MainID": 14736.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236494.843399999663234, 387714.149700000882149 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/05/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Patrick's C of I Church, \nUpper Badoney Parish, \nGlenroan Burn,\nGlenelly Road\nPlumbridge, \nCo Tyrone\nBT79 8BN", "Extent": "Church, and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Glenroan", "TxtIGRef": "H5389 9089", "MainID": 1084.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253880.737800000235438, 390885.47440000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/06/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ardstraw Bridge\nArdstraw\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 9LP", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ardstraw", "TxtIGRef": "H3492 8740", "MainID": 14738.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234913.692099999636412, 387399.629100000485778 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/06/022", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Breen bridge over Mourne River,\n(former railway bridge),\nCamus & Breen TD,\nStrabane,\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Camus & Breen", "TxtIGRef": "H3486 9105", "MainID": 15471.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 234861.579300000332296, 391026.909600000828505 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/001 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Saw Mill at Holy Hill House\n78 Ballee Road\nArtigarvan\nStrabane\nCo. Tyrone\nBT82 0AA", "Extent": "Saw Mill", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Hollyhill", "TxtIGRef": "H3826 9985", "MainID": 9609.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 238264.13910000026226, 399857.815899999812245 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballymagorry Railway Station\nStation Road\nBallymagorry\nStrabane\nCo.Tyrone\nBT82 0AX", "Extent": "Station & platform", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Railway Station Structures", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Ballymagorry", "TxtIGRef": "C3685 0113", "MainID": 14526.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 236849.156899999827147, 401122.314400000497699 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB10/11/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Christie's Mill\nBeside 8 Crockan Road\nArtigarvan\nStrabane\nCo Tyrone\nBT82 0HZ", "Extent": "Corn mill, kiln and store", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Mill", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Fyfin/ Knockanbrack", "TxtIGRef": "H4191 9912", "MainID": 17033.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241911.664499999955297, 399127.720799999311566 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/02/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "New Bridge\nKiln Street\nFintona\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 2BJ", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Fintona / Ecclesville", "TxtIGRef": "H4426 6105", "MainID": 5866.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244266.134499999694526, 361049.939300000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/03/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "40 Stralongford Road, \nTrillick, \nOmagh, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 3TZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Feglish", "TxtIGRef": "H2901 5970", "MainID": 17299.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 229010.855000000447035, 359702.906600000336766 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/04/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Old Rectory,\nLower Langfield,\nSloughan Road,\nDrumquin,\nCo.Tyrone,\nBT78 4PF", "Extent": "House, retaining walls & wall incorporating dog kennel", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Lisky Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "H3179 7407", "MainID": 1482.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 231785.215699999593198, 374064.135199999436736 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/04/024", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Church Bridge\nSloughan Road\nDrumquin\nOmagh\nCo.Tyrone \nBT78 4PF", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lisky Glebe/Lackagh", "TxtIGRef": "H3135 7424", "MainID": 14819.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 231354.79619999974966, 374239.149900000542402 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/07/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bloody Bridge\nEdenderry Road\nBeragh\nSixmilecross\nOmagh\nBT79 0NP", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "H4825 6971", "MainID": 7340.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248242.010300000198185, 369710.235500000417233 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Drumragh Bridge\nBlackfort Road\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT79 1PR", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Drumragh / Lissan", "TxtIGRef": "H4576 6987", "MainID": 7342.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245774.222099999897182, 369883.098200000822544 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/07/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lisboy Bridge\nDrumeen Road\nBeragh\nSixmilecross\nOmagh\nBT79 0XG", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Deroran / Lisboy", "TxtIGRef": "H5111 7060", "MainID": 7345.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251113.182400000281632, 370605.452800000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/08/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dudgeon Bridge\nDunwish Road\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 5PH", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Dunwish/Calkill", "TxtIGRef": "H4072 7592", "MainID": 15250.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240715.980499999597669, 375921.819299999624491 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/08/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge over Creevan Burn\nBotera Upper Road, \nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78 5LH", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Cavanacaw Upper/ Tattykeel (Rogers)", "TxtIGRef": "H4029 7013", "MainID": 14824.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240292.624699999578297, 370121.532299999147654 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/08/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cavanacaw Bridge, \nLaurel Road\nOmagh, \nCo Tyrone\nBT78 5DH", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Cavanacaw Upper/ Cavanacaw Lower", "TxtIGRef": "H4077 7037", "MainID": 14919.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240782.966699999757111, 370367.034099999815226 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/09/005 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Guardhouse, boundary wall and attached memorials\n St. Lucia’s Barracks\nBarracks Lane\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78", "Extent": "Guardhouse & main barracks wall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Gortmore", "TxtIGRef": "H4480 7300", "MainID": 15122.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244808.107200000435114, 373045.578099999576807 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/09/005 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Post Box\nSt. Lucia's Barracks\nBarracks Lane\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Post Box", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Post Box", "FormerUse": "Post Box", "Townland": "Gortmore", "TxtIGRef": "H4477 7291", "MainID": 17300.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244776.793999999761581, 372920.108999999240041 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/13/018", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bell's Bridge\nMountjoy Road\nOmagh\nCo. Tyrone\nBT78", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lisnamallard / Omagh", "TxtIGRef": "H4514 7275", "MainID": 1497.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245155.379499999806285, 372752.745500000193715 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/15/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Fermanagh and Tyrone Hospital\n1 Donaghanie Road\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT79 0NS", "Extent": "Hospital", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Cranny", "TxtIGRef": "H4724 7181", "MainID": 15129.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 247266.640700000338256, 371906.300899999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/16/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St. Patrick’s Church,\nGlen Park Road,\nGortin,\nCo.Tyrone,\nBT78 4PF", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, gates and piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gortin", "TxtIGRef": "H4920 8579", "MainID": 1502.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 249187.372600000351667, 385817.255899999290705 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/16/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Stone Bridge\nGortnagarn Road\nOmagh\nCo Tyrone\nBT78 5NW", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Mountjoy Forest West Division / Knockmoyle", "TxtIGRef": "H4366 7764", "MainID": 7347.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243681.605399999767542, 377636.101199999451637 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/16/042", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Cappagh Church of Ireland\nCappagh Road\nOmagh\nBT79 7JG", "Extent": "Church, gates & walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Mountjoy Forest East Division", "TxtIGRef": "H4483 7601", "MainID": 14569.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244814.349799999967217, 376001.685100000351667 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/17/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumlea Bridge, \nNear Rousky,\nOmagh, \nCo Tyrone", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Drumlea / Fallagh Lower", "TxtIGRef": "H5353 8590", "MainID": 8919.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253533.307900000363588, 385899.520500000566244 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB11/17/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Campbells Bridge over Glensawisk Burn, \nAghnamirigan Road\nOmagh, \nCo Tyrone\nBT79 7SB", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Binnafreaghan", "TxtIGRef": "H5647 8241", "MainID": 15246.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 256470.022599999792874, 382406.623199999332428 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/01/083", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge\nKillyvilly and Lisnawesnagh\nRosslea\nCo Fermanagh", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Killyvilly/ Lisnawesnagh", "TxtIGRef": "H5437 3357", "MainID": 13173.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254372.498599999584258, 333582.689999999478459 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/079", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Canal Bridge\nCloncorrick\nNewtownbutler\nCo Fermanagh\nBT92 6ET", "Extent": "Bridge and stone towpaths", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Canal Structure", "FormerUse": "Canal Structure", "Townland": "Cloncorrick", "TxtIGRef": "H4622 2242", "MainID": 13224.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246219.403500000014901, 322418.584599999710917 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/119", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Canal bridge\nClonfad \nNewtownbutler\nCo Fermanagh\nBT92 6EB", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Clonfad", "TxtIGRef": "H4842 2417", "MainID": 12812.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 248419.274799999780953, 324171.524000000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/02/121", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Screen at Johnstown House\nMagheramore\nMagheraveely\nNewtownbutler\nCo Fermanagh\nBT92 6NB", "Extent": "Gates and pillars", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Magheramore", "TxtIGRef": "H4698 2765", "MainID": 12813.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246986.965699999593198, 327651.729599999263883 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/09/073", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Arney Bridge\nMullanavehy Road\nDerrychurra/Mullanavehy Tds\nCo Fermanagh", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Derrychurra/Mullanavehy", "TxtIGRef": "H2075 3700", "MainID": 15817.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 220759.123800000175834, 337005.162299999967217 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/11/077 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "North gate to \nCastletown Demesne\nMonea\nEnniskillen\nCo Fermanagh\nBT93 7AR", "Extent": "Gates and gate posts", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Castletown Monea", "TxtIGRef": "H1662 4999", "MainID": 13602.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 216623.940999999642372, 349999.357200000435114 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/13/046", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Farmhouse\nMovarran Road\nKesh\nCo Fermanagh\nBT93 1FA", "Extent": "House and adjoining outhouse", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Movarran", "TxtIGRef": "H1833 7266", "MainID": 14302.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 218336.714200000278652, 372666.449100000783801 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB12/18/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Enniskillen Workhouse\nErne Road\nEnniskillen\nCounty Fernanagh\nBT74 6NN", "Extent": "Former workhouse front block", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Workhouse", "Townland": "Cornagrade", "TxtIGRef": "H2369 4453", "MainID": 15259.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 223693.827499999664724, 344539.489499999210238 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/03/026", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The W bridge\nat Favor Royal House\nFavour Royal Road\nAugher\nDungannon\nCo Tyrone\nBT77 OEW", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Favour Royal", "TxtIGRef": "H6149 5277", "MainID": 13580.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 261502.754800000227988, 352773.938400000333786 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/09/036", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "GATES AND RAILINGS OF GRANGEMOUNT \n12 GRANGE ROAD \nBALLYGAWLEY \nCO.TYRONE", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H6304 5721", "MainID": 9002.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263039.268600000068545, 357211.843100000172853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/10/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "6 BANK TERRACE \nMAIN ST. \nCALEDON \nCO.TYRONE", "Extent": "Includes OUTBUILDINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H7574 4516", "MainID": 12218.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275749.28139999974519, 345187.723500000312924 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/10/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "2 ESTATE TERRACE \nMAIN ST. \nCALEDON \nCO.TYRONE", "Extent": "Includes OUTBUILDINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H7571 4522", "MainID": 12219.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 275711.455000000074506, 345226.203600000590086 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/11/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "MAYDOWN BRIDGE \nBENBURB/MAYDOWN \nDUNGANNON \nCO.TYRONE", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H8192 5191", "MainID": 7695.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281924.560600000433624, 351911.543299999088049 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/11/037", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BATTLEFORD BRIDGE \nBATTLEFORD ROAD \nCARROWBEG/ CORR/ \nAUGHANTARRAGH \nCO.TYRONE", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H7859 5257", "MainID": 7710.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278596.617899999953806, 352571.909600000828505 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/13/002", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "PARKANAUR HOUSE, \nCASTLECAULFIELD \nDungannon\nCO.TYRONE", "Extent": "Includes STABLEYARD, TERRACE, RETAINING WALL, GATES AND DECORATIVE STONE URN", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "See Admin Comments", "TxtIGRef": "H7397 6154", "MainID": 9013.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 273980.232200000435114, 361548.14670000039041 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/15/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "East Gate Lodge\nSt Joseph's Convent\nCastlecaulfield Road\nDonaghmore \nDungannon\nBT70 3HF", "Extent": "Gate Lodge and Screen Walls", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Mullygruen", "TxtIGRef": "H7676 6525", "MainID": 14303.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276701.005599999800324, 365252.738399999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB13/15/047 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BLOOMHILL, \n47 NEWMILLS ROAD, \nDUNGANNON\nCO. TYRONE\nBT71 4HE", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H8117 6938", "MainID": 9356.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281174.811200000345707, 369383.717700000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/04/009", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "19 Old Lurgan Road\nBocombra\nPortadown\nCo. Armagh\nBT63 5SG", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Demolished", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Bocombra", "TxtIGRef": "J0337 5467", "MainID": 17375.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 303367.157300000078976, 354668.082100000232458 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB14/23/051", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bank of Ireland\n13 Market Street\nLurgan\nBT66 6AR", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lurgan", "TxtIGRef": "J0813 5839", "MainID": 15564.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308131.742200000211596, 358385.908299999311566 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/02/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Footbridge\nManor House demesne\nManor Farm\nLoughgall\nCo Armagh", "Extent": "Footbridge, steps and abutments", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Loughgall", "TxtIGRef": "H9126 5203", "MainID": 13401.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 291268.354500000365078, 352040.13150000013411 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/04/027 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 Harker's Hill \nCornascriebe Road\nPortadown \nBT62 3SS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cornascreeb", "TxtIGRef": "H9934 4757", "MainID": 14532.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 299345.853400000371039, 347566.894500000402331 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/04/027 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 Harker's Hill \nCornascriebe Road\nPortadown \nBT62 3SS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cornascreeb", "TxtIGRef": "H9934 4757", "MainID": 14533.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 299352.653400000184774, 347571.380100000649691 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/04/027 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 Harker's Hill \nCornascriebe Road\nPortadown \nBT62 3SS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cornascreeb", "TxtIGRef": "H9934 4757", "MainID": 14534.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 299359.207499999552965, 347575.516200000420213 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/04/027 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 Harker's Hill \nCornascriebe Road\nPortadown \nBT62 3SS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cornascreeb", "TxtIGRef": "H9934 4757", "MainID": 14536.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 299345.588600000366569, 347580.424200000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/04/027 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "6 Harker's Hill \nCornascriebe Road\nPortadown \nBT62 3SS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Cornascreeb", "TxtIGRef": "H9934 4757", "MainID": 14537.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 299339.89049999974668, 347578.796700000762939 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/05/040", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "48 Mullahead Road\nTandragee\nCraigavon\nBT62 2LA", "Extent": "House, walling, gates and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Mullahead", "TxtIGRef": "J0358 5001", "MainID": 17392.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 303585.067300000227988, 350016.907600000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/06/064", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Signal box\nPoyntzpass Railway Station\nRailway Street\nPoyntzpass\nNewry\nCo Armagh\nBT35 6SN", "Extent": "Signal box gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Railway Station Structures", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Brannock", "TxtIGRef": "J0604 3942", "MainID": 17365.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306045.398599999956787, 339418.874600000679493 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/08/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BRIDGE 1 \nDUNDRUM ROAD \nTASSAGH\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H8692 3645", "MainID": 6490.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286933.806699999608099, 336452.617000000551343 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/11/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge at Port Nelligan\n236 Monaghan Road\nMiddletown\nCo. Armagh\nBT60 4HQ", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, screen walls", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Portnelligan", "TxtIGRef": "H7865 3918", "MainID": 16911.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278650.867499999701977, 339188.966600000858307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/15/038", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "52 Lisnagat Road\nMarkethill\nCo. Armagh\nBT60 1SR", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Damoily", "TxtIGRef": "H9443 3755", "MainID": 17036.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294436.783499999903142, 337553.50929999910295 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/16/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nSt Luke's Hospital\nLoughgall Road\nArmagh\nCo. Armagh\nBT61 7NQ", "Extent": "Gate lodge and walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "H8744 4673", "MainID": 16920.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287328.454900000244379, 346679.484699999913573 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB15/18/009", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "GATEWAY ARCH \nOLD BUTTER MARKET \nDOBBIN ST. \nARMAGH", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "ARCH", "FormerUse": "ARCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H8765 4495", "MainID": 3178.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287697.298299999907613, 344977.95130000077188 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/01/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bloody Bridge, (old)\nBallagh Road, \nNewcastle, \nCo Down\nBT33 0LA", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballaghanery Upper", "TxtIGRef": "J3877 2698", "MainID": 9883.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338779.835199999623001, 326995.597400000318885 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/01/031", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Tower\nSlieve Donard (summit)\nMourne Mountains\nNewcastle\nCo Down", "Extent": "Shelter tower", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Mullartown Upper", "TxtIGRef": "J3575 2760", "MainID": 9516.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335796.75870000012219, 327691.772099999710917 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/01/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Intercepting Weir\nAt grid J3435 2438\nNear Annalong\nNewry\nCo Down", "Extent": "Intercepting Weir", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Water Works Structures", "FormerUse": "Water Works Structures", "Townland": "Mullartown Upper", "TxtIGRef": "J3435 2438", "MainID": 13860.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334353.961600000038743, 324393.904500000178814 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/01/041", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Intercepting Weir and Tunnel\nAt Grid J3415 2425\nNear Annalong\nNewry\nCo Down", "Extent": "Intercepting Weir and Tunnel, flow meter house and flow meter.", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Water Works Structures", "FormerUse": "Water Works Structures", "Townland": "Moneydorragh More Upper", "TxtIGRef": "J3415 2425", "MainID": 14034.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334146.939299999736249, 324240.706800000742078 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/05/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Mourne Park House\nNewry Road \nKilkeel\nNewry\nCo Down\nBT34 4SD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ballyrogan or Mourne Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2702 1588", "MainID": 10755.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327019.387299999594688, 315905.851399999111891 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/05/009 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gardener’s House\nMourne Park\nNewry Road \nKilkeel\nNewry\nCo Down\nBT34 4SD", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrogan or Mourne Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2705 1600", "MainID": 10776.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327035.969700000248849, 316008.72440000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/13/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Stable block and attached former mill\nKillevy Castle\nBallintemple Road\nMeigh\nKilleavy\nNEWRY\nCo. Armagh\nBT35 8LQ", "Extent": "Stable block and attached former mill, water feature, store, walls and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Stables", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Clonlum", "TxtIGRef": "J0403 2046", "MainID": 16994.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304022.340900000184774, 320454.848699999973178 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/19/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "UMMERACAM BRIDGE \nUMMERACAM \nCAMLOUGH \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "H9534 2017", "MainID": 9333.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 295343.531299999915063, 320172.701999999582767 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "POST OFFICE", "FormerUse": "POST OFFICE", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0481 2860", "MainID": 1925.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304810.771999999880791, 328604.741100000217557 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0480 2861", "MainID": 1920.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304798.473399999551475, 328614.537900000810623 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0479 2862", "MainID": 5326.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304794.365699999965727, 328619.676699999719858 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0479 2862", "MainID": 1914.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304790.378999999724329, 328624.731200000271201 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0478 2863", "MainID": 1917.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304788.037399999797344, 328629.759700000286102 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0478 2863", "MainID": 1933.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304786.756099999882281, 328634.981899999082088 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0478 2863", "MainID": 5403.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304784.244699999690056, 328638.681199999526143 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST \nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0478 2864", "MainID": 5307.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304779.208800000138581, 328641.214099999517202 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "10 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0477 2864", "MainID": 4613.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304776.333100000396371, 328644.407400000840425 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0477 2864", "MainID": 1918.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304773.705900000408292, 328648.48589999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 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1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0474 2868", "MainID": 1927.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304744.37569999974221, 328685.03940000012517 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 Q", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "22 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0474 2869", "MainID": 1928.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304741.190399999730289, 328689.121600000187755 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 S", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "24 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0473 2869", "MainID": 5648.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304736.775399999693036, 328697.425200000405312 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 U", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "26 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0472 2870", "MainID": 9192.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304729.402499999850988, 328703.989499999210238 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 V", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "27 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK \nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0472 2870", "MainID": 9193.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304726.473399999551475, 328707.674200000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/002 Y", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "30 CHARLEMONT SQUARE EAST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0471 2871", "MainID": 9195.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304719.035199999809265, 328719.493200000375509 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/004 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 CHARLEMONT SQUARE WEST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0471 2862", "MainID": 5318.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304714.231300000101328, 328626.013299999758601 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/004 M", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 CHARLEMONT SQUARE WEST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0469 2863", "MainID": 1962.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304700.104299999773502, 328639.060000000521541 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/004 O", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 CHARLEMONT SQUARE WEST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0469 2864", "MainID": 5417.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304693.466199999675155, 328645.738700000569224 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/004 P", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16 CHARLEMONT SQUARE WEST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0469 2865", "MainID": 1945.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304691.253800000064075, 328650.020600000396371 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/22/004 Q", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "17 CHARLEMONT SQUARE WEST\nBESSBROOK\nCO.ARMAGH", "Extent": "House, gate, railings and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Clogharevan", "TxtIGRef": "J0468 2865", "MainID": 1946.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304688.712100000120699, 328653.85249999910593 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/28/018 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Armagh Down Bridge\nNewry \nCo Down\nBT34", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lisdrumgullion", "TxtIGRef": "J0862 2668", "MainID": 13198.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308620.189100000075996, 326671.23340000025928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB16/29/017 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gates and Walling at\nChurch of the Sacred Heart (RC)\nAdj. to 134 Dublin Road\nNewry\nCo Down", "Extent": "Gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Drumalane", "TxtIGRef": "J0813 2386", "MainID": 12165.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308129.393899999558926, 323864.660399999469519 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Screen\nGilford Castle \n5 Banbridge Road\nGilford\nCo Down\nBT63 6DJ", "Extent": "Gate Screen & Estate Wall", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Drumaran", "TxtIGRef": "J0685 4828", "MainID": 16426.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307118.323699999600649, 348320.672199999913573 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gilford Bridge\nBridge Street\nGilford\nCraigavon\nCo Down\nBT63", "Extent": "Bridge & abutments", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Drumaran/\n Loughhans", "TxtIGRef": "J0658 4827", "MainID": 2025.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306613.388899999670684, 348279.967199999839067 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/013 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "55 Dunbarton Street\nGilford\nCRAIGAVON\nCo Down\nBT63 6HJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0653 4850", "MainID": 2971.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306534.770999999716878, 348511.928700000047684 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dunbarton Street Presbyterian Church\n64 Dunbarton Street\nGilford\nCo Down\nBT63 6HJ", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Loughans", "TxtIGRef": "J0651 4857", "MainID": 2029.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306514.634300000034273, 348570.949100000783801 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/023 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nMoyallon House\n68 Moyallen Road\nMoyallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nBT63 5JY", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, walling, pedestrian gate and pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Moyallan", "TxtIGRef": "J0484 5085", "MainID": 16604.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304844.782300000078976, 350860.240499999374151 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/033 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Woodbank\n20 Moyallan Road\nCRAIGAVON\nCo Down\nBT63 5JX", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacanallen", "TxtIGRef": "J0553 4956", "MainID": 16425.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305539.603099999949336, 349555.360799999907613 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/034 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lodge\n21 Moyallan Road\nBallymacanallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nCounty Down\nBT63 5NH", "Extent": "Lodge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballymacanallen", "TxtIGRef": "J0570 4971", "MainID": 8246.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305703.523400000296533, 349717.27449999935925 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/036", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "White Bridge\nStramore Road\nGilford\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT63", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Loughans/\nMoyallan", "TxtIGRef": "J0489 4996", "MainID": 8247.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304891.05420000012964, 349964.936599999666214 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/01/039", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Laurels\n79 Moyallan Road\nMoyallen\nPortadown\nCRAIGAVON\nCo Down\nBT63 5JY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Residential Home", "Townland": "Moyallan", "TxtIGRef": "J0476 5104", "MainID": 8249.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 304757.995900000445545, 351040.853099999949336 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Huntly Bridge\nHuntly Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lenaderg\nLisnafiffy", "TxtIGRef": "J1126 4857", "MainID": 8360.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311265.606200000271201, 348577.341499999165535 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lawrencetown Bridge\n(aka The Point Bridge)\nPoint Road\nGilford\nCo Down\nBT63", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Croose\nDrumnascamph", "TxtIGRef": "J1001 4909", "MainID": 16434.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310011.258799999952316, 349094.48450000025332 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/018", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Banford House\n56 Banbridge Road\nGilford\nCraigavon\nCo Down\nBT63 6DJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Knocknagore", "TxtIGRef": "J0810 4905", "MainID": 2034.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308102.210699999704957, 349052.494300000369549 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Tullylish Bridge\nTullylish Road\nGilford\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT63", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Knocknagore\nTullylish", "TxtIGRef": "J0818 4872", "MainID": 8362.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308184.799200000241399, 348727.640300000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/02/025 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Chimney at former Banford Bleach Works\nadjacent to 59 Banbridge Rd\nGilford\nCo Down \nBT63 6DL", "Extent": "Chimney", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Mill", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Tullylish", "TxtIGRef": "J0837 4881", "MainID": 16437.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308370.491799999959767, 348816.448100000619888 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aghaderg Glebe\n18 Grovehill Road\nDrumnahare\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NF", "Extent": "House, gates & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Drumnahare", "TxtIGRef": "J1118 4177", "MainID": 16147.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311180.654299999587238, 341774.744300000369549 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings \nAghaderg Glebe\n18 Grovehill Road\nDrumnahare\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NF", "Extent": "Outbuildings, walls, piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Drumnahare", "TxtIGRef": "J1120 4178", "MainID": 16148.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311199.882799999788404, 341788.939099999144673 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aghaderg Parish Hall\n16 Grovehill Road\nDrumnahare\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3NF", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Drumnahare", "TxtIGRef": "J1089 4173", "MainID": 8405.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310894.023000000044703, 341723.924499999731779 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Mellan's Parish Church\nAghaderg\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NH", "Extent": "Church, wall, railings, piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Bovennett", "TxtIGRef": "J1040 4206", "MainID": 1893.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310402.369400000199676, 342085.495999999344349 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church\nScarva Street\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NH", "Extent": "Church, wall, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Bovennett", "TxtIGRef": "J1037 4220", "MainID": 4956.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310373.989599999971688, 342204.08669999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bovenett House\n26 Scarva Street\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NH", "Extent": "House & yard walling", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Loughbrickland", "TxtIGRef": "J1034 4217", "MainID": 8406.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310339.429800000041723, 342173.086799999698997 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aghaderg Lodge\n41 Scarva Street\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NH", "Extent": "House, gate, gate piers, wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Loughbrickland", "TxtIGRef": "J1038 4222", "MainID": 8261.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310310.366399999707937, 342280.884400000795722 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "156 Ballygowan Road\nBanbridge \nCo Down\nBT32 3QS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Loughbrickland", "TxtIGRef": "J1021 4434", "MainID": 8407.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310210.651700000278652, 344341.303300000727177 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/036", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Scarva Bridge\nStation Road\nScarva\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT63", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Scarva/\nAughlish", "TxtIGRef": "J0638 4368", "MainID": 9548.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306381.75069999974221, 343680.6261 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/039 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Scarvagh House\n31 Old Mill Road\nScarva\nCRAIGAVON\nCo. Down\nBT63 6NL", "Extent": "House and stables", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Scarva", "TxtIGRef": "J0695 4284", "MainID": 16281.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306954.513899999670684, 342835.339999999850988 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/039 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate screen\nScarvagh House\n31 Old Mill Road\nScarva\nCRAIGAVON\nCo Down\nBT63 6NL", "Extent": "Gates, gatescreen & gate stops", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Scarva", "TxtIGRef": "J0669 4341", "MainID": 16275.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306694.10950000025332, 343416.819099999964237 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/041", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Rockvale\n56 Old Mill Road\nScarva\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT63 6NL", "Extent": "House, walls, gates & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Scarva", "TxtIGRef": "J0754 4257", "MainID": 8270.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307542.997499999590218, 342565.609899999573827 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/042", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lisnabrague House\n40 Bann Road\nPoyntzpass \nCo Down \nBT63 6NR", "Extent": "House, gates & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnabrague", "TxtIGRef": "J0774 4136", "MainID": 8271.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307740.598000000230968, 341366.708699999377131 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/049", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "28 Ballymore Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3PG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacaratty Beg", "TxtIGRef": "J0910 3765", "MainID": 8274.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 309100.430100000463426, 337659.198100000619888 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/050", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Carrick House\n31 Carrick Road\nCarrickdrumman\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 3PA", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walls, gates & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carrickdrumman", "TxtIGRef": "J0981 3827", "MainID": 8369.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 309804.090599999763072, 338272.721699999645352 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/03/051", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Loughbrickland House\nLoughbrickland\nCo Down\nBT32 3NH", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and gates", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Loughbrickland", "TxtIGRef": "J1015 4266", "MainID": 9368.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 310156.134399999864399, 342685.45549999922514 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/04/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Masonic Hall \n2 Church Square \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4AT", "Extent": "Hall, railings & walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyvally", "TxtIGRef": "J1269 4614", "MainID": 6249.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312693.934299999848008, 346151.639000000432134 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/04/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former RUC Barracks \nChurch Square \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4AT", "Extent": "Former Barracks, steps & walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Police Station", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Tullyear", "TxtIGRef": "J1267 4613", "MainID": 16214.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312674.652900000102818, 346128.966000000014901 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/05/002", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Huntly House \n107 Huntly Road \nDrumnagally\nBanbridge\nCounty Down\nBT32 3BS", "Extent": "House excluding modern return", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumnagally", "TxtIGRef": "J1185 4694", "MainID": 3409.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 311845.85219999961555, 346947.24070000089705 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/06/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Downshire Bridge\nThe Cut\nBanbridge \nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge & retaining walls", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyvally", "TxtIGRef": "J1253 4583", "MainID": 8289.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312537.712799999862909, 345834.905200000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/07/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Crozier House \n15 Church Square\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 4AP", "Extent": "House, steps & railings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullyear", "TxtIGRef": "J1275 4613", "MainID": 8293.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312743.412999999709427, 346126.979100000113249 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/07/027", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Victoria House\n2 Newry Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down \nBT32 3HF", "Extent": "House, steps, wall & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "house", "Townland": "Ballyvally", "TxtIGRef": "J1242 4548", "MainID": 2047.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312413.505800000391901, 345466.293500000610948 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/034", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nChurchill Road\nKatesbridge\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ardbrin", "TxtIGRef": "J1953 4186", "MainID": 16584.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319543.211500000208616, 341872.295199999585748 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/08/041 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings\nLisnacreevy House\n80 Lisnacroppin Road\nRathfriland\nCo Down\nBT34 5NZ", "Extent": "Outbuildings, walls & gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Lisnacreevey", "TxtIGRef": "J1660 3753", "MainID": 16591.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316594.100200000219047, 337521.875 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballyroney Bridge\nTirkelly Hill Road\nBallyroney\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lackan\nTirkelly", "TxtIGRef": "J2205 3758", "MainID": 8378.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322057.807699999772012, 337584.989099999889731 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Roughan Bridge\nTirkelly Road\nRathfriland\nNewry\nCo Down\nBT34", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Drumdreenagh\nTirygory", "TxtIGRef": "J2250 3623", "MainID": 8307.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322500.756400000303984, 336233.527000000700355 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/09/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bannfield Bridge\nMoneygore Road\nRathfriland\nNewry \nCo Down \nBT34", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Moneygore\nLisnisk", "TxtIGRef": "J2285 3442", "MainID": 16686.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322861.439000000245869, 334428.432199999690056 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Mary's R C Church \nLeitrim \nBallyward\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9TH", "Extent": "Church, walling & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Leitrim", "TxtIGRef": "J3036 3929", "MainID": 4709.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330366.543399999849498, 339301.9679000005126 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/007 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge and Gatescreen\nBallyward Lodge\n16 Ballyward Road\nBallyward\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9PS", "Extent": "Gate lodge & gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyward", "TxtIGRef": "J2702 3822", "MainID": 16276.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327031.199500000104308, 338218.052200000733137 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Drumgooland Parish Church\nBallyward Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9PP", "Extent": "Church and gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyward", "TxtIGRef": "J2763 3826", "MainID": 3190.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327624.449699999764562, 338256.863299999386072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballyward House\n2 Castlewellan Road\nBallyward\nCastlewellan\nCo Down\nBT31 9RL", "Extent": "House, outbuilding & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Ballyward", "TxtIGRef": "J2766 3824", "MainID": 16689.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327660.986700000241399, 338253.052799999713898 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "16 Drumlee Road\nBallyward\nCastlewellan\nCo Down\nBT31 9RS", "Extent": "House, Outbuildings, Gates & Piers", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumlee", "TxtIGRef": "J2739 3667", "MainID": 16690.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327386.99129999987781, 336675.016400000080466 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/10/025 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Outbuilding \nBallydrumman/Leitrim Road Crossroads\nLeitrim\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT31 9SL", "Extent": "Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Leitrim", "TxtIGRef": "J3039 3924", "MainID": 16692.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330394.485700000077486, 339236.98450000025332 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/11/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "80 Enagh Road\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, pillars & gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carnew", "TxtIGRef": "J2471 4714", "MainID": 16693.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324709.2955, 347148.481799999251962 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/11/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bells Bridge\nRathfriland Rd\nDromara\nDromore\nCo Down\nBT 25", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Crossgar", "TxtIGRef": "J2882 4867", "MainID": 16694.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328821.940200000070035, 348677.989700000733137 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/002", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Balleevy House\n11 Balleevy Road\nBalleevy Td\nCo Down\nBT32 4LS", "Extent": "House, outbuildings & yard wall", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Balleevey", "TxtIGRef": "J1566 4511", "MainID": 8317.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315671.599000000394881, 345097.702099999412894 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mulligan's Bridge\nDrone Hill Road\nCorbett\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Tullyconnaught", "TxtIGRef": "J1666 4479", "MainID": 16695.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316658.962199999950826, 344793.107400000095367 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Poland's Bridge\noff Circular Road\nKatesbridge\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge & abutments", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Tullintanvally\nTullyorior", "TxtIGRef": "J1879 4290", "MainID": 8383.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318794.920300000347197, 342901.465099999681115 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/12/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kate McKay's Bridge\nArdbrin Road\nKatesbridge\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballybrick\nShannaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J2095 4076", "MainID": 8422.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320958.787999999709427, 340757.669199999421835 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/13/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Thornyford Bridge\nBlackskull Road\nDromore\nCo Down\nBT27", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Coolsallagh", "TxtIGRef": "J1590 5404", "MainID": 8386.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315905.982099999673665, 354051.317600000649691 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/14/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Altafort\n62 Skeagh Road\nDromore\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25 2QB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, walls, gate piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skeagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2316 5019", "MainID": 8387.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323147.394199999980628, 350225.0954 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/14/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kinallen Manse\n9 Tullinisky Road \nDromara\nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT25 2PJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullinisky", "TxtIGRef": "J2488 4967", "MainID": 8324.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324879.043499999679625, 349665.756400000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/14/011 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lodge\n10 Dromara Road \nDromore \nBanbridge\nCo Down\nBT32 5EU", "Extent": "Lodge", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballooly", "TxtIGRef": "J2048 5279", "MainID": 16798.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320481.467600000090897, 352792.234600000083447 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/14/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "95 Ballynahinch Road\nDromore\nBT25 2AL", "Extent": "House, pump, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyvicknacally", "TxtIGRef": "J2401 5317", "MainID": 14304.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324012.192999999970198, 353173.209000000730157 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/017", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Downshire Bridge\nBridge Street\nDromore\nCo Down\nBT25", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballymaganlis \nDrumbroneth", "TxtIGRef": "J2017 5328", "MainID": 8389.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320176.589499999769032, 353287.862600000575185 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/022 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cathedral Church of Christ the Redeemer\n30 Church Street \nDromore\nCo Down\nBT25 1AA", "Extent": "Church, gates, walls & railings", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Balleny", "TxtIGRef": "J2008 5335", "MainID": 16842.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320038.103500000201166, 353364.288100000470877 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/056", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bridge at 94 Church Street \nDromore\nBT25 1AA", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballymaganlis", "TxtIGRef": "J1965 5348", "MainID": 14305.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319797.395499999634922, 353452.322399999946356 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB17/15/057", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former stationmaster's house\n102 Church Street \nDromore\nBT25 1AA", "Extent": "Former station and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Ballymaganlis", "TxtIGRef": "J1965 5335", "MainID": 14306.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319694.311900000087917, 353354.656600000336766 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/08/092 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "MYRA CASTLE RELATED STRUCTURES \nWALSHESTOWN TL \nSTRANGFORD \nDownpatrick\nCO.DOWN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J5441 4901", "MainID": 9418.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354614.175800000317395, 349285.732799999415874 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/08/092 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "60 Myra Road\nRaholp\nDownpatrick\nCounty Down\nBT30 7JX", "Extent": "Gardener's house, store, walled garden, kissing gate and piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Walshestown", "TxtIGRef": "J5450 4978", "MainID": 16477.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354545.344700000248849, 349791.472300000488758 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/10/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "35 CASTLE ST. \nKILLOUGH \nDownpatrick\nCO.DOWN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J5375 3628", "MainID": 4807.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 353761.090499999932945, 336268.024000000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/10/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "POINT VIEW \n45 CASTLE ST. \nKILLOUGH \nDownpatrick\nCO.DOWN", "Extent": "Includes RAILINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J5377 3625", "MainID": 5087.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 353794.546400000341237, 336221.88399999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/10/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "47 CASTLE ST. \nKILLOUGH \nDownpatrick\nCO.DOWN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J5377 3624", "MainID": 4803.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 353798.169300000183284, 336213.065500000491738 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/10/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "ANCHOR BAR \n49-51 CASTLE ST. \nKILLOUGH \nDownpatrick\nCO.DOWN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "FormerUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J5377 3623", "MainID": 4802.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 353805.914200000464916, 336202.967499999329448 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/12/021", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Standard Mill\nClarkehill Road \nAnnsborough\nCastlewellan\nBT31 9BN", "Extent": "Mill complex", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Factory", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Clarkill", "TxtIGRef": "J3526 3730", "MainID": 14538.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335272.21059999987483, 337281.936699999496341 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/063", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge \nSchool Road\nClaragh \nnear Clough\nDownpatrick\nCounty Down", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Claragh", "TxtIGRef": "J3739 4053", "MainID": 13283.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337386.558000000193715, 340537.514799999073148 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/17/064", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge by Ardilea House\nArdilea\nClough\nDownpatrick\nCounty Down", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ardilea", "TxtIGRef": "J4137 3864", "MainID": 13284.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341384.010599999688566, 338640.597300000488758 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB18/20/048", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lake House\n7 Drumcullan Road\nDownpatrick\nCounty Down\nBT30 8JE", "Extent": "House walling and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Demesne of Down", "TxtIGRef": "J4620 4274", "MainID": 16626.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 346092.972599999979138, 342798.881400000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballydonaghy Bridge\nGarlandstown Road\nGlenavy\nCrumlin\nCo Antrim\nBT 29", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballydonaght / Ballyminymore", "TxtIGRef": "J1798 7431", "MainID": 15996.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317982.823099999688566, 374307.845599999651313 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/008", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Protestant Hall\nMain Street\nGlenavy\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Glenavy", "TxtIGRef": "J1552 7302", "MainID": 16465.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315518.78000000026077, 373019.106499999761581 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glenavy Methodist Church\nMain Street\nGlenavy\nCounty Antrim\nBT29 4LP", "Extent": "Church, gate, gate pillars, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Glenavy", "TxtIGRef": "J1548 7300", "MainID": 15478.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315478.825000000186265, 373004.973300000652671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Leap Bridge \nLurgan Road\nGlenavy\nCrumlin\nCo Antrim\nBT29", "Extent": "Bridge, gate pillars and gates.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyvollen/Ballyvorally", "TxtIGRef": "J1385 7252", "MainID": 15735.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 313860.022199999541044, 372527.9222999997437 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/035", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1A AND 1B PORTMORE ROAD \nLISBURN \nCO.ANTRIM \n \n(AKA CHILD'S CORNER)", "Extent": "House, attached outbuildings and houses, boundary wall and gate piers.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballinderry", "TxtIGRef": "J1281 6758", "MainID": 2222.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 312816.911600000225008, 367588.528599999845028 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/039", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Ballinderry River Bridge\nClontarriff Rd\nBallinderry Upper\nLisburn\nCo Antrim\nBT28", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballykelly/Cluntirriff", "TxtIGRef": "J1485 6717", "MainID": 15736.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314844.274299999698997, 367173.660099999979138 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/060", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Ballinderry War Memorial Hall\n10A North Street\nUpper Ballinderry\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2ER", "Extent": "Hall and flanking walls", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Ballyscolly", "TxtIGRef": "J1628 6727", "MainID": 8479.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316292.137099999934435, 367280.393600000068545 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/01/071", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fruit Hill\nScroggy Lane\nScroggy Road\nGlenavy\nCounty Antrim\nBT29 4LD", "Extent": "House, gates, gate pillars, walling and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Aghanamoney", "TxtIGRef": "J1473 7047", "MainID": 15479.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314739.329300000332296, 370482.297800000756979 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/02/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Knockcairn Bridge\nTullyrusk Road\nDundrod\nCrumlin\nCo Antrim\nBT29", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballymoneymore / Knockcairn", "TxtIGRef": "J1962 7382", "MainID": 15997.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319625.463200000114739, 373824.262599999085069 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/013", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Railway bridge over canal\nStation Rd\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT67", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballycanal / Magheramesk", "TxtIGRef": "J1560 6184", "MainID": 15720.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315604.640599999576807, 361845.833399999886751 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Roman Catholic Church of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Brigid\nMaghaberry Road\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Magheramesk", "TxtIGRef": "J1642 6303", "MainID": 17007.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316416.813900000415742, 363024.988199999555945 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/014 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Maghermesk Former National School\nMaghaberry Road\nMagheragall\nMoira\nCo. Armagh", "Extent": "Former school", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Magheramesk", "TxtIGRef": "J1641 6302", "MainID": 17003.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316393.795599999837577, 363016.631599999964237 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/060", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Brookfield\n1-3 Halfpenny Gate Road\nTrummery TD\nMoira", "Extent": "Former headmaster's house, matron's house, part of the former school and gate piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Trummery", "TxtIGRef": "J1750 6171", "MainID": 14539.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317500.293700000271201, 361709.816899999976158 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/061", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Road over rail bridge\nTrummery Lane\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT67", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Trummery", "TxtIGRef": "J1713 6218", "MainID": 15721.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 317136.036500000394881, 362188.695299999788404 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/062", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Road over rail bridge\noff Bushfield Road\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh\nBT67", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Moyrusk", "TxtIGRef": "J1982 6284", "MainID": 15737.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319823.415699999779463, 362839.942600000649691 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/073", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 Bushfield Road\nMoyrusk\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCounty Down\nBT67 0JA", "Extent": "House, walling, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Moyrusk", "TxtIGRef": "J1978 6328", "MainID": 15965.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319786.84250000026077, 363284.872199999168515 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/03/076", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "241 Moira Road\nBroughmore\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 2TU", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Broughmore", "TxtIGRef": "J2034 6279", "MainID": 16444.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320336.117999999783933, 362786.881999999284744 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/04/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ravarnet House\n24 Carnbane Road\nRavernet\nCounty Down\nBT27 5NG", "Extent": "House, gates & walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ravernet", "TxtIGRef": "J2653 6095", "MainID": 8485.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326526.648000000044703, 360933.054099999368191 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lych gate\nSt. Malachy's Parish Church of Ireland graveyard\nMain Street\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26", "Extent": "Lych gate", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Graveyard", "FormerUse": "Graveyard", "Townland": "Hillsborough / Large Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2450 5875", "MainID": 15256.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324515.396499999798834, 358722.872999999672174 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Candy Plum\n4-6 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House and shop", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2438 5872", "MainID": 16107.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324322.806400000117719, 358778.724899999797344 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "12 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "Office, front wall and railings.", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2431 5875", "MainID": 4325.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324314.345599999651313, 358756.023900000378489 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "14 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House, walling, railings and rear steps.", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2431 5874", "MainID": 6008.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324310.946100000292063, 358746.918700000271201 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House, railings and boundary walls", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2430 5881", "MainID": 4963.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324300.833999999798834, 358814.814999999478459 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Hillside\n21-23 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "Public House and gate.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2428 5874", "MainID": 16115.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324285.941399999894202, 358743.723899999633431 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/025 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "29 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2427 5872", "MainID": 982.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324278.42850000038743, 358716.263599999248981 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "31 Main Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2428 5871", "MainID": 9075.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324276.0455, 358710.783600000664592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/030", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "The Courthouse\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Former courthouse", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Court House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2425 5864", "MainID": 17386.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324249.338899999856949, 358642.508099999278784 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/039 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Blundell House\n12 The Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "House, steps, railings and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2426 5868", "MainID": 15261.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324257.618599999696016, 358691.577299999073148 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/045 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Blessington House\n18 Ballynahinch Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AW", "Extent": "House, railings and lamp.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2445 5894", "MainID": 6036.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324455.494500000029802, 358936.239800000563264 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/045 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Northern Bank\n20 Ballynahinch Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AW", "Extent": "Bank, railings and yard wall.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2446 5894", "MainID": 6027.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324464.998599999584258, 358947.455900000408292 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/050", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 Arthur Street\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AP", "Extent": "External walls", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2444 5889", "MainID": 2267.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324429.280199999921024, 358884.174000000581145 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lodge\nHillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Part gate screen, walling, railing, gates, piers, lamp standards & gate lodge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Small Park / Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2423 5868", "MainID": 17005.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324222.157399999909103, 358661.555900000035763 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 D", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Summer House\nHillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Summer House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Garden Features", "FormerUse": "Garden Features", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2422 5862", "MainID": 17009.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324218.115799999795854, 358619.182000000029802 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 E", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Lady Alice Temple\nHillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Garden Temple", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Garden Features", "FormerUse": "Garden Features", "Townland": "Small Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2389 5865", "MainID": 17010.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323893.064100000075996, 358649.967700000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/076 F", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ice House\nHillsborough Castle\nThe Square\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AG", "Extent": "Ice House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Garden Features", "FormerUse": "Ice House", "Townland": "Small Park", "TxtIGRef": "J2408 5880", "MainID": 17011.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324020.183699999935925, 358924.295800000429153 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/082", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4-6 Lisburn Street\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6AA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Hillsborough", "TxtIGRef": "J2434 5888", "MainID": 6079.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324336.991499999538064, 358876.012599999085069 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/122 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "84 Dromara Road\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6PE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Clogher", "TxtIGRef": "J2488 5632", "MainID": 3242.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324888.807699999772012, 356320.878799999132752 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/122 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "86 Dromara Road\nHillsborough\nCounty Down\nBT26 6PE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Clogher", "TxtIGRef": "J2489 5632", "MainID": 6048.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324895.04700000025332, 356317.681399999186397 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/124", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Turnpike Cottage\n131 Hillsborough Road\nDromore\nCo. Down\nBT25 1QW", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Toll House", "Townland": "Backnamullagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2174 5543", "MainID": 6141.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321742.208700000308454, 355422.63370000012219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/130", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. John’s Church of Ireland\nSt. John’s Road\nUpper Kilwarlin\nHillsborough\nCo.Down\nBT26 6ED", "Extent": "Church, gates and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Corcreeny", "TxtIGRef": "J2052 5758", "MainID": 6041.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320513.707700000144541, 357576.215600000694394 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/133 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kilwarlin Manse\n49 Kilwarlin Road\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6DZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Corceeny", "TxtIGRef": "J2100 5887", "MainID": 2321.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321001.70920000039041, 358870.217499999329448 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/133 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kilwarlin Moravian Hall\n49 Kilwarlin Road\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6DZ", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Corcreeny", "TxtIGRef": "J2100 5887", "MainID": 2320.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 321017.450000000186265, 358877.971000000834465 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/133 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Screen\nKilwarlin Moravian Church\nHillsborough\nCo. Down\nBT26 6DZ", "Extent": "Gate screen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Corcreeny", "TxtIGRef": "J2095 5892", "MainID": 15433.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320951.36670000012964, 358920.292700000107288 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/05/151", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former St John's Primary School\nSt John's Road\nHillsborough\nCounty Down", "Extent": "School & Schoolmaster's house gate and walling and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Corcreeny", "TxtIGRef": "J2044 5773", "MainID": 15355.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320430.75719999987632, 357714.557900000363588 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Laurels\n(Formerly Lisburn Lodge)\n376 Upper Ballynahinch Road\nAghanaleck\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6XL", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, gate, wall and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Aghnaleck", "TxtIGRef": "J3030 5898", "MainID": 15769.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330297.447300000116229, 358985.714800000190735 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cargycreevy Presbyterian Church\n192 Old Ballynahinch Road\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6TP", "Extent": "Church, gates, gate pillars and railiings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Carrickmaddyroe", "TxtIGRef": "J3265 5791", "MainID": 17357.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332655.06290000025183, 357913.139399999752641 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/06/033", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Union Lodge\n8 Carricknaveagh Road\nBoardmills\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 6UB", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, boundary walls, gates and stile.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carricknaveagh", "TxtIGRef": "J3614 5955", "MainID": 15768.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336148.517199999652803, 359542.21000000089407 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge\nDromore Road\nDromara\nDromore\nCo Down\nBT25", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Moydalgan", "TxtIGRef": "J2767 5034", "MainID": 16469.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327661.086600000038743, 350358.0307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Rectory\nDromara House\n50 Banbridge Road\nDromara\nCounty Down\nBT25 2NE", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Dromara", "TxtIGRef": "J2831 4977", "MainID": 2502.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328316.035099999979138, 349783.706599999219179 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/039", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 Howe Road\nBallykeel\nDromore\nCounty Down\nBT25 1ET", "Extent": "House and gate", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J2682 5262", "MainID": 16633.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326812.862099999561906, 352615.973200000822544 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/07/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "74 Dromore Road\nDrumadoney\nDromara\nDromore\nCounty Down\nBT25 2NH", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumadoney", "TxtIGRef": "J2630 5105", "MainID": 16470.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326297.146900000050664, 351056.271299999207258 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/007", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ballyskeagh Bridge \nBallyskeagh Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyskeagh", "TxtIGRef": "J2883 6691", "MainID": 1907.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328843.670099999755621, 366910.190300000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Wolfenden's Bridge \nBallyskeagh Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lambeg North", "TxtIGRef": "J2839 6681", "MainID": 4751.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328392.651600000448525, 366816.026799999177456 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/09/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Iron Lattice Bridge\nHilden Mill\nMill Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lambeg South/ Lisnatrunk", "TxtIGRef": "J2809 6509", "MainID": 4896.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328098.042700000107288, 365095.61570000089705 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/10/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Road over railway Bridge\nBallinderry Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim\nBT 28", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Knockmore", "TxtIGRef": "J2510 6424", "MainID": 16628.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325111.219600000418723, 364243.207699999213219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/12/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Moore's Bridge\nHillsborough Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge; boundary marker", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Blaris / Old Warren", "TxtIGRef": "J2624 6290", "MainID": 2352.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326238.72690000012517, 362903.324300000444055 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Shannon's Jewellers\n2-4 Market Square North\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 1XB", "Extent": "Former Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Lisnagary", "TxtIGRef": "J2678 6433", "MainID": 6099.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326786.293700000271201, 364331.206700000911951 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/025 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4-6 Railway Street\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT28 1XG", "Extent": "Former house and yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2680 6437", "MainID": 15784.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326800.239900000393391, 364369.38120000064373 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/13/027", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "24 Railway Street\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT28 1XG", "Extent": "House, coach house and walling.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisnagarvey", "TxtIGRef": "J2676 6444", "MainID": 15788.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326777.535699999891222, 364437.184000000357628 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/14/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "22 Pond Park Road\nLisburn\nBT28 3LF", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Clogher", "TxtIGRef": "J2559 6566", "MainID": 14147.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325592.161299999803305, 365665.426899999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/15/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Station House\n1 North Circular Road\nLisburn\nCo Antrim\nBT28 3AH", "Extent": "House and pedestrian gate.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2761 6466", "MainID": 6052.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326709.235399999655783, 364666.826199999079108 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/16/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum\nMarket Square\nLisburn\nBT28 1AG", "Extent": "Market House", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Assembly Room", "Townland": "Lisnagarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2680 6429", "MainID": 3244.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326800.895100000314415, 364293.013599999248981 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/16/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Drinking Fountain\nCastle Gardens\nCastle Street\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Fountain", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Fountain", "FormerUse": "Fountain", "Townland": "Lisangarvy", "TxtIGRef": "J2697 6442", "MainID": 2173.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326974.199199999682605, 364410.924200000241399 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/004 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Barbour Tomb and Railings\nLambeg Parish Churchyard\nChurch Hill\nLambeg North\nLisburn\nCo. Antrim\nBT27 4SB", "Extent": "Tomb and railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Mausoleum", "FormerUse": "Mausoleum", "Townland": "Lambeg North", "TxtIGRef": "J2836 6661", "MainID": 2328.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328388.24129999987781, 366628.300100000575185 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/009", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Railway Bridge \nLambeg Road\nLambeg\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Lambeg North", "TxtIGRef": "J2757 6616", "MainID": 2350.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327573.99239999987185, 366160.675000000745058 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/016 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 Glenmore Terrace\nMill Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4RW", "Extent": "House, gate and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2777 6542", "MainID": 6083.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327775.353099999949336, 365415.273499999195337 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/016 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 Glenmore Terrace\nMill Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4RW", "Extent": "House gate and boundary walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2778 6542", "MainID": 6142.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327782.055399999953806, 365415.321699999272823 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/016 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 Glenmore Terrace\nMill Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4RW", "Extent": "House, gate and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2778 6542", "MainID": 2333.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327788.263899999670684, 365415.666999999433756 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/016 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4 Glenmore Terrace\nMill Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4RW", "Extent": "House, gate and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2779 6542", "MainID": 2922.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327794.527099999599159, 365415.496700000017881 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/17/016 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 Glenmore Terrace\nMill Street\nHilden\nLisburn\nCo.Antrim\nBT27 4RW", "Extent": "House, gate and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lambeg South", "TxtIGRef": "J2781 6542", "MainID": 6081.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327803.629900000058115, 365412.366699999198318 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/18/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Kilmakee Railway Bridge\nDunmurry\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Kilmakee", "TxtIGRef": "J2849 6809", "MainID": 1693.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328498.758899999782443, 368092.792600000277162 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/18/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Willowtree Cottage\nRiver Road\nKilmakee\nDunmurry\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "House and Conway Lane Entrance gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Kilmakee", "TxtIGRef": "J2838 6724", "MainID": 16651.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328375.00069999974221, 367234.700600000098348 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/20/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Railway Bridge \nUpper Dunmurry Lane\nDunmurry\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Dunmurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2920 6897", "MainID": 4625.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329200.14989999961108, 368975.772299999371171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/20/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Railway Bridge over Glen River\nUpper Dunmurry Lane\nDunmurry\nLisburn\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Dunmurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2916 6893", "MainID": 3483.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329169.639999999664724, 368931.666500000283122 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/21/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cloona House\n30-31 Colin Road\nDunmurray\nBelfast\nBT17 0LG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycullo", "TxtIGRef": "J2794 7050", "MainID": 14540.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 327949.601999999955297, 370502.459699999541044 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/005 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "79 Main Street\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo. Armagh\nBT67 0LH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Carnalbanagh East", "TxtIGRef": "J1511 6066", "MainID": 6088.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315108.025200000032783, 360662.976199999451637 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/038", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "63 Main Street\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo. Armagh\nBT67 0LQ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carnalbanagh East", "TxtIGRef": "J1504 6058", "MainID": 6073.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315036.426300000399351, 360585.557900000363588 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/040", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "71 Main Street\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo. Armagh\nBT67 0LQ", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and gate.", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carnalbanagh East", "TxtIGRef": "J1507 6062", "MainID": 6071.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315077.477900000289083, 360609.284499999135733 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/046", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Newmill Bridge\nClarehill Road\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Aughnadrumman / Bottier / Ballymagaraghan", "TxtIGRef": "J1636 5988", "MainID": 3248.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 316362.826700000092387, 359885.945199999958277 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/062", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Spencer's Bridge \nHillsborough Road\nMoira\nCraigavon\nCo Armagh", "Extent": "Bridge and abutment walls", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyknock / Inisloughlin", "TxtIGRef": "J1829 6031", "MainID": 3000.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318240.967400000430644, 360314.933599999174476 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/22/064", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Saint Matthews Church of Ireland\nLurganure Road\nBroomhedge\nHillsborough\nCounty Down", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Broughmore", "TxtIGRef": "J2064 6257", "MainID": 8501.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 320639.760700000450015, 362559.155600000172853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Patricks Church of Ireland\n260 Upper Malone Road\nDunmurry\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT17 9LD", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drumbeg", "TxtIGRef": "J3061 6696", "MainID": 15472.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330609.035099999979138, 366951.034499999135733 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Drum House\n254 Upper Malone Road\nDrumbeg\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT17 9LD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumbeg", "TxtIGRef": "J3077 6702", "MainID": 10291.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330772.447399999946356, 367018.400699999183416 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/019 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Edenderry House\n133 Ballylesson Road\nEdenderry\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT8 8JU", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3246 6738", "MainID": 15473.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332456.318699999712408, 367375.253399999812245 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/019 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Outbuildings at Edenderry House\n133 Ballylesson Road\nEdenderry\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT8 8JU", "Extent": "Former gardeners cottage, outbuildings and railings", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3243 6738", "MainID": 2325.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332431.671299999579787, 367377.707699999213219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Belvedere House\n226 Ballylesson Road\nLisburn\nCounty Antrim\nBT27 5TS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumbo", "TxtIGRef": "J3150 6598", "MainID": 6251.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331502.40500000026077, 365983.829600000753999 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/036 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "50 Drumbeg Road\nBallygowan\nDunmurry\nBelfast\nCounty Down\nBT17 9LE", "Extent": "Gate Lodge and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballygowan", "TxtIGRef": "J3075 6653", "MainID": 15790.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330750.383899999782443, 366523.836500000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB19/23/053", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "216 Ballylesson Road\nBallycarn\nLisburn\nCounty Down\nBT27 5TS", "Extent": "House and outbuildings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycarn", "TxtIGRef": "J3188 6613", "MainID": 15791.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331884.395999999716878, 366128.955800000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/021 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Farm Yard\nMoneyglass Demesne\nDuneane Road \nToomebridge\nCo Antrim\nBT41 3PS", "Extent": "Farm Buildings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Moneyglass", "TxtIGRef": "J0122 9246", "MainID": 14311.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 301183.571100000292063, 392321.848099999129772 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/01/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "36 Gloverstown Road \nToomebridge\nCo Antrim\nBT41 3PL", "Extent": "House, potato shed & boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Brecart (Main Portion)", "TxtIGRef": "J0015 9074", "MainID": 14314.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 300159.860799999907613, 390739.996799999848008 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/04/042 L", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gates and gate screen at Dunmore Lodge\n1 Dunmore Park\nRandalstown\nAntrim\nCo Antrim\nBT41 3LB", "Extent": "Gates, gate piers, railings and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Shane's Castle Park", "TxtIGRef": "J0802 8984", "MainID": 12949.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 308021.06969999987632, 389857.868000000715256 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/04/042 T", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge over railway cutting at Dunmore Park\nRandalstown\nAntrim\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Shane's Castle Park", "TxtIGRef": "J0795 8988", "MainID": 12951.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307961.033599999733269, 389878.372899999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/06/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Original Gateway to Holestone House\nBallymena Road\nDoagh\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Gates, piers, railings, plinth walls, link walls, and curved walls", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Holestone", "TxtIGRef": "J2494 8933", "MainID": 3045.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324944.97620000038296, 389532.309100000187755 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Remains of Antrim Castle\nAntrim Castle Gardens\nRandalstown Road\nAntrim,\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Tower, adjoining walls, and stone garden steps", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1448 8673", "MainID": 6171.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314480.355399999767542, 386729.968000000342727 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gateway\n22 Market Square\nAntrim\nCo Antrim\nBT41 4AW", "Extent": "Archway and gates; boundary walls and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1466 8668", "MainID": 6174.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314663.281000000424683, 386683.734999999403954 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/08/055", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Rampart and Bastion\nCastle Street/Market Square\nAntrim\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "Walling", "FormerUse": "Walling", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J1466 8675", "MainID": 3486.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 314658.50870000012219, 386737.539599999785423 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/12/004 B", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "STABLE GATEWAY \n26 NEW LODGE ROAD \nMUCKAMORE \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J1819 8563", "MainID": 6190.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 318196.006000000052154, 385633.45409999974072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/12/011", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nStraidballymorris\nDunadry\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Dunadry / Straidballymorris", "TxtIGRef": "J1976 8481", "MainID": 4827.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319794.17090000025928, 384810.637299999594688 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/12/042", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bridge\nIslandreagh House\nIslandreagh Td\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge, gateway and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Islandreagh", "TxtIGRef": "J1915 8501", "MainID": 14317.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 319113.224600000306964, 385015.800899999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/15/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Railway viaduct\nMill Road\nCrumlin\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Viaduct and abutments", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Viaduct", "FormerUse": "Viaduct", "Townland": "Ballydonaghy/ Crosshill", "TxtIGRef": "J1548 7646", "MainID": 10798.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315486.756400000303984, 376467.977900000289083 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB20/15/031", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Crumlin Bridge\nMill Road\nCrumlin\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballydonaghy/ Crosshill", "TxtIGRef": "J1548 7646", "MainID": 10799.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 315478.968299999833107, 376463.087600000202656 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/01/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Hydepark Presbyterian Church Mallusk Road\nMallusk\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Grange of Mallusk", "TxtIGRef": "J2902 8300", "MainID": 14556.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329022.178999999538064, 382993.79590000025928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/02/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Invermuir\n53 Bridge Road\nDoagh\nCo Antrim\nBT39 0PS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kilbride", "TxtIGRef": "J2579 9142", "MainID": 2381.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325788.270899999886751, 391411.379799999296665 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/02/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballyhamage House\nThe Burn Road\nDoagh\nCo Antrim\nBT39 0RD", "Extent": "House & outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhamage", "TxtIGRef": "J2576 8935", "MainID": 15328.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325758.604299999773502, 389345.999399999156594 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/03/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Sixmilewater Bridge\nChurch Road\nBallynure\nCo.Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballycor/Ballynure", "TxtIGRef": "J3070 9371", "MainID": 14558.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330676.994199999608099, 393713.164499999955297 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/04/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cogry Cottage\n51 Bridge Road\nCogry, Doagh\nCo. Antrim\nBT39 0PS", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and pedestrian bridge & railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coggrey", "TxtIGRef": "J2589 9140", "MainID": 14559.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325874.21239999961108, 391405.907800000160933 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/04/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orpin's Mill\nOrpinsmill Road\nDunamoy\nDoagh\nBallyclare\nCo Antrim\nBT39 0SX", "Extent": "Mill", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Mill", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Dunamoy", "TxtIGRef": "J2595 9346", "MainID": 15559.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325958.402200000360608, 393465.457000000402331 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/04/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mosestown\nCarnlea Road\nBallyclare\nCo.Antrim\nBT39 9JT", "Extent": "Houses, outbuilding & boundary walls", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dunamoy", "TxtIGRef": "J2644 9476", "MainID": 14560.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326436.533800000324845, 394765.61009999923408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/04/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gateside\n152 Ballyeaston Road\nBallyclare\nCo.Antrim\nBT39 9SG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycor", "TxtIGRef": "J2902 9242", "MainID": 14561.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329022.131000000052154, 392417.16579999960959 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/05/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Church of the Sacred Heart\nDoagh Road\nBallyclare\nCo Antrim\nBT39 9BG", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Le Ballyclare", "TxtIGRef": "J2835 9100", "MainID": 14653.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328356.920699999667704, 390993.949500000104308 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/05/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballyclare Town Hall\nMarket Square\nBallyclare\nBT39 9BB", "Extent": "Town Hall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "Town Hall", "Townland": "Ballyclare", "TxtIGRef": "J2873 9118", "MainID": 14566.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328737.164200000464916, 391199.94539999961853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/05/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ulster Bank\n49 Main Street\nBallyclare\nCo Antrim\nBT39 9BB", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Ballyclare", "TxtIGRef": "J2887 9111", "MainID": 14563.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 328865.140100000426173, 391096.365000000223517 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/07/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nWhitehouse Park, \nShore Road \nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Whitehouse", "TxtIGRef": "J3499 8074", "MainID": 15360.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334991.373399999924004, 380726.595300000160933 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/08/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dalriada House\nUniversity of Ulster\nJordanstown\nCo. Antrim\nBT37 0QB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "University/ College Building", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Jordanstown", "TxtIGRef": "J3655 8382", "MainID": 14668.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336548.335799999535084, 383823.36769999936223 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/10/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Railway Viaduct (1)\nBleach Green Junction\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37", "Extent": "Viaduct", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Viaduct", "FormerUse": "Viaduct", "Townland": "Whiteabbey", "TxtIGRef": "J3535 8345", "MainID": 14670.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335350.224899999797344, 383484.778000000864267 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/10/001 B", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Railway Viaduct (2)\nBleach Green Junction\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37", "Extent": "Viaduct", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Viaduct", "FormerUse": "Viaduct", "Townland": "Jordanstown; Whiteabbey", "TxtIGRef": "J3538 8346", "MainID": 14671.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335379.359699999913573, 383463.130400000140071 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/10/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nGlenville Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Whiteabbey", "TxtIGRef": "J3531 8322", "MainID": 14593.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335315.354700000025332, 383224.827099999412894 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/10/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nGlenville Road\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Whiteabbey", "TxtIGRef": "J3532 8321", "MainID": 14594.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335331.4523, 383216.759400000795722 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB21/21/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Rantalard House\nRathcoole Drive\nNewtownabbey\nCo Antrim\nBT37 9AG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Whitehouse", "TxtIGRef": "J3475 8091", "MainID": 14564.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334740.74100000038743, 380911.018999999389052 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/05/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Castle Chester, \n34 Marine Parade, \nWhitehead, \nCarrickfergus, \nCo Antrim, \nBT38 9QN", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Castletown", "TxtIGRef": "J4767 9203", "MainID": 2379.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347667.939399999566376, 392023.995400000363588 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/06/011 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Boat House to east of \nBeach Road\nWhitehead\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim \nBT38 9QS", "Extent": "Boat house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Boat House", "FormerUse": "Boat House", "Townland": "Whitehead", "TxtIGRef": "J4752 9153", "MainID": 14567.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347513.104299999773502, 391520.32120000012219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/08/016 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Carrickfergus Congregational Church Hall\nQueen Street\nCarrickfergus\nCo. Antrim\nBT38 8AD", "Extent": "Hall and linking block", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "West Central Ward", "TxtIGRef": "J4115 8750", "MainID": 14518.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341148.633500000461936, 387509.620300000533462 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/12/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mortuary Chapel in graveyard\nNorth Road\nCarrickfergus\nBT38 8LP", "Extent": "Mortuary chapel", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "North east Division", "TxtIGRef": "J4146 8786", "MainID": 14215.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341458.361700000241399, 387862.684800000861287 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Castle Dobbs\n74 Tongue Loanen \nCarrickfergus\nCo.Antrim\nBT38 9BU", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Dobbsland", "TxtIGRef": "J4444 9077", "MainID": 14522.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344442.536899999715388, 390799.683499999344349 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bridge to rear of \nCastle Dobbs\nDobbsland\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9BU", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Dobbsland", "TxtIGRef": "J4438 9090", "MainID": 14529.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344379.392900000326335, 390901.150900000706315 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/001 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge at farmyard\nCastle Dobbs\nDobbsland\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9BU", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Dobbsland", "TxtIGRef": "J4444 9112", "MainID": 14530.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344430.85120000038296, 391112.715199999511242 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/001 H", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Walled Garden\nCastle Dobbs\nDobbsland\nCarrickfergus\nCo Antrim\nBT38 9BU", "Extent": "Walled Garden and garden stores,", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "FormerUse": "Walled Garden Structure", "Townland": "Dobbsland", "TxtIGRef": "J4433 9075", "MainID": 14544.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344323.533400000073016, 390747.244200000539422 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rosebank\n79 Raw Brae Road\nWhitehead\nCarrickfergus\nCo.Antrim\nBT38 9SZ", "Extent": "House gates and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Bentra", "TxtIGRef": "J4596 9132", "MainID": 14216.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 345965.231999999843538, 391313.17259999923408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB22/13/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Kilroot Bridge\nBelfast Road\nKilroot\nCo.Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Kilroot", "TxtIGRef": "J4437 8984", "MainID": 14391.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344383.013199999928474, 389837.440199999138713 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Glenganagh\n39 Bangor Road\nGroomsport\nCo Down\nBT19 6JF", "Extent": "House and glasshouse", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacormick", "TxtIGRef": "J5275 8285", "MainID": 15954.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 352764.907700000330806, 382857.961600000038743 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nGlenganagh\n41 Bangor Road\nGroomsport\nCo Down\nBT19 6JF", "Extent": "Lodge and Gate Screen", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gatelodge", "Townland": "Ballymacormick", "TxtIGRef": "J5274 8272", "MainID": 15955.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 352748.25899999961257, 382716.86119999922812 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Lodge\n1 Donaghadee Road\nGroomsport\nCo Down\nBT19 6LG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Groomsport", "TxtIGRef": "J5385 8332", "MainID": 3452.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 353854.878100000321865, 383321.367000000551343 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lowry's Farm\n26 Orlock Road\nGroomsport\nCo Down\nBT19 6LW", "Extent": "House, outbuildings and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Orlock", "TxtIGRef": "J5599 8321", "MainID": 16460.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 356009.658400000073016, 383223.115599999204278 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/028", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Broom Cottage\nHigh Bangor Road\nDonaghadee\nCo Down\nBT19 6NA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyminetragh", "TxtIGRef": "J5500 8070", "MainID": 15722.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 355002.456399999558926, 380704.996799999848008 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/029", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "26 Andrew’s Shorefield\nBalloo Lower\nGroomsport\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 6LJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Baloo Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J5445 8333", "MainID": 15723.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354453.325899999588728, 383333.317700000479817 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/030 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fountain No.1 \nAndrew’s Shorefield\nBalloo Lower\nGroomsport\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 6LJ", "Extent": "Pump", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Baloo Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J5441 8322", "MainID": 15998.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354411.506299999542534, 383226.814799999818206 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/030 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fountain No.2\nAndrew’s Shorefield\nBalloo Lower\nGroomsport\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 6LJ", "Extent": "Pump", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Baloo Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J5442 8330", "MainID": 15999.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354425.299100000411272, 383305.403699999675155 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/01/030 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fountain No.4\nAndrew’s Shorefield\nBalloo Lower\nGroomsport\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 6LJ", "Extent": "Pump", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Baloo Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J5445 8321", "MainID": 16001.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 354460.485399999655783, 383219.241699999198318 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/02/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Columbanus\n68 Groomsport Road\nBallyholme\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5NE", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyholme", "TxtIGRef": "J5200 8197", "MainID": 1855.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351996.459699999541044, 381968.254200000315905 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/03/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glen Cottage\n43 Bangor Road\nGroomsport\nCo Down\nBT19 6JF", "Extent": "House, walling and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacormick", "TxtIGRef": "J5269 8269", "MainID": 15724.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 352699.944500000216067, 382683.103499999269843 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/03/009", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Royal Ulster Yacht Club\n101 Clifton Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5HY", "Extent": "Club House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Recreational Club", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5114 8260", "MainID": 2415.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351144.794400000013411, 382602.683100000023842 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/03/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 Godfrey Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5LS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyholme", "TxtIGRef": "J5178 8214", "MainID": 17310.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351788.940200000070035, 382148.902899999171495 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/03/016 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5 Waverley Drive\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5LD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyholme", "TxtIGRef": "J5173 8214", "MainID": 15725.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351739.07909999974072, 382144.229000000283122 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/03/016 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 Waverley Drive\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5LD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyholme", "TxtIGRef": "J5173 8213", "MainID": 15726.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351738.263700000010431, 382137.190799999982119 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/04/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge\nGransha Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT 19", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballygrainey", "TxtIGRef": "J5275 7865", "MainID": 15727.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 352754.120500000193715, 378651.959599999710917 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Northern Bank\n77 Main Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5AP", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Market", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5055 8169", "MainID": 2439.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350554.282200000248849, 381691.393200000748038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orange Hall\n18 Hamilton Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4LF", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5059 8168", "MainID": 2394.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350595.513600000180304, 381689.623299999162555 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Wesley Centenary Methodist Church\nHamilton Road \nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4JP", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5062 8170", "MainID": 15728.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350624.383399999700487, 381705.31870000064373 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/005", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Bangor War Memorial\nWard Park\nBangor\nCo Down", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5091 8160", "MainID": 6334.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350918.206500000320375, 381603.235200000926852 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bangor Carnegie Library\nHamilton Road\nBangor\nCo Down \nBT20 4LH", "Extent": "Library, walling and piers", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5095 8173", "MainID": 15729.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350954.342299999669194, 381734.864299999549985 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "82 Hamilton Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4LG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5097 8175", "MainID": 2388.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350981.722599999979138, 381751.395500000566244 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "84 Hamilton Road\nBangor\nCounty Down\nBT20 4LG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5098 8175", "MainID": 2422.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350986.244500000029802, 381754.585899999365211 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/007 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "86 Hamilton Road\nBangor\nCounty Down\nBT20 4LG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5098 8176", "MainID": 2395.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350990.765399999916553, 381756.751800000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church\nProspect Road\nBangor\nCo. Down\nBT20 4LN", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5094 8178", "MainID": 2396.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350943.448400000110269, 381786.785499999299645 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Petty Sessions Court\nQuay Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5ED", "Extent": "Court House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Court House", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5058 8204", "MainID": 6665.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350582.517400000244379, 382042.244400000199676 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Tower House\n34 Quay Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5ED", "Extent": "Office and Tower", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5055 8213", "MainID": 6628.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350555.353799999691546, 382133.829299999400973 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/013 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 Victoria Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EX", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5057 8214", "MainID": 3537.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350575.031899999827147, 382144.955800000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 Victoria Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EX", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5057 8215", "MainID": 3467.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350579.575199999846518, 382146.667999999597669 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/013 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Victoria Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EX", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5058 8214", "MainID": 3545.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350585.02379999961704, 382148.628499999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/013 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 Victoria Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EX", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5059 8214", "MainID": 6629.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350589.710699999704957, 382150.33530000038445 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/016 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "102 Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5084 8237", "MainID": 6630.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350846.221400000154972, 382375.326400000602007 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/016 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "104 Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5085 8238", "MainID": 2450.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350854.027099999599159, 382384.526599999517202 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/016 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "106 Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5085 8239", "MainID": 3276.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350859.945899999700487, 382392.606100000441074 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/016 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "108 Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5086 8240", "MainID": 3571.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350867.176900000311434, 382402.64159999974072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/016 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "110 Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5087 8241", "MainID": 2547.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350872.860399999655783, 382410.669399999082088 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/016 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "112 Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5EZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5087 8242", "MainID": 5095.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350879.520600000396371, 382419.864399999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Boat House Restaurant\n1a Seacliff Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5HD", "Extent": "Boathouse, steps and gate piers", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Boat House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5054 8216", "MainID": 6317.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350547.923899999819696, 382166.35329999960959 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/024", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Savoy\nDonaghadee Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4QR", "Extent": "Former Hotel", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Hotel", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5111 8191", "MainID": 2392.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351104.243599999696016, 381913.072300000116229 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ulster Bank\n75 Main Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 5AF", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5054 8171", "MainID": 2406.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350543.924499999731779, 381711.561200000345707 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/05/028", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bank of Ireland\n82A Main Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4AG", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5050 8169", "MainID": 2588.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350499.507299999706447, 381694.994100000709295 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/06/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Conlig Presbyterian Church\nMain Street\nConlig\nNewtownards\nCo Down\nBT23 7PT", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Conlig", "TxtIGRef": "J4999 7818", "MainID": 2402.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349997.762400000356138, 378181.198000000789762 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/06/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Gate Lodge\n70 Main Street\nConlig\nNewtownards\nCo Down\nBT23 7PT", "Extent": "Gate Lodge and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Conlig", "TxtIGRef": "J5000 7776", "MainID": 15710.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349999.233599999919534, 377758.954299999400973 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/06/009", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Helen's Tower\nClandeboye Estate\nBangor \nCo Down\nBT19 1RN", "Extent": "Tower", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Conlig", "TxtIGRef": "J4894 7739", "MainID": 2405.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 348950.440899999812245, 377395.7511 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/06/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "15 Drumhirk Avenue\nDrumhirk\nConlig\nNewtownards\nCo Down\nBT23 7QB", "Extent": "House, Gates, Walling, Piers and Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumhirk", "TxtIGRef": "J5118 7744", "MainID": 15730.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 351194.676500000059605, 377439.771099999547005 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Town Hall\nBangor Castle\nCastle Park Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4BN", "Extent": "Town Hall, terraces, fretted stone walls, gate and steps", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5045 8119", "MainID": 2400.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350464.365399999544024, 381206.080800000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge\n3 Abbey Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4JE", "Extent": "Gate Lodge and yard walls", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5014 8120", "MainID": 15709.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350145.6102, 381203.579199999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Bangor Abbey Parish Church of Ireland\nNewtownards Road \nBangor \nCo Down\nBT20 4BW", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5010 8110", "MainID": 15712.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350108.1722999997437, 381101.903899999335408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "First Presbyterian Church\n100 Main Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4AG", "Extent": "Church, gates, wall and railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5045 8165", "MainID": 2390.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350459.844800000078976, 381648.239800000563264 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St Comgall's Parish Church of Ireland\nHamilton Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4LE", "Extent": "Church, gates, pillars, walling, railings and steps", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Coroporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5062 8165", "MainID": 15713.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350612.113199999555945, 381653.238399999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dufferin Memorial Hall\n2A Hamilton Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4LE", "Extent": "Hall, walling & railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5068 8166", "MainID": 15731.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350690.535400000400841, 381659.207299999892712 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/012 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "57 Queen's Parade\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5017 8186", "MainID": 6300.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350174.167200000025332, 381864.737099999561906 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/012 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "58 Queens Parade\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5017 8187", "MainID": 6304.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350168.782399999909103, 381866.650299999862909 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/013 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "59 Queens Parade\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5016 8187", "MainID": 6305.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350164.171699999831617, 381870.806099999696016 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "60 Queens Parade\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5015 8186", "MainID": 6307.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350159.305200000293553, 381872.473500000312924 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bangor Post Office\n143 Main Street\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 4AA", "Extent": "Post Office", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Post Office", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5045 8153", "MainID": 6310.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350448.517500000074506, 381528.403999999165535 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/021 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "61 Queens Parade\nBangor\nCounty Down\nBT20 3BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5015 8187", "MainID": 15714.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350154.149400000460446, 381874.653100000694394 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/07/021 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "62 Queens Parade\nBangor\nCounty Down\nBT20 3BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 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1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4740 8006", "MainID": 6346.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347408.944600000046194, 380063.042199999094009 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/10/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Clandeboye Cottages\nBelfast Road\nClandeboye\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1RJ", "Extent": "House, Walls and Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4740 8006", "MainID": 6375.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347408.720499999821186, 380068.613099999725819 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/10/001 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 Clandeboye Cottages\nBelfast Road\nClandeboye\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1RJ", "Extent": "House, Walls and Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - 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1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4740 8009", "MainID": 6372.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347407.622700000181794, 380091.043199999257922 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/10/001 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 Clandeboye Cottages\nBelfast Road\nClandeboye\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1RJ", "Extent": "House, Walls and Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4740 8009", "MainID": 6368.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347407.376299999654293, 380096.762399999424815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/10/001 L", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12 Clandeboye Cottages\nBelfast Road\nClandeboye\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1RJ", "Extent": "House, Walls and Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - 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1799", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Dove/ Pigeon House", "Townland": "Ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4742 7953", "MainID": 15733.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347409.593999999575317, 379525.528200000524521 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/10/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ava Gallery\nClandeboye Estate\nClandeboye\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1RN", "Extent": "Gallery", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Gas Works", "Townland": "Ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4738 7951", "MainID": 15760.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347380.994400000199676, 379517.448599999770522 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/10/002 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge\nClandeboye Estate\nClandeboye\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1RN", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballyleidy", "TxtIGRef": "J4751 7930", "MainID": 15734.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347517.293800000101328, 379301.35050000064075 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/12/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "52 Springhill Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3NP", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyvarnet", "TxtIGRef": "J4869 8125", "MainID": 15792.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 348694.85869999974966, 381257.916699999943376 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/13/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Comgall's Roman Catholic Church\nBrunswick Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3DS", "Extent": "Church, gates, piers and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J4978 8137", "MainID": 2831.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349776.150399999693036, 381376.691899999976158 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 Mount Pleasant\nTennyson Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3TB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5009 8193", "MainID": 6348.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350081.2955, 381935.62529999949038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 Mount Pleasant\nTennyson Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3TB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5008 8193", "MainID": 6349.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350080.042700000107288, 381941.057800000533462 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 Mount Pleasant\nTennyson Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3TB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5007 8194", "MainID": 6373.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350078.709400000050664, 381946.598500000312924 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "10 Mount Pleasant\nTennyson Avenue\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3TB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5008 8195", "MainID": 2420.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350078.929299999959767, 381953.10050000064075 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "31 Farnham Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3SW", "Extent": "House & wing wall", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J4984 8199", "MainID": 6352.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349844.184200000017881, 381989.263499999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Seacourt\n5 & 6 Seacourt\nMaxwell Drive\nMaxwell Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3LE", "Extent": "House and entrance steps", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J4958 8240", "MainID": 2658.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349583.498200000263751, 382406.241200000047684 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/005 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Screen\nSeacourt \nSeacourt Garden\nMaxwell Road\nBangor\nCo. Down", "Extent": "Gate Piers and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J4969 8237", "MainID": 15844.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349697.677899999544024, 382373.611899999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/005 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Boundary Wall\nSeacourt\nMaxwell Drive\nMaxwell Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3LE", "Extent": "Walling and tower", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J4958 8247", "MainID": 15845.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 349532.785400000400841, 382429.210500000044703 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "60 Princetown Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3DT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5004 8200", "MainID": 6354.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350053.63300000037998, 382010.172199999913573 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "62 Princetown Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3DT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5004 8201", "MainID": 6355.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350047.634399999864399, 382016.103800000622869 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Princetown Villa\n66 Princetown Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3DT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Corporation", "TxtIGRef": "J5001 8205", "MainID": 6356.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 350018.07660000026226, 382056.013399999588728 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/14/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "32 Maxwell Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT20 3SG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 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1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Killaire", "TxtIGRef": "J4693 8222", "MainID": 15853.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 346930.097799999639392, 382221.003799999132752 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/15/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Burn Lodge\nCrawfordsburn Road\nBangor\nCo Down \nBT191HY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballymullan", "TxtIGRef": "J4700 8145", "MainID": 15852.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 347010.300800000317395, 381459.929400000721216 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/15/012 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glen House\n212 Crawfordsburn Road\nBallymullan\nCrawfordsburn\nBangor\nCounty Down\nBT19 1HY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymullan", "TxtIGRef": "J4676 8136", "MainID": 17306.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 346765.566899999976158, 381359.053099999204278 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/15/022", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Railway Viaduct\nCrawfordsburn Country Park\nCrawfordsburn\nBangor\nCo Down", "Extent": "Viaduct", "Date_Const": "1860 - 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Down \nBT18 0BP", "Extent": "Club house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Craigavad", "TxtIGRef": "J4305 8154", "MainID": 15505.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 343045.597000000067055, 381535.734400000423193 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Lorne \n30 Station Road\nCraigavad\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 0BP", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Craigavad", "TxtIGRef": "J4230 8095", "MainID": 15569.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 342314.690700000151992, 380929.082000000402331 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Grey House\n60 Station Road\nCraigavad\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 0BP", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Craigavad", "TxtIGRef": "J4199 8120", "MainID": 15798.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 341985.107300000265241, 381193.108500000089407 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rockport School\n15 Rockport Road \nHolywood \nCo Down\nBT18 0DD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4373 8188", "MainID": 2431.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 343736.269000000320375, 381882.354399999603629 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Columbanus\n57 Craigdarragh Road\nHelens Bay\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4440 8236", "MainID": 6333.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344463.989299999549985, 382312.084699999541044 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/018 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "45 Craigdarragh Road\nHelens Bay\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4474 8208", "MainID": 15507.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344786.4534, 382026.622899999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/018 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fairholme House\n41 Craigdarragh Road\nHelens Bay\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4474 8208", "MainID": 15508.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344794.882000000216067, 382036.225099999457598 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/018 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Old Mill House\n47 Craigdarragh Road\nHelen's Bay\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4474 8208", "MainID": 15502.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344773.208700000308454, 382042.505499999970198 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gulladuff\n573 Belfast Road\nBangor\nCo Down\nBT19 1UD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballygilbert", "TxtIGRef": "J4472 8089", "MainID": 6339.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344718.314600000157952, 380887.606799999251962 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/030 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Rathmoyle\n40 Craigdarragh Road\nHelen's Bay\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4492 8185", "MainID": 15831.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344943.633799999952316, 381858.080099999904633 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/030 B", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "House Keeper Lodgings\nRathmoyle\n40 Craigdarragh Road\nHelen's Bay\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "House & greenhouse", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4497 8185", "MainID": 15832.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344970.231700000353158, 381845.300200000405312 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/16/030 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nRathmoyle\n40 Craigdarragh Road\nHelen's Bay\nCo Down\nBT19 1UB", "Extent": "Lodge", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyrobert", "TxtIGRef": "J4481 8190", "MainID": 15833.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344811.095599999651313, 381901.051599999889731 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/17/007 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Officers Mess\nPalace Barracks\nHolywood\nCo Down", "Extent": "Officers Mess", "Date_Const": "1880 - 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1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballycultra", "TxtIGRef": "J4089 7998", "MainID": 6385.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340891.702800000086427, 379988.999900000169873 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/028 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 Coastguard Cottages\nFarmhill Road\nMarino\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 0AG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballycultra", "TxtIGRef": "J4089 7998", "MainID": 6384.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340886.816800000146031, 379992.625199999660254 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/028 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 Coastguard Cottages\nFarmhill Road\nMarino\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 0AG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - 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1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycultra", "TxtIGRef": "J4077 7999", "MainID": 6390.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340769.260999999940395, 379996.765100000426173 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/040 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ardville\n31 Old Quay Road\nHolywood\nCounty Down\nBT18 0AL", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycultra", "TxtIGRef": "J4077 7999", "MainID": 6391.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340778.080299999564886, 379988.572000000625849 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/043", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Railway Bridge\nSeapark Road\nHolywood\nBangor\nCo Down", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballymenagh", "TxtIGRef": "J4043 7963", "MainID": 17280.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340429.946999999694526, 379638.468800000846386 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/18/061", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Temora\n2 Circular Road West\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 0AT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 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Down\nBT18 9BH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J4086 7905", "MainID": 6409.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340862.676400000229478, 379047.910900000482798 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/066 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "93 Victoria Road\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 9BG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J4079 7913", "MainID": 6408.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340787.253100000321865, 379110.867200000211596 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/066 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "95 Victoria Road\nHolywood\nCo. Down\nBT18 9BG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballykeel", "TxtIGRef": "J4078 7912", "MainID": 15843.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340798.122200000099838, 379124.491800000891089 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/067 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "85 Victoria Road\nHolywood\nCounty Down\nBT18 9BG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Holywood", "TxtIGRef": "J4079 7893", "MainID": 17284.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340722.577200000174344, 378995.959400000050664 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/082", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "McCammon Memorial Masonic Hall\n11 Sullivan Place\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 9JF", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Holywood", "TxtIGRef": "J3969 7933", "MainID": 15800.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339695.158999999985099, 379133.815300000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB23/20/085", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 Church Avenue\nHolywood\nCo Down\nBT18 9BJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Holywood", "TxtIGRef": "J4052 7903", "MainID": 17286.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340532.622999999672174, 379018.575300000607967 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/01/054", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "38-40 Shore Road \nPortaferry \nCo Down\nBT22 1JZ", "Extent": "Former houses and hall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Tullyboard", "TxtIGRef": "J5945 5058", "MainID": 16921.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 359452.697900000028312, 350595.030099999159575 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/01/080", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Garden Tower at Quintin Castle \n3 Kearney Road\nBallymarter \nPortaferry\nCo Down\nBT22 1QE", "Extent": "Tower, steps and walling", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Ballymarter", "TxtIGRef": "J6309 5039", "MainID": 6457.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 363094.480399999767542, 350394.681900000199676 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/04/096", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Culvert face and bridge\nBallywalter Park\nSpringvale\nBallywalter\nNewtownards\nCo. Down\nBT22 2PP", "Extent": "Bridge and culvert face.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Springvale", "TxtIGRef": "J6233 6808", "MainID": 11443.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 362331.434000000357628, 368079.999500000849366 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/04/097", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge\nBallywalter Park\nSpringvale\nBallywalter\nNewtownards\nCo. Down\nBT22 2PP", "Extent": "Bridge and parapet walls.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Springvale", "TxtIGRef": "J6207 6810", "MainID": 11444.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 362078.260099999606609, 368104.38260000012815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/16/029", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge, \noff Ballygowan Road (near Ballywilliam House), \nComber, \nCo. Down \nBT23 5PG", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballywilliam", "TxtIGRef": "J4443 6794", "MainID": 12078.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 344418.581500000320375, 367941.848999999463558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB24/17/085", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "135 Whiterock Bay\nKillinakin\nKillinchy village\nNewtownards\nCo Down\nBT23 6QA", "Extent": "House, gates and walling.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Killinakin", "TxtIGRef": "J5243 6183", "MainID": 8600.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 352435.625199999660254, 361837.003299999982119 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/01/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St. Ignatius' Church of Ireland\nSaintfield Road/Comber Road\nCarryduff\nCounty Down\nBT8 8BU", "Extent": "Church including steps", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Carryduff", "TxtIGRef": "J3715 6516", "MainID": 9431.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337140.514399999752641, 365159.804400000721216 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/02/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "19 Lisleen Road\nLisleen\nComber\nNEWTOWNARDS\nCounty Down\nBT23 5QD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lisleen", "TxtIGRef": "J4008 6984", "MainID": 16473.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340040.070000000298023, 369886.900000000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/12/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Bernadette's R C Church\n113 Rosetta Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT6 0LS", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymaconaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3590 7085", "MainID": 15801.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335894.352500000037253, 370904.766699999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/15/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge\nHospital Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballydollaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3393 6820", "MainID": 16612.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333940.614199999719858, 368202.0329 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/16/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Knockbreda Parish Church\nChurch Road\nBelfast\nBT8 7AN", "Extent": "Church, gate sreen, steps and walling", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Breda", "TxtIGRef": "J3510 7017", "MainID": 6677.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335094.400000000372529, 370162.280099999159575 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB25/17/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Shaw's Bridge\nMilltown Road\nBelfast\nBT8", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballynavally\nMalone Upper", "TxtIGRef": "J3249 6903", "MainID": 8609.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332502.967899999581277, 369024.838500000536442 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "53 Park Road\nBELFAST\nCounty Antrim\nBT7 2FX", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3495 7215", "MainID": 17287.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334945.7182, 372139.433700000867248 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/02/009", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "King's Bridge\nStranmillis/Annadale Embankment\nBelfast", "Extent": "Bridge & Bridge Lamp Posts", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballynafoy/\nMalone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3399 7186", "MainID": 9467.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333995.83490000013262, 371860.128299999982119 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/03/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Main Entrance\nOrmeau Park\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Gate screen", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3444 7241", "MainID": 16912.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334447.576000000350177, 372384.692500000819564 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/03/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church\n356 Ravenhill Road\nBelfast\nNorthern Ireland\nBT6 8GL", "Extent": "Church, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballynafoy", "TxtIGRef": "J3510 7265", "MainID": 17302.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335103.02419999986887, 372636.38230000063777 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/05/002 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Elmgrove Primary School, \nBeersbridge Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4RS", "Extent": "Elmgrove Primary School", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3629 7350", "MainID": 17135.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336375.32120000012219, 373468.194399999454618 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/05/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Caretakers House\nElmgrove Primary School\nBeersbridge Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4RS", "Extent": "House, walling, gate & railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3629 7350", "MainID": 17136.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336295.739099999889731, 373509.025399999693036 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/05/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orangefield Presbyterian Church\nCastlereagh Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 6BH", "Extent": "Church, walling and gate.", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Church", "TxtIGRef": "J3717 7237", "MainID": 6302.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337175.051599999889731, 372372.211400000378489 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/05/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "McQuiston Presbyterian Church \n83 Castlereagh Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT5 5FE", "Extent": "Church, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3591 7338", "MainID": 17288.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335921.84250000026077, 373382.891699999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/07/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Patricks Church of Ireland\nNewtownards Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballycarrett", "TxtIGRef": "J3565 7440", "MainID": 3280.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335660.098399999551475, 374397.232400000095367 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/07/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mersey Street Primary School \n78 Mersey Street\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 1EY", "Extent": "Former school building including boundary wall and railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Ballymacarrett", "TxtIGRef": "J3627 7465", "MainID": 2607.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336275.259899999946356, 374668.720599999651313 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/08/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orange Hall\n176-182 Albertbridge Road\nBallymacarret\nBELFAST\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 4GS", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Ballymacarret", "TxtIGRef": "J3564 7394", "MainID": 17037.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 335640.127500000409782, 373949.252599999308586 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/09/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "32 Station Road \nSydenham \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 1RF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymisert", "TxtIGRef": "J3733 7535", "MainID": 3658.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337334.952800000086427, 375352.904200000688434 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/09/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "34 Station Road \nSydenham\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 1RF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymisert", "TxtIGRef": "J3732 7536", "MainID": 3470.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337326.918800000101328, 375359.592700000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/09/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "36 Station Road \nSydenham \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 1RF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymisert", "TxtIGRef": "J3731 7536", "MainID": 3693.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337317.375099999830127, 375364.502000000327826 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 BLOOMFIELD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3671 7370", "MainID": 3668.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336717.4545, 373700.632200000807643 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "25 BLOOMFIELD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "BALLYHACKAMORE", "TxtIGRef": "J3672 7369", "MainID": 3666.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336724.687300000339746, 373696.035700000822544 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "27 BLOOMFIELD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House and wall", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "BALLYHACKAMORE", "TxtIGRef": "J3672 7369", "MainID": 3665.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336729.539200000464916, 373692.717199999839067 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "31 BLOOMFIELD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "BALLYHACKAMORE", "TxtIGRef": "J3674 7368", "MainID": 3664.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336749.32880000025034, 373679.852099999785423 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "364 Beersbridge Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT5 5DZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3670 7380", "MainID": 3663.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336662.125900000333786, 373813.171800000593066 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "366 Beersbridge Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 5DZ", "Extent": "House, walling & Outhouse", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3670 7384", "MainID": 3662.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336666.647099999710917, 373819.623400000855327 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "368 Beersbridge Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 5DZ", "Extent": "House, walling & outhouse", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3670 7384", "MainID": 2565.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336679.038800000213087, 373828.844399999827147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "370 Beersbridge Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT5 5DZ", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyhackamore", "TxtIGRef": "J3670 7384", "MainID": 2566.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336687.6557, 373834.838400000706315 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "372 Beersbridge Road \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 5DZ", "Extent": "House, outbuilding and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "BALLYHACKAMORE", "TxtIGRef": "J3670 7384", "MainID": 2815.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336698.689399999566376, 373842.856100000441074 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/002 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "374 Beersbridge Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 5DZ", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "BALLYHACKAMORE", "TxtIGRef": "J3670 7384", "MainID": 3661.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336707.701700000092387, 373848.89949999935925 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/10/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Donard's Church of Ireland Church\nBloomfield Road\nBelfast\nBT5 5DU", "Extent": "Church including gates, walls and railings.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "BALLYHACKAMORE", "TxtIGRef": "J3668 7377", "MainID": 3738.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 336678.683600000105798, 373765.909800000488758 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/11/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "9A Ascot Gardens \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT5 6LX", "Extent": "House, garage, walling, steps & gates.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Knock", "TxtIGRef": "J3826 7279", "MainID": 2554.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338279.939199999906123, 372802.136499999091029 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "45 OLD HOLYWOOD ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "House, gate screen and walling", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3891 7532", "MainID": 3694.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338916.24309999961406, 375318.564699999988079 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lismachan House \n378 Belmont Road \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "House and garden pavilion", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3923 7540", "MainID": 17552.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339234.5472999997437, 375410.655099999159575 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge to Lismachan House\n376 Belmont Road \nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT4 2NF", "Extent": "Gate lodge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3923 7528", "MainID": 17333.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339223.827100000344217, 375282.572599999606609 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/005", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Glenmachan Tower House Nursing Home (Former Glenmachan Tower Hotel) \nGlenmachan Road \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 2NN", "Extent": "Former house steps and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3927 7616", "MainID": 2573.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339263.289599999785423, 376166.846300000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Moyrath \n270 Belmont Road \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 2AW", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycloghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3872 7468", "MainID": 3695.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338725.456500000320375, 374678.112800000235438 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge, Garranard\n64 Circular Rd\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT4 2GB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballymisert", "TxtIGRef": "J3825 7506", "MainID": 3696.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338248.642099999822676, 375062.143799999728799 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/025 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge Craigavon House\n121 Circular Rd\nStrandtown\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT37 0RE", "Extent": "Former gate lodge", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballymisert", "TxtIGRef": "J3838 7542", "MainID": 17330.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338386.345300000160933, 375415.829700000584126 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/026", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Moat House\nOld Holywood Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 2HL", "Extent": "Moat House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3867 7576", "MainID": 10131.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338666.680399999953806, 375755.23589999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/027 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Belmont Presbyterian Church\n92 Sydenham Avenue\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 2DT", "Extent": "Church and gatescreen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "STRANDTOWN", "TxtIGRef": "J3796 7467", "MainID": 17044.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337967.466300000436604, 374669.08530000038445 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/057", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Hampton House \n8 Glenmachan Park\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT4 2PJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3912 7597", "MainID": 17420.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339106.658400000073016, 375970.972899999469519 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "263 Belmont Road\n(Former north gate lodge Ormiston) \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT4 2AJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Strandtown", "TxtIGRef": "J3843 7456", "MainID": 17471.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338423.077800000086427, 374557.636800000444055 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge to Campbell College\nBelmont Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT4 2ND", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, walling, piers, gate and railings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballycloghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3888 7444", "MainID": 17570.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338720.534199999645352, 374608.965700000524521 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Knock Methodist Church\nKnock Road \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT5 6LA", "Extent": "Church, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballycloghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3865 7380", "MainID": 3712.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338655.145999999716878, 373801.049799999222159 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/010", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "33 Massey Avenue\nBelfast\t\nCounty Antrim \nBT4 2JT", "Extent": "Former bank, walling, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Kileen", "TxtIGRef": "J3972 7480", "MainID": 3716.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339724.116499999538064, 374807.477800000458956 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Netherleigh House\nMassey Avenue\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 2JP", "Extent": "Main House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Ballymaghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3920 7498", "MainID": 4911.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339188.067300000227988, 374979.850099999457598 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/013", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS\nSTORMONT ESTATE \nUPPER NEWTOWNARDS ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": "Parliament building, walls & lamp standards", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "PARLIAMENT BUILDING", "FormerUse": "PARLIAMENT BUILDING", "Townland": "Ballymiscaw", "TxtIGRef": "J4010 7519", "MainID": 4866.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340127.740299999713898, 375113.800400000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/014", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "STORMONT CASTLE \nSTORMONT ESTATE \nUPPER NEWTOWNARDS ROAD\nBELFAST", "Extent": "Castle, former stable block and stone steps", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "OFFICE", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Ballymiscaw", "TxtIGRef": "J4027 7481", "MainID": 6649.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340271.619099999777973, 374810.596499999985099 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Stables Annex\nStormont Castle \nStormont Estate\nUpper Newtownards Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3XX", "Extent": "Former stable ranges", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Police Station", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Ballymiscaw", "TxtIGRef": "J4031 7485", "MainID": 4719.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340310.71750000026077, 374853.885199999436736 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Stormont House\nStormont Estate\nUpper Newtownards Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3XX", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymiscaw", "TxtIGRef": "J4013 7478", "MainID": 4644.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340127.731300000101328, 374776.145700000226498 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/020", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Gate Lodge, Gates and Screens Stormont Estate\nUpper Newtownards Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3XX", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, gates & screens", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballymiscaw", "TxtIGRef": "J3964 7400", "MainID": 1120.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 339626.887699999846518, 373997.719399999827147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/031", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "St. Molua's Church of Ireland Church \n645 Upper Newtownards Road\nBelfast \nCo.Antrim\nBT4 3LR", "Extent": "Church and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballycloghan", "TxtIGRef": "J4004 7396", "MainID": 9345.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 340038.403400000184774, 373967.279200000688434 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/13/048", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "20 Knockdene Park 'Astolat'\nBelfast \nCo.Antrim\nBT5 7AB", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballycloghan", "TxtIGRef": "J3884 7374", "MainID": 17459.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 338842.1546, 373744.74349999986589 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/14/012 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Strandtown Primary School\nNorth Road \nSydenham\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3DJ", "Extent": "Main School Building", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "STRANDTOWN", "TxtIGRef": "J3743 7412", "MainID": 17046.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337577.231800000183284, 374123.708000000566244 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/14/012 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Pavilion, gates and railings\nStrandtown Primary School\nNorth Road \nSydenham\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 3DJ", "Extent": "House/pavilion, wall & railings, pillars and gates", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Strandtown", "TxtIGRef": "J3743 7412", "MainID": 17047.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337400.207200000062585, 374153.637900000438094 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "STONE PILLAR\nMUSGRAVE PARK \nSTOCKMAN'S LANE\nBELFAST", "Extent": "Pillar", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "PILLAR", "FormerUse": "PILLAR", "Townland": "Malone Upper", "TxtIGRef": "J3132 7094", "MainID": 3719.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331324.488699999637902, 370946.184100000187755 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Faith House \n25 Orpen Park\nFinaghy \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT10 0BN", "Extent": "Residential Home", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3039 6964", "MainID": 3720.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330394.022599999792874, 369641.018300000578165 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Colinmore\nHunterhouse College\nUpper Lisburn Road\nFinaghy \nBelfast\t\nCounty Antrim\nBT10 0LE", "Extent": "Colinmore building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3015 6941", "MainID": 17048.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330156.592699999921024, 369414.357499999925494 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/005", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Rathmore Grammar School\nConvent of the Sacred Heart of Mary\nKingsway\nBelfast \nBT10 0LF", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dunmurry", "TxtIGRef": "J2995 6877", "MainID": 8614.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329958.022199999541044, 368776.959699999541044 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Polycarps Church Of Ireland\nChurch \nUpper Lisburn Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT10 0BB", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy", "TxtIGRef": "J3063 7013", "MainID": 8615.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330638.544599999673665, 370134.124299999326468 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary boundary post\nOpposite Park Royal\nLisburn Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy/ Malone", "TxtIGRef": "J3129 7062", "MainID": 17039.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331290.518099999986589, 370623.166300000622869 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary boundary post\nIn front of Park Royal\nLisburn Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Ballyfinaghy/ Malone", "TxtIGRef": "J3128 7063", "MainID": 17040.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331283.797399999573827, 370639.381100000813603 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/15/022", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary boundary post\nMusgrave Park\nStockman's Lane\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Ballygammon/ Malone", "TxtIGRef": "J3130 7088", "MainID": 17041.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331303.416199999861419, 370883.985799999907613 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/21/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Theresa's Roman Catholic Church \nGlen Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT11 8BL", "Extent": "Church, gate pillars, walling and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballydownfine", "TxtIGRef": "J2999 7217", "MainID": 3284.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329980.236200000159442, 372170.772199999541044 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/22/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Milltown Cemetery\n546 Falls Road\nBelfast,\nBT12 6EQ", "Extent": "Gateway, Boundary walls and Railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Graveyard", "FormerUse": "Graveyard", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3073 7248", "MainID": 2596.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330733.977500000037253, 372482.700500000268221 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/22/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary boundary post\nIn front of 89 Glen Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Ballydownfine/ Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3026 7238", "MainID": 17290.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330266.23369999974966, 372380.929300000891089 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/23/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cooke Memorial \nBalmoral Cemetery\nStockman's Lane \nBelfast\nBT9 7JA", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3148 7095", "MainID": 3836.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331481.581899999640882, 370954.388499999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/23/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Simon's Church of Ireland \nDonegall Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim \nBT12", "Extent": "Church, Walls, Gates and Railings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3234 7308", "MainID": 6374.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332349.9364, 373084.818399999290705 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/23/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Factory\n3-19 Rydalmere Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT12 6GF", "Extent": "Former Factory", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Factory", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3246 7320", "MainID": 17323.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332462.215900000184774, 373192.539100000634789 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/24/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dominican Convent \n135-137 Falls Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT12 6AD", "Extent": "Convent, Gate Pillars and Walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3206 7376", "MainID": 17334.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332101.589399999938905, 373723.871899999678135 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/24/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dominican Convent Chapel\nFalls Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT12 6AD", "Extent": "Convent Chapel", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3201 7370", "MainID": 17335.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332066.082399999722838, 373776.554999999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/24/001 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Dominic's Grammar School for Girls\n135-137 Falls Rd\nBelfast \nCo.Antrim \nBT12 6AE", "Extent": "School", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J3200 7370", "MainID": 17336.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332019.634700000286102, 373769.365599999204278 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/24/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Rock Public House\n491 Falls Road/ 2 - 4 Rockmore Road Belfast\nCo. Antrim \nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3130 7310", "MainID": 17291.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331298.642300000414252, 373120.608300000429153 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Belfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Boundary wall, piers, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Walling", "FormerUse": "Walling", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3118 7289", "MainID": 3893.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331185.026999999769032, 372889.949999999254942 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Superintendent's House\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "House and Walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3123 7305", "MainID": 3750.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331236.700199999846518, 373060.37360000051558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Vaults\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Vaults & steps", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Mausoleum", "FormerUse": "Mausoleum", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3107 7293", "MainID": 3644.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331058.347199999727309, 372958.439300000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Inglis Memorial\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Memorial & surround", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3097 7291", "MainID": 2560.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330976.692699999548495, 372916.137399999424815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Carson Memorial\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3116 7297", "MainID": 2558.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331163.3591, 372974.288899999111891 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Phillips Memorial\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3114 7293", "MainID": 3874.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331147.782100000418723, 372952.853700000792742 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fennell-Stelfox Memorial\nBelfast City Cemetery\nFalls Road \nBelfast \nCounty Antrim\nBT12 6DE", "Extent": "Memorial and posts", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballymurphy", "TxtIGRef": "J3109 7296", "MainID": 3875.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331087.033400000073016, 372973.669600000604987 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/25/001 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "LYNN MEMORIAL \nBELFAST CEMETERY \nFALLS ROAD \nBELFAST", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "MEMORIAL", "FormerUse": "MEMORIAL", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J3095 7299", "MainID": 2563.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330953.592299999669194, 372989.983500000089407 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/27/083", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Tropical Ravine\nBotanic Gardens\nBelfast", "Extent": "Fernery", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Glass House", "FormerUse": "Glass House", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3361 7244", "MainID": 15560.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333624.014700000174344, 372449.341600000858307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/026", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Albert Bridge\nAlbertbridge Road/East Bridge Street\nBelfast", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballymacarret\nTown Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3492 7395", "MainID": 3617.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334936.983599999919534, 373953.726500000804663 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/041", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ormeau Baths Gallery\n18 Ormeau Avenue\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT2 8HS", "Extent": "Entrance block, former baths, chimney and service accommodation", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Bathing House", "Townland": "Malone Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3390 7356", "MainID": 4042.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333898.428399999625981, 373566.560599999502301 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/30/110", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Telephone House\n45-75 May Street\nBELFAST\nBT1 4SJ \nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Telephone Exchange", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Telephone Exchange", "FormerUse": "Telephone Exchange", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3418 7396", "MainID": 17399.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334207.669900000095367, 373959.06279999949038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/31/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Clonard Church \nClonard Street\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3208 7433", "MainID": 4115.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332087.079699999652803, 374326.846799999475479 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/31/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Clonard Monastery \nClonard Street\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Monastery & walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3215 7430", "MainID": 4116.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332119.744900000281632, 374353.258500000461936 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/31/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Clonard House\n24 Clonard Gardens\nBelfast\nBT13 2RH", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3206 7429", "MainID": 4257.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332056.6727, 374290.967199999839067 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/31/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Carnegie Library\n49 Falls Road\nBT12 4PD\nBelfast \nAntrim", "Extent": "Library", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Library", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3888 7444", "MainID": 3962.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332364.308299999684095, 374139.857300000265241 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/32/001 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Perimeter Wall, Gates and Lodges (along Grosvenor Road)\nRoyal Victoria Hospital\n274 Grosvenor Road\nBelfast\nBT12 6BA", "Extent": "Gate Lodges, Gates and Railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Walling", "FormerUse": "Walling", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3888 7444", "MainID": 2683.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332341.452899999916553, 373833.999199999496341 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/32/001 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Statue of Queen Victoria\nRoyal Victoria Hospital\n274 Grosvenor Road\nBelfast\nBT12 6BA", "Extent": "Statue", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3250 7383", "MainID": 2684.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332361.144899999722838, 373793.190999999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/32/001 H", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Front of Original Hospital\nRoyal Victoria Hospital\nGrosvenor Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT12 6BA", "Extent": "Hospital Building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3236 7378", "MainID": 4086.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332337.856700000353158, 373776.066400000825524 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/32/001 K", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Musgrave Wing, East and West Wings\nRoyal Victoria Hospital, \nGrosvenor Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT12 6BA", "Extent": "Hospital Building", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3236 7380", "MainID": 17303.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332365.434600000269711, 373806.720200000330806 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/32/003", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Fountain\nDunville Park\nFalls Road\nBelfast \nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Fountain and surround", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Fountain", "FormerUse": "Fountain", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3234 7391", "MainID": 2703.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332344.332700000144541, 373910.177500000223517 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/36/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Mary's Church of Ireland School\n236-238 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT14 7GL", "Extent": "School, boundary walls, gates & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3245 7545", "MainID": 16855.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332448.608500000089407, 375432.784499999135733 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/36/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "North Belfast Working Men's Club\n32 Danube Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT13 1RT", "Extent": "Recreational club", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Recreational Club", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3234 7538", "MainID": 17404.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332347.662700000219047, 375393.459100000560284 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/36/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Shankill Baptist Church\nTennent Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT14 7GL", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, railings & gates", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3216 7490", "MainID": 5568.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332163.792200000025332, 374897.918400000780821 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/37/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Holy Cross Church\n432 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nBT14 7GE", "Extent": "Church, statues, walling, piers, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3167 7573", "MainID": 17566.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331679.673700000159442, 375741.398900000378489 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/37/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Holy Cross Monastery\n432 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nBT14 7GE", "Extent": "Monastery, walling, gates, piers and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3167 7573", "MainID": 17567.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331637.154500000178814, 375745.195000000298023 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/37/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Holy Cross Boys School\n432 Crumlin Road\nCrumlin Road\nBelfast\nBT13 3BX", "Extent": "School, perimeter walls and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3150 7580", "MainID": 15818.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331601.19550000037998, 375796.476800000295043 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/37/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Shankill Graveyard Gateway, Boundary Wall and Railings, Shankill Road, \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Gateway, Boundary wall, Statue and brick niche, watch-house and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Graveyard", "FormerUse": "Graveyard", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3194 7495", "MainID": 8660.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331939.822900000028312, 374972.065300000831485 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/37/006", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St. Matthew's Church of Ireland\nShankhill Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim \nBT13 3LA", "Extent": "Church and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Edenderry", "TxtIGRef": "J3185 7505", "MainID": 4152.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 331848.740899999625981, 375052.215500000864267 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/38/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary Boundary Post\nGlencairn Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Ballygomartin", "TxtIGRef": "J2964 7622", "MainID": 17292.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329650.838899999856949, 376216.825799999758601 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/39/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ligoniel Branch Library\n53-55 Ligoniel Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT14 8BW", "Extent": "Former public baths, wall and railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Public Baths", "Townland": "Ballysillan Lower", "TxtIGRef": "J3063 7698", "MainID": 17298.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330634.283699999563396, 376981.850600000470877 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/39/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lime Kilns\n1049 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Lime kilns", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Rural Industry", "FormerUse": "Rural Industry", "Townland": "Upper Ballysillan", "TxtIGRef": "J3098 7820", "MainID": 17042.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 330986.22829999960959, 378204.437000000849366 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/39/017", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary boundary post\nLigoniel Road (opposite Wolfhill Road)\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Legoniel", "TxtIGRef": "J2926 7811", "MainID": 17043.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 329263.948699999600649, 378112.253200000151992 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St James C.o.I\n202/206 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT36 7QX", "Extent": "Church, Including pillars, gates, walling and railings.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3332 7596", "MainID": 17372.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333322.967899999581277, 375949.500800000503659 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St James C.O.I Hall\n202/206 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT36 7QX", "Extent": "Former National School, including pillars, gates, walling and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "National School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3332 7596", "MainID": 17373.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333320.171900000423193, 375997.0954 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Antrim Road Baptist Church \n246 Antrim Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT15 2AR", "Extent": "Church and hall (former school), front boundary walls,piers, steps gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3322 7618", "MainID": 4121.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333231.897699999623001, 376183.711100000888109 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cliftonville Moravian Church\n424 Oldpark Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT14 6QF", "Extent": "Church, walling, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Old Park", "TxtIGRef": "J3221 7656", "MainID": 4119.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332202.198800000362098, 376564.622199999168515 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "224 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 2AN", "Extent": "House including gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3328 7607", "MainID": 4122.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333286.326799999922514, 376074.37360000051558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/42/034", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Cliftonville Primary School \n93 Cliftonville Road \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT14 6JQ", "Extent": "School", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3280 7635", "MainID": 3462.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332803.835199999623001, 376346.993200000375509 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/43/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mater Hospital \n45-51 Crumlin Road\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT14 6AB", "Extent": "Hospital & railings", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3314 7534", "MainID": 17025.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333137.470599999651313, 375328.559000000357628 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Wave Trauma Centre \nRathvarna House\n5 Chichester Park South \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5DW", "Extent": "Residential home and gate screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "Residential Home", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3304 7744", "MainID": 8663.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333029.011199999600649, 377448.378499999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/027 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Waterworks Park\nAntrim Road\nBelfast\nBT15 2AT", "Extent": "Park gate screen, piers, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3290 7660", "MainID": 17460.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333213.772699999623001, 376392.65059999935329 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/028 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "344 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3319 7691", "MainID": 4120.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333191.967299999669194, 376906.629000000655651 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/028 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "346 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3319 7692", "MainID": 2692.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333190.42339999973774, 376915.809499999508262 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/028 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "348 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7692", "MainID": 3494.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333189.601999999955297, 376924.550200000405312 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/028 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "350 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7694", "MainID": 3575.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333186.777499999850988, 376932.290999999269843 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/028 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "352 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7694", "MainID": 3288.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333180.874699999578297, 376942.538399999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/028 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "354 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7696", "MainID": 4127.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333181.437599999830127, 376950.887599999085069 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/029 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "420 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5GA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7718", "MainID": 4099.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333190.557000000029802, 377183.25760000012815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/029 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rosemount House\n422 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nBT15 5GA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneil", "TxtIGRef": "J3318 7718", "MainID": 2776.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333191.446100000292063, 377190.106200000271201 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/029 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rosemount House\n424 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nBT15 5GA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneil", "TxtIGRef": "J3319 7719", "MainID": 2694.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333192.863800000399351, 377196.626000000163913 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/029 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Thompson House\n426 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nBT15 5GA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3319 7722", "MainID": 4108.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333191.89809999987483, 377203.266400000080466 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/44/029 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Thompson House\n428 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nBT15 5GA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3319 7721", "MainID": 2666.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333195.63260000012815, 377210.420499999076128 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/45/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lynn Tara \n713 Antrim Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4EJ", "Extent": "House, gate screen, walling and cast iron railings.", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Low Wood", "TxtIGRef": "J3331 7870", "MainID": 2775.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333307.862099999561906, 378703.344000000506639 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge\n2 Fortwilliam Park\nAntrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 4AL", "Extent": "Gate lodge, pillar and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "lodge", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3322 7740", "MainID": 4178.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333223.550699999555945, 377396.408999999985099 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fortwilliam Gateway \nAntrim Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3322 7738", "MainID": 4128.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333230.657200000248849, 377378.881400000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fortwilliam Gateway \nShore Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Gate pillars and screen walls", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Skegoneil", "TxtIGRef": "J3412 7765", "MainID": 4129.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334114.820199999958277, 377643.913499999791384 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Walton House\nDominican College\n38 Fortwilliam Park\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4AQ", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "Religious House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3360 7766", "MainID": 17172.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333610.169099999591708, 377669.694900000467896 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "42 FORTWILLIAM PARK \nBELFAST", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "J3359 7779", "MainID": 4131.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333599.75870000012219, 377794.494400000199676 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "40 Fortwilliam Park\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4AP", "Extent": "Lodge, gate pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3368 7762", "MainID": 4132.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333689.840900000184774, 377617.339400000870228 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Fortwilliam Fold\n30 Fortwilliam Park\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4AN", "Extent": "House, gate pillars and walling.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3348 7760", "MainID": 4965.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333488.972000000067055, 377569.088999999687076 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lisbreen \n73 Somerton Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4DE", "Extent": "House & gate screen", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3338 7784", "MainID": 3289.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333438.415699999779463, 377882.532199999317527 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/012 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "517 Antrim Road\nBelfast \nCo. Antrim\nBT15 3BS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3323 7704", "MainID": 4134.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333228.784199999645352, 377053.122999999672174 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/012 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "519 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 3BS", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3323 7705", "MainID": 4135.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333235.357800000347197, 377062.104900000616908 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/012 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "521 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 3BS", "Extent": "House and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3323 7706", "MainID": 4136.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333237.364000000059605, 377068.037499999627471 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/012 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "527 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 3BS", "Extent": "House and yard walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3323 7708", "MainID": 4138.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333238.620900000445545, 377087.320199999958277 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/012 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "529 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 3BS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3323 7709", "MainID": 4139.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333235.880099999718368, 377096.02930000051856 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/012 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "531 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 3BS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3324 7711", "MainID": 4140.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333236.918399999849498, 377106.470200000330806 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Somerton Private Nursing Home For the E M I\n77 Somerton Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4DE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3346 7797", "MainID": 4142.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333444.2977, 377971.0296 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/014", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Fortwilliam & Macrory Presbyterian Church\n577 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 3LU", "Extent": "Church, wall & gates", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3326 7734", "MainID": 4143.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333249.286799999885261, 377341.560499999672174 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/016 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "71 Somerton Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 4DE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3343 7780", "MainID": 17293.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333421.735600000247359, 377800.483899999409914 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/46/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Synagogue\nSomerton Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Synagogue", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3347 7747", "MainID": 17405.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333477.417700000107288, 377455.30599999986589 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/47/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "268 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AA", "Extent": "House, front wall, piers, gate & yard walling.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3320 7650", "MainID": 4146.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333179.234899999573827, 376545.760099999606609 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/47/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "270 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AA", "Extent": "House, front walling and piers.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3320 7650", "MainID": 4147.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333181.745600000023842, 376556.439899999648333 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/47/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "272 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 5AA", "Extent": "House, front walling, piers, yard walling and shed.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Skegoneill", "TxtIGRef": "J3320 7650", "MainID": 2688.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333184.387799999676645, 376567.42119999974966 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/48/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Pauls Church of Ireland\nYork Street \nBelfast\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Including boundary piers, gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3416 7573", "MainID": 4173.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334178.120000000111759, 375734.2171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/48/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "216-220 Limestone Road\nBelfast\nCo.Antrim\nBT15 3AP", "Extent": "Houses", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3352 7624", "MainID": 4174.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333507.6886, 376245.288399999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/48/003 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Holy Family Pastoral Centre\n222 Limestone Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 3AP", "Extent": "Former House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3348 7626", "MainID": 4180.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333486.892300000414252, 376255.517000000923872 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/48/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Currie Primary School\n111-113 Limestone Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim\nBT15 3AB", "Extent": "School, including front entrance gate piers, entrance screen gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3363 7620", "MainID": 2536.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333650.966300000436604, 376222.082200000062585 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/49/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "North Queen Street Community Centre\n46 Victoria Parade\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT15 2EN", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Belfast Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3374 7531", "MainID": 15819.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333739.519700000062585, 375317.295399999246001 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Belfast City Hall\nDonegall Square\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5GS", "Extent": "City Hall, railings & gates", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "Town Hall", "Townland": "Town parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3383 7404", "MainID": 17015.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333829.407800000160933, 374025.72550000064075 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/001 B", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "First Marquis of Dufferin Memorial\nCity Hall\nDonegall Square\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT1 5GS", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3377 7398", "MainID": 17016.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333760.41330000013113, 373983.690899999812245 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/001 D", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Cenotaph & Garden of Remembrance\nCity Hall\nDonegall Square\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT1 5GS", "Extent": "Memorial and gardens", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3378 7396", "MainID": 17018.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333772.315700000151992, 373977.542500000447035 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Titanic Memorial\nCity Hall\nDonegall Square\nBelfast\nCo Antrim \nBT1 5GS", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3391 7403", "MainID": 17019.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333902.286000000312924, 374023.604599999263883 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/001 I", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Victoria Monument\nCity Hall\nDonegall Square\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim \nBT1 5GS", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3383 7406", "MainID": 17020.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333829.123700000345707, 374048.943800000473857 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ulster Bank\n(Former Methodist Church)\n11-16 Donegall Square East\nBelfast\nBT1 5UB\nCounty Antrim", "Extent": "Original Portico & Backing Wall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3394 7403", "MainID": 4163.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333934.543800000101328, 374021.716499999165535 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/024", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "THE FORMER ST. MALACHY'S SCHOOL \n21 OXFORD ST. \nBELFAST", "Extent": "School and front railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "WAREHOUSE", "FormerUse": "WAREHOUSE", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3434 7428", "MainID": 4249.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334343.731700000353158, 374281.506599999964237 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/049", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "DR COOKE STATUE \nCOLLEGE SQUARE \nBELFAST", "Extent": "Statue and plinth", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "MEMORIAL", "FormerUse": "MEMORIAL", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3352 7405", "MainID": 4222.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333525.325899999588728, 374057.104299999773502 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/050", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Riddel Building\n87-91 Ann Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1", "Extent": "Former Warehouse", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Warehouse", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3432 7433", "MainID": 2763.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334320.176699999719858, 374328.931800000369549 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/059", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "News Letter Office\n51-59 Donegall Street\nBelfast", "Extent": "Office", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "OFFICE", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3391 7461", "MainID": 4209.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333908.219399999827147, 374618.023399999365211 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/061", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Northern Bank\n1-3 Waring Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 2DX", "Extent": "Bank & extensions", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3395 7450", "MainID": 4196.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333940.568900000303984, 374496.008400000631809 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/062", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Custom House\nCustom House Square\nBelfast\nCo Antrim \nBT1 3ET", "Extent": "Custom House, railings, steps & lamp standards", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3429 7458", "MainID": 4197.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334283.041899999603629, 374584.573100000619888 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/078", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Queen's Bridge\nAnne Street/ Bridge End\nBelfast\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Bridge, steps to river and lamp standards", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ballymacarret\nTown Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3443 7436", "MainID": 2778.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334440.10840000025928, 374372.908999999985099 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/085 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "205 Donegall Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 2FL", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3367 7499", "MainID": 17188.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333676.6716, 374989.420499999076128 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/091 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Carlisle Memorial Methodist Church \nCarlisle Circus\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT13 1AB", "Extent": "Church & railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3349 7518", "MainID": 3692.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333382.91399999987334, 375164.996899999678135 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/093", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Sinclair Seamen's Presbyterian Church\nCorporation Square\nBelfast \nBT1 3AJ", "Extent": "Church, tower, railings, gates and steps", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3428 7500", "MainID": 2753.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334274.666000000201166, 374999.737900000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/096", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mayfair Building\nArthur Square\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 4FE", "Extent": "Shops and Offices", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3399 7423", "MainID": 4205.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333992.871399999596179, 374220.522600000724196 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/101", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Kelly's Cellars\n30-32 Bank Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 4HL", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3368 7433", "MainID": 8670.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333684.884700000286102, 374326.964500000700355 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/102 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Wilton House\n5-6 College Square North\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 6AR", "Extent": "House, steps and railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3347 7416", "MainID": 17256.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333475.995400000363588, 374153.18610000051558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/102 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "9 College Square North \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 6AS", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3344 7415", "MainID": 17175.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333440.701899999752641, 374149.350899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/105 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 College Place North\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 6BE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3339 7418", "MainID": 4189.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333391.441200000233948, 374179.1568 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/105 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 College Place North\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 6BE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3339 7418", "MainID": 4193.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333387.348199999891222, 374178.262399999424815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/107", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ulster Reform Club\n4-6 Royal Avenue\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1DA", "Extent": "Club House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Recreational Club", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3375 7437", "MainID": 2746.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333758.385599999688566, 374366.498800000175834 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/153", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bank Buildings\nCastle Place \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1BL", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3378 7430", "MainID": 4758.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333754.002899999730289, 374309.517200000584126 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/169 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Old School House\n32 Townsend Street\nBelfast", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Belfast Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3316 7459", "MainID": 14580.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333167.741799999959767, 374578.688699999824166 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/172 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "18 Donegall Square East\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5HE", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3394 7398", "MainID": 17254.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333942.384999999776483, 373984.197200000286102 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/172 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "19 Donegall Square East\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5HE", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3394 7397", "MainID": 17255.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333945.900600000284612, 373970.781999999657273 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/173", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Northern Bank\n(FORMER CORN EXCHANGE)\n1-9 VICTORIA ST. \nBELFAST", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "OFFICE", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3411 7461", "MainID": 4237.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334119.645200000144541, 374615.31900000013411 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/178", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Arthur Chambers \n4-14 Arthur Street \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 4GD", "Extent": "Shops & offices", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3399 7420", "MainID": 2754.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333985.540599999949336, 374200.192900000140071 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/179", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Malcolm Jewellers \n16-18 Chichester Street\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 4LB", "Extent": "Shop and offices", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3397 7411", "MainID": 2787.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333966.042899999767542, 374115.949100000783801 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/183", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "72-74 ROYAL AVENUE \nBELFAST\n\n(aka Gresham Chambers)", "Extent": "Shop & offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3370 7457", "MainID": 4245.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333706.744500000029802, 374576.398600000888109 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/184", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "76-88 ROYAL AVENUE AND \n104 NORTH ST. \nBELFAST", "Extent": "Shops & offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3370 7458", "MainID": 4244.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333702.855200000107288, 374597.617900000885129 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/188", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "37-43 High Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 2AB", "Extent": "Shops & offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Recreational Club", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3401 7436", "MainID": 4247.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334025.683400000445545, 374355.622099999338388 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/194", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "PRINCE'S COURT \nPRINCE'S ST. \nBELFAST", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "OFFICE", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3423 7445", "MainID": 4762.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334237.020999999716878, 374451.066800000146031 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/225 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1-5 Royal Avenue \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 1FB", "Extent": "Shops & offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3381 7432", "MainID": 8682.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333813.738900000229478, 374336.001299999654293 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/226", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "31-39 Royal Avenue\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 1FD", "Extent": "Shop & Offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3379 7442", "MainID": 9512.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333786.639000000432134, 374423.888599999248981 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/230", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Northern Bank \n108-110 Victoria Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 3GN", "Extent": "Former bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3425 7400", "MainID": 9337.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334256.981200000271201, 374005.686899999156594 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/232", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "WOOLWORTHS AND BURTON BUILDINGS \n1-15 HIGH ST. and\n2-10 CORNMARKET \nBELFAST", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3396 7432", "MainID": 9343.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333961.12459999974817, 374318.20549999922514 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/234", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Transport House\n102 High Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim \nBT1 3ET", "Extent": "Building & railings", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3415 7451", "MainID": 9339.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334147.354199999943376, 374507.063799999654293 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/285", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Telephone Kiosk at\nNorthern Bank\nWaring Street\nBelfast", "Extent": "Telephone Kiosk", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Telephone Kiosk", "FormerUse": "Telephone Kiosk", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3393 7448", "MainID": 15359.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333936.707499999552965, 374481.012800000607967 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/292 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "7 Chichester Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 4JA", "Extent": "House & railings", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3395 7408", "MainID": 17339.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333950.214399999938905, 374083.655099999159575 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/300", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Central Hall\n37-39 Rosemary Street\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1QB", "Extent": "Hall & shops", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3385 7442", "MainID": 17409.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333850.464100000448525, 374424.604699999094009 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/303 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 Murray Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5HD", "Extent": "Former warehouse", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3347 7396", "MainID": 17410.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333475.367200000211596, 373948.592000000178814 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/303 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5 Murray Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5HD", "Extent": "Former warehouse", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3345 7396", "MainID": 17411.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333460.314199999906123, 373952.804999999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/303 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Murray Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5HD", "Extent": "Former warehouse", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3344 7397", "MainID": 17412.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333439.236100000329316, 373965.921800000593066 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/303 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13-17 Grosvenor Road\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 5HD", "Extent": "Former warehouse", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Warehouse", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3345 7392", "MainID": 17413.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333447.07010000012815, 373935.303600000217557 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/304", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1- 5 Castle Lane & 23-29 Cornmarket\nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 4FB", "Extent": "Shops & offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3396 7427", "MainID": 17414.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333960.614900000393391, 374257.516200000420213 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/305", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 Victoria Square \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 4QG", "Extent": "Former warehouse", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3418 7423", "MainID": 17415.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334177.729100000113249, 374236.609999999403954 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/306", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Direct Wine Shipments\n5-7 Corporation Square \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 3AJ", "Extent": "Shop & offices", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3427 7495", "MainID": 17416.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 334274.997700000181794, 374946.906600000336766 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/310", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Belfast Telegraph Offices \n124-144 Royal Avenue \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1DN", "Extent": "Newspaper offices", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3376 7474", "MainID": 17417.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333755.711400000378489, 374745.012000000104308 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/322 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "56-60 North Street and 2-10 Lower Garfield Street \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1FP", "Extent": "Shops & hall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3382 7453", "MainID": 17326.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333814.768199999816716, 374531.530200000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/322 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "12-14 Lower Garfield Street \nBelfast\nCo Antrim\nBT1 1FP", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Public House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "shops", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3380 7452", "MainID": 17327.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333798.68030000012368, 374515.395999999716878 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/50/323", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Congregational Church\n101-103 Donegal Street \nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT1 2FJ", "Extent": "Church & wings", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Town Parks", "TxtIGRef": "J3379 7483", "MainID": 17418.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333789.300699999555945, 374828.176899999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/51/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Belfast Castle \nAntrim Road, \nBelfast \nBT15 5GR", "Extent": "Castle, including steps, walling and pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Low Wood", "TxtIGRef": "J3290 7912", "MainID": 17325.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 332889.763000000268221, 379116.971300000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/51/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Graymount House \n(Hazelwood Integrated College)\n70 Whitewell Road\nBelfast\nBT36 7ES", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Greencastle", "TxtIGRef": "J3374 7960", "MainID": 1872.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333836.509300000034273, 379616.731300000101328 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/51/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "244 Whitewell Road \nNewtownabbey \nCo. Antrim\nBT36 7EN \n\n(The Old Throne Hospital)", "Extent": "Former hospital", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Hospital Building", "Townland": "Ballygolan", "TxtIGRef": "J3345 8053", "MainID": 5199.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333474.543600000441074, 380544.048100000247359 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/51/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Parliamentary Boundary Post\nNear 720 Antrim Road\nBelfast\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Boundary post", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Boundary Marker", "FormerUse": "Boundary Marker", "Townland": "Ballygolan/ Green Castle", "TxtIGRef": "J3336 7995", "MainID": 17294.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 333366.334300000220537, 379957.307800000533462 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/001", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "64 Ballyhanedin Road\nCoolnacolpagh, \nFeeny, \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TQ", "Extent": "Not listed (Previous - House, Mill and Outbuildings)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Coolnacolpagh", "TxtIGRef": "C5888 0893", "MainID": 4278.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258879.608500000089407, 408927.011299999430776 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/005", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Straidarran House\nClagan Road\nClaudy \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4DB", "Extent": "House and outhouses.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Straid", "TxtIGRef": "C5857 0509", "MainID": 6814.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258559.386800000444055, 405085.501499999314547 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/007", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St Mary’s Church (R C)\nAltinure \nPark\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4DE", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Altinure Upper", "TxtIGRef": "C5842 0274", "MainID": 4282.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258419.213399999774992, 402752.526900000870228 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/009", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St Joseph’s Church (R C)\nSlieveboy Road\nCraigbane\nClaudy \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Church.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gortscreagan", "TxtIGRef": "C5560 0236", "MainID": 2866.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 255589.795199999585748, 402361.683399999514222 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Learmount Castle\nLearmount Road\nClaudy \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4AQ", "Extent": "Building .", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Lear", "TxtIGRef": "C5786 0236", "MainID": 4285.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 257848.152499999850988, 402346.19539999961853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Learmount Parish Church (C of I),\nLearmount Wood, \nTireighter Road, \nPark, \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4BA", "Extent": "Church, piers and gates.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5856 0230", "MainID": 4761.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258573.844399999827147, 402299.01490000076592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Learmount School & Teacher’s House,\nSchool Lane,\n192 Learmount Road, \nPark Village, \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4BA", "Extent": "Former school & teacher's house", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5855 0226", "MainID": 986.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258546.518199999816716, 402253.103399999439716 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/013 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lynch’s Public House\n212 Learmount Road\nPark\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4BA", "Extent": "Building,adjacent outhouses,boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5897 0230", "MainID": 10128.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258969.464700000360608, 402301.386800000444055 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "210 Learmount Road\nPark\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4BA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5897 0230", "MainID": 10129.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258960.028400000184774, 402301.336200000718236 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/014 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Park Corn Mill and Kiln \nTireighter\nPark Village \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5896 0235", "MainID": 4288.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258928.649600000120699, 402360.391400000080466 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/018", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ling House.\n173 Slieveboy Road\nLing \nClaudy \nCo Londonderry\nB47 4AS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ling", "TxtIGRef": "C5458 0438", "MainID": 4277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254584.931400000117719, 404370.22440000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Laurel Hill\n195 Learmount Road, \nPark, \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4BA", "Extent": "House and coach house.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5870 0207", "MainID": 4289.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258709.235600000247359, 402091.524399999529123 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Tamnagh Lodge\nTamnagh Road\nTamnagh \nPark \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4DN", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Hunting Lodge", "Townland": "Tamnagh", "TxtIGRef": "C6012 0067", "MainID": 987.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 260011.299899999983609, 400715.839299999177456 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glenrandal Bridge\nGlenrandal Road\nClaudy \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge, abutments and carriageway", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Altaghoney", "TxtIGRef": "C5457 0239", "MainID": 9880.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254576.9046, 402396.455900000408292 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/034", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "House\nTireighter Road\nTireighter, \nPark, \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Cottage, all outhouses, well.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched house", "Townland": "Tireighter", "TxtIGRef": "C5847 0054", "MainID": 9879.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258474.968399999663234, 400531.974799999967217 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/037", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "32 Letterlogher Road\nClaudy\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4EZ", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Letterlogher", "TxtIGRef": "C5811 0705", "MainID": 3297.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 258104.529500000178814, 407005.477900000289083 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/01/038", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cottage behind \n34 Ballyrory Road\nClaudy \nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 4AW", "Extent": "House and barn", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Ballyrory", "TxtIGRef": "C5656 0366", "MainID": 13542.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 256555.070700000040233, 403661.945800000801682 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "THE OAKS \n227 GLENSHANE ROAD \nSTRATHALL\nDUNGIVEN \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Including GATES", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4996 1120", "MainID": 969.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 249705.190200000070035, 411092.75760000012815 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/010", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "KILCATTEN HOUSE \nKILCATTEN \nCLAUDY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C5175 0847", "MainID": 8700.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251775.798600000329316, 408470.564699999988079 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/013", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "118 Ballyartan Road\nKillaloo\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 3TA", "Extent": "Houses and outbuildings.", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Ballyartan", "TxtIGRef": "C5162 0743", "MainID": 2803.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251628.363199999555945, 407434.926699999719858 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/017", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Upper Cumber Presbyterian Church\nCregg Road\nClaudy\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Cregg", "TxtIGRef": "C5349 0744", "MainID": 4298.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253491.721400000154972, 407445.373700000345707 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/024 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "COMBER HOUSE (OUTBUILDINGS)\nCLAUDY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (OUTBUILDINGS)", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 17571.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 254135.23340000025928, 406678.123500000685453 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/02/033", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "SCUTCH MILL \nBALLYARTAN ROAD \nCLAUDY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Flax mill, waterwheel, headrace, tailrace, and weir", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "MILL", "FormerUse": "MILL", "Townland": "Ballyartan", "TxtIGRef": "C5184 0643", "MainID": 989.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 251840.1402000002563, 406430.268899999558926 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ST. CANICE'S CHURCH,\nMAIN ST. \nEGLINTON \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (GATE AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C5299 2040", "MainID": 1667.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 253001.013399999588728, 420399.842700000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/03/014", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "TEMPLEMOYLE HOUSE TEMPLEMOYLE EGLINTON CO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C5225 1883", "MainID": 4810.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 252285.737099999561906, 418812.520099999383092 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/001 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Prehen House\nPrehen\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 2BP", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Prehen", "TxtIGRef": "C4190 1442", "MainID": 13917.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241909.612700000405312, 414434.908299999311566 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Stable Block\nPrehen House\nPrehen\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Stable Block", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Store", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Prehen", "TxtIGRef": "C4188 1440", "MainID": 13918.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241875.506799999624491, 414368.292199999094009 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/001 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Coach House\nPrehen House\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "The coach house and the ice house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Store", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Prehen", "TxtIGRef": "C4188 1440", "MainID": 13858.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241848.627700000070035, 414399.331100000068545 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "GRAVEYARD \nCLONDERMOT CO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Mitchelburne & Murray Memorials, plinths and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "GRAVEYARD", "FormerUse": "GRAVEYARD", "Townland": "Clondermott", "TxtIGRef": "C4451 1294", "MainID": 5731.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244515.302600000053644, 412945.733300000429153 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "94 Victoria Road\nRossnagalliagh\nNew Buildings\nLondonderry \nCo. Londonderry \nBT47 2RN", "Extent": "House, gate and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Rossnagalliagh", "TxtIGRef": "C4060 1202", "MainID": 5732.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240608.621199999935925, 412033.009199999272823 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/04/006", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "25 CURRYFREE ROAD DRUMAHOE CO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4331 1030", "MainID": 8702.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243313.915500000119209, 410301.111400000751019 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/05/005", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "105 Rossdowney Road\nBallyoan\nCo. Londonderry\nBT47 5SU", "Extent": "House, outbuildings gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": null, "Townland": "Ballyoan", "TxtIGRef": "C4682 1802", "MainID": 1427.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246814.041500000283122, 418070.448000000789762 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "GORTNESSY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \nGORTNESSY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Gortnessy", "TxtIGRef": "C4993 1602", "MainID": 4789.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 249934.902499999850988, 416025.698400000110269 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/006 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "ASHBROOK \n20 ARDMORE ROAD \nDRUMAHOE \nCO. LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House, pillars, walls & gates at two entrances", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4636 1405", "MainID": 1149.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246354.752100000157952, 414061.758199999108911 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "OUTBUILDINGS AT \n20 ARDMORE ROAD \nDRUMAHOE CO. LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (OUTBUILDINGS AT ASHBROOK)", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4639 1408", "MainID": 4468.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246396.89130000025034, 414082.608599999919534 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/06/012", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "ARDMORE HOUSE \nARDMORE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House and outbuildings, front porch & steps, plinth walls to basement, stone pillars at both entrances", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Ardmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4718 1327", "MainID": 4496.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 247188.739699999801815, 413270.947599999606609 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 CLOONEY PARK EAST \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House & gate posts", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4481 1725", "MainID": 4782.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244816.410500000230968, 417254.160800000652671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/08/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Glendermott Parish Church\n(Church of Ireland)\nChurch Brae \nAltnagelvin \nLondonderry \nBT47 2LS", "Extent": "Church, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Altnagelvin", "TxtIGRef": "C4537 1523", "MainID": 4308.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245374.568400000222027, 415232.054999999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/08/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glendermott 1st Presbyterian Church\nChurch Road\nAltnagelvin \nLondonderry", "Extent": "Church.", "Date_Const": "1650 - 1699", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Altnagelvin", "TxtIGRef": "C4542 1486", "MainID": 4307.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245418.541600000113249, 414865.791600000113249 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/08/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumahoe Bridge\nDrumahoe Road\nArdnabrocky \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge and parapet walls", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Ardnabrocky", "TxtIGRef": "C4638 1500", "MainID": 10374.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246356.639399999752641, 414990.318600000813603 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 63\nFormer Officers’ Quarters and Captain’s House\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road \nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "House,boundary wall and railings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4413 1706", "MainID": 13673.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244131.073599999770522, 417054.394700000062585 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 67,68,69\nParade Ground \nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry \nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Barracks building", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4413 1706", "MainID": 13674.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244151.796799999661744, 416980.621400000527501 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 C", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building No 70\nParade Ground\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4416 1693", "MainID": 13710.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244164.593100000172853, 416931.878499999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building No 71\nMedical and Dental Centre\nParade Ground\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building, boundary wall, railings and steps,and link to original fort wall.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4417 1691", "MainID": 13675.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244175.739699999801815, 416907.434699999168515 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building 10/10A\nSignal Squadron HQ\nParade Ground\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Barracks building and attached footpath including colonnade.Side wall including gate pillars.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1690", "MainID": 13676.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244131.996399999596179, 416894.316299999132752 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 F", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building No 11\nParade Ground\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4413 1706", "MainID": 13711.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244099.987300000153482, 416892.128599999472499 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 17\nBritannia House\nSouth west bastion\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Barracks building, steps and railings, and adjacent wall with gateposts", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4408 1688", "MainID": 13677.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244069.093500000424683, 416879.684599999338388 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 4\nCunningham Block\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4418 1685", "MainID": 13678.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244176.274600000120699, 416857.736899999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 83\nOfficers Mess\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Forrmer mess building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4422 1169", "MainID": 13679.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244227.919099999591708, 416954.913699999451637 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 L", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building Number 85\nAccomodation Block at Officers Mess\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4426 1698", "MainID": 13714.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244261.099600000306964, 416972.567099999636412 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 M", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Numbers 80 & 81\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building and footpath", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4420 1704", "MainID": 13680.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244196.189199999906123, 417044.296700000762939 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 N", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building Number 62\nNorthern boundary\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4415 1709", "MainID": 13715.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244154.421099999919534, 417088.974799999967217 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 O", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 79\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "building and footpath", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4426 1698", "MainID": 13681.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244158.583499999716878, 417046.8445999994874 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 P", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building Number 76\nStores behind Parade Square\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Record only", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4417 1698", "MainID": 13811.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244168.118700000457466, 416995.011099999770522 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 Q", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building Number 59\nNorthern Boundary\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4412 1707", "MainID": 13716.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244117.415900000371039, 417072.308700000867248 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 R", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building Number 57\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4410 1707", "MainID": 13717.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244095.387699999846518, 417073.384800000116229 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 S", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building 49\nFormer Hospital\nParade Ground \nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road \nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building and flanking walls", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4406 1704", "MainID": 13682.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244069.638600000180304, 417041.034299999475479 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 T", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building Number 45,46\nFormer stores and accommodation\nParade Ground\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4403 1703", "MainID": 13683.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244030.589700000360608, 417035.404400000348687 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 V", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building 34,35,36\nFormer carpenters workshop\nWest Fortifications\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4400 1700", "MainID": 13718.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243999.559799999929965, 417004.25 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 W", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Western Fortifications\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4401 1696", "MainID": 13725.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244020.1579, 416953.307600000873208 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "10 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4412 1649", "MainID": 3050.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244126.275899999774992, 416494.871300000697374 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4412 1649", "MainID": 4302.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244128.432400000281632, 416499.263100000098348 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "14 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Residential Home", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4413 1652", "MainID": 1077.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244132.756400000303984, 416517.826400000602007 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4413 1653", "MainID": 985.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244136.504900000058115, 416530.465099999681115 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 J", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4413 1653", "MainID": 4787.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244138.955699999816716, 416537.991100000217557 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 K", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "17 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1654", "MainID": 4507.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244142.053299999795854, 416544.691500000655651 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 L", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "18 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1655", "MainID": 4318.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244144.228900000452995, 416550.447699999436736 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 M", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "19 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1655", "MainID": 984.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244145.890700000338256, 416555.829700000584126 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 N", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "20 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1656", "MainID": 4509.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244147.608199999667704, 416561.283800000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 O", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1656", "MainID": 4491.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244149.464800000190735, 416568.167300000786781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 P", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "22 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1980 - 1999", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4415 1657", "MainID": 4321.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244153.445899999700487, 416575.905200000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 Q", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "23 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1980 - 1999", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4415 1658", "MainID": 1970.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244155.869599999859929, 416582.893899999558926 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/006 R", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "24 BOND'S HILL \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1980 - 1999", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4415 1658", "MainID": 4786.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244156.939899999648333, 416589.26659999974072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "LONDONDERY WORKHOUSE \nGLENDERMOTT RD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes MAIN FRONT BLOCK OF FORMER LONDONDERYWORKHOUSE", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "WORKHOUSE", "FormerUse": "WORKHOUSE", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4439 1666", "MainID": 6813.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244391.831899999640882, 416665.936000000685453 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/11/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Girls School\nMalvern Terrace\nWaterside\nLondonderry \nBT47 2BB", "Extent": "Building & walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4417 1620", "MainID": 5878.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244165.248599999584258, 416194.837400000542402 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/11/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Columb’s R C Church\nChapel Road\nWaterside\nLondonderry \nBT47 2BB", "Extent": "Building, boundary wall, gates, railings and piers.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4418 1615", "MainID": 1491.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244181.973199999891222, 416151.973600000143051 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/11/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bargain Bottle\n6 Victoria Road\nWaterside\nLondonderry \nBT47 2AD", "Extent": "Former passenger terminal", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Warehouse", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Gobnascale", "TxtIGRef": "C4376 1595", "MainID": 11183.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243790.791899999603629, 415972.92710000090301 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/11/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Victoria Park\nWaterside\nLondonderry \nBT47 2AD", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gobnascale", "TxtIGRef": "C4375 1575", "MainID": 11216.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243749.556699999608099, 415748.559299999848008 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/11/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8-10 Victoria Road\nWaterside\nLondonderry \nBT47 2AB", "Extent": "ice houses, tunnel", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Ice House", "Townland": "Gobnascale", "TxtIGRef": "C4367 1585", "MainID": 10578.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243676.523900000378489, 415851.285000000149012 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "CLOVER FARM \n18 KILLEA ROAD \nKILLEA \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House, outbuildings, pillars and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Killea", "TxtIGRef": "C3858 1541", "MainID": 4494.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 238589.259700000286102, 415410.711200000718236 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "MILLTOWN HOUSE \n4 BALLOUGRY ROAD \nTERMONBACCA \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House & gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Termonbacca", "TxtIGRef": "C4093 1434", "MainID": 2205.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 240936.518699999898672, 414354.404500000178814 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/17/005", "CurrentGra": "D1 Record Only", "Address": "BISHOP'S HOUSE \n46 FERGUSON ST.\nDERRY", "Extent": "includes 5 MC LAUGHLIN'S CLOSE AND WALLING", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4318 1603", "MainID": 8705.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243172.108199999667704, 416021.957499999552965 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/18/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former St Columb's Convent \nLong Tower Primary School\nLong Tower Street\nLondonderry\nCo Londonderry\nBT48 6QQ", "Extent": "School , adjacent steps and walls.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4302 1640", "MainID": 971.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243031.533200000412762, 416410.41609999909997 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/001", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "ST. COLUMB'S CATHEDRAL \nST. COLUMB'S COURT \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (GATES, RAILINGS AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4338 1647", "MainID": 4421.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243380.791699999943376, 416477.205600000917912 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/022 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 The Diamond\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry \nBT48 6HW", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4343 1670", "MainID": 4338.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243430.939899999648333, 416707.084000000730157 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/026 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 Shipquay Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DJ", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4350 1671", "MainID": 5715.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243502.89780000038445, 416715.179199999198318 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/033", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BEETHOVEN HOUSE \n30 SHIPQUAY ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4353 1680", "MainID": 955.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243534.16440000012517, 416806.687899999320507 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/038", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Guildhall\nShipquay Place\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 6DQ", "Extent": "Guildhall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Town Hall", "FormerUse": "Town Hall", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4360 1689", "MainID": 4358.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243606.303199999965727, 416891.248700000345707 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/057", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Former Tillie & Henderson Shirt Factory\nFoyle Road\nLondonderry\nCo Londonderry\nBT48 6SQ", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Demolished", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4352 1620", "MainID": 13782.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243505.0296, 416213.033800000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/059 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH\nCARLISLE ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( GATES AND RAILING)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4354 1629", "MainID": 4376.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243544.329400000162423, 416290.843499999493361 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/059 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SCHOOL \nCARLISLE ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Hall and front walls, gates, piers & railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "SCHOOL", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4355 1630", "MainID": 5668.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243553.331600000150502, 416303.517699999734759 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/060", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "WHITEHALL CHAMBERS, \nHAWKIN ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes GATES AND RAILINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HALL", "FormerUse": "Prison", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 4370.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243533.432199999690056, 416396.343900000676513 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/062", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "FACTORY \n20A CARLISLE ROAD LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Former Shirt Factory", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "FACTORY", "Townland": "Londonderry & Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C4355 1644", "MainID": 4412.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243554.340099999681115, 416449.5307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/063", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Methodist Church\n19-21 Carlisle Road\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT47", "Extent": "Church, hall and railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4360 1646", "MainID": 938.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243604.057599999941885, 416461.098300000652671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/065", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "SYNOD HALL \nLONDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HALL", "FormerUse": "HALL", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1650", "MainID": 945.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243464.367999999783933, 416506.087200000882149 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/068 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6-8 PUMP ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "OFFICE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4349 1657", "MainID": 942.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243495.321899999864399, 416577.702800000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/068 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "22 Pump Street\nLondonderry\nBT48 6JG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1653", "MainID": 975.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243459.431400000117719, 416536.084599999710917 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/068 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "24 PUMP ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Hostel - Terrace", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hotel - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1652", "MainID": 976.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243455.942499999888241, 416530.834799999371171 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/19/080", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former fire station\n1a Hawkin Street\nLondonderry\nCo Londonderry\nBT48 6RE", "Extent": "Main building and wall to yard", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Fire Station", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4349 1647", "MainID": 12226.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243490.296400000341237, 416477.930700000375509 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/20/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 WEST END PARK \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House and front railings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4274 1686", "MainID": 3058.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242749.352400000207126, 416860.141699999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/20/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 WEST END PARK \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4274 1685", "MainID": 5666.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242747.4841, 416853.511900000274181 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/20/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 WEST END PARK \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 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1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4274 1683", "MainID": 1147.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242746.791400000452995, 416830.26630000025034 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/20/002 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "7 WEST END PARK \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4274 1682", "MainID": 5667.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242746.358300000429153, 416825.367900000885129 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/001", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "ST. EUGENE'S CATHEDRAL \nFRANCIS ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (GATES, RAILINGS AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4303 1715", "MainID": 4380.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243037.698300000280142, 417153.801000000908971 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Craig Memorial Hall\nInfirmary Road \nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7PB", "Extent": "Hall and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4309 1723", "MainID": 1093.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243096.232400000095367, 417234.853499999269843 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - 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1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4334 1723", "MainID": 9317.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243340.135800000280142, 417232.304700000211596 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 L", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "27 CLARENDON ST.\nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4331 1723", "MainID": 4388.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243310.698900000192225, 417240.416999999433756 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 N", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "31 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House and mews building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4328 1724", "MainID": 4354.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243283.809700000099838, 417245.936599999666214 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 O", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "33 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House and mews building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4327 1724", "MainID": 4355.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243277.424300000071526, 417246.747700000181794 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AND HALL \nSTRAND ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Church and Hall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4340 1716", "MainID": 970.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243397.038399999961257, 417171.290100000798702 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/027", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Fallers\n12 Strand Road\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7AB", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": null, "FormerUse": null, "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1704", "MainID": 4448.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243463.925699999555945, 417043.774000000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Archway \nBetween 8-10 Strand Road\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "Archway", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Arch", "FormerUse": "Arch", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4346 1702", "MainID": 4449.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243462.132100000046194, 417024.523600000888109 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/029", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Derby Bar\n63A Great James Street\nLondonderry \nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7DF", "Extent": "Public House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4314 1715", "MainID": 4341.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243148.513899999670684, 417155.799399999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/003 S", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "19 CRAWFORD SQUARE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4304 1752", "MainID": 4398.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243048.679700000211596, 417535.306500000879169 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "OLD FOYLE COLLEGE\nAKA FOYLE ARTS CENTRE\nSTRAND ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes WALLING", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SCHOOL", "FormerUse": "SCHOOL", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4335 1760", "MainID": 2790.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243358.339800000190735, 417602.237700000405312 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "1 BAYVIEW TERRACE \nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4332 1730", "MainID": 2140.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243323.602099999785423, 417309.792099999263883 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "2 BAYVIEW TERRACE\nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes ( RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4333 1731", "MainID": 3789.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243331.685399999842048, 417315.23450000025332 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 BAYVIEW TERRACE \nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Health Centre", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4333 1731", "MainID": 4469.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243338.598600000143051, 417313.246700000017881 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "4 BAYVIEW TERRACE \nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4334 1731", "MainID": 1016.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243345.736399999819696, 417310.638299999758601 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 BAYVIEW TERRACE \nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "includes (RAILINGS)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4335 1731", "MainID": 4470.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243353.365000000223517, 417310.61739999987185 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 F", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "6 BAYVIEW TERRACE \nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Offices", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4336 1731", "MainID": 1015.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243360.856399999931455, 417310.533600000664592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/017 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "7 BAYVIEW TERRACE \nASYLUM ROAD \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Offices", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4336 1731", "MainID": 2834.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243368.114900000393391, 417310.080099999904633 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/022 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "6 Clarendon Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7ET", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4326 1728", "MainID": 1038.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243261.642799999564886, 417281.890300000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/22/022 J", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "24 Clarendon Street\nLondonderry\nCounty Londonderry\nBT48 7ET", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4320 1728", "MainID": 4475.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243208.348299999721348, 417289.471000000834465 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/23/001 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "55 ROSEMOUNT AVENUE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4266 1754", "MainID": 4445.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242665.559500000439584, 417539.931800000369549 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/23/001 D", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "57 ROSEMOUNT AVENUE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4266 1753", "MainID": 4501.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242661.679999999701977, 417537.467399999499321 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB26/12/017 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "St Marks Church \nHolywood Road, Dundela\nBelfast\nCounty Antrim\nBT4 2DR", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, pillars, gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Strandtown", "TxtIGRef": "J3739 7482", "MainID": 19163.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 337383.506400000303984, 374833.351800000295043 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 AA", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building 104\nNorthern Boundary Road\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4425 1715", "MainID": 13685.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244247.088100000284612, 417152.430700000375509 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 BB", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building 115\nFormer School\nNorthern Boundary Road\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4444 3217", "MainID": 13719.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244318.648199999704957, 417184.610500000417233 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 CC", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Building 117\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4438 1720", "MainID": 13686.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244373.041000000201166, 417199.996200000867248 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/09/002 EE", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Building 119\nMilitary Transport Offices\nNorthern Boundary Road\nEbrington Barracks\nLimavady Road\nLondonderry\nBT47 6HH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Barracks", "FormerUse": "Barracks", "Townland": "Clooney", "TxtIGRef": "C4441 1721", "MainID": 13721.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244427.06209999974817, 417216.351099999621511 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/12/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gate Lodge, 57 Ballougry Road\nMULLENNAN \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes WALLING (Note OUTBUILDINGS - DELISTED)", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gate Lodge", "Townland": "Mullennan", "TxtIGRef": "C3904 1245", "MainID": 964.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 239153.665500000119209, 412475.193900000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/21/005 GG", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "73 CLARENDON ST. \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4312 1727", "MainID": 4399.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243125.053100000135601, 417275.659099999815226 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/23/001 E", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "59 ROSEMOUNT AVENUE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4265 1753", "MainID": 4467.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242657.743599999696016, 417534.799900000914931 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/23/001 F", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "61 ROSEMOUNT AVENUE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Edenballymore", "TxtIGRef": "C4265 1753", "MainID": 4455.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242653.63260000012815, 417531.969799999147654 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/23/001 G", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "63 ROSEMOUNT AVENUE \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4264 1752", "MainID": 4476.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242649.388700000010431, 417529.364900000393391 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/24/001", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "JOHN LAWRENCE STATUE \nFOYLE COLLEGE \nSPRINGTOWN \nLONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "MEMORIAL", "FormerUse": "MEMORIAL", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C4261 1857", "MainID": 4480.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242619.271099999547005, 418577.814300000667572 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Convent of Mercy\nThornhill\nCulmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JF", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Religious House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballynashallog", "TxtIGRef": "C4601 2109", "MainID": 11433.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246014.652499999850988, 421091.560799999162555 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nConvent of Mercy\nThornhill \nCulmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JF", "Extent": "Gate Lodge\ngates, pillars, balustraded screen wall", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballynashallog", "TxtIGRef": "C4579 2099", "MainID": 4488.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245789.339499999769032, 420988.893999999389052 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/002 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Brookhall\n65 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JE", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ballynashallog", "TxtIGRef": "C4537 2041", "MainID": 4508.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245367.96239999961108, 420407.628200000151992 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/002 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nBrookhall\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JE", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4491 2022", "MainID": 4510.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244908.471099999733269, 420223.197100000455976 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/004 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Stables at Boomhall\nCulmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JE", "Extent": "Stable block", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Stables", "FormerUse": "Stables", "Townland": "Ballynashallog", "TxtIGRef": "C4493 1963", "MainID": 9579.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244935.89809999987483, 419638.22440000064671 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Hampstead Hall\n40 Baronscourt\nCulmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7RH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Shantallow", "TxtIGRef": "C4414 1941", "MainID": 11434.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244138.961099999956787, 419413.327600000426173 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Troy Hall\n9B Troy Park\nCulmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7RL", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4391 1892", "MainID": 11436.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243908.855600000359118, 418923.389399999752641 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Foyle & Londonderry College\nDuncreggan Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 0AA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4319 1823", "MainID": 1030.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243189.629200000315905, 418233.163599999621511 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/008 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Gate Pillars\nFoyle & Londonderry College\nDuncreggan Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 0AA", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4319 1823", "MainID": 12817.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243208.890100000426173, 418128.063799999654293 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/010", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Long’s Supermarket\n141C Strand Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7PB", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Factory", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4363 1820", "MainID": 12818.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243625.480100000277162, 418202.532999999821186 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/013 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Patrick's Church\nBuncrana Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7QL", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall , gates and railings.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4375 1883", "MainID": 12827.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243748.692499999888241, 418833.743300000205636 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Patrick’s Presbytery\nSt Patrick’s Church\nBuncrana Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7QL", "Extent": "Presbytery", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4373 1886", "MainID": 12828.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243725.161199999973178, 418859.793899999931455 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church\nSteelstown Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8EU", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Londonderry", "TxtIGRef": "C4433 2010", "MainID": 11469.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244334.16440000012517, 420096.192099999636412 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/25/027", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ardcaien \n10 Ardcaien,\nCulmore Road,\nDerry\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "House & outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Shantallow", "TxtIGRef": "C4470 2026", "MainID": 15181.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244705.550699999555945, 420270.055400000885129 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/26/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Elagh House\n33 Upper Galliagh Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LW", "Extent": "House, gate pillars, wing walls", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Elagh More", "TxtIGRef": "C4171 2166", "MainID": 1029.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241704.682900000363588, 421657.162299999967217 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/26/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Elagh Hall\n9 Elagh Road\nLondonderry \nBT48 8LU", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Elagh More", "TxtIGRef": "C4121 2138", "MainID": 4490.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241209.423100000247359, 421383.712300000712276 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/26/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Glengalliagh Hall\n22 Upper Galliagh Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LW", "Extent": "House and Outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ballynagalliagh", "TxtIGRef": "C4178 2101", "MainID": 11322.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241782.230800000019372, 421017.549000000581145 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/26/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nGlengalliagh Hall\n22 Upper Galliagh Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LW", "Extent": "Gate Lodge, Gates, Pillars and Walls.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballynagalliagh", "TxtIGRef": "C4187 2071", "MainID": 11323.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 241871.067900000140071, 420709.571299999952316 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/26/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "The Parks\n31 Collon Lane\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LQ", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Demolished", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Shantallow", "TxtIGRef": "C4253 2016", "MainID": 1028.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 242524.589800000190735, 420164.575400000438094 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/26/006", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Belmont House Special School\nRacecourse Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7RE", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Shantallow", "TxtIGRef": "C4383 1928", "MainID": 4492.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 243826.935700000263751, 419285.606100000441074 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballyarnett House\nRacecourse Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8NG", "Extent": "House, entrance gates and railings", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyarnett", "TxtIGRef": "C4510 2259", "MainID": 4493.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 245094.093999999575317, 422599.596200000494719 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/004", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Culmore Tavern\n161 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4644 2224", "MainID": 4495.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246446.31209999974817, 422248.910099999979138 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Tullyarden Lodge\n202 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JL", "Extent": "House, pedestrian gate and railing\nfront boundary wall, piers and gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4660 2293", "MainID": 1027.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246599.427600000053644, 422934.324500000104308 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Culmore Primary School\n181 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JH", "Extent": "School, teacher’s residence, front boundary wall and gates, return to north wall and former toilets", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4660 2286", "MainID": 4483.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246603.867200000211596, 422866.613600000739098 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "172 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7 RS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballynagard", "TxtIGRef": "C4641 2241", "MainID": 4498.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246406.993599999696016, 422414.278599999845028 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "174 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 7RS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballynagard", "TxtIGRef": "C4641 2242", "MainID": 9716.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246406.302099999971688, 422423.988399999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/008 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "176 Culmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Ballynagard", "TxtIGRef": "C4641 2243", "MainID": 9717.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246405.548799999989569, 422435.237800000235438 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballynagard House\nCulmore Road\nLondonderry", "Extent": "House, Outbuildings and Walls.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ballynagard", "TxtIGRef": "C4674 2206", "MainID": 5681.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246740.105499999597669, 422062.212500000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "South Gate Lodge\nBallynagard House\nCulmore Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JH", "Extent": "Gate lodge, gate piers, gates and screen walls", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballynagard", "TxtIGRef": "C4641 2198", "MainID": 1054.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246295.392500000074506, 421711.608799999579787 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/018 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballyarnett Farm\n50 Beragh Hill Road\nLondonderry\n\n** See General Comments **", "Extent": "House, front boundary wall, piers and gate", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 11225.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244123.454900000244379, 421794.975099999457598 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/018 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dairy Building\nNear Ballyarnett\n50 Beragh Hill Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LY", "Extent": "Dairy building.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Farm Buildings", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Ballyarnett", "TxtIGRef": "C4416 2182", "MainID": 11226.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244167.844200000166893, 421807.479100000113249 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/018 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Outbuildings\nBallyarnett\n50 Beragh Hill Road\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LY", "Extent": "Outbuildings.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Ballyarnett", "TxtIGRef": "C4418 2176", "MainID": 11227.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244191.066200000233948, 421756.400000000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/019", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church\nRacecourse Road \nLondonderry\nBT48", "Extent": "Not listed.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Shantallow", "TxtIGRef": "C4420 2116", "MainID": 4291.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244197.811200000345707, 421162.2796 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Culmore Fort\nCulmore point\nLondonderry\nBT48 8JW", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "Fort", "FormerUse": "Fort", "Townland": "Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4772 2238", "MainID": 10792.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 247724.947399999946356, 422385.443199999630451 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Lighthouse\nCulmore Point\nLondonderry", "Extent": "Lighthouse", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Light House/ Navigation Mark", "FormerUse": "Light House/ Navigation Mark", "Townland": "Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C4772 2336", "MainID": 11217.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 247723.583399999886751, 422360.217800000682473 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/022", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballynagard Lighthouse\nWest Bank\nRiver Foyle\nLondonderry", "Extent": "Lighthouse", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Light House/ Navigation Mark", "FormerUse": "Light House/ Navigation Mark", "Townland": "Ballynagard", "TxtIGRef": "C4651 2141", "MainID": 11218.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 246486.06319999974221, 421419.3421 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB01/27/026", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "60 Beragh Hill Road\nBallyarnett\nLondonderry\nBT48 8LY", "Extent": "House, outbuilding, gates and piers.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballyarnett", "TxtIGRef": "C4473 2215", "MainID": 11219.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 244731.711799999698997, 422157.025200000032783 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/01/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "263 Clooney Road\nGreysteel \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 3DZ", "Extent": "House gate and railings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tullyverry", "TxtIGRef": "C5775 2127", "MainID": 4674.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 257751.531000000424683, 421265.152000000700355 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/01/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Gresteel House\n11 Foyle Avenue\nEglinton\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 3EB", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gresteel Beg", "TxtIGRef": "C5633 2133", "MainID": 12819.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 256361.498100000433624, 421336.578600000590086 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/02/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Carrichue House\n294 Clooney Road\nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9JE", "Extent": "House and stables", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Carrickhugh", "TxtIGRef": "C5997 2230", "MainID": 5717.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 259969.860000000335276, 422298.298200000077486 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/02/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glasvey House\nLoughermore Road\nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Original school building.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Glasvey", "TxtIGRef": "C6247 2217", "MainID": 5720.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262465.866600000299513, 422178.407600000500679 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/02/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bridge House\nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Health Centre", "Townland": "Walworth", "TxtIGRef": "C6259 2231", "MainID": 11016.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262592.034300000406802, 422312.067199999466538 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/02/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Wood Cottage\n341 Clooney Road\nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9PL", "Extent": "Cottage and outhouse.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Walworth", "TxtIGRef": "C6144 2210", "MainID": 11422.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 261436.013600000180304, 422102.345499999821186 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Finloch’s R C Church\nNedd Road\nOghill\nBallykelly\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9HZ", "Extent": "Church.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Oghill", "TxtIGRef": "C6216 2108", "MainID": 5722.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262166.913200000301003, 421084.992599999532104 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Largy County Primary School\n130 Drumrane Road\nBallykelly\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9LQ", "Extent": "School building,piers and gates, 1939 plaque and post box.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Largy", "TxtIGRef": "C6752 1839", "MainID": 3068.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267518.008899999782443, 418383.867499999701977 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/008", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Dogleap Powerhouse\nRoe Valley Country Park\n43 Dogleap Road\nLargy\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9NN", "Extent": "Building and adjacent weir.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Power Station", "Townland": "Largy", "TxtIGRef": "C6795 2030", "MainID": 5676.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267949.468299999833107, 420299.419600000604987 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Largy Bridge\nDogleap Road\nBallykelly\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9NN", "Extent": "Bridge and abutments, parapet walls including piers and gates.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Largy", "TxtIGRef": "C6794 2032", "MainID": 5969.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267936.334099999628961, 420315.737199999392033 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/014 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "South Watch Tower\nRoe Green\nRoe Valley Country Park\nLargy\nLimavady \nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Tower.", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Watch tower", "FormerUse": "Watch tower", "Townland": "Largy", "TxtIGRef": "C6829 1980", "MainID": 10788.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268286.308600000105798, 419803.582800000905991 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Weaving Shed Museum\nRoe Valley Country Park\nDogleap Road\nLargy\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9NN", "Extent": "Building.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Largy", "TxtIGRef": "C6787 2011", "MainID": 10786.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267868.122000000439584, 420112.698200000450015 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/024", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "84 Highlands Road\nBallykelly\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9LY", "Extent": "House, piers ,gates and wing walls.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Upper Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C6418 2005", "MainID": 10811.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264183.108599999919534, 420054.985799999907613 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/03/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate piers & field gate\nGlenhead Road\nMagheramore\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9L", "Extent": "Gate & gate piers", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Magheramore", "TxtIGRef": "C6448 1907", "MainID": 10787.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264477.224399999715388, 419069.776399999856949 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/04/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Eugenius Church (C of I)\nDrumrane Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4RG", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Bovevagh", "TxtIGRef": "C6768 1333", "MainID": 5677.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267676.441800000146031, 413335.158500000834465 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/04/004", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St Mary’s Church (RC)\nGortnahey Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4PY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Gortnahey More", "TxtIGRef": "C6677 1211", "MainID": 5678.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266789.333999999798834, 412098.0152000002563 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/04/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Church of St. Peter and St. Paul.\nForeglen Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4PL", "Extent": "Not listed.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymoney", "TxtIGRef": "C6190 0953", "MainID": 3319.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 261924.161899999715388, 409516.690099999308586 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/04/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dwelling\n(aka Youth Hostel)\nMill Lane\nDerrylane\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Cottage and calf outhouse.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Derrylane", "TxtIGRef": "C6688 1200", "MainID": 12003.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266878.646099999547005, 411995.573300000280142 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/001 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "MOUNT PROSPECT HOUSE \n59 MAGHERAMORE ROAD \nDUNGIVEN \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Magheramore", "TxtIGRef": "C6777 0688", "MainID": 8708.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267773.053700000047684, 406881.032199999317527 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mount Prospect House (Apartments.)\n59 Magheramore Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 45W", "Extent": "Hotel", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hotel - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Farm Buildings", "Townland": "Magheramore", "TxtIGRef": "C6776 0691", "MainID": 8709.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267764.797600000165403, 406909.672800000756979 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "The Old Rectory\nGlenshane Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Derrychier", "TxtIGRef": "C6652 0703", "MainID": 2951.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266523.05420000012964, 407040.97069999948144 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/004", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Banagher Church of Ireland\nFeeny Road\nRallagh \nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Rallagh", "TxtIGRef": "C6590 0633", "MainID": 4647.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265894.511900000274181, 406355.9046 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Ashpark House\n712 Glenshane Road\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Knockan", "TxtIGRef": "C6486 0653", "MainID": 11517.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264853.769199999980628, 406530.565199999138713 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/005 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "714 Glenshane Road\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Knockan", "TxtIGRef": "C6484 0653", "MainID": 11518.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264838.638600000180304, 406535.953900000080466 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Knockan House\n9 Killunaght Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TU", "Extent": "House, garden wall, gates, gate piers, boundary walls.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Knockan", "TxtIGRef": "C6471 0641", "MainID": 5967.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264715.592199999839067, 406409.722400000318885 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Outbuildings\nKnockan House\n9 Killunaght Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TU", "Extent": "Long Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Knockan", "TxtIGRef": "C6475 0643", "MainID": 11629.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264751.97510000038892, 406425.972500000149012 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/008 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Drumcovit House\n704 Feeny Road\nFeeny \nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4SU", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumcovit", "TxtIGRef": "C6400 0580", "MainID": 1048.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263995.893600000068545, 405802.933000000193715 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/009", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "PAROCHIAL HALL \nMAIN ST. \nFEENY \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Feeny", "TxtIGRef": "C6266 0543", "MainID": 5679.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262680.989099999889731, 405426.192500000819564 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/010 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Joseph’s R.C. Church\nGlenedra Road\nFincarn\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TW", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Fincarn", "TxtIGRef": "C6354 0474", "MainID": 4395.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263542.961400000378489, 404743.394799999892712 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/011", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "48 Glenedra Road\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TP", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Fincarn", "TxtIGRef": "C6388 0452", "MainID": 5680.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263904.012299999594688, 404518.055700000375509 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aughlish Bridge\nGlenedra Road\nAughlish\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Aughlish", "TxtIGRef": "C6528 0370", "MainID": 2905.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265278.583999999798834, 403696.718399999663234 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/05/033", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Water pump\n128 Glenedra Road\nFeeny\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4TP", "Extent": "Water pump", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Aughlish", "TxtIGRef": "C6545 0389", "MainID": 11627.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265461.421000000089407, 403891.725299999117851 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Patrick’s R.C. Church\nGlenshane Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4RT", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6953 0854", "MainID": 4394.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269530.451999999582767, 408537.663499999791384 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "C of I Church\nMain Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4PQ", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, gates, railings and Ogilby monument", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6936 0912", "MainID": 2855.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269356.733900000341237, 409124.002599999308586 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dungiven Castle \nMain Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4LF", "Extent": "Castle", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "Castle", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6922 0910", "MainID": 11646.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269216.235999999567866, 409107.4693 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/004", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "113 Main Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4LF", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1980 - 1999", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6910 0927", "MainID": 5723.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269110.883600000292063, 409269.298299999907613 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/006 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 Lower Main Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4LD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6870 0954", "MainID": 5724.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268698.089999999850988, 409542.891699999570847 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/006 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 Lower Main Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4LD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6870 0954", "MainID": 5725.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268705.325100000016391, 409539.311699999496341 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/006 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 Lower Main Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4LD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6871 0954", "MainID": 5727.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268713.985600000247359, 409539.222100000828505 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/006 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 Lower Main Street\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4LD", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Shop - Terrace", "Townland": "Dungiven", "TxtIGRef": "C6872 0954", "MainID": 5728.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268724.741399999707937, 409538.539000000804663 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/007 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Pellipar House\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry \nBT47 4LY", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Lackagh", "TxtIGRef": "C6875 1057", "MainID": 6815.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268749.640599999576807, 410569.30210000090301 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/06/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Outbuildings\nPellipar House\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Lackagh", "TxtIGRef": "C6876 1028", "MainID": 11630.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268760.348399999551475, 410286.79619999974966 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Calhame Bridge\nover Sruhanadumpan Burn\nTamniarin\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Tamniarin", "TxtIGRef": "C7205 0540", "MainID": 2904.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 272019.249400000087917, 405409.107400000095367 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bovevagh Presbyterian Church\nBallyquin Road\nCamnish\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Camnish", "TxtIGRef": "C6907 1210", "MainID": 5808.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269063.129499999806285, 412108.215299999341369 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Bovevagh Rectory\n30 Camnish Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry\nBT47 4NJ", "Extent": "House and coach house.", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C6831 1276", "MainID": 1067.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268310.175800000317395, 412761.473600000143051 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/07/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "New Bridge\nBurnfoot\nDerryork Road\nDungiven\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Inisconagher", "TxtIGRef": "C6817 1332", "MainID": 3114.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268174.098199999891222, 413322.108899999409914 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/001", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St Matthew’s R C Church\n300 Drumsurn Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0PX", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drumsurn Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C7279 1640", "MainID": 1401.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 272810.459300000220537, 416393.924799999222159 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Cenotaph \nBallyquin Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Ballyquin", "TxtIGRef": "C6954 1769", "MainID": 5814.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269541.968299999833107, 417688.79839999973774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Church of Ireland Church\nBallyquin Road\nCarrick\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9HA", "Extent": "Church .", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Carrick East", "TxtIGRef": "C6835 1826", "MainID": 5828.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268349.768299999646842, 418249.337600000202656 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/007", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St Canice’s C of I Church\nBalteagh Parish\nDrumsurn Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ardmore", "TxtIGRef": "C7074 2093", "MainID": 3361.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 270762.200100000016391, 420925.058100000023842 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/009", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Carrick Footbridge\nCarrick East\nRoe Valley Country Park\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9HA", "Extent": "Bridge and abutments.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Carrick East", "TxtIGRef": "C6840 1815", "MainID": 8731.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268394.607900000177324, 418153.631400000303984 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21 Lislane Road\nGortnarney\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OPH", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Gortnarney", "TxtIGRef": "C7308 1890", "MainID": 9541.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 273073.977800000458956, 418901.660000000149012 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/08/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Carrickmore House\n175 Ballyquin Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9HA", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Carrick East", "TxtIGRef": "C6843 1820", "MainID": 10498.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268433.86629999987781, 418200.317800000309944 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/002 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Bellarena House\nSeacoast Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OHZ", "Extent": "House,", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6639 2985", "MainID": 11100.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266392.298299999907613, 429885.712300000712276 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Courtyard Buildings\nBellarena House\n248 Seacoast Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HZ", "Extent": "Courtyard Buildings\nWest Range, North Range, East Range", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6626 2992", "MainID": 11101.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266370.919900000095367, 429931.432299999520183 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Estate Outbuildings.\nBellerena House,\n248 Seacoast Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OHZ", "Extent": "Former salmon factory,\nboiler house and byres,\nand walls enclosing courtyard.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6626 2991", "MainID": 11102.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266257.873499999754131, 429912.890300000086427 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/002 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ice House\nBellarena House\n248 Seacoast Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OHZ", "Extent": "Ice House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Ice House", "FormerUse": "Ice House", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6627 2984", "MainID": 11103.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266265.119599999859929, 429845.54700000025332 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "East Gate Lodge,\nBellarena House\n248 Seacoast Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OHZ", "Extent": "Lodge,Gates, Railings,Walls and Pillars.", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6690 3016", "MainID": 6807.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266900.97719999961555, 430165.751900000497699 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Dispensary + Cottage \n238/240 Seacoast Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "Health Centre", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6703 2992", "MainID": 6806.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267027.148599999956787, 429942.759800000116229 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/004", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Bellarena Gate Lodge\n26 Scotstown Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Not listed.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6629 3034", "MainID": 2861.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266310.895700000226498, 430337.354800000786781 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Plantation Lodge\n253 Seacoast Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 0JX", "Extent": "Not listed.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Bellarena", "TxtIGRef": "C6703 3043", "MainID": 1053.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267051.608900000341237, 430423.895500000566244 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bellarena School\n260 Seacoast Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "School Building.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "School", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Bellerena", "TxtIGRef": "C6682 3054", "MainID": 3055.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266820.285799999721348, 430547.148499999195337 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Minearny Base Tower\nMinearny\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Tower", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Minearny", "TxtIGRef": "C6595 3059", "MainID": 1841.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265946.700199999846518, 430596.579800000414252 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "299 Seacoast Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0JY", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Oughtymoyle", "TxtIGRef": "C6689 3145", "MainID": 5735.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266889.668100000359118, 431449.784900000318885 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Barn at\n299 Seacoast Road\nBellarena Station\nOughtymoyle\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Barn.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Oughtymoyle", "TxtIGRef": "C6690 3146", "MainID": 3307.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266907.13329999987036, 431462.199799999594688 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Credit Union Building\n304 Seacoast Road\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0JY", "Extent": "Original building.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Oughtymoyle", "TxtIGRef": "C6687 3147", "MainID": 1050.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266868.052600000053644, 431476.036100000143051 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Thatched House \n392 Seacoast Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0LA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched house", "Townland": "Ballyscullion", "TxtIGRef": "C6718 3270", "MainID": 2862.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267184.233300000429153, 432701.854900000616908 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Presbyterian Church\nSeacoast Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, front boundary wall, railings and gates", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Margy Monaghan", "TxtIGRef": "C6760 3358", "MainID": 5737.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267609.281600000336766, 433576.80599999986589 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "North Base Tower\nBallymulholland\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Tower", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Ballymulholland", "TxtIGRef": "C6704 3434", "MainID": 5738.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267044.294800000265241, 434339.743000000715256 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/016", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Martello Tower\nPoint Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Fort", "FormerUse": "Fort", "Townland": "Doaghs Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C6608 3887", "MainID": 6808.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266072.919400000013411, 438863.790500000119209 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 Magilligan Halt\n459 Seacoast Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0LL", "Extent": "House, platform,", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": "Craig", "TxtIGRef": "C7072 3442", "MainID": 1292.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 270729.537700000219047, 434416.44649999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/020", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ballymaclary House\nSeacoast Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "House..", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballymaclary", "TxtIGRef": "C7103 3481", "MainID": 1026.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 271032.382299999706447, 434818.409299999475479 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/022", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Umbra\n645 Seacoast Road\nBenone\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0LH", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Umbra", "TxtIGRef": "C7252 3550", "MainID": 9600.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 272533.507399999536574, 435504.087500000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Cadan’s C of I Church\nDuncrun Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Church and boundary wall.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Duncrun", "TxtIGRef": "C6870 3232", "MainID": 1025.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268699.284300000406802, 432315.06900000013411 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/026", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Thatched House.\nThe Castle\nCurragh Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Thatched house.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Duncrun", "TxtIGRef": "C6853 3253", "MainID": 10789.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268536.826899999752641, 432530.175799999386072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/029 A", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "St Aidan’s R C Church\nDuncrun Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Not listed.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Tamlaght", "TxtIGRef": "C6780 3138", "MainID": 11109.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267819.43030000012368, 431368.801899999380112 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/030", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Blackstone Cottage\n30-32 Duncrun Road\nGlebe\nBellarena\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Police Station", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C6723 3115", "MainID": 10773.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267229.566100000403821, 431126.68019999936223 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/031", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Tamlaghtard Rectory\n4 Duncrun Road\nGlebe\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0JD", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C6687 3070", "MainID": 9542.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266876.474600000306964, 430701.881300000473857 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/032", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Ferns (Formerly Umbra)\n635 Seacoast Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0LH", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Woodtown", "TxtIGRef": "C7236 3530", "MainID": 5694.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 272361.922600000165403, 435308.925000000745058 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/09/045", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Thatched House\n360 Seacoast Road\nMagilligan\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 0LA", "Extent": "House and Outhouse", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Ballyscullion", "TxtIGRef": "C6662 3259", "MainID": 11094.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266619.555499999783933, 432587.573799999430776 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/001 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cather Vault\nBallykelly Old Graveyard, \nWalworth Road\nBallykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9JU", "Extent": "Mausoleum", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Mausoleum", "FormerUse": "Mausoleum", "Townland": "Ballykelly", "TxtIGRef": "C6224 2274", "MainID": 10160.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262237.125300000421703, 422726.768100000917912 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/002", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Walworth House\n11 Walworth Road \nBallykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9JU", "Extent": "House, bawn, bawn wall, flankers,walls to garden.", "Date_Const": "1600 - 1649", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ballykelly", "TxtIGRef": "C6241 2263", "MainID": 5880.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262401.645700000226498, 422623.981300000101328 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Presbyterian Manse\n56 Main Street\nBallykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9HS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Ballykelly", "TxtIGRef": "C6285 2225", "MainID": 5700.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 262848.968000000342727, 422262.436599999666214 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/006", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Ballykelly Presbyterian Church\nMain Street \nBallykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9HS", "Extent": "Church and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drummond", "TxtIGRef": "C6308 2226", "MainID": 5701.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263078.305100000463426, 422268.169800000265241 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gate Lodge\nBallykelly Presbyterian Church\nBallykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9HS", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Drummond", "TxtIGRef": "C6304 2232", "MainID": 5718.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263042.347400000318885, 422320.88990000076592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Church Hill House\n(North West Independant Hospital) \nMain Street\n Ballykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9HS", "Extent": "Former farm building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drummond", "TxtIGRef": "C6308 2244", "MainID": 1274.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263092.046000000089407, 422441.639499999582767 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Tamlaght Finlagan Parish Church (C of I), \nClooney Road,\nBallykelly, \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry BT49 9HS", "Extent": "Church and boundary wall", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drummond", "TxtIGRef": "C6329 2247", "MainID": 10284.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263223.134800000116229, 422475.122099999338388 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/011", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mansefield House\n519 Clooney Road\nTully \nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9HP", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Tully", "TxtIGRef": "C6447 2281", "MainID": 5702.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264467.798600000329316, 422814.560000000521541 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "South Base Tower\nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Tower defined by wall and railing", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Mulkeeragh", "TxtIGRef": "C6347 2216", "MainID": 5726.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263472.999400000087917, 422159.664200000464916 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rascahan Cottage\n6 Farlow Road\nRascahan \nLimavady \nCo Londonderry BT49 9DR", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Rascahan", "TxtIGRef": "C6549 2328", "MainID": 5569.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265490.037299999967217, 423276.586100000888109 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Sampson’s Memorial Tower\nFarlow Wood \nFarlow Road \nFarlow\nLimavady \nCo Londonderry BT49 9DR", "Extent": "Tower", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Tower", "FormerUse": "Tower", "Townland": "Farlow", "TxtIGRef": "C6560 2345", "MainID": 10106.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265604.672899999655783, 423443.102600000798702 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/015", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ardnargle House, \nSeacoast Road\nArdnargle \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OLA", "Extent": "House and Coachouses to rear.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Ardnargle", "TxtIGRef": "C6710 2446", "MainID": 1554.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267108.308299999684095, 424473.0614 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/016", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Clover Hill House\n86 Seacost Road\nBurnally \nLimavady \nCo Londonderry BT49 9EG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Burnally", "TxtIGRef": "C6610 2543", "MainID": 5704.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266110.317200000397861, 425425.313400000333786 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St John’s Church (C of I) \n36 Lomond Road\nBack \nLimavady \nCo Londonderry BT49 9DZ", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Back", "TxtIGRef": "C6515 2615", "MainID": 5566.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 265158.980299999937415, 426137.632699999958277 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/021", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Culmore House, \n131 Sea Coast Road\nLower Culmore\nLimavady \nCo Londonderry BT49 9EG", "Extent": "House .", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Lower Culmore", "TxtIGRef": "C6626 2670", "MainID": 3111.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266252.188099999912083, 426703.441199999302626 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/022", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Tamlaght Finlagan Rectory\nClooney Road \nGlebe\nBallykelly \nLimavady\nCo Londonderry BT49 9PF", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "FormerUse": "Rectories/ Manses etc", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C6414 2300", "MainID": 5707.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 264139.727099999785423, 423008.026599999517202 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/10/027", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Aircraft Hangar\nShackleton Barracks \nBallykelly\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1960 - 1979", "CurrentUse": "Store", "FormerUse": "Aircraft hangar", "Townland": "Ballyspallan", "TxtIGRef": "C6350 2388", "MainID": 9562.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 263503.065700000151992, 423862.002299999818206 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 A", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "Drenagh House\n15 Dowland Road\nFruithill\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HP", "Extent": "House, offices, land stewart's house,balustrade", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Country House", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6885 2357", "MainID": 12231.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268852.128600000403821, 423589.710899999365211 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drenagh Estate Coach house\n17 Dowland Road\nFruithill\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HP", "Extent": "Coach house, stables, courtyard and enclosing walls, piers, gates and dwelling.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6890 2363", "MainID": 10754.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268908.844100000336766, 423634.593100000172853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drenagh Estate Gardener’s House & Barn\n17 Dowland Road\nFruithill\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HP", "Extent": "Gardener's house, attached outhouses, low garden wall, adjoining Gardener's house and wing wall to outhouse", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6895 2360", "MainID": 10784.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268944.765100000426173, 423602.505300000309944 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Viewing Platform, \nDrenagh Estate\n17 Dowland Road\nFruithill\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HP", "Extent": "Viewing platform and associated steps", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Garden Features", "FormerUse": "Garden Features", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6897 2351", "MainID": 9712.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268966.886900000274181, 423508.970000000670552 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "East lodge (Logan’s Lodge), \nDrenagh Demesne\n38 Broad Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Lodge, adjacent Entrance Gates and Screen.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6908 2321", "MainID": 1196.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269088.297399999573827, 423205.862500000745058 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "West Lodge, \nDrenagh Demesne\n11 Dowland Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HP", "Extent": "Lodge and adjacent entrance gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6829 2411", "MainID": 5842.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268294.091300000436604, 424115.906999999657273 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/002 I", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Gamekeeper’s House (The Pheasantry) \nDrenagh Demesne\n66 Broad Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OQH", "Extent": "House .", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Fruithill", "TxtIGRef": "C6973 2371", "MainID": 10785.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269734.862900000065565, 423708.399000000208616 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Appletree House\n31 Drumsurn Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0PD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drummond", "TxtIGRef": "C6913 2283", "MainID": 5710.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269150.915900000371039, 422825.520999999716878 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Streeve House\n25 Dowland Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HP", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1720 - 1739", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Streeve", "TxtIGRef": "C6862 2424", "MainID": 10782.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268625.117499999701977, 424244.494300000369549 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/010 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Aghanloo Church of Ireland Church\nAghanloo Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, piers, gates.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Drumbane", "TxtIGRef": "C6795 2752", "MainID": 3310.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267948.715699999593198, 427519.059200000017881 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Aghanloo House\nGlebe\nAghanloo\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OHX", "Extent": "House and gates.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C6795 2751", "MainID": 5736.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 268449.608599999919534, 427509.667500000447035 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Rose Cottage\n85 Aghanloo Road\nAghanloo\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0HY", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Drumbane", "TxtIGRef": "C6795 2770", "MainID": 1041.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267959.385099999606609, 427706.973200000822544 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "67 Windyhill Road\nDrumalief\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OQZ", "Extent": "House and outhouses in line.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Drumalief", "TxtIGRef": "C6986 2612", "MainID": 10864.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 269863.321299999952316, 426123.389799999073148 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/11/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "77 Bolea Road\nBolea\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OQT", "Extent": "House and gates.", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Mullane", "TxtIGRef": "C7111 2551", "MainID": 10783.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 271109.916400000452995, 425516.452199999243021 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Christ Church\nChurch of Ireland Parish Church (Drumachose)\nMain Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry BT49 0ET", "Extent": "Church, main entrance gates, piers & screens.", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6718 2346", "MainID": 2901.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267165.239599999971688, 423450.893200000748038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "86 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 0ET", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6718 2340", "MainID": 6214.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267182.145499999634922, 423402.017100000753999 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "18 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OEU", "Extent": "Not listed.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6697 2320", "MainID": 5712.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267000.432500000111759, 423203.645199999213219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/006 A", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "14 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEU", "Extent": "not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6696 2320", "MainID": 5682.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266990.460500000044703, 423195.520300000905991 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/006 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "16 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OEU", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6698 2322", "MainID": 5683.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266996.255099999718368, 423199.884199999272823 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Lodge\n2 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OEY", "Extent": "House,", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6686 2317", "MainID": 3313.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266861.128600000403821, 423170.229199999943376 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "7 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6695 2314", "MainID": 3312.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266949.458499999716878, 423139.196599999442697 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6695 2314", "MainID": 5684.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266950.689199999906123, 423144.442199999466538 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/009 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6695 2315", "MainID": 5685.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266954.071299999952316, 423146.789599999785423 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/010 A", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "13 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6696 2315", "MainID": 2503.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266978.122000000439584, 423141.82120000012219 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/010 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "House,", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6696 2315", "MainID": 5686.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266969.081399999558926, 423157.394099999219179 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/011 A", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "17-19 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "Office", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6698 2317", "MainID": 5687.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266997.806200000457466, 423151.405300000682473 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/012", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OET", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6699 2317", "MainID": 5689.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266988.604100000113249, 423166.50899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/013", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "23 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6699 2317", "MainID": 5690.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267011.27309999987483, 423162.526699999347329 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/014", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Roebuck Inn\n25 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6700 2318", "MainID": 1039.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267016.043700000271201, 423167.108599999919534 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/015", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "27 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6700 2319", "MainID": 3311.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267021.907999999821186, 423170.799399999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "51 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6707 2324", "MainID": 1429.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267074.226300000213087, 423236.236899999901652 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9/11 Linenhall Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OHQ", "Extent": "Building,", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6699 2306", "MainID": 9974.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266987.270999999716878, 423064.300400000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/022 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "38 Catherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9DB", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Health Centre", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6704 2299", "MainID": 2427.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267036.775700000114739, 422994.799900000914931 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/022 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "36 Catherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9DB", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6704 2300", "MainID": 1051.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267040.426900000311434, 422997.075300000607967 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "28 Catherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 7BB", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6707 2302", "MainID": 9925.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267063.650700000114739, 423012.672900000587106 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "34 Catherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9DB", "Extent": "Building and coach house", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6705 2300", "MainID": 5692.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267046.323699999600649, 423001.216600000858307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/025", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "30/32 Catherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9DB", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6706 2301", "MainID": 5691.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267056.222400000318885, 423006.338500000536442 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/026", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "2nd Presbyterian Church Limavady\nIrish Green Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9AN", "Extent": "Church.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6726 2294", "MainID": 4616.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267262.406600000336766, 422937.57039999961853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/027 A", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "53 Irish Green Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9AA", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6717 2292", "MainID": 5693.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267192.433400000445545, 422915.971499999985099 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/027 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "55 Irish Green Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9AA", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6718 2292", "MainID": 5665.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267194.5466, 422908.909600000828505 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/027 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "57 Irish Green Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9AA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6718 2291", "MainID": 1285.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267178.919400000013411, 422912.264699999243021 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/029", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Springhill House\nCatherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 9DB", "Extent": "House.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6678 2291", "MainID": 1044.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266856.190499999560416, 422893.151200000196695 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/030", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Roe Road Bridge\nCatherine Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Bridge, abutments, parapet and curtain walls", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "Bridge", "FormerUse": "Bridge", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6678 2291", "MainID": 3309.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266785.520700000226498, 422913.050899999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/031", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Roe Park (Radisson Hotel)\nBallykelly Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9LB", "Extent": "NE Block with small return, E facade of former carrigage block, S facades of N & S ranges.", "Date_Const": "1700 - 1719", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "Country House", "Townland": "Mullagh", "TxtIGRef": "C6686 2174", "MainID": 5669.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 266864.719899999909103, 421767.211400000378489 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/034", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Post Office\n101 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Post Office", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6720 2334", "MainID": 6393.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267202.329400000162423, 423342.563699999824166 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/040", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Owens Public House\n50 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEU", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Public House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6710 2330", "MainID": 9927.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267098.250900000333786, 423303.88120000064373 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/043", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Olgiby Trust National School\nMain Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OET", "Extent": "Building", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6671 2346", "MainID": 9973.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267206.505900000222027, 423464.32660000026226 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/12/045", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Mullan’s Pub\n43 Main Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OEP", "Extent": "Building.", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "Hotel", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6705 2322", "MainID": 9928.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267053.261800000444055, 423220.440400000661612 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/13/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Mary’s Church\nIrish Green Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9AB", "Extent": "Church, gates, pillars and front wall.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6723 2262", "MainID": 1040.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267230.033999999985099, 422616.860700000077486 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/13/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "29 Roe Mill Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry\nBT49 9BB", "Extent": "Building and outbuildings.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Newtown Limavady", "TxtIGRef": "C6705 2247", "MainID": 1045.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267028.016099999658763, 422478.078099999576807 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/15/002", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Killeen House\n52 Killane Road\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 ODN", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "RathbradyMore", "TxtIGRef": "C6780 2372", "MainID": 5670.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267822.21750000026077, 423720.07660000026226 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/15/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumachose Presbyterian Church\nChurch Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OBX", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Rathbrady More", "TxtIGRef": "C6758 2331", "MainID": 1046.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267578.509899999946356, 423310.347500000149012 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/15/004", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "1st Limavady Presbyterian Church\nChurch Street\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OBX", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Rathbrady More", "TxtIGRef": "C6774 2325", "MainID": 1047.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267757.614400000311434, 423238.358599999919534 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB02/15/006", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Roe Valley Hospital\n(Former Workhouse)\nBenevenagh Avenue\nLimavady\nCo Londonderry \nBT49 OAQ", "Extent": "Entire building complex, small redbrick building at east corner and former exercise yards.", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Workhouse", "Townland": "Rathbrady More", "TxtIGRef": "C6765 2275", "MainID": 5674.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 267641.934899999760091, 422767.286299999803305 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "War Memorial\nThe Diamond\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9260 1250", "MainID": 6810.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292599.372399999760091, 412502.346699999645352 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "The Manor House\n69 Bridge Street\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5RR", "Extent": "House and outbuildings", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9305 1264", "MainID": 4752.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293040.999400000087917, 412634.504000000655651 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/008", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6-8 BRIDGE ST \nKILREA \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GATES", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9265 1252", "MainID": 1057.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292651.039099999703467, 412529.477700000628829 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Albert Place \n10 -18 Bridge Street \nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5RS", "Extent": "Former residences", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9268 1254", "MainID": 6824.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292675.21999999973923, 412548.119100000709295 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/013", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Drumagarner House\n58 Drumagarner Road \nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5TR", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Drumagarner", "TxtIGRef": "C9182 1126", "MainID": 1091.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 291820.3739, 411263.792400000616908 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/020", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "12 Hill Head Road\nKilrea\nColeraine\nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Telephone kiosk", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "Telephone Kiosk", "FormerUse": "Telephone Kiosk", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9239 1246", "MainID": 5846.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292394.367300000041723, 412461.492799999192357 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/033", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Telephone Kiosk\nThe Diamond\nKilrea\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5QQ", "Extent": "Telephone kiosk", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Telephone Kiosk", "FormerUse": "Telephone Kiosk", "Townland": "Kilrea", "TxtIGRef": "C9261 1247", "MainID": 9543.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292615.982099999673665, 412473.799900000914931 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Cenotaph\nGarvagh Forest\nMain Street\nGarvagh, \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5EF", "Extent": "Cenotaph & perimeter kerb", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8386 1541", "MainID": 8061.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283859.721099999733269, 415409.228800000622869 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "97 Main Street \nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AB", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8404 1577", "MainID": 8062.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284072.006799999624491, 415741.911399999633431 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/006", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "95 Main Street\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AB", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Recreational Club", "FormerUse": "Public House - Terrace", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8405 1577", "MainID": 6929.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284084.834499999880791, 415751.753499999642372 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/007", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "93 Main Street\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AB", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8416 1577", "MainID": 1088.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284074.175900000147521, 415762.290500000119209 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/009 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "91 Main Street\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5AB", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8400 1588", "MainID": 16846.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284075.708800000138581, 415773.772900000214577 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/009 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "83-89 Main Street \nGarvagh \nColeraine \nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51 5HS", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8358 1698", "MainID": 6817.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283581.249499999918044, 416983.056700000539422 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/019", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "7 Fort Road\nBallynameen\nGarvagh\nCo Londonderry\nBT51 5NR", "Extent": "House and attached barn.", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Ballynameen", "TxtIGRef": "C8422 1522", "MainID": 3062.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284219.448699999600649, 415223.898499999195337 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/024", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "40 Glen Road\nBrockaghboy\nGarvagh\nColeraine\nCo Londonderry\nBT51 5DD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Brockaghboy", "TxtIGRef": "C8070 1269", "MainID": 1130.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280705.532800000160933, 412691.684699999168515 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/028", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Lisnascreghog School\nLisnascreghog Road\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 5DL", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Demolished", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Lisnascreghog", "TxtIGRef": "J7919 1259", "MainID": 6930.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 279191.248300000093877, 412587.754000000655651 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/033", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "War Memorial \nMain Street\nGarvagh\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "War Memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Garvagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8405 1575", "MainID": 9385.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284044.855499999597669, 415745.119999999180436 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/036", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "5 Laragh Lane\nMaghera\nCo. Londonderry\nBT46 5NT", "Extent": "House, Outbuilding and Pump", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Laragh", "TxtIGRef": "C8343 0970", "MainID": 13543.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283415.589499999769032, 409705.995200000703335 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/02/038", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Pump outside 139 Carhill Road\nSwatragh\nMaghera\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Pump", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Laragh", "TxtIGRef": "C8519 0959", "MainID": 13687.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285200.766800000332296, 409580.5 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BALLYLAGAN REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, \nBALLYLAGAN \nAGHADOWEY \nColeraine\nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Includes GATES AND WALLING", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8845 2537", "MainID": 1071.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 288450.625500000081956, 425355.250499999150634 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Camus House\n27 Curragh Road\nColeraine\nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51 4ES", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballybritain", "TxtIGRef": "C8583 2148", "MainID": 1070.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285892.91440000012517, 421427.453500000759959 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Barn\n44 Crevolea Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4ES", "Extent": "Outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Outbuildings", "FormerUse": "Outbuildings", "Townland": "Ballybritain", "TxtIGRef": "C8585 2148", "MainID": 3318.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285882.372600000351667, 421455.948799999430776 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/012", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "BALLYWILLIN BRIDGE BALLYWILLIN \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 8735.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 286627.488400000147521, 421404.763199999928474 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "WATCH HOUSE \nBALLYDEVITT \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Watch House", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "WATCH HOUSE", "FormerUse": "WATCH HOUSE", "Townland": "Ballydevitt", "TxtIGRef": "C8706 2174", "MainID": 8067.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287068.045400000177324, 421742.946599999442697 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/016", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "KEELY BRIDGE \nKEELY/BALLYDEVITT/\nCLAREHILL \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 8068.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 287728.908499999903142, 422054.636700000613928 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/03/017", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Lizard Manor\n45 Rusky Park\nAghadowey\nColeraine\nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51 4DT", "Extent": "House and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Landmore", "TxtIGRef": "C8983 1848", "MainID": 6934.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289843.404299999587238, 418446.11119999922812 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/001", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Ringsend Presbyterian Church \nAghadowey\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymenagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8065 2265", "MainID": 5560.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280673.681800000369549, 422656.036299999803305 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Guaires Church \nAghadowey\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Aghadowey", "TxtIGRef": "C8582 2109", "MainID": 5552.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285889.458599999547005, 421011.626700000837445 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bellevue \n43 Greenhill Road \nAghadowey\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4EU", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Aghadowey", "TxtIGRef": "C8461 2130", "MainID": 6816.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284685.69510000012815, 421308.632500000298023 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/04/010", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "St Mary's Roman Catholic Church\nBoleran \nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Boleran", "TxtIGRef": "C8070 1990", "MainID": 2898.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 280688.955299999564886, 419877.557499999180436 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Seaport Lodge \nPortballintrae\nBushmills\nCo. 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Antrim\nBT57 8RF", "Extent": "House and walling", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Coastguard Station", "Townland": "Bushfoot", "TxtIGRef": "C9270 4208", "MainID": 7358.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292782.78870000038296, 442107.402899999171495 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Rose Cottage/Bayview\n19 / 21 Beach Road\nPortballintrae\nBushmills\nCo Antrim\nBT57 8RT", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Thatched House", "Townland": "Bushfoot or Lissanduff", "TxtIGRef": "C9275 4218", "MainID": 13667.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 292748.194899999536574, 442173.235700000077486 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "70 BALLYCLOGH ROAD\n BUSHMILLS \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Including ( GATE AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9330 3879", "MainID": 6960.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293305.232099999673665, 438793.373400000855327 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "BEARDVILLE\nBALLYHOME ROAD\nCOLERAINE\nCo Antrim", "Extent": "Including ARCHWAY, GATE LODGES AND WALLS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "LODGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9024 3688", "MainID": 6819.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290241.753999999724329, 436881.646900000050664 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 Pullans Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 2JZ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Pullans North", "TxtIGRef": "C8986 2973", "MainID": 6928.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289824.505900000222027, 429748.105200000107288 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/06/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St John's Church\nRectory Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C8939 3371", "MainID": 16875.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289311.285899999551475, 433788.354399999603629 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballywillan Presbyterian Church\n131 Atlantic Road\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim \nBT56 8PB", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballymaclevennon West", "TxtIGRef": "C8565 3823", "MainID": 1138.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285655.488599999807775, 438217.877199999988079 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/008", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "ROSELICK HOUSE \n7 ROSELICK ROAD \nROSELICK MORE\nPORTSTEWART \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 6834.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284000.235299999825656, 437689.967599999159575 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "CROMORE STATION\n(aka PORTSTEWART STATION)\nCROMORE ROAD \nNORTH BALLYLEESE\nPORTSTEWART \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Station House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Railway Station Structures", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8364 3758", "MainID": 6835.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283643.986200000159442, 437583.216900000348687 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/013", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Gatescreen\nLittle Agherton\n20 Agherton Road\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PH", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": "Ballyleese North", "TxtIGRef": "C8332 3673", "MainID": 3496.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283326.618200000375509, 436740.892300000414252 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/07/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Ballygallin House \n75 Portstewart Road\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1SD", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ballygallin", "TxtIGRef": "C8350 3555", "MainID": 6937.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 283496.608599999919534, 435551.794999999925494 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Agherton Parish Church\nThe Church of St John the Baptist\n19 Church Street\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7AH", "Extent": "Church, boundary wall, railings and gates", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8173 3805", "MainID": 3073.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281721.994699999690056, 438048.800400000065565 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "St Mary's Star of the Sea\n4 The Crescent\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7AB", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "East Tullaghmurry", "TxtIGRef": "C8166 3806", "MainID": 1133.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281654.287999999709427, 438067.393600000068545 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1-3 The Diamond \nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7EA", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Hotel", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8175 3805", "MainID": 1094.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281748.449699999764562, 438009.600899999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/004 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9-11 The Diamond \nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7EA", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8176 3798", "MainID": 8718.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281758.671099999919534, 437988.06900000013411 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/004 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 The Diamond \nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7EA", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Office", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8177 3797", "MainID": 1085.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281762.078700000420213, 437980.971300000324845 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/004 H", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 The Diamond \nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7EA", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8177 3797", "MainID": 1127.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281764.976800000295043, 437974.871200000867248 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/005", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Rock Castle\nBerne Road\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7PB", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Demolished", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "West Tullaghmurry", "TxtIGRef": "C8134 3755", "MainID": 2649.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281322.514499999582767, 437572.93610000051558 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Flowerfield House\n185 Coleraine Road\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7HU", "Extent": "Former house", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Gallery/ Museum", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "East Crossreagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8236 3675", "MainID": 6836.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282364.63190000038594, 436750.559800000861287 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Town Hall\nThe Crescent\nPortstewart\nBT55 7AB", "Extent": "Town Hall and library", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Town Hall", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8167 3810", "MainID": 6837.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281663.642699999734759, 438101.574300000444055 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/08/011", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "108 Strand Road\nPortstewart\nCo Londonderry\nBT55 7PG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1940 - 1959", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "East Crossreagh", "TxtIGRef": "C8126 3684", "MainID": 9384.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281255.392900000326335, 436838.264699999243021 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/09/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Dr. Adam Clarke Memorial Methodist Church\nHeathmount\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry\nBT55 7AP", "Extent": "Church and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8171 3831", "MainID": 1128.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281705.238599999807775, 438307.394200000911951 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/09/005", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Portstewart War Memorial\nThe Promenade\nPortstewart\nCo. Londonderry", "Extent": "War memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "North Mullaghacall", "TxtIGRef": "C8162 3833", "MainID": 16862.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281621.44400000013411, 438319.728499999269843 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "TRAKS NITECLUB\nEGLINTON ST. \nPORTRUSH \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Former RAILWAY STATION", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "RAILWAY STATION STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "RAILWAY STATION STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8579 4046", "MainID": 18440.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285805.269500000402331, 440466.075999999418855 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "29 Kerr Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 4070", "MainID": 2384.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285656.525399999693036, 440752.660599999129772 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/005 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "31 Kerr Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DG", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 4070", "MainID": 1099.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285647.683000000193715, 440762.80460000038147 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/007 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "37 Kerr Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DQ", "Extent": "House and mews building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 4080", "MainID": 8753.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285616.609600000083447, 440804.808700000867248 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/007 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "38 Kerr Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8DQ", "Extent": "House and mews building", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8560 4080", "MainID": 2792.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285612.212199999950826, 440811.235500000417233 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "59-61 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BN", "Extent": "Shop & accommodation", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8571 4087", "MainID": 3398.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285714.499400000087917, 440872.231799999251962 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/014 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "63-65 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BN", "Extent": "Shop and accommodation", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8571 4087", "MainID": 8741.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285709.811499999836087, 440877.344699999317527 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/015", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "86 Main Street \nPortrush \nCo. Antrim \nBT56 8BN", "Extent": "Shop and house", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8573 4089", "MainID": 16865.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285731.283200000412762, 440891.57149999961257 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/016 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Bath Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8AW", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8575 4090", "MainID": 17026.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285744.813500000163913, 440899.786199999973178 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/016 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 Bath Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8AW", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8575 4090", "MainID": 17027.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285749.146300000138581, 440903.880200000479817 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/022", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "R & J Hillis\n27 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BL", "Extent": "Shop", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4080", "MainID": 1365.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285796.528400000184774, 440777.175899999216199 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "23 - 25 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BL", "Extent": "Shop and restaurant", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Shop", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4070", "MainID": 1080.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285803.016400000080466, 440769.377900000661612 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/025 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Portrush Presbyterian Church\n3 Main Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8BL", "Extent": "Church, walling and gates", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4060", "MainID": 16900.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285810.416899999603629, 440683.1568 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/028", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Seabank\n12a Bath Terrace\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8AN", "Extent": "Residential home", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Residential Home", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4070", "MainID": 1105.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285874.338700000196695, 440799.590700000524521 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/033", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "FOUNTAIN \nTHE ARCADIA \nCAUSEWAY ST.\nPORTRUSH \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "NOT LISTED", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "FOUNTAIN", "FormerUse": "FOUNTAIN", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8595 4067", "MainID": 6838.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285953.313099999912083, 440670.11879999935627 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/034", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Craig Vara House\n5 Craig Vara Terrace\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8AJ", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4060", "MainID": 3539.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285952.081399999558926, 440627.205700000748038 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/035", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Former Post Office\n12 Causeway Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8AJ", "Extent": "Library", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Library", "FormerUse": "Post Office", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8590 4050", "MainID": 2875.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285908.311300000175834, 440594.21169999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/038", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "'Antrim House'\n73 Main Street\nPortrush\nCounty Antrim\nBT56 8BN", "Extent": "shop and apartment.", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Store", "FormerUse": "Shop", "Townland": "Port Rush", "TxtIGRef": "C8568 4089", "MainID": 6839.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285687.464399999938905, 440896.489499999210238 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/048", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "War Memorial\nJunction between Kerr Street and Mark Street\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8580 4050", "MainID": 6007.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285820.946299999952316, 440537.622899999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/057 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "1 Coastguard Cottages\nCauseway View Lane\nPortrush\nBT56 8DA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8554 4096", "MainID": 14321.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285545.428399999625981, 440968.92259999923408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/057 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "2 Coastguard Cottages\nCauseway View Lane\nPortrush\nBT56 8DA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8554 4097", "MainID": 14322.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285546.262000000104308, 440974.2796 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/057 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "3 Coastguard Cottages\nCauseway View Lane\nPortrush\nBT56 8DA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "coastguard House", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8554 4098", "MainID": 14323.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285547.355899999849498, 440979.601399999111891 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/057 E", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "4 Coastguard Cottages\nCauseway View Lane\nPortrush\nBT56 8DA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8554 4098", "MainID": 14324.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285549.17989999987185, 440984.994500000029802 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/057 F", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "5 Coastguard Cottages\nCauseway View Lane\nPortrush\nBT56 8DA", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8554 4099", "MainID": 14325.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285550.038900000043213, 440989.884600000455976 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/057 G", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "6 Coastguard Cottages\nCauseway View Lane\nPortrush\nBT56 8DA", "Extent": "House including East boundary stone wall & gateway", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "Coastguard House - Terrace", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8555 4099", "MainID": 14326.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285551.149600000120699, 440995.342700000852346 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/11/001", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Glenmanus Reformed Presbyterian Church\n23-25 Portstewart Road\nPortrush\nCo. Antrim\nBT56 8EH", "Extent": "Church", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Portrush", "TxtIGRef": "C8550 3960", "MainID": 3594.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285533.656899999827147, 439670.07740000076592 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/004", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "Atlantic Lodge\n13 The Promenade\nCastlerock\nColeraine\nCo Londonderry\nBT51 4RF", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Freehall Watson", "TxtIGRef": "C7719 3618", "MainID": 1079.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 277196.738900000229478, 436189.593100000172853 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Rock Ryan House\n2 Promenade\nCastlerock\nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51 4RQ", "Extent": "House & Cobbles", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7672 3612", "MainID": 8746.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276717.625300000421703, 436114.982400000095367 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/007 I", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "9 Cliff Terrace\nCastlerock\nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4RQ", "Extent": "House & cobbles", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Freehall Dunlop", "TxtIGRef": "C7672 3612", "MainID": 8724.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 276713.493900000117719, 436114.770600000396371 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/12/007 J", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "10 Cliff Terrace\nCastlerock\nCo. 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Londonderry", "Extent": "Hall", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hall", "FormerUse": "Hall", "Townland": "Camus Macosquin Glebe", "TxtIGRef": "C8252 2886", "MainID": 16907.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282559.472599999979138, 428810.212600000202656 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Ardvarness Cottage \nCashel Road \nMacosquin\nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT51 4PW", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1760 - 1779", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Ardvarness", "TxtIGRef": "C8249 2851", "MainID": 1111.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 282491.144999999552965, 428505.251499999314547 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/006", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "69 Killeague Road \nMacosquin \nColeraine \nCo. 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Londonderry\nBT51 4JN", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "Church", "FormerUse": "Church", "Townland": "Ballinrees", "TxtIGRef": "C7880 3022", "MainID": 5550.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 278805.723799999803305, 430222.091900000348687 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/13/014", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bannbrook House\n67 Cranagh Road\nColeraine\nCounty Londonderry", "Extent": "House, gates, piers and gate screen and outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1740 - 1759", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": "Bannbrook Lower", "TxtIGRef": "C8127 3485", "MainID": 13868.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 281274.599299999885261, 434850.707900000736117 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/14/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "The Irish Society \n54-56 Castleroe Road \nColeraine \nCo. 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Londonderry\n** See general comments **", "Extent": "Not Listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Public House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 17441.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284912.351099999621511, 432096.277000000700355 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/019 B", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "8 Lime Market Street\nColeraine\nCo. Londonderry\n** See general comments **", "Extent": "Not listed", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "House", "FormerUse": "House", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 17442.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284916.170699999667704, 432107.062300000339746 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Irish Society School Beresford Place\nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1HB", "Extent": "Former School", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "House - Terrace", "FormerUse": "School", "Townland": "Coleraine and Suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8491 3203", "MainID": 1132.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284920.770800000056624, 432015.948599999770522 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/17/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Former Coleraine Union workhouse 'front building'\nMountsandel Road\nColeraine\nCo Londonderry", "Extent": "Former workhouse building", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Hospital Building", "FormerUse": "Workhouse", "Townland": "Coleraine and suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8509 3158", "MainID": 7359.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285095.932799999602139, 431591.775200000032783 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/002", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Orr Memorial \nThe Diamond \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52", "Extent": "Memorial", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Memorial", "FormerUse": "Memorial", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8477 3239", "MainID": 8079.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284768.489199999719858, 432399.476399999111891 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/003", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "14 The Diamond \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1BP", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "Bank - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Bank - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8475 3237", "MainID": 6863.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284755.376600000075996, 432366.426500000059605 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Halifax Bank\n24 The Diamond \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1HL", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Bank - Terrace", "FormerUse": "Bank - Terrace", "Townland": "Coleraine & suburbs", "TxtIGRef": "C8478 3243", "MainID": 6864.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284780.877700000070035, 432430.772700000554323 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Bank of Ireland \n1-2 The Diamond \nColeraine \nCo. Londonderry\nBT52 1DE", "Extent": "Bank", "Date_Const": "1920 - 1939", "CurrentUse": "Bank", "FormerUse": "Bank", "Townland": "Coleraine", "TxtIGRef": "C8483 3238", "MainID": 6992.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 284827.798200000077486, 432378.209000000730157 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/18/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "Northern Constitution\n20 Railway Road \nColeraine\nCo. 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"HB04/07/009", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "CONSERVATORY AND GARDEN HOUSE \nLISSANOURE \nCASTLEQUARTER \nBallymoney\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0681 2426", "MainID": 1161.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306840.551599999889731, 424299.829500000923872 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/07/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "THE STABLES AND OLD CASTLE \nLISSANOURE \nCASTLEQUARTER \nBallymoney\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Estate Related Structures", "FormerUse": "Estate Related Structures", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0655 2447", "MainID": 5776.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306565.936099999584258, 424432.005200000479817 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/07/011", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "THE GATE LODGE 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"CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0686 2412", "MainID": 1159.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306864.707799999974668, 424122.355499999597669 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/07/015", "CurrentGra": "Record Only", "Address": "82 BALLYVEELY ROAD CLOUGHMILLS \nBallymoney\n CO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": null, "MainID": 8767.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 307094.172500000335276, 424110.850600000470877 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/09/002", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "FINVOY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9582 1775", "MainID": 1151.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 295822.828599999658763, 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"Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/12/001", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "ST. 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PATRICK R C CHURCH \nCASTLE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes GATE END (??)", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9469 2535", "MainID": 1176.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294692.028800000436604, 425354.097799999639392 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "KIRGAN MONUMENT AT OUR LADY AND ST. PATRICK R C CHURCH \nGATE END \nCASTLE ST. \nBALLYMONEY CO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "MEMORIAL", "FormerUse": "MEMORIAL", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9472 2534", "MainID": 5759.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294721.168800000101328, 425345.435399999842048 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/005", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "METHODIST CHURCH \nSEYMOUR ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9489 2546", "MainID": 3077.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294892.721099999733269, 425464.058800000697374 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/007", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \nMEETING HOUSE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes GATES AND RAILINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9514 2564", "MainID": 2277.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 295145.162800000049174, 425641.973200000822544 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/011 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "CLOCK TOWER \nMAIN ST./CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CLOCK TOWER", "FormerUse": "CLOCK TOWER", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9475 2576", "MainID": 5762.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294755.240699999965727, 425769.744899999350309 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/011 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "MASONIC HALL \nMAIN ST./CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HALL", "FormerUse": "HALL", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9475 2576", "MainID": 5763.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294755.240699999965727, 425769.744899999350309 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 A", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "14 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9471 2574", "MainID": 2276.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294716.058500000275671, 425743.598400000482798 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "16 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9470 2574", "MainID": 5764.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294704.130699999630451, 425740.748400000855327 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "34 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9465 2572", "MainID": 5769.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294652.917299999855459, 425723.175599999725819 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 D", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "38 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9463 2570", "MainID": 3076.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294632.780199999921024, 425707.49970000050962 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 E", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "50 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9460 2570", "MainID": 5771.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294600.138799999840558, 425704.140000000596046 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 F", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "52 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9459 2569", "MainID": 5773.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294598.479000000283122, 425692.898199999704957 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 G", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "54 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9458 2569", "MainID": 5783.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294586.068199999630451, 425694.069900000467896 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 H", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "56 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9457 2569", "MainID": 1142.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294578.299700000323355, 425696.716399999335408 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/012 I", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "58 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9457 2569", "MainID": 3329.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294574.440399999730289, 425693.6579 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/14/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ROUTE SPORTS STORE \n16 MAIN ST\nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9481 2572", "MainID": 3507.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294816.104299999773502, 425721.42850000038743 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/004 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "33 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9465 2574", "MainID": 5756.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294651.39879999961704, 425745.103099999949336 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/004 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "35 CHARLOTTE ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM\n BT53 6AY", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9463 2574", "MainID": 2873.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294632.614699999801815, 425740.77309999987483 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/005", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "NORTHERN BANK \n6 HIGH ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "BANK", "FormerUse": "BANK", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9474 2580", "MainID": 3328.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294743.165199999697506, 425808.477399999275804 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "TOWN HALL \nHIGH ST. \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "TOWN HALL", "FormerUse": "TOWN HALL", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9470 2591", "MainID": 1366.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294702.979299999773502, 425918.402000000700355 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/007", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "ST. JAMES' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \nST. JAMES ROAD\nBALLYMONEY\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "INCLUDING GATES AND RAILINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9452 2606", "MainID": 3082.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 294541.995500000193715, 426090.260600000619888 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/008", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "LESLIE HILL \nBALLYPATRICK \nBALLYMONEY \n CO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 1195.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/008 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Pump outside Byre in farmyard of\nLeslie Hill Farm\nBallypatrick TL\nBallymoney\nCo. Antrim", "Extent": "Pump", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "Pump", "FormerUse": "Pump", "Townland": "Ballypatrick", "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 13787.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/009", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "BALLYPATRICK \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes THRESHING BARN AT LESLIE HILL", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "OUTBUILDINGS", "FormerUse": "OUTBUILDINGS", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 1194.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "LESLIE HILL \nBALLYPATRICK BALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes STABLES AND DOVE COTE", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "OUTBUILDINGS", "FormerUse": "OUTBUILDINGS", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 1193.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/012", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "LESLIE HILL \nBALLYPATRICK \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes COACH HOUSE WITH GUARD RAILS AND GATE", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 3331.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/013", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "PAY OFFICE, GATE LODGE,\nLESLIE HILL \nBALLYPATRICK \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes GATES AND PIERS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "LODGE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 1191.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/014", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "LESLIE HILL \nBALLYPATRICK \nBALLYMONEY \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes LILY PONDS, ARCHWAY, WALLING AND ICE HOUSE", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "ESTATE RELATED STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9343 2596", "MainID": 1190.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 293433.601700000464916, 425963.89919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/15/019", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "Balnamore Mill\n8 Drumahisky Road\nBalnamore\nBallymoney\nCo Antrim\nBT53 7QL", "Extent": "Four-storey red brick main mill building & chimney", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "Store", "FormerUse": "Mill", "Townland": "Ballynacree Skein", "TxtIGRef": "C9193 2480", "MainID": 15275.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 291940.787700000219047, 424805.145899999886751 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/16/001", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "R C CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART \nCULCRUM ROAD \nCLOUGHMILLS \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes (GATES, PIERS AND WALLING)", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0670 1831", "MainID": 1189.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 306707.14049999974668, 418310.779899999499321 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/16/002", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "KILLAGAN PARISH CHURCH \n51 DRUMADOON ROAD \nDRUMADOON \nCLOUGHMILLS \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0592 1843", "MainID": 4750.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305922.889499999582767, 418433.739900000393391 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/16/004", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "FLEMING HALL \n61 ANTICUR ROAD \nDUNLOY \nBALLYMENA \n CO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0370 1807", "MainID": 3078.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 303707.278400000184774, 418077.231499999761581 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB04/16/006", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "DRUMADOON HOUSE \n236 FROCESS ROAD \nCLOUGHMILLS \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "includes OUTBUILDINGS", "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D0519 1848", "MainID": 6872.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 305192.057300000451505, 418485.64159999974072 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/003", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "ARDCLINIS BRIDGE \nARDCLINIS TL\nGlenariff\nBallymena\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": "Ardclinis", "TxtIGRef": "D2699 2500", "MainID": 8083.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 326991.080500000156462, 425008.902300000190735 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/007", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "CHURCH OF ST. PATRICK AND ST. BRIGID \nGARRON ROAD \nMILLTOWN \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Church, gates and walling", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Carrivemurphy", "TxtIGRef": "D2520 2458", "MainID": 5774.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 325202.272199999541044, 424586.163699999451637 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/010", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "GREENAGHAN COTTAGE \nGLEN ROAD \nGREENAGHAN \nGLENARIFF \nBallymena\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House, gates, railings and walling", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Greenaghan", "TxtIGRef": "D2342 2283", "MainID": 8084.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323428.246700000017881, 422831.817399999126792 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/012", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "KILMORE HOUSE \nKILMORE\nWATERFOOT \nBallymena \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House and entrance screen", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Kilmore", "TxtIGRef": "D2263 2323", "MainID": 1177.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 322630.818400000222027, 423239.920700000599027 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/020", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "BRIDGE \nMain Street\nWATERFOOT \nBallymena\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Bridge", "Date_Const": "1780 - 1799", "CurrentUse": "BRIDGE", "FormerUse": "BRIDGE", "Townland": "Foriff/ Warren", "TxtIGRef": "D2394 2551", "MainID": 8085.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323940.875, 425518.226399999111891 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/021", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "RED ARCH \nRED BAY TL\nBallymena\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Tunnel", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "TUNNEL", "FormerUse": "TUNNEL", "Townland": "Red Bay", "TxtIGRef": "D2432 2611", "MainID": 8086.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324325.509999999776483, 426113.060200000181794 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/022", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "LAYD SCHOOLHOUSE \nCULBIDAG \nGLENARIFF \nBallymena\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "SCHOOL", "FormerUse": "SCHOOL", "Townland": "Culbidag", "TxtIGRef": "D2400 2682", "MainID": 7380.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324000.392, 426824.362500000745058 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/023", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "\"ROSE COTTAGE\" and walling\n43 MIDDLE PARK ROAD\nGORTACLEE \nCUSHENDALL \nBallymena\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Including WALLING", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "LODGE", "Townland": "Gortaclee", "TxtIGRef": "D2392 2703", "MainID": 1188.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323929.089999999850988, 427037.570800000801682 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/01/025", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "70 COAST ROAD \nCUSHENDALL \nBallymena \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House and gate pillars", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "Coastguard Station", "Townland": "Bellisk or Waterford", "TxtIGRef": "D2436 2695", "MainID": 6732.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 324368.58600000012666, 426955.162200000137091 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/001", "CurrentGra": "A", "Address": "TURNLY'S TOWER\n CUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Tower, boundary walls & drinking fountain", "Date_Const": "1800 - 1819", "CurrentUse": "TOWER", "FormerUse": "TOWER", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2367 2765", "MainID": 1187.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323674.480700000189245, 427651.606599999591708 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/002", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "3 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Shop and accommodation above", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2366 2764", "MainID": 6993.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323669.621199999935925, 427642.148700000718236 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/003 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "CAKE SHOP\n5 MILL ST.\nKILNADORE \nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2366 2763", "MainID": 6873.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323660.386500000022352, 427633.184499999508262 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/003 B", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "7A MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2366 2763", "MainID": 6988.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323660.386500000022352, 427633.184499999508262 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/003 C", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "7B MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2365 2762", "MainID": 8106.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323654.96860000025481, 427626.114800000563264 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/004", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "9 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Shop and accommodation above", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2365 2762", "MainID": 7002.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323651.286600000225008, 427622.954800000414252 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/005 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "11 MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2364 2762", "MainID": 7001.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323647.323499999940395, 427620.815700000151992 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/005 B", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "13 MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2364 2761", "MainID": 8107.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323647.116600000299513, 427615.791500000283122 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/005 C", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "15 MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM BT44 0RR", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2364 2761", "MainID": 8108.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323644.908099999651313, 427612.375800000503659 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/005 D", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "17 MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2364 2760", "MainID": 6989.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323641.781700000166893, 427608.404100000858307 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/006", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "THE SWEET SHOP\n19 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "House", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2363 2760", "MainID": 6874.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323638.542700000107288, 427604.525399999693036 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/01/017", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "BOVEDY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \nBOVEDY \nKILREA \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Church, graveyard & outbuilding", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8924 1185", "MainID": 3321.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 289242.448400000110269, 411852.14919999986887 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/014 A", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "BEARDIVILLE HOUSE \n3 BALLYHOME ROAD \nBEARDIVILLE \nColeraine\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "FormerUse": "COUNTRY HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9012 3723", "MainID": 3536.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290121.03000000026077, 437234.775200000032783 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/014 B", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "(GATE AND RAILINGS OF) BEARDIVILLE HOUSE \n 3 BALLYHOME ROAD \nBEARDIVILLE \nColeraine\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9021 3705", "MainID": 1335.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290125.235700000077486, 437182.017200000584126 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/05/014 C", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "Mistress' Cottage GATE AT BEARDIVILLE HOUSE \n3 BALLYHOME ROAD \nBEARDIVILLE \nColeraine\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "FormerUse": "Gates/ Screens/ Lodges", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C9008 3724", "MainID": 13014.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 290083.095800000242889, 437246.536399999633431 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/10/013 B", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "The Adelphi Hotel, 67-71 Main street, Portrush, Co Antrim, Bt56 8BN", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "HOTEL", "FormerUse": "House - Terrace", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8569 4087", "MainID": 9643.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285704.668499999679625, 440884.642000000923872 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB03/20/001", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "RAILWAY STATION\nRAILWAY ROAD \nCOLERAINE \nCO.LONDONDERRY", "Extent": "Railway station building, steps to front, platforms and canopies", "Date_Const": "1840 - 1859", "CurrentUse": "RAILWAY STATION STRUCTURES", "FormerUse": "RAILWAY STATION STRUCTURES", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "C8533 3269", "MainID": 6862.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 285332.131299999542534, 432700.712500000372529 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/007", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "21 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2363 2759", "MainID": 6880.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323633.980299999937415, 427599.45130000077188 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/008", "CurrentGra": "B1", "Address": "23 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "FormerUse": "PUBLIC HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2362 2759", "MainID": 3786.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323627.176799999549985, 427592.590900000184774 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/009", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "ST. MARY'S CLUB\nMILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Former school and pillar", "Date_Const": "1860 - 1879", "CurrentUse": "HALL", "FormerUse": "HALL", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2361 2757", "MainID": 8109.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323614.18819999974221, 427579.896900000050664 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/010", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "ST. MARY'S R C CHURCH, GATES, RAILINGS AND WALLING\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Includes GATES, RAILINGS AND WALLING", "Date_Const": "1900 - 1919", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2328 2750", "MainID": 5765.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323286.010700000450015, 427506.75730000063777 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/011", "CurrentGra": "B+", "Address": "LAYDE PARISH CHURCH, GATES AND WALLING\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Includes GATES AND WALLING", "Date_Const": "1820 - 1839", "CurrentUse": "CHURCH", "FormerUse": "CHURCH", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2354 2749", "MainID": 1231.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323539.548000000417233, 427505.182099999859929 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/013", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "24 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2362 2755", "MainID": 7006.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323626.457299999892712, 427558.992799999192357 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/014", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "22 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2363 2756", "MainID": 7005.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323632.153099999763072, 427564.22719999961555 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/015 A", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "20A MILL ST. \nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2363 2757", "MainID": 8110.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323638.964900000020862, 427571.423000000417233 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/015 B", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "20B MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2363 2756", "MainID": 7003.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323635.649500000290573, 427569.453500000759959 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/015 C", "CurrentGra": "B", "Address": "20C MILL ST.\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2363 2757", "MainID": 7004.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323639.775700000114739, 427575.480200000107288 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/016", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "18 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Shop with accommodation above", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2364 2758", "MainID": 1180.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323645.584800000302494, 427582.177899999544024 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/017", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "16 MILL STREET AND POST OFFICE\nCUSHENDALL\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Shop and accommodation above", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2365 2759", "MainID": 6881.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323654.130400000140071, 427591.815799999982119 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/018", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "14 MILL STREET\nCUSHENDALL \nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": "Fomer Constabulary Barracks", "Date_Const": "1880 - 1899", "CurrentUse": "HOUSE", "FormerUse": "HOUSE", "Townland": "Cushendall", "TxtIGRef": "D2366 2759", "MainID": 7007.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323661.025500000454485, 427599.661100000143051 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/019 A", "CurrentGra": "B2", "Address": "8 MILL ST. \nCUSHENDALL\nCO.ANTRIM", "Extent": null, "Date_Const": null, "CurrentUse": "SHOP", "FormerUse": "SHOP", "Townland": null, "TxtIGRef": "D2369 2761", "MainID": 1181.0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 323690.062300000339746, 427616.333599999547005 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "HB_ref": "HB05/02/019 B", "Curre